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New UK Private Hive Server With Password - cheese4gaming

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No PVP in the green zone (Anyone who PVP in the green zone will be banned)

No combat logging (vs. players is a ban, vs. zombies is a warning)

No Voice over side chat

No blocking of buildings or roads with deployable items in the green zone (24 hour ban)





3rd person=on

Cross hair=off

Name plate=off

Death message=on

Side chat=on



What we are about

Founded by a small group of adult gamers located in the UK who were looking to create a sanctuary from all the scripting, duping and cherno/electro death matching. This server is for DayZ players with a survivalist mentality. We encourage positive interactions with players, therefore we have set up a green zone in the cherno/electro area to give new spawns a fighting chance and all players a place to meet in a safe environment, be it to trade in safety or to meet with others. We also ask bandits to play there role in a more creative/constructive manner than on your average public server, killing a player for no reason at all or even personal gain is not what were about. We like the idea of people being held up by someone for their gear, or a gunfight starting after a failed robbery attempt. This style of play excites us a lot more than sniping Electro to "kill n00bs".


Send an application in email to [email protected]

Please include your in-game username, play-style/role and location. We will try to respond to your email within 12 hours.

Edited by cheese4gaming
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Is that 100 vehicles really true? What kinda distribution is that? Mostly bikes+ATVs ? Just drove around with bus and I saw sand colored Ural + UAZ so little variation is nice and there are more choppers too :)

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I believe the distribution of what spawns follows normal dayz rules so rare vehicles will remain rare, there will just be 1 or 2 more on the map compared to normal dayz.

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Is there any forum or site related to this server? We wanted to advertise our rescue squad ;-)

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How does this "green zone" work or what is exactly the size of it?

I must say it sounds really interesting as it is now.

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Just to iron out any confusion over the "Green Zone" I have uploaded a map showing what areas we would like to remain friendly on our sever. This will give everyone a safe place to meet and trade, as well as giving fresh spawner’s a chance to gather some basic gear. So far we have a very positive community and have had no trouble with this issue, but please remember we will enforce this rule and take action against those who break it.



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Hay. Good group of ladz on so far.

Not sure if there are any problems with the server. I was in three vehicles last night that had a slight bump. When we got out of the car it would blow up instantly. My friend was riding a bike along an empty road and just died. I glitched thru four walls.

Other than that loving the server.

P.s I made it to the NW airfield and you were not there Matteh!

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Have you had any incidents of hacking yet?

Not really sure on the green zone, I play hero, so for me not to PvP in Cherno/Elektro doesn't bother me. But the lack of somebody PvP'ing me sort of does.

Those cities should still definitely be the biggest threat to a survivor, red zones - a melting pot, especially if trades are taking place there. Also they're great areas for players with vehicles (and likely to have high end gear) to fix their vehicles. If a new spawn bandit sees somebody better equipped than themselves there, shouldn't he/she be able to have a pop at them for their gear?

...and sniper sociopaths on the hills. If their rifles are legit and not hacked, shouldn't they be allowed to go down there and risk losing it all just to satisfy their lust for killing.

If you die new spawn, you lose maybe 20minutes and then just start again at the end of the day. You do eventually break the cycle, and learn a lot in the process.

How about enforcing this green zone in game instead? Leave it up to the players to make them safe, rather than "said safe zone"

Just some ideas to consider really. I always thought the death matching was a result of the hackers. Would no hackers restore the natural balance of Chernarus? Would be awesome to find out

Anyways, even after all of that, I'd still really like to give this a go. I'd only be up North anyway.

Hopefully I'll pass the test. Just trying to be constructive.

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Have you had any incidents of hacking yet?

Not really sure on the green zone, I play hero, so for me not to PvP in Cherno/Elektro doesn't bother me. But the lack of somebody PvP'ing me sort of does.

Those cities should still definitely be the biggest threat to a survivor, red zones - a melting pot, especially if trades are taking place there. Also they're great areas for players with vehicles (and likely to have high end gear) to fix their vehicles. If a new spawn bandit sees somebody better equipped than themselves there, shouldn't he/she be able to have a pop at them for their gear?

...and sniper sociopaths on the hills. If their rifles are legit and not hacked, shouldn't they be allowed to go down there and risk losing it all just to satisfy their lust for killing.

If you die new spawn, you lose maybe 20minutes and then just start again at the end of the day. You do eventually break the cycle, and learn a lot in the process.

How about enforcing this green zone in game instead? Leave it up to the players to make them safe, rather than "said safe zone"

Just some ideas to consider really. I always thought the death matching was a result of the hackers. Would no hackers restore the natural balance of Chernarus? Would be awesome to find out

Anyways, even after all of that, I'd still really like to give this a go. I'd only be up North anyway.

Hopefully I'll pass the test. Just trying to be constructive.

First of all thanks alot for your input, it is much appreciated.

I will try to explain the reasoning behind the "green zone".

After playing in multiple servers which all claim to disapprove of people going on murder sprees and killing just for the sake of it and not intending to loot the body of their victim(s), we soon realised that it is a very hard to enforce rules and regulations on killing and not killing as most of the time it is one persons word against another and at times can be an unfair outcome for both parties involved, many people will find loopholes to get around these rules, therefore if a green zone is active it means any player killing another player inside these area will be delt with as they know they should not be shooting at other players in this area, we do understand that banditry is a big part of the game but there is a diference between being a bandit and just playing deathmatch, if any player decided to take the role of a bandit we do encourage them to be creative, i.e setting up road blocks, attempting to rob a player at gunpoint not just waiting in a bush for the right moment to shoot. The green zone is the only way of policing the matter as fairly as possible.

Also we want fresh spawns to have a fair chance to gear up and form alliances in a safe and controled enviroment, if the player decided to leave then he or she understands that they are now open to bandits.

That in mind..... this is a new server and anything that is set up or enforced does not have to be a permanent thing. We are hoping to get the forums up and running as soon as possible and there we invite all players to give feedback and suggestions and hopefully that way we can create a fun environment for all play styles as this server is not running for just our enjoyment but also for everyone who has been accepted here.

Again thank you very much for your post, I hope i have begun to answer your questions.

When the forum is up and running all members with recieve a link to it, hopefully it will be a better way to hear the opinions and ideas from all players and we can begin to mould the server into something great!

and remember.....it aint easy being cheesy ;)

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Actually, I love the friendly community we have on server. I understand some people may miss the pvp threat. So far I think this is not the server for them. But there are many servers. This one seems to be focused on friendly atmosphere (chopper offering friendly lift to the NWaf, so new people can get better weapons... find me a second server with that ;-P), I was also a bit scared at first, that it can be too easy. But then we decided to set new goals for ourself. We gather blood, food, bandages and then randomly help people that had a bad luck with zombies or even got lost somewhere in forest without a map and have no idea how to get back to green zone. And it gives us a lot more pleasure than killing snipers in Elektro.

On this server it's us, players fighting against infected (zombies). Not players killing other players while being hit by zombies (I never understood that). This is not CoD, this is survival game, should be all about surviving and helping others to survive, rather than killing them for fun. But again, that's just how I see it. I don't enforce anyone to see it the same way I do. :-)

As for green zone. I think it is awesome idea. This makes newly spawned people a chance to get some basic loot before they have a chance to try some fair fight. I've never really understood the idea of sniping people just to keep sniping people. And reloging to different server when spoted.

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Great server, runs smooth, loads quick. Ran by dedicated admin.

Personally I don't go the green zones, but there's plenty of surviving and vehicles up North. It just needs to become more populated with survivors now

8/10 (-1 Green Zones, -1 Needs more members)

Edited by Hobnobskid
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A question : what is the zombies number on your server ? I mean, i get into a private server last night, and it was infested with zombies compared to public servers. And that was great, coz adding some challenge.

How the server is configurated on this ?

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The zombie spawn follows the default settings.

From what we observed there could be variables that affect zombie spawn such as; how you enter the location, on foot or by vehicle? Are other players in the location or have they been recently?

Hope this answers your question. Thanks.

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Me and a friend sent an email, we come as a pair and hope to get in, we can bring more honest people in if need be/allow it :) Looks like you put alot of effort into it and look forward to hearing back from you!

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Shadz - sorry for getting you killed on that truck crash :D that was pretty bad luck having a scratch on truck and it blewing up :( well I managed to scavenge few heli crash-sites now so I have good gear for you if I spot you later

Willcyd - Did you crash your bus earlier near Polana supermarket? I was driving there yesterday and found a bus with flat wheel there :D

Fun server :)

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Just sent an e-mail.

I also have a couple of friends who I did used to play with. We rarely play anymore, but hopefully will all get back into it with a server like this.

Oh, and I just wanted a little clarification on the Green Zone. I understand it's purpose, and think it's a good idea, but I was wondering if it's strictly down to 'that rectangle' or if it's left more to our discretion if the player's near Cherno/Elektro?

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Your discretion kierono, but just bear in mind we don't tolerate pvp directly in the green-zone or from the outside of the green shooting in.

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