[email protected] 0 Posted September 16, 2012 Hey guys,Ive been playing Dayz for a while now but the last month there are just 2 many cheaters.. Everytime i log in for the last 2 weeks (at least once a day) i get killed by cheaters within 30min.. And yes they are cheaters, the ones that just dont care with godmode and the smoke hacks and more. (I am not some bambi that never played this game or something, i played this game serious for a while when there wherent this many cheaters.. i was alive for more then 2 weeks)I think the priority for this mod should be to fix the cheaters.I really think the game has lost its fun, purely because of the cheaters.. i wont run from cherno to nwaf just to get there and get killed by someone who teleports behind me and shoots me in the head.I really hope that the devs see this and take this seriously.. i dont care about bugs as long as the game is playable.. but cheaters ruin this mod/game and that is what stopping me from playing.I hope when the Dayz standalone game will come out that there arent this many cheaters.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 614 Posted September 16, 2012 Search funtion is your friend, there are plenty of these threads, also if you used the search function you might see the answer to your question... although i amsure you won't like it. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 31 Posted September 16, 2012 Yes, yes.Tell me everything. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tsandrey 379 Posted September 16, 2012 (edited) DealWithIt.jpgIt's a mod, and the hacking issue will be addresed in standalone Edited September 16, 2012 by TSAndrey Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted September 16, 2012 And there's your answer. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ODoyleRulez 195 Posted September 16, 2012 Cheating can only be slightly fixed due to the way the engine is used. Wait for standalone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
suKi 43 Posted September 16, 2012 Hacker logic"Sick of dying to hackers" Hacks.If you have standards then put up with it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JarethJams 87 Posted September 16, 2012 This is liek the 200th topic about hackers am I going crazy!? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WalkerDown (DayZ) 296 Posted September 16, 2012 Cheating can only be slightly fixed due to the way the engine is used.Wait for standalone.Stand alone will use the same engine (with scriping stripped out), you gonna eliminate the scripting but you're going to face the same problem (no-script hacks)... unfortunately. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maniacmike (DayZ) 24 Posted September 16, 2012 Standalone is not multiplayer right? So why do people keep saying wait for the standalone Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Airetam 2 Posted September 16, 2012 Standalone is not multiplayer right? So why do people keep saying wait for the standaloneStandalone = not a modDayZ will be a full game in itself without the need of ArmA. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
_headripper_ 8 Posted September 16, 2012 Hi everybodyJust wanna share yesterday experince with ya all and u can decide for yourself what u think!Started with joining a rather populated server(Lingor), so me and my son could try to get us some banditskin, but after ~1min i see how 20+ppl just starts to die and i yell to my son to abort.Next server my ~2weeks old char gets teleported into the air over the sea and dies ~20 after ive joined.Ive kinda sighs and leave.New server(Lingor), ~2min later, i decide to go just for the fact its like 5ppl on the server and i need to gear up on that server, im in the middle of nowhere in a small building when i hear a zombie agro in the room beside me, noticed a guy looking around the corner, for me, despite im not moving, was just talking to my son, i empty a full akm mag in his head, point blank and he just laughs and kill me with his m4a1 sd.Ress at the beach, run about ~100m then same guy shoots my legs and then kills me, i must say he walks really fast, like 5-7km in ~20s :PI run back cause i would like to have my compass, backpack etc but.. he magically have hide my body, it was even so well hided that u could not even hear the flies :DOh well, new hive, new server (cant stand the little pricks), i choose a server im rather geard(Chernarus), logon and after ~30s i hear footsteps outside the door int he house and a guy tilts his head into the room im standing in, just like he knows im right behind the door and i shoot him in the head like 4-5 times, point blank with my aim14, i see the blod splatter but he magically takes two steps into the room and start firing with his mk48, and i die. Must been that Rocket nerfed m14 aim last days so its worse than a makarov ^^!But i dont give up, we logon to a Lingor server to set up a camp cause we have had an incredibally luck in looting stuff on that hive, start to run in the middle of the night, choose a server with only 3ppl, its pitch black, we use nvg:s to see.We run maybe 1min, when my son starts yell and shooting, like a full mag from his m14aim baam baam baam.. when i see the guy materialize right in front of me equiped with a AS50 TWS or something, not sure if thats its name, but its a hacked weapon, i sidestep behind him and epmty my mk48 point blank right in his torso/head, when he yells, "stop shooting im friendly" and starts to point his as50 for me.We leave immidiatly.Back to Chernarus, new server for the evening, our chars is rather equipped, we are gonna look for some vehicle, we logon on to a deserted server, just a few ppl, like 1 except us.After an our or so we have found an atv in its spawn place, and have fixed it except a tire that we had to look further away for, we notice that 1 guy more joins the server, and we close in on "our" atv when it suddenly dissapears right in front of us.We leave immidiatly.We keep going, shame on giving up, join a server where we have found a chopper, just as we are going to take of 2 guys approach and opens fire, we got away and decide to hide it other end of the map, fly there and lands(many km:s away), ~20s later the 2 guys close in shooting again and we leave and call it for the night. we where 4ppl on that server.. me my son and 2 randoms.So what do ya think? im a negative old bastard or something have to be done to the hacking?Best regardsKane 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
XslaneyX 4 Posted September 16, 2012 +1Kind of thinking of fobbing this off until standalone at the moment. Had 1 hacker earlier teleport to our base and blow vehicles up and kill us. Just got off the server after just being killed by yet another teleporter wearing full soldier clothing and a red beret. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kryvian 123 Posted September 16, 2012 >get one hacker encounter>come to board and bitch about it.it is a very known problem, it is beyond dayz dev's reach atm, it is an arma 2 issue. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Welch (DayZ) 756 Posted September 16, 2012 Not even gunna read the thread, they're all the same...As Kryvian said, the game is very, very reliant on your client.This game was built as a simulator, not a zombie survival game. Plus it's in Alpha.Get over it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
colekern 1364 Posted September 16, 2012 We already have, like, 500 posts on this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
colekern 1364 Posted September 16, 2012 Stand alone will use the same engine (with scriping stripped out), you gonna eliminate the scripting but you're going to face the same problem (no-script hacks)... unfortunately.For the love, you still don't believe us? It's not going to use the same engine, it's going to use a branch of the engine that can be modified to prevent hacking. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maniacmike (DayZ) 24 Posted September 16, 2012 Standalone = not a modDayZ will be a full game in itself without the need of ArmA.So it will be multiplayer?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Max Planck 7174 Posted September 16, 2012 There were two of these threads (at least) on the front page, so I merged them. You probably won't even notice.So it will be multiplayer??Yes, it is strictly a multiplayer game so it will feature multiplayer. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tsandrey 379 Posted September 16, 2012 >get one hacker encounter>come to board and bitch about it.it is a very known problem, it is beyond dayz dev's reach atm, it is an arma 2 issue.It's not an Arma 2 "issue"! That's how Arma 2 was designed to work! It was never meant to be a mod like DayZSadly, when people play DayZ, they play like it's a full game, and not a mod! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kryvian 123 Posted September 16, 2012 (edited) So it will be multiplayer??I... what? Are you serious? are you a potato?@ TSAndrey, yes I know, but to the narrow and slow minded ppl that come to the board to open AN EPIC WARNING ON HACKERS, you need to explain to them as simply as you can, it is not a dayz issue, it is part of arma 2, over which dayz devs have no control of. Edited September 16, 2012 by kryvian Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tsandrey 379 Posted September 16, 2012 (edited) For the love, you still don't believe us? It's not going to use the same engine, it's going to use a branch of the engine that can be modified to prevent hacking.Of course, cheating will be in DayZ standalone, but atleast it won't be masskill, porting and thunderdoming everyone! Sure, maybe some aimbots, ESP and godmodes exist, but atleast the biggest cheats won't! Edited September 16, 2012 by TSAndrey Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WalkerDown (DayZ) 296 Posted September 16, 2012 Of course, cheating will be in DayZ standalone, but atleast it won't be masskill, porting and thunderdoming everyone! Sure, maybe some aimbots, ESP and godmodes exist, but atleast the biggest cheats won't!Worse.. at least with masskill and teleporting you figure immedialy you have been "cheated".. and it finishes there. But with aimbots, map hacks, and stuff like that, you going to play with "invisible cheaters", that will make almost impossible to build a serious gameplay.Cheaters in other games are ok.. since they are based on "rounds", so you change the server and you're fine. In dayZ, with a "permanent" world, one cheater could ruin your whole gaming experience: you can't hide a vehicle.. you can build a camp.. you can't "build" your own experience, you can only do death-match.. exactly like it's happening right now. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tsandrey 379 Posted September 16, 2012 Worse.. at least with masskill and teleporting you figure immedialy you have been "cheated".. and it finishes there. But with aimbots, map hacks, and stuff like that, you going to play with "invisible cheaters", that will make almost impossible to build a serious gameplay.Cheaters in other games are ok.. since they are based on "rounds", so you change the server and you're fine. In dayZ, with a "permanent" world, one cheater could ruin your whole gaming experience: you can't hide a vehicle.. you can build a camp.. you can't "build" your own experience, you can only do death-match.. exactly like it's happening right now.But it will be easier for BE (or whatever AC they use in standalone) to detect those ESP cheats! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KField86 237 Posted September 16, 2012 I've already given up. DayZ was my favorite game in the past 5 or so years. Had been playing it since the middle of may, almost excessively at times. Had my own server, teamspeak(still have that), squad/clan, etc. Gave up about 2.5 weeks ago. It's simply gotten to the point now where you cannot have a single night of gaming on DayZ without dying to a hacker, or having to abort several times from different ones. What's the point? Yes, I have the option of moving over to a private hive, but that kind of takes away the spirit of dayz a little bit in my eyes, taking away that persistence you're supposed to have. Oh well. I'll be back for standalone and until then, I'm back with my old BF3 clan for the time being just pubstomping and scrimming. More fun than DayZ the way it is now. I don't like lingor, or takistan. Just doesn't feel "DayZ" to me. With chernarus, and DayZ, this mod truly felt more like a game than a mod. The desert/tropical setting, really does feel like a mod on the other hand. I'm just really jaded about the game now, and how it's been all but ruined. Down to 80,000 concurrent players from over 150,000 per night. In a couple of weeks time. Thats saying a whole lot. One of my squadmates, who was really upset with where this mod has gone, decided to go pick up a bypass and some scripts(the vip one). Just to simply see with his own eyes how many people hack. He didn't even execute any scripts other than godmode and teleporting to people, often naked. He didn't kill one single person as I would often just hop on my alt account who was completely fresh and just go in the server with him. Every server we joined, within 5 minutes, he'd say "Oh, got a hacker here. Oh wait, I see another one teleporting, let me teleport to him and surprise him.." etc etc. I of course don't condone making a problem worse than it already is, which is why I told him I wouldn't have any part of it if he decided to "test" out his scripts and kill innocent people, which fortunately he refused to do." I guess we both just wanted to see with our own eyes how these stupid fucks operate. He did a charge back on his credit card and got the money back after 12 hours or so. Lol. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites