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20 words or less: Spawning without a weapon

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But i would very much like it if we started with very limited supplies

1 can of food, 1 drink, 1 magazine

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instead of starting with a makarov, it might be possible for people to start with a .22 rifle or a 20 gauge shotgun instead. The 20 gauge would be single shot (put in new shell after each shot) and take 2 hits to kill a zomb and like 6+ for a player.

the .22 about the same but it would be mag fed, about 10 rounds a mag maybe but it is bolt action so you cannot spam it.

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because it forces you to learn the basics of sneaking and throwing the cans to avoid zombies.

From the videos I'm watching almost no one has learned this.

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But only if melee weapons/attack is added.

As it is now, it is very annoying to play without a weapon. IRL you could bash a zed over the head with whatever is laying around, it doesn't make sense that there aren't melee weapons already. (imho)

Otherwise NO.

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tying a point system to starting gear would make things a little more interesting, based on your performance in your last life, determining what you start with in your next. details are everything but thats more than 20 words.

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I was just talking about this the other day with a buddy. Great Feature but i would suggest making handguns spawn more often.

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YES, but..

Spawn with nothing but 2 bandages (and maybe the noob pack). Also, consider increasing the damage of zombies, but giving zombies a 50% of dropping dead after inflicting damage (representing the zombie falling apart, or player self-defense). This will make the absence of a weapon slightly less painful, and create interesting moments of "maybe I'll live! maybe I'll die!"

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I say yes give it a go.

I barely have the need to kill any zeds until I have my first primary anyway on most spawns

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It would be interesting to see and it'll be fun however I think just having less ammo would work too.

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fantastic idea. make the game a challenge.

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because it forces you to learn the basics of sneaking and throwing the cans to avoid zombies.

From the videos I'm watching almost no one has learned this.

Wait... throwing cans to distract zombies. Why didn't I think of that >.>

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probably because zombies in their current state are completely trivial to avoid without using weapons or thrown objects

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Exactly what the last guy said - NO. Until melee is implemented in some fashion - then YES.

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Only if traumatic (non-lethal) or melee weapons will be implemented. Traumatic: weak, common, to kill 1-2 zombies but not players.

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Removing your only means of defense in this particular Zombie apocalypse (a gun) makes this game less accessible to new players, and would cause bandits to frequent the coast picking off defenceless new players. Lets be clear: bandits will kill you whether you have gear or not - for them, that's pretty much all there is to do in this game after a while.

Most new players would not survive long enough to find any weapon at all. Any first time players would not even work out how to crouch walk or crawl before attracting Zs and being eaten alive without the ability to defend themselves in any way.

Besides, this game will never be anywhere close to being realistic without melee.

In a real life Zombie apocalypse you would defend yourself with whatever was at hand - knives, cricket bats, sticks, shovels, rocks, fists etc. The fact this game does not allow melee means it is less realistic than many of the mainstream zombies games out there, all the while claiming to be a realistic survival simulator...until melee is added all of you arguing about realism are just kidding yourselves.

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probably because zombies in their current state are completely trivial to avoid without using weapons or thrown objects

The number of "NO until melee" responses would suggest that a lot of people still have much to learn about that.

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It would help remove the casual COD cancer that is killing DayZ. I play as bandit and even I dont like survivors shooting each other on sight.

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If we make the game harder, then it'll make it so the game doesn't look as attractive to the kind of people who treat it like a deathmatch. If you know it's going to suck ass to respawn again without a gun, then you'll be a lot more careful and not start random firefights with people.

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