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possibility of seeing WHO killed you

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we should be able to see WHO the fuck is killing us.

i mean someone kills you, then you see it twice.

1st on your screen: Johnsmith killed you.

2nd on bottom left of the screen: Johnsmith killed Stoukette.

is there any way to do it without hackers being able to modifiy it to kill ppl anonymously?

could be a good way to see who hacks and then who to perma ban, nope?

oh and now that i think about it. i think it's dumb to just having "Stoukette is dead" on the screen. our deaths should be anonymous. in real life if someone is killed, none knows about. but here, all the damn player killers camping on the hills facing the beaches knows there's a new player to kill somewhere. so there's ppl that glue their ass south and east of the maps... and other ppl that sometime cant leave seaside... maybe what i said was dumb to you but i just wanted to express my feeling about just having * ******** is dead *, and how useless i think it is.

have a good day :)

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I've seen private hives have this, it might be configurable in server options. But it could start issues with people knowing you killed others. You can be sneaky and lure someone into a trap but if people know you're a killer they won't fall for it. Also if you kill a hacker or someone who knows a hacker, he might tele to you and kill you.

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These are server options.

IMO in standalone there shoudnt be any of these messages, you could find out the guys name from "study body" etc.. More authentic to not know who you shot at or who shot you..

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I personally don't like the idea of the chat in the bottom left anyways, I understand needing it for people who don't have microphones that's fine. But when someone dies there's the option to have death messages which IMO is stupid. Like Zeppa said, you can study the body which is like checking the players wallet for his ID and finding the name.

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Do you know what Permadeath means? Other than having to start over?

Your character knows what you experienced during his life. When you get shot, your character doesn't magically have the last thought "DAMN YOU, JOHNSMITH!" and flop over.

There's stuff like this in games/mods that don't have a "real" permadeath, too. It's the NLR, or "New Life Rule", which states that you can't run back to your killer for a revenge after you respawn. (Example would be Garry's Mod RP-servers.)

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Do you know what Permadeath means? Other than having to start over?

Your character knows what you experienced during his life. When you get shot, your character doesn't magically have the last thought "DAMN YOU, JOHNSMITH!" and flop over.

There's stuff like this in games/mods that don't have a "real" permadeath, too. It's the NLR, or "New Life Rule", which states that you can't run back to your killer for a revenge after you respawn. (Example would be Garry's Mod RP-servers.)

Fail if you're talking about me =) Edited by stoukette

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Back in the old Battlefield 1942, there was a mechanic that snapped your camera to 3rd person when you died, and panned it so that your killer was in the center of the screen. I would enjoy a similar mechanic in this game.

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Back in the old Battlefield 1942, there was a mechanic that snapped your camera to 3rd person when you died, and panned it so that your killer was in the center of the screen. I would enjoy a similar mechanic in this game.

No. Defeats the purpose of realism

Next would be the autoaim last stand autoshoot perk...

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No. Defeats the purpose of realism

Bullshit unless your strong enough to carry a handfull of engines in your bag along with chopper parts tools, sorry bud but you cant have it both ways, realism in the game is very subjective, your not super man you cant lift 1 ton and still run around like an idiot shooting people.

Its just sad that people are arguing over all these mechancis and most of it is a result of hackers, and not actually broken game mechanics, I would give a solid vote for being able to study a body and then seeing it say "Taiphoz died from a gunshot to the head, fired by someguy 500 meters away" I think that would be the best option, people who NEED to know who killed them can find out, but at the same time the killer can hide the body to mask his identity.

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You shouldnt know who killed you period this isnt a deathmatch game. And yes I am super man I've carried 2 rotor assemblys before.

Edited by JarethJams

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Bullshit unless your strong enough to carry a handfull of engines in your bag along with chopper parts tools, sorry bud but you cant have it both ways, realism in the game is very subjective, your not super man you cant lift 1 ton and still run around like an idiot shooting people.

Its just sad that people are arguing over all these mechancis and most of it is a result of hackers, and not actually broken game mechanics, I would give a solid vote for being able to study a body and then seeing it say "Taiphoz died from a gunshot to the head, fired by someguy 500 meters away" I think that would be the best option, people who NEED to know who killed them can find out, but at the same time the killer can hide the body to mask his identity.

You must be some kind of master detective to know how far the guy was and what he shot with just by studying the body...it's not like you do an autopsy...

On the other hand i hope Rocket introduces weight and encumbrance into the standalone so people will think twice if they really need two sniper rifles, five machine guns and three pistols with dozens of magazines in their backpack. And of course engine parts. In A.C.E. you could carry the weight...for about 10m then collapse.

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I don't think you should be able to visually see who killed you. because if your part of a team you can then tell the team where they are. however I do agree that text should say who killed who.

that way if your on a server and someone is going around killing people at a rate of knots you can leave on the basis that there is a hacker abound.

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that way if your on a server and someone is going around killing people at a rate of knots you can leave on the basis that there is a hacker abound.

that's what i'm talking about. i dont care seeing the name of my killer on a game where there's no cheater/hacker. but as battleye is a crap and is easily passed by hackers, i want to be able to see who kill me again and again wherever i am on the map, no matter if i'm not moving inside tree leaves, or running into a field with none miles away including zombies. when hackers will not access the game anymore, then i'll be ok to pass on knowing who killed me. and i hope my english isnt too bad lol :P *apologizes for typos*

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We have been talking two different things here.

There is standalone and then there is this mod. In this mod I would agree that these could be used as its broken but in standalone these should be removed all when other measures are done against the douchebags(hackers)..

And you shoudnt be able to tell how far the shot came from when you study body...only who the dead guy was(name), how he died+where he was hit(gun shot, axe etc) and roughly when he died(body is cold, warm etc). There is another thread about this.


Edited by Zeppa

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For the love of god, hackers are running rampant. Teleporting to players and killing them all over the map. THIS is why we need to see who the killer is.If you don't see this as a problem then you should try being an admin and wasting a ton of valuable game time searching through logs trying to find a few lines of what looks like jibber jabber to catch someone doing something suspicious.

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I personally dont like the idea but imagine if there were a mechanic where you could rewind and follow the bullet that struck your head back to its source.

There would then be a close up of the bastard who shot you, he would give a thumbs up and he would be given the opportunity to type a one liner. For example he snipes you on the beach he could say "Surf's up pal!"

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I don't like it, You're dead, how are you going to know? When making a new character it's a new life. You shouldn't go in knowing who killed you in a past one.

If this was put in the MOD to help with the hackers, okay. However it is going to have ZERO place in the standalone.

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oh and now that i think about it. i think it's dumb to just having "Stoukette is dead" on the screen. our deaths should be anonymous. in real life if someone is killed, none knows about.

In real life, you wouldn't know who killed you either. Well, in real life you wouldn't re-spawn, but I kinda like that feature in this game lol.

I don't think people should know when we die, where we die, how we died, and who/what killed us.

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I still think that we should be able to see who killed us, come on guys it's not like your really going to be able to hunt the guy down, but it would be nice to kill some random player and see that in fact it was the guy killed you days, weeks or months before and you've been wanting to kill since.

Dont really care if others don't agree so don't bother trying to reason against me because I have my opinion and thats where I stand.

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You're welcome to have your opinion, but I do disagree with it. I want to have this game very realistic, maybe not too realistic, if it was too realistic it wouldn't be fun. I don't see the need for knowing who I killed, or who killed me. I don't need vengeance, I just want some loot :)

If you're a competitive person, I can see why'd you want to know who you got killed by, and who you kill. But I'm not like that, I just want a decent amount of realism.

It would be okay for me if it was like an option for the server host to activate/deactivate it, and I could just find server which had that disabled, and you could play on servers which had it activated.

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