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RIP GB Wireworld Vanilla DayZ Server - It was a lot of fun!

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Does anyone know who 'Tickle' is?

I had a suspicious death tonight.

Did he Tickle you to death? If not, that is not cool.

I've never seen him on TS3 but I've spotted him infrequently on the server.

What was suspicious about it?

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Cactus was you the one with zigzag that fooled us with the tent up at Skalka ? That we ran around searching for for 10 mins and you sat looking att us as zig keept feeding us lies about it on TS ? That must have been so funny, sad to see you have to stop, that was one of the best tricks I've encounterd and we we're thinking one of you sat there watching us and recroding to make a Benny Hill video of us running around :P but still we contiunied greedy as we were :P

And as usual big ups to Mac, Papa and Jack they do great work.

Not me. Don't know zigzag although I have seen him on TS. He's that guy from Hong Kong, if I'm not mistaken. At least now you know not to trust him...maybe next time shoot him on sight :)

I usually run solo teaming up occasionally with a few regulars. Managed to login today before the pings went through the roof. Cleared my tents and packed them up. Left all the contents under a tree. Everything should be gone by now with the last restart.

It was mostly Infy's stuff.

Came from the desert tan Land Rover I stole from him on 13th February.....a whole bunch of scrap metal, several fuel tank parts....I think two engine blocks and assorted items. Back then, we were the only players on server and he drove past me in Electro barely 30 metres away. Almost took a shot at him but he turn at the critical moment and I didn't have a shot. Don't think he even knew I was there. He drove a shortways until I could not hear his engine and then he logged out. The server restarted 2 minutes later. I guess he could have only stashed it somewhere close to Electro. Went looking for it and found it parked inside a barn. :)

Before we had that last database wipe, I still like to know who parked that yellow Ural near their tent North of the Blackforest. That tent had DMR, mags, NVG, food etc. Naturally I cleaned everything out and loaded everything on the Ural. I dumped the Ural on the Polana main road but nobody claimed it after I came back 4 hours later. So I drove it to the open fields South of Berezino and someone did claim it the next day ... :)

Going to to miss Wireworld. Had some good times on this server..

Edited by Cactus
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Hi Mac. Good to hear from you. I am glad you are on the mend.

Sadly, I will have to call it quits with GB Wireworld.

For the past week, my pings on the server have consistently skyrocketed to 390 to 400+ triggering an autokick. It was in the 190s to low 200s before this given my location in Asia. Now, there are short spells of 300 when I can rejoin but too few and far in between. I do not know what has changed. Perhaps the server routing ?

Nevertheless, I enjoyed my time on the server from Day 01. It is a great bunch of guys with the servers veterans, in particular, standing out for their friendly rapport, quiet efficiency in getting things done, and playing the game as it should.

To name a few of the luninaries :- Papa, Chris, Barry Bandit and their group of BigBadBeanBandits, Airmessy, Phil, the Germans of the [babo] Clan with Infy & Faffy, the NWA group and, while it lasted, my time running with Capn America. Thanks for saving my butt with that medical run in the Huey after I broke my leg.

I enjoyed sharing the server with you all.

To all the potential members who are currently sitting on the sidelines, let me reassure you all that GB Wireworld is made up of a backbone of vets (some of whom I have already mentioned} and hands-on mods who will continue to administer the server properly and remain a persistent presence.

From time to time, GB will have a turnover of new intakes.

The majority will stay and enjoy their time here.

The ones that don't are the loud and obnoxious prima donnas...new guys that join the server and start complaining about anything and everything. They are a temporary presence and not the first time we have seen them. Unlike the vets, the prima donnas never stay long with the server nor contribute anything constructive to the core server community. Most of these prima donnas leave after a short stint to continue their carreers as foghorns on shipdecks...because they have big noisy mouths. :D

If things permit, during short lulls when the pings are playable, I will come into the server and clear out my tents and leave as small a footprint before signing off. I have a new home in another Private Hive.

Thanks for having me onboard and may GB Wireworld live long and prosper.

You are a scholar and a gentleman. It was a pleasure mate. And I think the spot you and I had to hide vehicles is still the best. Hope to catch you at a later time, buddy. Take care.

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You are a scholar and a gentleman. It was a pleasure mate. And I think the spot you and I had to hide vehicles is still the best. Hope to catch you at a later time, buddy. Take care.

I'm whitelisted and playing at the BMRF Private Hives now. They run a very tight ship and their servers are always popular. They don't have TS though and nothing comparable to the personable rapport of the kind that you get from direct TS in Wireworld.

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We play on BMRF hives also when we want a lot of PVP, it's a bit manic though so don't even begin to get fond of your gear!

Sad to see you go Cactus! Watch out for T-SaC on BMRF!

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Does anyone know who 'Tickle' is?

I had a suspicious death tonight.

I've never seen him on TS3 but I've spotted him infrequently on the server.

What was suspicious about it?

Effectively there were only two players roaming the server (there was a group of four online too, but they were loot-cycling one location). I was in some woods far from any hotspots and was midway through raiding the best tent that I had ever found, when suddenly Tickle shows up and shoots me in the back. At first I thought I was just extremely unlucky that the owner of the tent was online and visited it at that exact moment. However, later I discovered that it wasn't even his tent.

So now I'm left wondering what is more likely - that the only two lone players on the server met in a secluded wooded area by complete coincidence, or that a new, unknown player on the server is using an ESP/map hack? That's not an allegation; just trying to get my head around the odds.

He logged off a few minutes after shooting me, but he was still listed in Teamspeak for a while. My poke was ignored.

Maybe someone should take a look at his stats and see if they're anomalous (Eg. kill/death ratio).

Or maybe the odds of this happening are smaller than I imagine?

[EDIT: Tickle says it wasn't him; he sounds like a nice guy and plays at Wireworld sometimes. That means the shooter logged off immediately, whilst I was pacing the living room swearing]

Edited by Anti

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Firstly, I hope you went back and finished raiding that tent.

Secondly, I hope it wasn't my tent... if it was then I hope my first point was ignored.

Few questions:

How do you know it was him that killed you?

How do you know that group of 4 didn't venture elsewhere?

There's always a chance of running into other players, I'd suspect that this was the case. That or he had been tracking you till you got to that tent, then took his opportunity. I've done the aforementioned previously when the server is quiet, it's more common at those times that players will tent hunt, loot farm and generally become more oblivious of others.

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But which of you guys landed south of Veresnik hill ;).

If it were you guy west of Zelenogorsk, did you hear us shout before we hit the huey on our suicide-mission? :D

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I heard about that fight, sounded immense!

Props to you for doing a suicide-mission, we did similar with a tube-frame driving into a Huey... we didn't die though just got out of the burning wreck as if nothing happened....

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How do you know it was him that killed you?

How do you know that group of 4 didn't venture elsewhere?

Because after I died I talked to the group asking if they had shot me, and they kindly told me where they were and what they were doing.

When I told them about the tent, they said it was most likely theirs.

There's always a chance of running into other players, I'd suspect that this was the case. That or he had been tracking you till you got to that tent, then took his opportunity. I've done the aforementioned previously when the server is quiet, it's more common at those times that players will tent hunt, loot farm and generally become more oblivious of others.

Entirely possible. In which case I can't believe I'm so unlucky at this damn game!

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I am the best pilot on this server................................................ fo sho

And that suicide mission was epic..

I win u lose.

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I am the best pilot on this server................................................ fo sho

And that suicide mission was epic..

I win u lose.

Lets not joke about who's the best pilot on the server...

Hmmm ... some kind of "Air Superiority" Fight Night may need to be in order ...

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Helicopter fight night.

A chopper for each squad, last chopper flying wins.

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Helicopter fight night.

A chopper for each squad, last chopper flying wins.

Mmmmm, that could happen :)

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Seeing as you're a fan of the idea I'll throw some suggestions as to how it could work...

Everyone gets divided into groups of 2-3 (1 Pilot, 1-2 Gunners). Each group is then given a chopper containing 2 extra M240 rounds so that they can reload.

The first round takes place at the North East Airfield where the choppers and players spawn.

The server gives a go signal and choppers can take off, no guns to be shot until the 1 minute take-off period is over (signalled by another server message).

Pilots have to stay close to NE airfield, DQ'ed if flying off.

Last chopper in the air wins.

You could also have differing rounds where each team has a little bird and they have to race from Berezino round the coast to Cherno stopping at 4 different points to collect required objects from set out tents (4 wheels to fix a bus in Elektro). Winner is the group to fix the bus and drive away.

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Depending on teams - A bus for each team is placed randomly on the map. Choppers (starting at the same point) must find a bus, get it repaired fully and one member of the team is to drive the bus to a specified finish point miles away, where the winner is the first to arrive. Buses must have no repairable options when crossing the line, or must have to go out and find parts again. No parachuting allowed - chopper must land, and can only carry one item per group at a time. All members of groups must fly at least once.

Gunners allowed.

(maybe certain places could be out of bounds for parts to make it more difficult.)

EDIT. Choppers must start empty, with 1 jerry per team... (so it would be starting somewhere close to a fuel dump)

Edited by thehet

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Problem is with that is that you wouldn't know how the other groups are progressing and it's a lot more luck based on what loot you find...

My suggestion would be more team based with pilot skill and team communication being vital.

You'd also have 10 helicopters attempting to fly in the same direction... would be amazing fun!

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Search and Destroy

A handful of volunteers drive around in Urals (or smaller vehicles if you think Urals are too easy to spot). One rule: they must keep moving, except to refuel.

Huey teams (one pilot and two gunners) try to locate and destroy the vehicles. If a vehicle is destroyed by bad driving whilst being pursued/fired upon, it counts as a kill. Straight after a kill, a member of the Huey team joins the Ural TS channel and gives their team name and the co-ordinates/location to confirm it as theirs.

Hueys can attack each other. However, shooting other choppers will not directly help you to win the match. Indirectly it may help, since you may be shooting down a team who has more Ural kills than yours, and you're lessening the amount of competition.

Nice idea, but I've no clue how it would work out in practice - I've never tried to find and destroy a moving vehicle from a Huey.

Also, I'm not sure how many people would want to take a turn of being a moving target.

Edited by Anti
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