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RIP GB Wireworld Vanilla DayZ Server - It was a lot of fun!

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Afternoon Mac & co!

Been playin the game for around 3months now, however recently I have fallen out of love with the game due to hackers and improper game play.

This server sounds perfect for what I'm looking for, there's me and a friend who thrive off the intense PvP gameplay without being interrupted by altF4 and hackers. We like the 'end game' idea such as camps and finding/raiding other teams/clans camps.

We're both 25 and will be on tonight - I'm at work currently so can't connect to get your email. Please look out for me emailing you when I'm in from work.

My ingame name is 'pirlo' and my friends is 'vengefulninja' - pretty gay I know!

Thanks lads look forward to playing in your server!

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Afternoon Mac & co!

Been playin the game for around 3months now, however recently I have fallen out of love with the game due to hackers and improper game play.

This server sounds perfect for what I'm looking for, there's me and a friend who thrive off the intense PvP gameplay without being interrupted by altF4 and hackers. We like the 'end game' idea such as camps and finding/raiding other teams/clans camps.

We're both 25 and will be on tonight - I'm at work currently so can't connect to get your email. Please look out for me emailing you when I'm in from work.

My ingame name is 'pirlo' and my friends is 'vengefulninja' - pretty gay I know!

Thanks lads look forward to playing in your server!

Added you to the whitelist, welcome to the server. Venge needs to join, once he has I'll add him too.

Kind regards


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hey im looking for a hive to call home i love to shoot and loot, my ingame name is Cortosis :)

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hey im looking for a hive to call home i love to shoot and loot, my ingame name is Cortosis :)

...search wireworld in dayzcommander and join. The server whitelist will kick you and show my email address. Send me a mail with your player name, age and tell me a little about yourself too!

More info needed via mail pls Cortosis!

Kind regards


Edited by wireworld

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Just a little bump to let you know we have 127 whitelisted players from all over the place!

The wilderness spawn bug has been fixed at last too! :D


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Step 1: Install Arma2 and Op Arrowhead - CHECK

Step 2: Install DayZ - CHECK

Step 3: Find private hive server - Think that's a big ole CHECK

Your server sounds friendly and a lot of fun so will be emailing shortly. Complete DayZ bambi here!

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Me & my friends sent you on mail our datails.

Waiting & believe =)

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Been away for a couple of days seeing family.

I'll be looking at the mails tomorrow.....


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Hi Mac,

I Have emailed you requesting a whitelist if you get a sec to have a look would be grand, also my mate "Mitch" has also done the same would love to come and play on your server

Cheers Joel

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Hi Mac,

I Have emailed you requesting a whitelist if you get a sec to have a look would be grand, also my mate "Mitch" has also done the same would love to come and play on your server

Cheers Joel

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Hey Mac,

I just emailed you regarding two places for a mate and I, we are both from the UK and are 24 years of age.

Would be so good to join this private hive, absolutely sick of hackers on the public hives, also the idea of players bodies still being there after alt-f4'ing is great.

Would be great to hear from you and hopefully get online tonight.


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Hi mac,

Just emailed you too.

Leaving a private hive due to disappointment with the admin, I won't name the hive here, but they seem to be resetting their server every fortnight and it's a real game breaker.

Addicted, dedicated player and constructive community member looking to get off the coast again!

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Server Update:

M107, AS50 and L85 AWS removed from Server due to popular demand!


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Hi Mac,

I Have emailed you requesting a whitelist if you get a sec to have a look would be grand, also my mate "Mitch" has also done the same would love to come and play on your server

Cheers Joel

All done Joel, welcome to the server....

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Having previously played in a server with green zones (which really wasn't my idea of how DayZ should be), I can say this server is about as hardcore, vanilla DayZ as it gets.

Perfect for people looking for a pure survival experience.

- No death messages means, no shooting till a message pops up, CoD style. You have to check your victim's cold dead pulse instead.

- No thermal weapons. Means nobody can sit in the woods at the airfield waiting for victims to illuminate. Now we can all hunt "Sacriel style"

- Cars are more plentiful, but not in abundance. You've still done well if you've got one.

So yeah, looking forward to spending more nights on this server.

Highly recommend! *****

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I emailed you when Joel did but I don't think you got it so I have just sent it again tell me if you've got it :).



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Having previously played in a server with green zones (which really wasn't my idea of how DayZ should be), I can say this server is about as hardcore, vanilla DayZ as it gets.

Perfect for people looking for a pure survival experience.

- No death messages means, no shooting till a message pops up, CoD style. You have to check your victim's cold dead pulse instead.

- No thermal weapons. Means nobody can sit in the woods at the airfield waiting for victims to illuminate. Now we can all hunt "Sacriel style"

- Cars are more plentiful, but not in abundance. You've still done well if you've got one.

So yeah, looking forward to spending more nights on this server.

Highly recommend! *****

I have to totally agree with Hobnob! this server is my new home and im loving it! cant recommend this server enough!

looking forward to spending alot more time on here

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Hello Mac,

I have just sent you an e-mail with the required information... Or at least I think I did.

In the OP you stated that only ingame name is needed but further down page one you mentioned GUID as well?

Please update the OP if GUID is also needed :-).

Best regards,

Patrick - Delithralas

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WAS a fun server. Seems to have been infiltrated by a rather unpleasant bunch who call "Friendly," then open fire on players completely unarmed. And with no side chat there is no way to inform others of their activities and get a posse together to deal with them... shame, really enjoyed it.

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Hi Mac,

Been having a lot of fun with my hombres on your server. Got in some mad scrapes and even tangled with Barry Bandit :D Wanted to say thanks and also had a bit of feedback.

Joined the server today and it's getting dark as I type (8.00PM GMT) wheras before it was about midnight when the sun went down. I know you've increased the NVG spawn, but we haven't found any so can't really play on much further (without using lots of flares). I just checked DayZ Commander which thinks it's 2:51PM and the description still shows GMT -5 so not sure if there's a bug or something.

Also, do you have the peripheral dots enabled on the server by design? I spotted a player the other night by the green dot that flashed up when I turned around away from him.

Anyway, many thanks :)

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