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Is KOS really that big of a problem?


  1. 1. Is KOS a big deal?

    • No, and we shouldn't mess with it.
    • No, but it would be nice if there was less.
    • Yes, and we should address it.
    • Yes, but it comes second to bugfixing.
  2. 2. What should we do? (you can choose multiple choices)

    • I said we shouldn't address it.
    • Reward grouping.
    • Encourage grouping, not reward it.
    • Make survivors be worth more than just pack mules.
    • Punish KOS.
    • Punish bandits.

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Rewarding those who group up/help each other is honestly a great idea. But I don't think those who do otherwise [i.e. murderers] should be penalized.

Yes, exactly! I would never dream of taking the Banditry outta the game! I love the intense feeling of -not- knowing if a guy is friendly or not. I would adore the fact if someone would actually let me help them! I don't really want to put group based things in the game (though it would help) but just anything or any reason to group together would be awesome.

As it was mentioned. When it goes stand alone you might not get to pick the server, it may auto join you to servers so no one can do the whole low pop thing (I support this greatly) the issue though. The only thing coming out of this will be a huge death match game. If I remember the numbers right he wants something like 200 people a server. You already can't walk around on a 10 person server with out someone shooting you. If you add another 190 people. You're gonna spawn, die, rinse repeat.

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Yes, exactly! I would never dream of taking the Banditry outta the game! I love the intense feeling of -not- knowing if a guy is friendly or not. I would adore the fact if someone would actually let me help them! I don't really want to put group based things in the game (though it would help) but just anything or any reason to group together would be awesome.

As it was mentioned. When it goes stand alone you might not get to pick the server, it may auto join you to servers so no one can do the whole low pop thing (I support this greatly) the issue though. The only thing coming out of this will be a huge death match game. If I remember the numbers right he wants something like 200 people a server. You already can't walk around on a 10 person server with out someone shooting you. If you add another 190 people. You're gonna spawn, die, rinse repeat.

Mmm. Although, grouping up with other players is rewarding by itself; you have people to talk to, therefore more fun.

And I think that the auto-joining server thing is a good idea in some aspects, but what about if the servers lag for someone and they can't choose another server? I hope Rocket gets it right.

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I shoot people on sight and I am bandit - regular player in day z. But actually banditry was not about killing people, it was taking law in their own hands and they robbed banks and stuff. Bandit is wrong word for it and yes it should be punishable to shoot on sight. I mean in regular zombie apocalypse, you of course keep care that new guys don't steal your stuff but you don't instantly shoot them if you don't get anything from it and you don't maybe shoot them at then because of its not human,

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Mmm. Although, grouping up with other players is rewarding by itself; you have people to talk to, therefore more fun.

And I think that the auto-joining server thing is a good idea in some aspects, but what about if the servers lag for someone and they can't choose another server? I hope Rocket gets it right.

Oh definately grouping does have a benefit. Why doesn't anyone wanna do it? Thats been my argument for a while. Very similar argument from SillySil.

Just no reason to group when the benefits of not is just greater. Plus (Now I realize not many people read the forums compared to playing but ..) The stories about people grouping up, playing for a couple days then someone turning on someone else. It also has the adds to the "KoS" mentality of the community.

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I shoot people on sight and I am bandit - regular player in day z. But actually banditry was not about killing people, it was taking law in their own hands and they robbed banks and stuff. Bandit is wrong word for it and yes it should be punishable to shoot on sight. I mean in regular zombie apocalypse, you of course keep care that new guys don't steal your stuff but you don't instantly shoot them if you don't get anything from it and you don't maybe shoot them at then because of its not human,

Don't get me wrong -some- people would! This however is a morality issue. People will almost always act differently in a game over what they'd really do. A lot of folks (All players not singling any of them out) would act differently if this was actually possible. For most the game has and adds no extra moral obligation so its just wraps in on itself and people continue to pull the trigger.

Like to defend bandits a little bit. They KoS for food even if their gear is good. If they walk up on a survivor and he sees a guy in a ghillie with an AS 50 asking for food or water. Most of the people right now would just line up a head shot and murder him (Oh yeaaa got a bandit kill)

I dislike -that-. Survivor, bandit, hero doesn't matter we all get shot on sight. I know people have found friendlies I've seen it on youtube. I personally haven't. Not on public hive. I even though by sneaking up on a player and calmly asking if they were friendly would get a better result, all they do is ALT F4

Might be bad luck but...4 times now its happened. Anyone else shoots at me or avoids me.

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Don't get me wrong -some- people would! This however is a morality issue. People will almost always act differently in a game over what they'd really do. A lot of folks (All players not singling any of them out) would act differently if this was actually possible. For most the game has and adds no extra moral obligation so its just wraps in on itself and people continue to pull the trigger.

Like to defend bandits a little bit. They KoS for food even if their gear is good. If they walk up on a survivor and he sees a guy in a ghillie with an AS 50 asking for food or water. Most of the people right now would just line up a head shot and murder him (Oh yeaaa got a bandit kill)

I dislike -that-. Survivor, bandit, hero doesn't matter we all get shot on sight. I know people have found friendlies I've seen it on youtube. I personally haven't. Not on public hive. I even though by sneaking up on a player and calmly asking if they were friendly would get a better result, all they do is ALT F4

Might be bad luck but...4 times now its happened. Anyone else shoots at me or avoids me.

They could just kill zombies and take their beans...

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Right now, there is very little motivation to NOT kill on sight. You remove a threat and gain their items.

There needs to be some motivation to play in a different way, the hero skin movespeed and supposed bullet resistance is a step in the right direction towards balancing things out.

I think that is where it should stay. Bandits get the advantage of the hidden backpack, Heroes get a cooler looking skin and honor./

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One kind of solution for this KoS and Alt F4 thing going on has been talked over suggestions. Simple as it is just add timers to server rejoin (no more ghosting) and for log out. So if you'd have to wait 30 mins before you'r able to rejoin a server and say like 30 sec timer while you log out (you can of course cancel this instantly and return) one would have to play trough their actions. In this light I think that people would have to think more carefully when to shoot since there is no easy way out of it. What do you think?

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They could just kill zombies and take their beans...

Your life in game is as valuable as some random zombie's life for me. You're closer and there is a bigger chance that you have beans.

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This game would benefit from including a grouping mechanic. It wouldn't impact at all on the pvp aspect which I believe is core to the game even though it isn't my personal playstyle... It would however add another dimension for lone players and remove the pvp advantage that offline groups have at the moment. I'd like to see randoms able to safely group if they want to and I think so far the poll reflects that.

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One word : SANDBOX

It doesn't mean anything. You can make the game heal people to 100% for every kill and still call it a sandbox. Just because it's called a sandbox it doesn't mean that some playstyles aren't more valid than others. The point is to make playstyles equally beneficial in-game and then let people choose what they want.

I chose to KoS because it's just more beneficial. Safest thing to do and once I get the gear I never have to scavenge again. I just pick up ammo/medical supplies/food everything from those that I kill. Survivors are in much worse spot.

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I voted: It's alreay being addressed.

Since humanity is back in play again, since you have the choice between bandit/survivor/hero, peole are making that choice. Since humanity returned, I've ventured back down to Cherno/Elektro to either meet up with friendly players or to hunt bandits. I've meet a good few bandits, but I've also meet several people, who said they were friendly and actually were.

It's actually balancing PvP. In the sense that people who KOS everyone, turn bandits and friendly heroes KOS all bandits. Friendlies, who want to interact with other friendlies in a friendly manner, can look for other friendly heroes. So players still KOS, it's just not one sided anymore.

Yet you can't trust all heroes or non-bandits automatically, there's still survivors and heroes, who KOS everyone on sight, but that's fine, that helps make the game unpredictable and keeps us on our toes.

Edited by Dallas

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Since humanity is back in play again, since you have the choice between bandit/survivor/hero, peole are making that choice. Since humanity returned, I've ventured back down to Cherno/Elektro to either meet up with friendly players or to hunt bandits. I've meet a good few bandits, but I've also meet several people, who said they were friendly and actually were.

Humanity doesn't mean a thing. I've built up so much humanity just from blood bagging a group of friends that I could go on a murdering spree for an entire week and not lose my hero skin. Not that it would even make a difference because I'm wearing a ghilie suit so my humanity and my skin are a moot point. In the situations where I've encountered other groups of players that have heroes in them, the hero may not instantly shoot me but their friends have taken a KoS approach 100% of the time. In some extreme cases I've been KoS'ed as a hero by another hero.

Humanity is a completely pointless statistic. People KoS regardless of what skin they have or what skin you have.

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I don't get mixed with randoms because the chance of getting a bullet in the face or in my back is just too great for me to bet all my gear on it. Even if I'm a freshspawn and befriend someone there is a good chance he'll want something that we'll find for himself.

If I make friends in DayZ it's either by this or another forum or their teamspeak. And I'm already playing with friends. Looking for friends in game is like looking to befriend a dog by attaching steaks to your body and running through a rottweiler farm.

The point isn't to eradicate PvP it would be boring. The point is to give people a reason not to shoot. To give a trade off to killing people.

do you really care about dying and losing your gear? thats what im trying to argue here, even that point doesnt hold much wieght anymore, its really only a matter of time before you die to hacking, why not try and chill wiht people. Im not looking for any more people to team up with long term, but its fun just to see what happens, there is an element of mystery in human nature that mixes things up a bit. Exploring the map used to be enough for me but nowadays player interaction is the only ever changing aspect of the game

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do you really care about dying and losing your gear? thats what im trying to argue here, even that point doesnt hold much wieght anymore, its really only a matter of time before you die to hacking, why not try and chill wiht people. Im not looking for any more people to team up with long term, but its fun just to see what happens, there is an element of mystery in human nature that mixes things up a bit. Exploring the map used to be enough for me but nowadays player interaction is the only ever changing aspect of the game

I don't mind loosing gear (although I rage hard when I'm killed in illegitimate way). But it's never about gear. Every time I die in this game I feel like I failed. That I fucked up. That I've could have done more. When I'm playing the game I do everything not to die but still put myself in challenging situations, like going to stary/NWA/etc.

You don't need to have a death wish to not care about your gear. Trying to make friends in DayZ is like trying to befriend a wolf by binding a steak to your neck and walking up to it.

Edited by SillySil
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for me you have two options now, play as a bandit or become the victim of a bandit, until there is some way of creating camps or securing an area then that's your choice, kill or be killed.

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Killing other players is the only "fun" remained, because the game is broken and there's nothing more you can do:

- no bases (cheater will find your vehicles, tents, whatever);

- no reason to survive (cheaters will kill you anyway);

- if you are lucky enough to survive for "some" days .. you'll eventually being killed "by" a bug.

So, anyone with a brain will think: "why the hell i'm hiding here.. i'm collecting stuff.. i'm taking safe... if my destiny is to die, not by a mistake, but because of a script kid?" << as soon you start to ask this to yourself, your eyes will opens, and you'll enjoy the "real" DayZ: PvP death-match.

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If you want to fix KoS, the only way to do it on a sandbox game like DayZ is to increase PvE threats.

Stronger zombies, different types, boss zombies, etc. If the players realize zombies are actually threatening they'll realize they need to cooperate. Simple as that. Make it more rewarding too, perhaps a zombie kill leaderboard? Or how about a leaderboard that tracks your actual playtime by hours to compete against other players?

Don't make a party system, a system like this is simply out of character for DayZ. DayZ is such an amazing game because of how much it doesn't tell you what to do. DayZ puts the game in YOUR hands and its up to you(and your buddies) to see how it turns out. A party system would just be a crutch for you to rely on.

Edited by Dynami

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I think your questions are flawed, there is little alternative there for people who want to play solo as a non aggressor

Can you give me a suggestion for next time?

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