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New UK Private Hive Server With Password - cheese4gaming

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Hay Caine, no worries buddy. Thank for trying to save me!

I think i've started too many wars on this server. Little bit scared to leave the green zone :)

Ricky + Co. I still want that motobike. Also your heli !

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How would admin and members feel about a reduction of the Green zone? Namely, remove Elektro from it.

I think I've made my opinion of GZs quite clear, but hear me out:

— This sunday, there was a chopper in need of repair on top of the hospital, Elektro. People were not allowed to attack/defend it whilst it was being repaired. That was a real shame as there could have been some ace firefights over that. *Imagine* firefights from hospital roof to the school roof, with added danger element of sniper hill. - Missed opportunity there

— Elektro is the better of the two large towns for repairing sought after vehicles

— Elektro has, possibly, the best ambush potential on the map

— Cherno is the better of the two towns for new spawns, hospitals, apartments, residential buildings and pubs.

— There is something missing when spawning in green zones, personally, I like the disadvantage of being unarmed

— Smaller green zones might attract more players. We had 18 online on Sunday when I logged off, which was great, but could be better.

So yeah, once again, bumping this thread. Just a few thoughts, still a great server :D

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i would not recommend this server at all if u kill a admin out side the green zone u still get banned as the admins get very mardy and now me and my 5 freinds will not be using this server again

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he is the admin we shot he sending me messages saying u shot me blar blar blar. we aint going to win as he admin. but what ever u do donot kill an admin on this sever does not matter were u are on the map they will ban you and get very mardy with u

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You didn't just kill an admin in the greenzone, you also killed one of our loyal rule abiding players. We think the ban is totally justified and worth the slander/moaning you have posted above. To be honest even if you were just north of the greenzone, killing anyone near it is not in spirit of the server and we are happy to see you go and replace you with people who get what were about. We are just happy you did it to one of us so we didn't have to go through the logs. Let this be a message to the honest players out there, we have your back.

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see even if your not in the green zone you still get a ban? and saying you dont want to go through the logs proves us more right. thank you thank you very much. you have just lost 6 players who will not be playing this server no more so by my ruff estimate you have only got about 5-6 players excluding the 4 adimns. if you get that mardy about being killed why dont you get admin skin and why not for the heck of it get god mode

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Another admin here that wasn't online at the time of this incident.

First things first we actually have over 30 members so far but as most of them work or are over sea's so the server is rarely full, so to that comment I think you are just being a little bit childish.

After looking at the server logs it would appear that the event took place at least 200-300 meters south of Tapolka dam which IS inside the green zone. The fact that it was a server Admin has nothing to do with the ban, if it was any of our members being killed inside the green zone you would of still faced the same punishment, when you applied to play on our server you stated that you understood the rules which you clearly don't.

I have also been informed that you drove the players into the green zone and killed them so you have kind of shot yourself in the foot there guys. PVP is not banned in our server killing inside the green zone IS.

These events are what causes the shoot on sight mentality on most public servers,this is NOT something we want happening on ours.

You are quite welcome to find another server to play on or host your own.


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hey we all talked on that server so we reconized the names and the max u have ever had on there was 16 players and thats when 6 of my mates were on the server has hardly ever got no more that 7 players on and plus we didnt even drive them any were so get that straight 2 we we outside the dam so get that straight if u dont wana get killed put god mode on god

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Josh on a slightly unrelated note.... here is your application....

"Hey guys,

Just thought I would try out private hive, spent ages getting hero skin (finally got it without realising as was healing a bambi in cherno) then BANG. There goes my face. So as of now, I have just spawned on the coast, and have nothing. I prefer to play a medic role, always carry spare blood/morphine with me but will fire on targets if threatened/engaged first.

Cheers guys,

Oh and I'm from the UK, just in case you needed to know"

You prefer the medic role but yet you are trying to get a bandit skin? I sense you were not being completely straight with us when you applied.

Which is exactly the reason why we had people applying to so we can monitor the Survivor to Bandit ratio.


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hey we all talked on that server so we reconized the names and the max u have ever had on there was 16 players and thats when 6 of my mates were on the server has hardly ever got no more that 7 players on and plus we didnt even drive them any were so get that straight 2 we we outside the dam so get that straight if u dont wana get killed put god mode on god

I can clearly see from your emails and comments that you are passionate about playing on our server. We have had a max 20 players online at one time but we are a new server and still growing. How many players have you had online on YOUR server? If you don't like following rules I suggest you find another server to play on.

Thanks for your time.

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Hahahaha, "we drove them into the greenzone"...really? That's what they said? They were waiting at the dam for us, they weren't in the car. Cool story bro.

Just joined a new private hive with 98 ACTIVE members, so cya never.

As for bragging about having 30 players, 6 of them just left. Take away 4 admins, that means 25% of your server just left. Cheers :)

In no way was I bragging, I have seen servers with huge amounts of members but we are only 1 week old and still taking more than 3 applicants a day.

I have been nothing but polite in dealing with this matter and I thank you for showing the other DAYZ players that clearly have the "my dads harder than your dad" mentality which is a shame.

Thanks for playing anyway, happy surviving!

Edited by cheese4gaming
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ok i stuck to the rules but you never did please get your story straight from now on makes u look like an idoit

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and im only posting cuz i want i real reason for why i got banned not some lame excuse of a story that you carnt get straight and i hate admin abuse and yes it is still admin abuse even if its a private hive server. just give me a real reason why we got banned and we will leave it at that and no lies please

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The admin in question is well within his rights, server logs do not lie.

I am really sorry that it has come to this but at the end of the day all the members we have that respect the rules are still playing happily.

If your were unclear of the server rules then you had plenty of opportunity to ask an Administrator to explain them to you before you started killing people.


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i said no lies can i have a legit reason please yes the logs dont lie but we carnt see them you can only tell us or show us but more than likly change the content to make us look bad. PLEASE CAN I HAVE REAL REASON FOR WHY I GOT BANNED NOT SOME LAME LIE PLEASE JUST ADMIT YOU WAS IN THE WRONG BECAUSE I HATE BEING CALLED A LIER

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