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IF this was an actual game...

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Game purchase only, hosting servers should be a person or group choice. Monthly fees have no place here.

Also in terms of Kickstarter theres already been a game on there with the same premise of this that got funded for over 200% I dont think its as realistic but its randomly generated and has fortification building in it.

I doubt it would hinder the funding on this though.

But yeah in short a one time payment with the same sort of server set up would be awesome. Just as a stand alone or whatever.

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I reckon pay for it once... but don't make it like £50 the main reason you have so many players is because its a free mod... but then again I have seen people complain about basically buying this anyway...

But I would do it studio maybe with the official BIS team!?!?!

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Game purchase - however currently the game would be worth expansion price. I would gladly pay full price for this game if it had more to do than just loot kill loot kill etc...

Studio developed but with strong community input. Like I would hope the people of the studio were the community themselves, if that makes sense?

Both type of servers, why not eh?

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I'd recommend EVE Online's model:

Full price purchase+monthly fee, free expansions and content updates. Also a form of PLEX, if a stable economy gets going.

Studio developed.

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One-time purchase if the game were released with only patching planned post-launch.

I would consider paying per month if significant content updates were released periodically (NOT expansions requiring purchase).

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Studio developed.

One time initial cost of game (possible DLC over the freemium model, purely cosmetic things like skins, outfits, decal sets for vehicles).

Both studio hosted servers, as well as privately run servers to choose from (maybe go with the EA/DICE BF3 model of charging a little bit monthly for the privilage to weed out abuse).

Do a Kickstarter, we want to give you money but you won't take it.

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1. If DLC for Arma 2 I would not pay for it unless it included all the required data from OA and I only had to buy Arma2 then DayZ. Having to also buy OA makes the total price too high. (Already paying 30 Dollars for a game i will never play.)

2. As a standalone i would prefer two pay a one time fee.

3. I would pay monthly but with the type of jump in and jump out game as it is, i don't see it being worth more then 5 monthly.

4. If you do use a (Buy Stuff) Plan, please try to keep it non game breaking, (Majority of the items beings skins ect) It wouldnt be completely horrible if you were able to buy other items as players can kill and take it, but this would need balancing. (Everyone would buy the best gun for X and then loot more then its value in the kills they were able to secure with having X gun.)

Maybe only be able to spawn food/water/ammunition and tools(Map ect...)

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Game purchase only. An open world FFA FPS/TPS survival monster/zombie game would sell like hotcakes.

Unless it turned into an MMO, then I'd consider a monthly sub. But it would have to be greatly expanded upon to be an MMO and actually have a sense of direction. But MMOs of late(the past 10 years) have all turned to shit. So I wouldn't want to see the Day Z experience in an MMO unless it could pulled off "right".

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Single game purchase.

Community AND studio developed. Keep this alpha open to the public to help test for bugs as well as stress testing it.

Why not community and studio servers? Just avoid what Infinity Ward did for CoD by taking out dedicated servers.

Kickstarter... more funding to help back this game is good.

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Game purchase with monthly fee IF that is required in order to sustain servers. Otherwise game purchase and ability to run own servers.

Please stay far, far away from anything free-to-play =)

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Game purchase with Monthly fee if we're talking MMO-size game, Just game purchase if it's a scope moreso along the lines of what it is now.


-Kickstarter (why not?)

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Game purchase only!! (Guild Wars stylez, but if you include microtransactions, they'd better damn well be for purely aesthetic things, different clothes and such)

- Community developed or studio developed?

I dunno, keep EA and Activision the hell away from it at least. They tend to ruin things.

- Community or studio servers? or both?

Probably both, I like the persistence that I assume you can only get by controlling servers, but allowing community servers that are isolated from the central server could be advantageous.

- Kickstarter? or not?

Probably no point... open it up to crowdsourcing I guess, since it wouldn't hurt, but I don't think it'd be able to drive the whole project.

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Kickstart the Hell out of it.. 60K players already and still spreading like wildfire.. I would gladly chip in to a kickstarter..

I would buy the game as a standalone or DLC but im not so shure about monthly kost and HATE ingame buying..

Keep dev in comunity or at least do get a big as studio involved.. they keep F***ing up god games since it dont seem anyone working there play there own games.


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I think the subscription option is doable but I have seen many great games fall because of this so I wonder if it isn't 'too much'. I prefer to have this game stay alive because I am hooked and will most likely be until it dies. I would definitely buy the game without a doubt so you got yourself a fan here :)

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I vote for Game purchase only!

Or a arma exp..

And community developed, with a little help from a studio :)

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Standalone game/DLC purchase only. No monthly fees or F2P, gaming communities that will put up servers are subscription/donation based already.

Standalone - offer long-term pre-orders to generate funding

DLC - Implement a tracking/referral system to show BI/whichever studio, how many people are pre-ordering/buying their engine purely to play your mod. Leverage.

Servers - Community-based, dont overeach/invite headaches by hosting servers, focus on your Player ID/Character server, game development and anti-cheat measures.

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Pay-once for current system. Subsidise master server with merchandise.

You would need a sufficiently drawn out end-game for the other systems. Pay-To-Win would ruin the game experience; Its fun because its dam hard.

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Game purchase


Kickstarter (In which I would contribute when possible in these hard times)

Please don't introduce subscription based model or a Pay for items one.

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Stand-alone game, one time purchase only.

Willing to pay for regular content expansions.

No microtransactions please.

Kickstarter big thumbs up.

Studio developed with community involvement.

Studio servers ONLY.

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Game purchase only. No pay to win.

And: Willing to pay for regular content expansions.

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