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20 words or less: Very Low Humanity = Flies/Crows

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For those with super low humanity, they will be constantly followed by either flies or crows (testing both). This will prove sort of a passive warning to nearby players but it is fairly difficult to exactly spot which player is the badass.


In twenty words or less, formatted with YES or NO in caps the line above, say your thoughts on trying this out

For the sake of efficiency, I will delete all posts that don't follow the above exactly, or don't add anything to the argument. It's not a poll, its a discussion. If you don't have anything to ADD then please don't post.

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I thought DayZ was going for realism, black birds and flies following around bad people sounds ridiculous... Find a better solution.

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Although I think we can find better solutions for this, we do need some mechanic for recognizing the murderers now that skins are gone. This solution is better than nothing.

By the way, rocket, this is a great way to ask for feedback. More threads like this :)

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Don't know...yet

Will Crow sounds be muted from all other parts of the game? (presuming ambient Crow sounds within radius of bandit)

How high will the Crows be flying?

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Flies don't follow people no matter how shitty a person they are. Finding someone who will friend up with you should be a big deal.

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Crows/vultures may follow a person if they are constantly around dead people (food). Flies no.

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Flies will confuse people into thinking its a corpse. Advantage.

Crows will give away position if someone is sneaking. Disadvantage.

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Why use crows when you have zombies already. They are not constrained by what is realistic or not.

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Probably too unrealistic + guys with crow/flies around will ALWAYS kill you, because they know if they don't stick to their bad behaviour, they will get killed.

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Depends on how its implemented. If it becomes difficult to be stealthy or hide then no. Otherwise if subtle it would be neat.

I would much rather a big variety of skins to find..

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create an incentive to NOT be a bandit, rather than a punishment for being one

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YES, definitely. Maybe not the flies, but having the crows following the player around is a good idea.

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It would reveal the location of a bandit who's hiding. And, why would they smell of death?

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totally unrealistic, i'd rather have a skin than have stupid crows or flies following me.

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We urgently need a stop gap until something more realistic comes along or until cooperative gameplay elements/focus puts bandits out of business entirely.

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It's just unsubtle, and might hurt their playstyle by giving them away or something. Something more plausible please.

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I dislike bandits but people in real life don't have a 'murderer visual cue'. If anything the change in clothing to match the life style would be more realistic.

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What you could do is have crows fly around places people have recently been killed by other players. 2-3 crows circling above a corpse at about 50 meters?

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