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What are your best experiences with BANDITS?

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Mine was, I was traveling upwards to the north and all of a sudden i hear a motor, well I thought it was my friend because we were talking via Skype, and all of a sudden a guy comes out of the car with a sniper and i was like aw sh*t so I just started running away from him and i go back to see if hes following me but he just says "You can have the truck" So I took the truck and drove away. Forgot to thank him. The Bandit's name was Mr.Niceman or Mr.NiceGuy well if your reading this THANK YOU!

tl;dr I was traveling north and i hear a truck coming at me but i was noobish and i didnt know thats the sound of a truck. A bandit comes out so i start running and i go back. He gives me the truck and i drive away scared that he was still going to shoot me. Forgot to thank him, want him to read the forums so i can thank him

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Couldn't say, never had a bandit say one word to me, all I hear is bullets generally.

There aren't a lot of "bandits" left. Mostly just murderers and thats about it.

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My best one would be some rookie trying to take me out in the military tents. Right after I got some cover, I saw him running in the hills in fear. I never saw him again.

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Bandits are murderers whats the difference? Yeah but I understand there are good bandits. I was running into cherno grocery with ten or so zombies behind me and then I start hearing these bullets whistle past my head, turns out a ghillie sniper was hidden in the grocery store trying to shoot me. He ended up taking out the zombies as I screamed "FRIENDLY" into my mic. We teamed up, he taught me basic game mechanics.Nice guy in the end, haha he also admitted to trying to shoot me.

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My best was having a would-be bandit attack me on the schoolhouse roof in elektro. Somehow he got up the ladder behind me and tried to unload his double barrel into my head. Right as he fired, I pressed E and rolled slowly out of the way. I can only imagine the look on his face as he missed a point blank shot to the slowest dodging motion in video game history. Either way, the look on his face was replaced by a crater moments later thanks to my trusty Lee Enfield.

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I found a bandit with flies buzzing around him, probably my best experience with one.

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Some bandits tricked my into following them to their camp so they could kill me and not have to lug my gear all the way there.

I came back later and destroyed all their tents which were full of m4s, m107s etc

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Some bandits tricked my into following them to their camp so they could kill me and not have to lug my gear all the way there.

I came back later and destroyed all their tents which were full of m4s, m107s etc

This is why we need blind folds >:P

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Getting the drop on an AS50 wielding sniper camping the coast and putting a .303 round through his skull. I'd only spawned that character ten minutes previously. The gear he had was handy, although I ditched the AS50 with his body and kept my trusty Lee Enfield.

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The only good bandit is a dead bandit.

Would you like to know more?

Starship Troopers reference? Been a while since I saw that.

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Your tl;dr version is hardly any shorter than the original.

Anyway, I've had some pretty awesome firefights with bandits, but one that sticks out is when I was playing DayZ for the very first time. I wandered into Northern Cherno, having no clue where I was. I heard a car horn and got excited and started to approach, but I was then sniped and killed before I even saw the car.

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A fellow happened to ask on the forums for a medic to bag him. He was down on the coast and I was up in the NW Airfield, but I made the trek down. He managed to make it down to meet up with me, but imagine my surprise when the guy was wearing a balaclava.

Now a good medic doesn't discriminate, but a good medic isn't stupid. I snuck down on him and didn't let him catch sight of me until I was right on top of him, with my M4 at the ready. A quick looksie revealed not only was he a bandit, but he was an AS-50 and DMR wielding bandit. Now I'm a bit concerned. Still, I patched him up just fine, and he not only let me be, he also tossed me some NVGs, some replacement medical equipment, and a bike, and made no attempt to harm me on my way out. He's the kind of bandit this game deserves, the kind that has some decency to em.

Edited by amaROenuZ
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My story goes something like this - In Cherno being shot at so I zig and I zag to the Apts bleeding of course with a trail of Zeds, I get to the second floor and I hear shooting out front, it is them coming to finish me off, I head up another level kneel at the top of the stairs with my sites ready for a head shot, as I am slowing walking back to the wall I go through it (In the wall) I see metal stairs and a door which dont open (I guess the door I walked through) Stairs dont work, I hear walking on the stairs so I stand silently, as I hear them walk by I say in chat in a creepy voice " I C U." turns silent, no movement at all, I say it again and bail. I thought it was cool until I logged in the next day to falling under the building and meeting the Death Screen again, habit for me :)

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