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Some things that ruin the realism of DayZ.

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That's a good one, actually.

  • Being able to starve to death in a half hour, despite eating a full steak an half hour before

Edited by omgwtfbbq

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Looked into this a little bit, and you are correct for any modern silencer I could find online (after a short search) so I stand corrected.

It's all good man, there's a reason I didn't flame you. There is so much bad info floating around out there about firearms both online and in the real world, I try to present correct information whenever possible.


Being subsonic really doesn't make a round quiet in anything bigger than a .22LR. .45ACP out of the 1911 is often subsonic, for example.

What makes a weapon super quiet is shooting subsonic (no supersonic crack from the bullet traveling) through a weapon with a suppressor (no muzzle blast).

You can shoot supersonic ammo through a suppressor. I do it all the time. It's about as loud as a .22 . I've never even heard of a suppressor that you can't shoot regular ammo in.

You can shoot subsonic ammo through a weapon without a suppressor - it's basically almost as loud as usual, but it often makes self loading rifles malfunction - they won't cycle.

In the real world, if you're using 5.56mm or .308 with a suppressor you're almost certainly using supersonic ammo. I've never even bothered trying because it's not worth the hassle trying to get 5.56mm that will still cycle my rifle.

We should be able to put regular STANAG mags and M9 mags through the M4SD and M9SD - the noise level should be reduced, but still attract zombies. Perhaps pistol-ish noise levels for the M4SD and 1/2 normal for the M9SD. In both cases they should retain accuracy and power - modern suppressors don't "slow down" bullets or make them inaccurate.

How about another realism issue - catching a cold in a ghillie suit. Yeah right. You should never get cold in one.... but on the other hand, you should over heat running in one and require more water.

I wholeheartedly agree with ALL of this, especially the part about the Ghillie. Those bastards are hot.

Edited by codave

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Looting your own body.

Fitting huge guns in a backpack

Not being able to jump an inch

Being able to fix Hueys, cars, buses and ATVs but not being able to drink from a pond

Morphine "curing" broken limbs

No animations for being wounded (should be limping, being able to only use one arm etc etc)

Only 5 or so model types for zombies (i dont know how many times i have killed that Mythbusters beret wearing fool)

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welp since this has been necro'd

being able to drive/pilot everything right off the bat.

being able to kill yourself with a door

being able to walk off a helicopter crash but break your bones from a 1 meter jump (ok I'll be fair, it's 1.5 meters)

getting killed by going near rocks

getting killed by trees

getting killed by tents

vehicles flipping because of train tracks even tho you take it as humanly fucking slow as possible

being able to enter only a handful of buildings

finding weapons and ammo for it conveniently placed across the map on the floors of buildings.

not being able to fix the broken down cars on the streets of cernarus.

hackers *brace yourselves for the QQers*

being able to dupe yourself by accident because of relog in attempt to fix graphic glitch

graphic glitches


being able to carry 2 AS50s in your backpack, but not 2 primary weps on your back

not being able to have 2 pistols equipped (srsly, the holster is on the right leg, mite as well put one on the left leg)

I could go on

and on

and on

all night long

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- The ability to survive by drinking soda cans all the time instead of water

uh, that's not unrealistic. in fact there's probably plenty of people out there that 'only drink soda'. it might not be the most healthy thing in the long run, but it's not gonna adversely effect you over the amount of time you play DayZ

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uh, that's not unrealistic. in fact there's probably plenty of people out there that 'only drink soda'

quoted for truth, i dont touch water and its scorching down under .. still tickingI also really agree on the point about town watching for zombies.. the radius should be increased certainly, at least in the final game

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  • Amazing player/zombie running stamina. Even if we want to ignore the issue of player stamina, these zombies are like marathon runners - why isn't there some percentage chance (even if it's very small) to have a zombie's limb fall off from running? It doesn't always have to be a leg, it could even be an arm - rotting corpses should be somewhat more fragile/flimsier than your average healthy, living survivor's body.

These are NOT zombies. No matter what anybody tries to say, these are infected humans. You are absolutely right that they should be rotting or losing limbs. Zombie's would be losing muscle mass as their bodies are decomposing and would not be able to run as fast as a human. The fact that you can shoot these "zombies" in the chest and legs to kill them is also just proof they are not zombies. Only way to kill them should be the head. With that said, I think it is the arma 2 engine that makes them run like that. Rocket is probably limited to what he can do with them.(at least that is what I am hoping because fast zombies are not scary, it's the slow ones who are in LARGE amounts that will screw you up.) I keep trying to say he needs to slow them down, increase their power, make them ACTUAL zombies, not run in zig zags, make them into hordes, and as somebody said, have the ability to actually clear out an area. You can add some running zombies, but these should be more rare, but not so rare that you only see like 5 of them. Imagine 30 zombies coming at you and 10 of them are running towards you. The walking dead imo has the perfect zombies. Attracted to sound, but don't know EXACTLY where you are. They get the general direction, start moving towards that area and when they spot you, start going crazy and start moving faster(not running except for the rare running zombies.) and try to attack you. Unfortunately, I don't see this happening in Dayz. I think a completely new game would have to be made and have this in mind from the beginning.

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why isn't there some percentage chance (even if it's very small) to have a zombie's limb fall off from running? It doesn't always have to be a leg, it could even be an arm - rotting corpses should be somewhat more fragile/flimsier than your average healthy, living survivor's body.

Quick answer for this my friend is that they aren't dead. They are Infected living Humans, not dead rotting Zombies. Think 28 Days Later, not Day of the Dead and you'll be on the right track. :)

Things i find break Dayz for me is:

*Loot System - Gear should be more limited, instead of endlessly bubbling up out of the ground.

*Spread of Loot - Looking at the state of the place, it seems someones been here before me, so why would they leave a Ghillie suit or 4 and a Perfectly good Sniper Rifle with a load of ammo here? It just seems items are way to concentrated in places, granted there should be MORE stuff in these places, but not only there, it just creates camping spots.

*Zed spawn being a dead give away of player locations.

*Endless helicopter crashes.

*To much hi-tech military gear. A guns a gun, we shouldn't be all running around with so many guns we look like the fucking A-Team IMHO. If we make mil-grade guns limited spawns,they become status symbols for clans, targets for robberies etc. Adds SO MUCH possible fun.

*No way to ID friends in a crowd. My humble apologies to all companions i've killed because they had the same skin as the fucker shooting at us. My bad.


Edited by Never

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Quick answer for this my friend is that they aren't dead. They are Infected living Humans, not dead rotting Zombies. Think 28 Days Later, not Day of the Dead and you'll be on the right track. :)

Things i find break Dayz for me is:

*Loot System - Gear should be more limited, instead of endlessly bubbling up out of the ground.

*Spread of Loot - Looking at the state of the place, it seems someones been here before me, so why would they leave a Ghillie suit or 4 and a Perfectly good Sniper Rifle with a load of ammo here? It just seems items are way to concentrated in places, granted there should be MORE stuff in these places, but not only there, it just creates camping spots.

*Zed spawn being a dead give away of player locations.

*Endless helicopter crashes.

*To much hi-tech military gear. A guns a gun, we shouldn't be all running around with so many guns we look like the fucking A-Team IMHO. If we make mil-grade guns limited spawns,they become status symbols for clans, targets for robberies etc. Adds SO MUCH possible fun.

*No way to ID friends in a crowd. My humble apologies to all companions i've killed because they had the same skin as the fucker shooting at us. My bad.


I agree with you on most of this... but the heli crashes are not so common each time a server restarts, 2 helis spawn, and the other ones disappear, and teh loot on helis doesn't respawn so if you raped a heli a left no loot in it, nobody will get anything else from it, so I kinda disagree with you on that one, but they could make it so that only 1 heli spawn, that way there would be less people with nvgs rangefinders and as505 camping cherno

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- Turning in a tight corridor and breaking all of my bones.

- Driving over a bridge with an ATV and getting launched into space.

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Ok unrealistic stuff?

1. hackers

2. duping

3. people running around and gunning everybody on sight

4. you can sprint all over the map without having to take a break

and probably lot more.

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Fitting huge guns in a backpack

People carry long arms in/on backpacks all the time.


Unrelated note, to the people complaining about getting killed by trees and rocks - people get killed by trees and rocks all the time. I can think of several people I knew that either died or broke their legs.

For that reason I approve of the environment being dangerous.

I would like to see coats/outerwear that allow you to stay warm.

Edited by Just a Goat

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People carry long arms in/on backpacks all the time.


Unrelated note, to the people complaining about getting killed by trees and rocks - people get killed by trees and rocks all the time. I can think of several people I knew that either died or broke their legs.

For that reason I approve of the environment being dangerous.

I would like to see coats/outerwear that allow you to stay warm.

Are you a troll or what?

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Glitched out zombies that break my legs from under the floorboards

Edited by luke688

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@Just A Goat

By huge guns, I don't think they mean a 3-foot assault rifle that weighs 6 pounds, I think they mean a 5-foot anti-materiel rifle that weighs 30 pounds.

Edited by BazBake

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Some realism takes away from game play but if you can find a balance that's great.. One thing that takes away from the realism for me is the current weapon list. You don't bring an AK74 to an AS50 fight.. A lot of weapons feel out of place, mainly the high powered ones. Needs more common RU weapons and less American / British guns..

Edited by terrex

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Yeah, I'm gonna have to go with the fact that there are more L85's with thermal scopes than Mosin Nagants in an ex-soviet, second world nation. I know it's a side effect of duping, and the hive, but it kills me that I really can't use any of the lower tier weapons due to loot inflation.

Literally kills me actually. If I try using a Lee Enfield, I will get gunned down.

Edited by amaROenuZ

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3. people running around and gunning everybody on sight

When i imagine a situation like this happening in real life, I would imagine a lot of people will be murdering eachother for simple things such as food, water or even weapons.You're trying to survive. Politely saying "hello!" to every armed person you meet is going to severely decrease your chance of survival.


You're starving, thirsty and only have a few bullets left in your weapon. You see a person with a bag filled with everything you need and they have not seen you yet. You would have 3 choices in this situation:

1) Say hi to the person and hope they offer you their food (this could lead to death)

2) Shoot them before they have a chance to turn around and loot them (low chance of death)


3) Go in the other direction and hope to find this stuff somewhere else (could easily lead to death)

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Considering you can carry an engine block, main rotor assembly, and three bus tires in your back pack, I don't think a 30 pound rifle is too far of a stretch.

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The fact that I'm playing this in front of a flat screen in my room, being able to see the surrounding environment and therefore not being able to fully "live inside the game".

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