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Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

Barbed Wire  

  1. 1. Should we remove barbed wire?

    • Yes
    • No

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just a simple reminder as to why this feature needs to be removed for the time being.


Why exactly? Because you suck at games?

Makes perfect sense.

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No, keep it in the game, but make all barbed wire vault-able/able to climb over, and fix the bugs.

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Why exactly? Because you suck at games?

Makes perfect sense.

Well, that escalated quickly. I'm sorry if I threaten your trolling ways in DayZ by pointing them out in the pic I found.

Btw, before you throw this at me, i'm not a kid, nor do I play COD. The last COD I bought was COD2, and that was the last good COD there has been in the series.

Edited by LeYuno

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just a simple reminder as to why this feature needs to be removed for the time being.


you do understand that your inability to climb over is not the reason for removal right? it's probably the glitching... since the "blocking off stuff" is something like a feature of barbed wire, but only because you cannot kill it and eat it.

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Some people use B-wire for practical reasons so I vote to keep it or at least bring it back for the stand alone.

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Yes, if you don't plan to change their 'behaviour'. (or if they cause graphic glitches for example, not sure if they do)

No, if: -zombies will not get through them, or atleast be slowed down

-they dont break legs (bleeding maybe, % chance)

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Only if it causes bugs.

I hate them as hell and never use them myself, but I like to overcome them as obstacles, whether I have a toolbox or not.

I also think they are valuable for bandits setting up killzones or traders setting up safezones.

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Looks like the incapable have been victorious. Go ahead devs, bend to their will.

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No, I like putting it in front of deer stands.

I don't get this. That would'nt stop anyone from getting into it. In fact I have never, ever been stopped by barbed wire...you just use the "Step Over" command, eventually you will get over it.. Also, with a deer stand, all you have to do is acces the "climb ladder up" action, so you don't even have to get past the wire.

Anyway, on the subject, I don't mind either way so no vote from me. I would only vote No if it caused Perf probs. And if Dean is asking then it probably doesnt.

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only if it is causing the graphics glitch

Edited by moriak

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No way! I dont even use it, but its part of the game being frustrated when you see a place locked and you dont have a toolbox

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So they should remove it because of your incompetency? That makes sense.

Hey, the next time you crawl up to that body in prone, try pressing G. Also, try questioning your own incompetence first; his point is valid, yours is not (nor is the size of douchebag you're being).

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yes, unless a player w/ a toolkit can remote it--permanently, not just until next server reset--easily (without having to aim at an inaccessible spot in a wall).

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