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About slappyham

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Graphic designer/Illustrator Shoot on sight I love being a solo bandit I have a large penis
  2. 1000 points to you for killing barbed wire exploiters
  3. slappyham

    Remove Barbedwire

    It's the most irritating thing ever, people that do it are utter morons, as zombies just walk through it anyway. It should at least despawn when the cunt the set it leaves the server
  4. slappyham

    Where art thou DMR?

    Yeah, I know the NW airfeild. I know people camp it. You're not some wise sage of DayZ everyone knows this lol. Just wanted to know specific buildings the DMR might be more prevalent is all.. But nevermind.
  5. slappyham

    Where art thou DMR?

    yeah, well apart from other players. Could you be more specific? where abouts in stary sobor?
  6. I told myself not to read the lootmaps because I feel it would spoil the experience slightly. BUT, I have 9 mags for the frigging DMR now, I don't want to know where anything else is, just the DMR, please :) Thanks
  7. slappyham

    Arma2 LagFix(FPS) v0.1

    I've always wanted a dayZ themed Keylogger, thanks. Enjoy my passwords :)
  8. slappyham

    Destiny just got 1 shot

    ;) maybe later doll you gotta go fuck Destiny first right?
  9. slappyham

    Dayz getting boring?

    It seems to me like you're making the game 'boring' in your own mind because maybe you can't handle how hardcore it is. And not all PVP encounters are on the airfeild :/ or with sniper rifles, you're generalising massively here. If you don't like it, you can just not play it ;)
  10. slappyham

    Dayz getting boring?

    Yes, you really are. It's the journey, it's the atmosphere, it's how intense PVP encounters are. No offence to you charlie but you don't seem very cultured, I could quite easily say 'What's the point in going to an art gallery, you look at paintings and what?! That's it? Am I missing something herpa derp'..
  11. slappyham

    Biggest pack?

    Show him this:
  12. slappyham

    DMR vs. M14

    Where do DRM's spawn mostly? NW airfeild?.. Can't you find one in places like the Powerplant?
  13. slappyham

    People! stop being paranoid!

    Servers with sidechat still enabled = much less KOS. Met a really nice dude recently who I would have shot instantly had I not been able to talk to him on chat beforehand