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RIP GB Wireworld Vanilla DayZ Server - It was a lot of fun!

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Damn those hackers letting people explode, shame on you chris!

Frankly it was quite amusing watching Calibre set on fire.

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Get Mac to check the logs Calibre, I didn't get my first spawn back at Krutoy. If I was a scripter, I'd turn you into a sheep every time you logged on.

I taste Calibre tears.

There is no tears in asking how a player just magically appears behind the person who has just killed him, given that he plays with an admin, and then hides in a locked ts channel and trash talks when asked how that happened, now concoct what ever story you want, all i'll say is "aye dead on.."

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Okay, if it happened to you and you spawned next to where you died - what would you do when someone accuses you of hacking/scripting?

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Okay, if it happened to you and you spawned next to where you died - what would you do when someone accuses you of hacking/scripting?

Personally, I wouldn't be a dick about it. Or anything else for that matter. I just can't see what insulting people ever accomplishes, and that goes for everyone, not just you Chris.

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I haven't insulted anyone who didn't deserve it.

I got accused of cheating when I didn't, this is my retaliation.

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i must try this server sounds fun

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Congratulations Chris, your top of the deaths stats.

May i refer you to this... ''... myself and Papa went stealth mode and killed 3 (less than skilled) players chilling with a HMMWV...''

And this...

I'd agree that Mac's recent responses to reports of combat logging and general misconduct have been less than... convincing.

Niek is a prolific twat on the server and has received several warnings for combat logging and other shitty behaviour and yet when we reported him combat logging this weekend (twice in one day)... Mac's only response was that he's "only a kid". He's not 5 years old, I'm fairly sure if he turned into a script kiddie it wouldn't be acceptable.

There's rules for a reason, if you decide to break them several times even after admins warning you - you deserve to be banned permanently.

If not what's stopping me from hacking, abusing bugs or combat logging. As far as I'm concerned I'm certain I could get away with it all if I wanted to (I know others already are).

Edited by thehet

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I haven't insulted anyone who didn't deserve it.

I got accused of cheating when I didn't, this is my retaliation.

Really? you get killed, you spawn, go to lobby and then appear behind the guy who killed you.. when asked what's going on?, you rant homophobic obscenities from your locked ts channel - all the traits of a griefer. Then you try and bullshit us about spawning and suiciding to get to the place you were? well that would have taken at least 5 minutes and a run from the KC spawn past Dasky to the bush behind him. It all doesn't add up.

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To the hypocrites that berated me for posting details of the incident I had a few weeks ago, take the advice you gave me then and work it out outside this forum.

To the folks who are considering joining, this is an amazing server and you won't regret it. You won't want to leave and you'll love killing some of the d-bags that are currently in-game. 90% good peeps....10% people who you'll love killing. 0% hackers/cheaters.

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Found out last night that the explosion thing is linked to british assault pack. It can explode when shot.

There is no confirmed exploding player bug that I've ever heard of, but there is a confirmed one about the assault packs, and they're much more common now.

Please take this sort of banter to PMs ohgreen. This sort of tosh is just polluting the thread for Mac's server here.

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TheHet - I fail to see your point, I haven't combat logged/hacked/scripted or whatever. I got a weird spawn after a few suicides. I died twice yesterday, then proceeded to suicide numerous times to get a spawn that wasn't Kamenka hence my topping of the charts.

Calibre - Homophobic obscenities? Please don't use words you clearly haven't quite got the grasp of. I gained nothing from a spawn near my dead body... if I wanted to gain an advantage from cheating I'm pretty shit at it.

Chopper - No I won't - I've been accused of cheating and I'll defend myself. There's no banter here. This is the communication available to the community as there's no side chat. What is said in TeamSpeak is on the fly and isn't recorded, this has been proven already in similar disputes.

Your group quite frankly just lowers the tone of the server, you bring nothing good to the community. You whine about dying and as you're uneducated about the game's mechanics you falsely accuse others of cheating. I speak to every other group other than yours as all I receive is hostility and immaturity. I'm not saying leave the server, I just hope you stay quiet when I kill you.

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this is really funny for an outsider to read i'll apply for a whitelist tonight

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Chopper - No I won't - I've been accused of cheating and I'll defend myself. There's no banter here. This is the communication available to the community as there's no side chat. What is said in TeamSpeak is on the fly and isn't recorded, this has been proven already in similar disputes.

Your group quite frankly just lowers the tone of the server, you bring nothing good to the community. You whine about dying and as you're uneducated about the game's mechanics you falsely accuse others of cheating. I speak to every other group other than yours as all I receive is hostility and immaturity. I'm not saying leave the server, I just hope you stay quiet when I kill you.

The time to defend yourself was to talk to him in TS right after the event when he invited you to and you could havce ironed all this out instead of airing your dirty laundry here. You started talking about this on this forum, nobody else did.. This is just you flexing your troll muscles.

And this isn't my group. I have been hanging round with them as they seem a decent bunch that are out for laughs and don't shoot on sight. They help other players out when they bump into them and can coordinate well with each other.

I'm not saying being a total git of a player is a bad thing, it takes all sorts to make a server and bandits are part of that but you're getting way too personal and it seems like it's just for the fun of trolling. All this stuff about rage quitting etc. It's all fantasy. We all went off to get starter gear for our characters for the next day and got lifts back to where we needed to go. In fact I was the last one to leave the server last night. What goes on in your own imagination is anybody's guess.

It looks like you're trying to get personal with me now and you can go and take a running jump my friend. I don't feed trolls. Enjoy ranting to yourself.

P.S. If you need a heal in game give me a shout. I don't bear grudges.

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Your group quite frankly just lowers the tone of the server, you bring nothing good to the community. You whine about dying and as you're uneducated about the game's mechanics you falsely accuse others of cheating. I speak to every other group other than yours as all I receive is hostility and immaturity. I'm not saying leave the server, I just hope you stay quiet when I kill you.

The above paragraph wasn't aimed at yourself Chopper. Never had a dispute with you.

What I aimed at you, was the comment that talking on TS solves nothing. The admin aren't made aware of any conversations had and it becomes one persons voice against anothers.

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Well I just thought I'd sign up and say Hello and give Mac my best wishes. This unfortunate business above really does not cast the server in good light. It's been incredible fun playing on this server and we have had our fair share of massive fire fights and which seem to last for hours. One named 'Ham Burger Hill' after I flew a Little Bird into what I believe was NWA's Huey.

Our little group 'The Roman Empire' (not our words) was formed from helping each other out it's usually 5 people strong not that big - admittedly I was skeptical at first and thought the Irishman had stolen our stuff ;). It just goes to show how this game induces paranoia.

Server rule enforcement seems poor at the moment. You have certain individuals always aborting too quickly after death to deny loot and others combat logging this is within the flashing combat timer but of course 'their game crashed blah blah' which is rarely addressed in a satisfactory way. You're usually told to email Mac (who you know is way too busy with his own problems) but you're already speaking with an admin...

The real problem comes from trust. An admin is part of a bandit group with the lowest humanity and highest survivor kills on the server. It could be completely unintentional but surely the admin has looked at logs etc. Is he supposed to forget where these camps/vehicles/people are? It's surely a conflict of interest. I would also say this group has been only one I've encountered use profanity through direct chat in game. I believe this was from only one member.

The set of circumstances that lead to these posts were very strange. 2 people were set on fire (which we have never seen) then the player seems to magically appear behind you after you've killed him. I thought it was a different player as you were telling me not to shoot you because you were an unarmed (in a bandit skin). I couldn't believe I had just killed you again.

Anyone is going to be suspicious of what happened and you just got very defensive and oddly had preped the admin before we got to speak with him.

None of us are sore from loosing gear we have enough for the group 2-3 times over, I didn't die so I'm not sore from that either. We just wanted answers and look what has started because of it.

Edited by Dasky

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How else do you propose I defend myself?

The suspicious behaviour you're presenting is a known bug (setting on fire) and either a massive amount of 'luck' or another bug (respawning near my body on the coast).

I start shouting "don't shoot me" to try and talk to you, as I was as shocked as you that I was there. You then just shot me and refused to speak which just pissed me off, if you ever shoot me whilst I'm posing no threat I absolutely will shout profanity.

Following this I then get accused of hacking/scripting and generally cheating.

...and this is the part you expect me to react in a friendly manner?

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How else do you propose I defend myself?

The suspicious behaviour you're presenting is a known bug (setting on fire) and either a massive amount of 'luck' or another bug (respawning near my body on the coast).

I start shouting "don't shoot me" to try and talk to you, as I was as shocked as you that I was there. You then just shot me and refused to speak which just pissed me off, if you ever shoot me whilst I'm posing no threat I absolutely will shout profanity.

Following this I then get accused of hacking/scripting and generally cheating.

...and this is the part you expect me to react in a friendly manner?

I wasn't even aware you were shouting profanity I was referring to another incident. Secondly you were moving towards your corpse expecting me not to shoot?

Edited by Dasky

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You can do as you wish, but if I'm trying to speak to you, don't kill me then have your friends accuse me of foul play.

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Calibre - Homophobic obscenities? Please don't use words you clearly haven't quite got the grasp of. I gained nothing from a spawn near my dead body... if I wanted to gain an advantage from cheating I'm pretty shit at it.

How's this it went again Christopher, about me being busy sucking my own cock? do your thoughts about men sucking cocks disgust you Christopher? do you loath yourself for thinking such things? do you want others to share your anger, is that why we "Rage" quit? You look kinda sad in your photo, like you are unhappy even though you have a bottle of beer in your hand. Its ok there is no judgement here, be brave!

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Well I actually said to Papa if he came back and told me where you had spawned and it was all legit I'd believe him but he just went on to play the game.

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How else do you propose I defend myself?

The suspicious behaviour you're presenting is a known bug (setting on fire) and either a massive amount of 'luck' or another bug (respawning near my body on the coast).

I start shouting "don't shoot me" to try and talk to you, as I was as shocked as you that I was there. You then just shot me and refused to speak which just pissed me off, if you ever shoot me whilst I'm posing no threat I absolutely will shout profanity.

Following this I then get accused of hacking/scripting and generally cheating.

...and this is the part you expect me to react in a friendly manner?

I did ask you to join group 9 to speak with us on ts. But you refused.

And you were a towel head. Armed or not, we shoot them.

And 'shot me and refused to speak which just pissed me off', dont cry.

And 'if you ever shoot me whilst I'm posing no threat I absolutely will shout profanity.' you have the cheek to call our group immature.

Edited by thehet

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OK, what clever so and so stole my blue camper full of good loot, it was last seen at North East airfield - you clever buggers.

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Hey I'm new to the whole PC gaming experience and this is my first game which is why i came across your server and thought this is exactly what i was looking for :D, do i need anything to join your server and what do you mean by TS3?

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and don't shoot on sight. They help other players out when they bump into them and can coordinate well with each other.

they shot at me on sight even when I wasn't in bandit clothing so that statement chopper is simply false. They (Dasky and thehet) shoot on sight when they see something they want. For me the first time it was the hmmvv I was driving along with another player that wasn't bandit at the time dragonclaw. They said after that they were not trying to kill just to shot at the vehicle that I was driving. Well i'm sorry but if you shoot at my vehicle I take that as your shooting at me.

Yesterday me and Papa were driving from Berezino up fast Gorka fueling station in 2 cars, papa in a Hilux me in a crappy gray pickup truck. They shot papa out of the hilux, he died and respawned as normal. While he was wearing camo gear btw, that was shooting on sight they had no way (without perhaps a map hack or something, that i'm NOT suggesting they use btw) of knowing that Papa was a bandit when they shot at him (they as in calibre I think). So try to defend them saying that don't shoot on sight is simply wrong.

You refer to Chris bringing the argument here, ok it does seam like a bit of a nothing incident to bring and argue about on the forums, but what you see here is the aftermath of what was already started in Teamspeak. Correct me if i'm wrong but the 'crappy moany guys' channel in vent is also a locked channel. The thing with bringing it here is everyone can see what people say.

In reply to Dasky, I'm also part of that group but my humanity is almost always above 0! Our group was one of the groups involved in the 'Ham Burger Hill' firefight. We came across the two downed heli's due to the glitch that happens when a player crashes a heli where almost the entire screen is set on fire. We eventually escaped with the Hmmvv leaving behind our UAZ. That was epic fighting and great fun. We need more nights like that but I fear the recent 'hacker' issue has made most people far too suspicious of others. If you kill me and I start flaming you and calling you a hacker etc in TS i'd think you might get a little upset as well and no doubt defend yourself vigorously. I'd also refuse to come to a channel to chat about it if that's how you started out. Last time I said 'good fight' to you guys, thehet said come in and chat about it nicely so I then came in channel and had a chat about it. NO need for fuss if people respect each other in the first instance.

I would shoot an unarmed player running towards a body also .. especially if there is guns about.

The 'bugs' that happened the other night that started all this are actually pretty common in dayz and can be found simply on google. maybe next time your 'Good guys' group might take this into account before accusing people of hacking when all it really revealed is a lack of knowledge of the game on their part. If they had thought about it more rather than immediately assume the worst of people and looked into it then this wouldn't have been an issue.

Our group, now called T-SaC, have had many a night spent re-gearing in Elektro or Cherno after being wiped out by other players. We regularly have good fights with Infy's BABO group for example. Sometimes we win, sometimes they do. Alot of the time it depends on positioning when we run into each other. You don't see us accusing them or the other way around of hacking when we / they lose. Chris tends to shout at people that are being noobs and pvping on the coast but personally I don't do that. I don't mind killing people on the coast or being killed although it does get frustrating. It's also not against the rules to shout and swear at people for anything.

It would be good, now that we all know Chris was not hacking, for everyone to move on from this and maybe be a bit more friendly in the future. It's a game, that lets you shoot at whomever you like, it's going to get annoying and frustrating but that doesn't mean we need to flame each other. From what I can see Dasky is being reasonable here as well as some others maybe the hot heads need to tone it down a notch or two. Move on and enjoy playing the game.

You guys say you kill bandits on sight, I say my group kills other people on sight so lets all just handle that. If I was more suspicious I might ask how the hell you guys strolled across us south of Stary last night when we were the only 8 players online, but i'm not and I didn't.

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