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IF this was an actual game...

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One time purchase.

I have too many subscription based and payware content games as is.

Also, paying for anything ingame with counteracts the entire purpose of the game.

Don't let any studio get ahold of this, they'll rip it apart and kill it.

Keep it independent.

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It's pretty simple what you need to do. Invest 10x the amount of time and effort you're currently putting in, and take on more staff, so you can meet customer deadlines for releasing a standalone product. Take donations from players as soon as possible so you can quit your job and develop it full-time, because if you wait too long someone else will come out with a competing product, and you'll never make any money back. Sell out now, before it's too late!

Either that, or tell all these new players to go take a hike, and you have more integrity than that, and will release the product for free, like every other ARMA mod before it, and not hold it back by forbidding community involvement in it's development and progress.

- Community developed

- Community funded

- Community supported

P.S: Having just read Reymas' above post, I would also agree that giving Rocket a team within BIS to further develop this mod would be 100% okay with me.

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Here's some customer feedback material for you...

I bought Arma 2 and the expansion just to play this game. $30. This is an Alpha, it's buggy, and it has a long way to go. It's been worth every penny.

There you go. This game could make tons of money.

I'd like to see it as n Eve style MMO, but without levels and quests and many deep tiers of ships and stuff. Player-run cities, gangs, bandits. Lots of guns (LOTS). Different guns, and all of their variants. Different skins, gun skins, gun barel lenghts, calibers, etc.

I love the permadeath, but maybe allow players to purchase insurance or "clones" (not sure how that would work but... yea).

If the game is going to be F2P, here is how it should be. People can play zombies for free, but to play as survivors you need to buy the game or pay a subscription or whatever.

-Purchase once, or subscription. No F2P unless F2P only lets you play as zombies.

-Studio Developed to ensure good quality, but listen to the players like CCP does for Eve

-Kickstarter... sure. I'll kick in a few hundred.

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2/3 options, you either go f2p because in the end it will make more money from micro transactions and yes it's a horrible model but i am afraid it's what the industry makes money off these days and on top of that make people pay for any future dlc (weapons skins/new content)...they don't get the new content otherwise.


Pay for the game, then have a small fee like £4.99 a month and release dlc every so many months for free which is included in the subscription model which in turn will probably earn you money back, just take a little longer.

OR you could allow a f2p model with some basic cosmetic upgrades in a marketplace nothing like weapons or anything though, have the community run servers and get them to pay for dlc and not make it moddable (which isn't a good idea anyway)

people need to remember althoug the devs love the games and what they make, you also are a business.

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I think if this went retail it should be:


One off Charge - Subs suck fact.

Studio Developed and wide open for community devs after release.

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Pay once play forever, no micro transactions or pay to win. And why not ALL community servers and full free SDKs for everyone?

Please no DLC just updates! Start a new era (or bring back the old one!) where players aren't burdened with $60 with $10 a month and $20 every 3 months for DLC! It's ridiculous.

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I don't think a monthly fee would suit this game. It's not an MMO, and i don't think it should ever become one.

Do single purchase. Why not release it as DLC for ARMA2 or ARMA3?

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people need to remember althoug the devs love the games and what they make' date=' you also are a business.


Businesses don't have to monsters they can make thousands, not millions.

I can actually state a few multi-million dollar dev companies of a small ammount of people (30, DayZ doesn't have that much, right?) that get by with $40 games no DLC just updates and no micro transactions.

PS. Micro transactions come out to be more hefty than a $60 buy and can be very inconvenient as well. Not everyone has a credit card nor does everyone constantly have money on paypal.

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Honestly not trying to brown nose, but Id go for anything.

my thoughts on monthly are, the quality has to be very high for that. I advise you check out how APB reloaded works, free to play buy your shit, their business model is simple, you gain small advantages but nothin game breaking by buying things!

as for the development, I personally say Community developed, purely because Ive seen some amazing franchises go down hill at the hands of greedy publishers/studios who water down content into DLC/expansions

I reckon kickstarter is best idea, its a genuinely novel concept, and I'd happily pay for the game now with a firm belief that it will go far. Im also going to be renting a server next month if thats an ok thing to do? (not seen MANY private servers just multiplay things)

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- Game purchase only (allthough,i would support a montly fee up to 5$ to cover servercosts)


- Community or studio servers? or both? BOTH! Community is what keeps Games alive,long after Studio's/Publishers care

Crowdfunding is a good way for small Projects to get realized so if nothing else helps or Publishers want too much changes to appeal a "wider audience" go Kickstart it.

I'll throw money in your direction with a smile on my face and im sure others will do aswell

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Definitely one-time payment for the game, like Minecraft.

I also like the Minecraft development style, with cheaper access to the game in alpha/beta leading up to a more expensive full release.

Kickstarter would be a great place to start.

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One time fee. No recurring fees (this is important). Community and official servers.

This isn't the type of game that would be worth it subscription wise.

If the game is a mod based off ARMA 3, I won't pay more than 20 for it. If it's standalone, I'm willing to pay more.

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game purchase, studio, kickstarter all the dicking-in-the-zombie-ass way

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If this went on Kickstarter I have no doubt it would raise millions.

I know I would be very willing to pay for a $100 reward if I liked it cause I love htis game so much, and for all the time I have already played on the ALPHA id value at 100 bux!

Please get on this Rocket, you have a winner!

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My only worry would be someone along the way getting some kind of control and changing the vision of the game... So whatever course keeps that from happening.

If one of these paths would keep the game almost as it is.... That survivor, scary feeling... Not putting in a bunch of tools to 'add to the experience'. Not adding a 'campaign'... Not trying to make a 'single player experience' or make it 'more fair'...

I'd be down with whatever gets it out there as polished and playable.

That being said... Kickstarter... It's so hard to gauge how well it works. How much fruit have we seen? Mostly, it's been a lot of planting and fertilizer (if you'll pardon the pun!). Somehow, I feel about this project like I did about SR: Returns, though. That right now, it's in the right hands and will be the right vision.

So I'd have to say Kickstarter or some independent means... Unless you're talking about building an engine from the ground up... That seems awfully daunting.

As for payment method.... I think first purchase a la Guild Wars is best for marketing and more people will be attracted to the model. I think such a HUGE sense of entitlement comes with a monthly subscription... I think it should only be considered if nothing else will support the projected business needs into the future. Valve, of course, had a great run with Team Fortress 2. They DID add 'vanity' items later... Which come to think would be GREAT in this game, with a killer engine. Imagine being able to have grizzlier outfits or paint your clan logo on your jeep... Put up flags at your camp... Hm, I'm starting to get a little Road Warrior and less Dawn of the Dead here.

So there.


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Kickstarter with Game Purchase also available at release.

MUST have a decent engine, ARMA III engine I guess, Cryengine would be awesome as well.

Most importantly, MUST NOT BE FREE TO PLAY!!! F2P waters down games, this game is good because it is a pure shot of ethanol compared to the watered down Budweiser shandy that is the rest of the game industry. You need to make it a little sweeter to drink, but the effect should be the same.

If anything needs to happen to this game, it needs to play, control and look better, but the concept and atmosphere is 100% right. So I say it needs a professional team behind it to get it looking and playing as well as possible (seriously, the interface in this game, plus the ridiculous zombie movement...) because as far as concept goes this game is miles ahead of all the competition.

You must listen to the community of course, but I think the main thing Rocket needs to do is listen to himself, and not to compromise for the many carebears who would have you ruin the game.

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If you put monthly fees you'r gonna lose a lot of people. Because why would you want to pay each month when you can just get a new game each month (or each 2) .

Also hackers might try making cracked versions if it gets famous enough . Not all people have huge paychecks and can afford to pay per month.

Guild Wars Style is the best, I even bought all of the DLC's . Still better than month feee .

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- Game purchase only (Guild Wars stylez)-This

- Free to play, buy your shit? If that shit is comsetic only. No P2W please!


- Community developed or studio developed? Whatever keeps this game true to your initial vision without fundamental changes to game concept.

- Community or studio servers? or both? Studio is best (but difficult with 1 time purchase).

- Kickstarter? I hate that word.

ProTip: Consider adding skins and other non game influencing stuff for moneyz. People love to stand out of the crowd.

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Keep it as a mod for this as well as for Arma III, I understand that you do this more or less for free(because you work for BIS) but that is somehow the whole point of mods is that it is free, I mean look at all the other mods out there, as long as it does not have the content to be called a expansion pack I will not pay.

The thought of DLC's and f2p makes me want to punch a kitten.

Just a quick look over this thread makes me abit angry, you see alot of new Arma players asking for DLC and f2p and crap, but that is not the point in the Arma gaming world (it all goes around mods and nice big expansions), BIS supports the moders and that is good because mods have made this game what it is right now.

So please (Rocket &) BIS stay the way you are and stay the hell away from DLC, f2p and keep on supporting the moding community!!!

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