C h r i s 28 Posted March 21, 2013 Me, Jay, Papa and Andy once took out the Sandy off-road by chasing it in the huey.Safe to say it's pretty difficult to stay close enough and level enough to let them aim at a vehicle driving along... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CCGMichael 15 Posted March 21, 2013 I'm loving this brainstorming session. Some brilliant ideas so far. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hubert (DayZ) 5 Posted March 21, 2013 WHERE IS ADMINS WHEN U NEED ONE?? i just died and spawned under a floor in a building, cant get out, kill me.. pläääs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
C h r i s 28 Posted March 21, 2013 If you haven't already sorted it Mac & Jack are online. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hubert (DayZ) 5 Posted March 21, 2013 yeah i know, i wrote to them, but got no answer. but im out from there now :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cactus (DayZ) 14 Posted March 22, 2013 (edited) Me, Jay, Papa and Andy once took out the Sandy off-road by chasing it in the huey.Safe to say it's pretty difficult to stay close enough and level enough to let them aim at a vehicle driving along...Safe to say, you are a crappy pilot Chris ;)Put me in the driving seat of that Huey and that off-road will have about the same chance of a snowball in Hell.One indicator is if you still need to use Auto-hover to land, then you are probably still somewhat wet behind the ears with the whirly birds :DCheck out Dslyecxi. Now that's the way to fly :- Edited March 22, 2013 by Cactus Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wireworld 65 Posted March 22, 2013 GB Wireworld Chopper Event it is then guys! I'm thinking Friday 5th April...... Should be fun :DKind regardsMac Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
C h r i s 28 Posted March 22, 2013 That guy is a good pilot, but he's sat practising flying on Arma2 and he's showing you his highlights, not his crash 'n' burn moments. I play DayZ, if I crash or make a mistake I have to either fix my chopper or spend hours/days looking for a new one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
C h r i s 28 Posted March 22, 2013 Can we not make it the 5th Mac? I'm here any other day other than the 5th!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
C h r i s 28 Posted March 22, 2013 Saturday the 6th? :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dayzo 182 Posted March 22, 2013 (edited) PBO ErrorsCan anyone tell me why I see so many people trying to join with PBO signature errors?They make several attempts to join and get kicked every time, but then later on in the day I see them playing.Is there a legitimate reason why some people are having to 'mess around' with their PBO files?I haven't had any errors of that nature, so the only conclusion I can come up with is that they are editing their files to cheat.Should we be submitting names for the ban hammer? Edited March 23, 2013 by Anti Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 12 Posted March 23, 2013 In my case...I'm trying to get the JSRS 1.4 sound mod to work, I have been trying to either disable or switch out the environmental.pbo file...which is the "sound" file associated with the environment (e.g. wolves howling, dogs barking). I have talked to the admins about and in fact they suggested it. No cheating associated with the .pbo file stuff at all.I wouldn't mess with the sound mod except every time i run into a bush, it sounds like 100 lbs of C4 going off and scares me to death. And as you know, we crawl around in bushes a lot in DayZ. The JSRS sound mod is awesome and I'd recommend it to everyone. The guns sound amazing. Just need to work the bugs out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dayzo 182 Posted March 24, 2013 (edited) I used the JSRS v1.4 soundmod yesterday.I searched for the following files within the mod:jsrs_environment_c.pbojsrs_movement_c.pbojsrs_environment_c.pbo.jsrs14v2.bisignjsrs_movement_c.pbo.jsrs14v2.bisign... and I appended them with .ignore (effectively removing them from the mod without deleting them, so I can easily restore them).For instance, I edited the first one to: jsrs_environment_c.pbo.ignoreThese files are just configuration files (note the 'c' in the file name). The actual JSRS 'movement' and 'environment' pbo files exist untouched, which is why signature-checking will still function correctly.Since the name of the config files has been changed, they simply aren't utilised, so the game defaults to the original sounds.You should be left with just the new guns and explosions, but all other sounds will be the default ones.There is an issue with thrown objects (Eg cans) making loud explosion noises.You can remove all JSRS explosions by appending the following file names (as described above):jsrs_explosions_c.pbojsrs_explosions_c.pbo.jsrs14v2.bisignAs Papa stated, there are three error dialogues when you start up the game (I think because this version of JSRS was not designed to be played with the beta version of Arma that we are using). But these errors occur before you enter the game - they should not produce any server-side signature errors once you're playing.Not errors like Mat10112 had yesterday, referring to 'soundmissons_e.pb'. Nor the 'plant' file errors like Sgt Whiskey had yesterday. Nor the errors that Klonoalunar and several others had the day before that I didn't write down.As far as I'm concerned, until I'm advised otherwise by someone more knowledgeable, PBO files never have to be touched. Players getting these errors have been cheating, and are only recently getting caught because signature checking has been enabled. I suggest banning anyone who throws up a PBO error from now on. I'm going to start screen-shotting the errors for this purpose; they'll be posted into this thread and the admins can decide what they want to do with the information. Edited March 26, 2013 by Anti 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 12 Posted March 24, 2013 I used the JSRS v1.4 soundmod yesterday.I searched for the following files within the mod:jsrs_environment_c.pbojsrs_movement_c.pbojsrs_environment_c.pbo.jsrs14v2.bisignjsrs_movement_c.pbo.jsrs14v2.bisign... and I appended them with .ignore (effectively removing them from the mod without deleting them, so I can easily restore them).For instance, I edited the first one to: jsrs_environment_c.pbo.ignoreThese files are just configuration files (note the 'c' in the file name). The actual JSRS 'movement' and 'environment' pbo files exist untouched.Since the name of the config files has been changed they simply aren't used, so the game defaults to the original sounds.You should be left with just the new guns and explosions, and all other sounds will be the default ones.There is an issue with thrown objects (Eg cans) making loud explosion noises.You can remove all JSRS explosions by appending the following file names (as described above):jsrs_explosions_c.pbojsrs_explosions_c.pbo.jsrs14v2.bisignAs Papa stated, there are two or three error dialogues when you start up the game (I think because this version of JSRS was not designed to be played with the beta version of Arma that we are using). But these errors occur before the lobby is reached - they should not produce any server errors once in game.Not errors like Mat10112 had yesterday, referring to 'soundmissons_e.pb'. Nor the 'plant' file errors like Sgt Whiskey had yesterday. Nor the errors that Klonolunar and several others had the day before that I didn't write down.As far as I'm concerned, until I'm advised otherwise by someone more knowledgeable, PBO files never have to be touched. Players getting these errors have been cheating, and are only now getting caught because signature checking has been enabled. I suggest banning anyone who throws up a PBO error from now on. I'm going to start screen-shotting the errors for this purpose; they'll be posted into this thread and the admins can decide what they want to do with the information.It worked. Thanks! I just changed the two "_c" environment.pbos and I don't have the explosions anymore.Agree with you regarding touching PBOs in general. But at least the server is working and people are getting kicked. That is the important part. I'm not sure about banning folks right off the bat, but screenshotting and letting the admins deal with it sounds like a good idea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CH0PP3R 5 Posted March 25, 2013 The bug that makes the british assault packs explode when shot also applies to the SAS packs (those wide ones). Confirmed in Stary supermarket yesterday. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
C h r i s 28 Posted March 25, 2013 It must be hard to be a medic when people are spontaneously combusting. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dayzo 182 Posted March 25, 2013 The bug that makes the british assault packs explode when shot also applies to the SAS packs (those wide ones). Confirmed in Stary supermarket yesterday.Hold on. So shooting a pack can cause death? I thought they combusted after the person was dead anyway?Mac said a new patch was imminent, so hopefully I won't get shot in the pack before then. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
C h r i s 28 Posted March 25, 2013 Always could, it's classed as being shot in the back.Remember that a character model isn't as advanced as you might think, just a bunch of polygons knitted together so a 'pack' is just an extrusive addition to this.As far as I'm aware, you don't have to shoot the pack. It's simply the death animation if you're wearing the pack. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
C h r i s 28 Posted March 25, 2013 (edited) Also, if you're that paranoid about being shot in the pack become a bandit, I haven't seen mine in a while... Bandits annoyingly don't get the pleasure of having a visual backpack unless viewed from a significant distance. ;) Edited March 25, 2013 by ohgreen Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BRANDISH999 2 Posted March 26, 2013 nicholas brandishengland 455109fea0781700141e6bfdf223ff37(: thankyou Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CCGMichael 15 Posted March 26, 2013 Hi Brandish, Standard procedure is to join the server, to get kicked by the whitelist software, then email [email protected] with a wee bit about yourself, to apply.If you do that I will get you whitelisted as soon as possible.Papa Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 12 Posted March 26, 2013 nicholas brandishenglandXXXX(: thankyouI also recommend you edit your post and remove your GUID. People out there that will steal it and then you are screwed later. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
biss 1 Posted March 28, 2013 (edited) Hello,first of all i want to greet everybody whos playing on the server and big thanks to Mac who provided a good gameplay on the server, i meet nice people on the server and teamspeak.But i think is my obligation to pin point to some things what is happening on the server lately.Latest situation is where i was in my UAZ with M240, searching parts for a chopper, and like in same irony tale, chopper spoted me. He started chaseing me, droping paratropers all around me, i couple of times tried to shot him without success. Nevertheless i manage to run away, and it was pretty fun! Too bad i didnt make video. After some time, chopper again spoted me, and goes towards me, i quickly get out from vehicle, lie down and shot him down with maximum 10 bullets. Oh my god, what a joy, what a rush! Chopper fell 50m from me, bodies scattered on the crash site, i quickly run towards it to eliminate any survived people. I spoted two dead bodies, ok i think nice, quick check on them, very nice gear, started to loot, to transfer stuff to my UAZ....but there is a many murphy's laws in this game....so a guy spawned 1m from me in a crash site and killed me.I was so annoyed, so angry, so i enter in a suspected chanel, blowing my emotions( i admit it, its my mistake, but quite understandable).Their explanation was that he survived a crash and he couldnt move, and because of that he relog. I dont know, but for me that is combat logging. Chopper crash down, he should be dead, or if he is not dead and stuck in a chopper, that is also a situation, people when crash their cars and chopper also stuck in there, they dont magigickly relog.We "sort" this situation that i can go back and tack my car and stuff, but that is not a point here. People need to know their boundaries.Few weeks earlier i got similiar situation, when i found a hummvey with my teammate, and literaly after 2-3 minutes, guy spawned near hummvey and killed us both. Again he allowed us to take our gear back.Regretebly in both situations there were admins included.I continued playing after first situation, repair my chopper, start to have fun with it, some guys shoting at me, i avoiding them, pretty fun also. And after 10 minutes my firewall goes crazy, i lost internet connection for a like 15 seconds( that was never happened before ) , and of course my chopper crashed and i spawned in middle of crash site.There war also many situations of combat loging also, but that is a minor stuff. Interesting there are always same excuse, something is wrong with my character or my connection went dead.I will not mention anyone, like i said, i would like only to pinpoint what is happening from my perspective. Im also listening from other players similiar stuff, so i hoppe people will not use advadange of this game problems and start to play fair and squair.edit: typos Edited March 28, 2013 by biss 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bonis666 7 Posted March 28, 2013 Hello,first of all i want to greet everybody whos playing on the server and big thanks to Mac who provided a good gameplay on the server, i meet nice people on the server and teamspeak.But i think is my obligation to pin point to some things what is happening on the server lately.Latest situation is where i was in my UAZ with M240, searching parts for a chopper, and like in same irony tale, chopper spoted me. He started chaseing me, droping paratropers all around me, i couple of times tried to shot him without success. Nevertheless i manage to run away, and it was pretty fun! Too bad i didnt make video. After some time, chopper again spoted me, and goes towards me, i quickly get out from vehicle, lie down and shot him down with maximum 10 bullets. Oh my god, what a joy, what a rush! Chopper fell 50m from me, bodies scattered on the crash site, i quickly run towards it to eliminate any survived people. I spoted two dead bodies, ok i think nice, quick check on them, very nice gear, started to loot, to transfer stuff to my UAZ....but there is a many murphy's laws in this game....so a guy spawned 1m from me in a crash site and killed me.I was so annoyed, so angry, so i enter in a suspected chanel, blowing my emotions( i admit it, its my mistake, but quite understandable).Their explanation was that he survived a crash and he couldnt move, and because of that he relog. I dont know, but for me that is combat logging. Chopper crash down, he should be dead, or if he is not dead and stuck in a chopper, that is also a situation, people when crash their cars and chopper also stuck in there, they dont magigickly relog.We "sort" this situation that i can go back and tack my car and stuff, but that is not a point here. People need to know their boundaries.Few weeks earlier i got similiar situation, when i found a hummvey with my teammate, and literaly after 2-3 minutes, guy spawned near hummvey and killed us both. Again he allowed us to take our gear back.Regretebly in both situations there were admins included.I continued playing after first situation, repair my chopper, start to have fun with it, some guys shoting at me, i avoiding them, pretty fun also. And after 10 minutes my firewall goes crazy, i lost internet connection for a like 15 seconds( that was never happened before ) , and of course my chopper crashed and i spawned in middle of crash site.There war also many situations of combat loging also, but that is a minor stuff.I will not mention anyone, like i said, i would like only to pinpoint what is happening from my perspective. Im also listening from other players similiar stuff, so i hoppe people will not use advadange of this game problems and start to play fair and squair.edit: typosSpoken like a true gentleman focusing on the problem instead of who is doing it. With DayZ being as unstable as it is sometimes I think it's better we put up a code of conduct in these situations, when the game crashes etc. If your game crashes or is somewhat not working in a fight, then it easy to use teamspeak to get to know agaisnt whom you are fighting, and telling them you are gonna go back in game etc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites