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DayZ.ST - $30/mo for 50 Slot US/EU Servers - FTP - DayZ - Epoch - Instant Setup - Custom Panel - Live Map Tool

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Are we able to use DaRT or any other RCon programs with these servers at the moment? I tried connecting and it says the password fails, looked around online and may have to edit the config file with the password in it to get it to register. Is this true or is there something I'm not doing right when trying to connect?

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Are we able to use DaRT or any other RCon programs with these servers at the moment? I tried connecting and it says the password fails, looked around online and may have to edit the config file with the password in it to get it to register. Is this true or is there something I'm not doing right when trying to connect?

Try updating your rcon password in the control panel, I use DaRT and it works fine.

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Is it just me or can I not delete backpacks in the inventory management screen?

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if anyone knows hows 2 relocate players let me know please.I have a friend stuck in the debug plains

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Is it just me or can I not delete backpacks in the inventory management screen?

Right, backpacks aren't supported yet - it will just show which backpack they have not allow you to remove or modify the contents (yet).

if anyone knows hows 2 relocate players let me know please.I have a friend stuck in the debug plains

Their location is in the 'worldspace' column of the 'survivor' table in the database. You can match their player name to their unique id using the 'profile' database. You can copy the location of another player and overwrite it to fix their position.

Edited by ersan191

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Right, backpacks aren't supported yet - it will just show what they have not allow you to remove or modify the contents (yet).

OK, keep up the great work, loving everything so far.

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Right, backpacks aren't supported yet - it will just show what they have not allow you to remove or modify the contents (yet).

Their location is in the 'worldspace' column of the 'survivor' table in the database. You can match their player name to their unique id using the 'profile' database. You can copy the location of another player and overwrite it to fix their position.

Do i need to restart the server?

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New map feature: Right click to spawn vehicles! - consider this a BETA! It does not yet work on Internet Explorer (working on it)


Edited by ersan191

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You can send us an e-mail at admin@dayz.st with the lines you want to add to the scripts.txt/createvehicle.txt/etc. - working on a way for people to do this from the control panel. FTP access will also solve this problem.

If you can tell me which lines they are I can remove them, the line numbers don't match up to the script restriction for some reason so I don't know which is which - here are the originals: http://code.google.c...se/#git/filters

Ok. I will wait for FTP acces, so I can do it myself.

I did not find these lines from that link you posted but my scripts.log is full of these lines -->

#128 "ht","_menu","_config","_type","_script","_outputOriented","_compile","_uiControl"];

#139 "z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf";

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Ersan : can you add the Police Car in your list of vehicle? ;) and do you have a timeframe for the 2 other option in the menu: building and object? :)

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Ersan : can you add the Police Car in your list of vehicle? ;) and do you have a timeframe for the 2 other option in the menu: building and object? :)

Who are you gonna pull over for speeding? :)

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Update to 1.7.3 ???

Just got up, looking into the new HiveEXT and trying to find the official hive files since apparently the link was wrong - will be available soon.

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I love when I'm playing and out of the blue there are new features added to my map :) You are doing a great job! Just wondering if you have an ETA of when you can look at the buildings problem? I tried everything I could think of and still wont let the server load when using the buildings and instance_buildings tables, and my deployment only works for like 1 building. I'm loving the new features and how fast you are putting stuff out.

Edited by Traeyu

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What just happened? My server went down and it appears my instance_vehicle database got wiped as there's nothing in it... trying to use the backup on the control panel and it does nothing.

Edited by Sinoco

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I am having exactly the same problem my server has been wiped also.

I noticed the server has been updated to latest version of DAYZ 1.7.3 and patch 98220, all my vehicles are gone and replaced with default spawns. I have tried to backup from a previous database and nothing.

I am sure this is just a tempory clitch and Ersan is working on it, but I really hope I have not lost all my vehicles.

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Okay all servers updated to 1.7.3 - looking into the vehicle issues, i do not recommend restoring from backup at this time - wait for me to determine the problem.

What they did is require every vehicle to have a spawn point in the database (in world_vehicle) - if your vehicle was not at its spawn point it was deleted. I'm sure I can come up with a way to add spawnpoints for vehicles that didn't have them from a backup, just give me some time, working on it.

Also the map tool isn't working yet, it will be soon.

Edited by ersan191

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I can't turn off or restart my server right now and everyone is stuck at "wait for host"

EDIT: Works now, thanks.

Edited by Traeyu

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Probably a glitch, i know that today, I switched back to chernarus rMod cause Lingor 1.0 doesn't quite work well with rMod (actually had to use the chernarus version with a few errors but the lingor version kept giving a missing anmation error, but the chernarus version worked) and now with the new update, I get the dreaded black screen that says the server is running the wrong version contact dayz staff and none of my friends can get on either. This new map spawn thing looks pretty cool especially buildings, I wonder if you can use the extended vehicles on any other map besides chernarus + rMod. I wish that FPSRad would port rMod to the other maps beside .34 lingor and chernarus.

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Okay all servers updated to 1.7.3 - looking into the vehicle issues, i do not recommend restoring from backup at this time - wait for me to determine the problem.

What they did is require every vehicle to have a spawn point in the database (in world_vehicle) - if your vehicle was not at its spawn point it was deleted. I'm sure I can come up with a way to add spawnpoints for vehicles that didn't have them from a backup, just give me some time, working on it.

Also the map tool isn't working yet, it will be soon.

Is it not working in general, or just the new vehicle spawning feature? I can see the map, and it looks okay, but I don't get the right click menu.

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Is it not working in general, or just the new vehicle spawning feature? I can see the map, and it looks okay, but I don't get the right click menu.

Yeah I fixed the map tool but disabled the right click for now until I get it fixed.

There's a problem upgrading to 1.7.3 where it deleted any vehicles that weren't at their spawnpoints, I've written a script that will re-add the vehicles and create new spawn points based on where they currently are (this is the only way to get the vehicles back unfortunately) and applied it to all of the servers.


If you don't want so many spawnpoints on the server you have to manually remove them, the ones added will have an id of over 10000. If you delete a spawn point you must also delete the vehicle associated with it, so you can either map the vehicles to the spawn points manually or just delete them entirely.

In this version of bliss (4.0) vehicles are required to have a spawn point (aka an entry in world_vehicle) or you cannot add them.

Edited by ersan191

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My server is now working fine.

The majority of vehicles seem to now be working correctly and back in the database.

Very pleased with the quickness and solution to the service. If I was still with my previous supplier (SS) my server would not be working for a week

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Yeah I fixed the map tool but disabled the right click for now until I get it fixed.

There's a problem with 1.7.3 where it will delete any vehicles that weren't at their spawnpoints, I've written a script that will re-add the vehicles and create new spawn points based on where they currently are (this is the only way to get the vehicles back unfortunately) and applied it to all of the servers, there are a few outliers that did not work but if your old vehicles are gone please try restarting your server.

In this version of bliss (4.0) vehicles are required to have a spawn point (aka an entry in world_vehicle) or you cannot add them.

If we manually change the default spawn points in world_vehicle, they should stay that way, correct?

Also, I think the time on the server is screwy. It's nightime even though always daylight is selected.

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