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Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

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Great news Rocket, thanks for devoting time to some of the most annoying bugs/issues. Looking forward to being challenged by a new breed of Zombies! (EDIT: err...is it "Infected" now, not "Zombie"?)

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I love what your doing with this mod Rocket, its nice to see someone not following the mainstream like every other game developer. Really looking forward to the update :)

btw, will the "disconect to avoid death" be fixed in this update?

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I hope you include a way to stop people asking for every little thing in this thread!

Oh, wait....

People of Earth. How this works is you just wait and see what's in the patch. Listing "will it include.....?" won't magically get it included. Wait and watch, don't whine.

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I see alot of questions about what this update will fix, read the first post!

You can't expect the patch notes to contain what will not be fixed in the patch.

Rough outline of what to expect in the pending update.

I will update this as more stuff is put in. Changelog will then follow it.

Performance and Optimization

- Reduction/elimination of the new server lag. This is caused by the ArmA2 server expecting immediate response from the central server. Vehicles are the main cause of this' date=' as whenever they are damaged everything stops while the server ensures this is recorded in the database.

- Bugs fixed that were possibly causing very significant netcode overhead (will need mass-scale testing to verify this).

[b']Infected Behavior

- Infected can no longer see/attack through walls.

- Entirely new mocap'd attack and running animations


- Additional Idle Infected sounds

- Revised Attack sounds

- Many new action sounds, including IV, bandaging etc...


- This update will REQUIRE the beta patch, so it is worth installing this now and getting used to it.

- Read up at the BI Forums about the beta patch install. It's pretty easy.

Also servers will tell you when they reboot or when you try to join, that the update is out.

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plz fix the tents also.

its ridiculous if you cant place a tent in a wood or even on an open field....

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rocket you totally watched SideStrafes new DayZ video^^

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I hope you include a way to stop people asking for every little thing in this thread!

Oh' date=' wait....

People of Earth. How this works is you just wait and see what's in the patch. Listing "will it include.....?" won't magically get it included. Wait and watch, don't whine.


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No more getting smacked through my brick fortress by a Zed!

Lurvely :D

Also looking forward to seeing the new Zed animations :D

Now all we need is tents.. well, there is probably many other things... but tents would mean I could finally choose a home server :D

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absolutely fantastic!

Zeds not attacking trough walls, thats awesome!

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No more getting smacked through my brick fortress by a Zed!

Lurvely :D

Also looking forward to seeing the new Zed animations :D

Now all we need is tents.. well' date=' there is probably many other things... but tents would mean I could finally choose a home server :D


Errr, I have 4 tents in 3 different servers right now, don't know what you mean with that.

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Errr' date=' I have 4 tents in 3 different servers right now, don't know what you mean with that.


If your ingame name is similar to yours here, you might have one emptied since the last time you played. :D

Nah I'm joking.

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Great if the lag will be fixed. Cars added so much to the game, but the lag is annoying. Sometimes even really bad. There were three of us riding a boat. Me and the other passenger warped in and out of the boat. As we came to shore me and my friend were swimming in the middle of the ocean. All gear gone. Then another time i jumped in a boat, thinking it was safe to go by my self. As i entered the boat, my guy sank in the water before warping to the drivers seat. when i got of the boat = no gear. Not sure if this problem is related to the lag issue. I hope so and that this patch will fix it. This happened with a car too, but nothing got lost as my friends appeared in the middle of a field as soon as they exited the car.

Great mod. Honestly i dont think it needs too many new features. It will offer a lot of fun gaming as it is, if some of the worst bugs got fixed. On the other hand, this mod has ALOT of potential. Im just not sure how far they can take this as a mod. I hope BIS will allow you to make a full retail game with the arma3 engine. Singleplayer coop play, with a good story. Maybe about the first weeks of the plague. Then a multiplayer mode, where fans can make their own missions and the main thing: free world surviving mode, much like the mod in its current state.

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Can't wait to see: Entirely new mocap'd attack and running animations!.

Can you tell us who did them? So when I say: HAHAHA that Z runs/hits like a girl! I can put a name to it? ooo :P

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Errr' date=' I have 4 tents in 3 different servers right now, don't know what you mean with that.


If your ingame name is similar to yours here, you might have one emptied since the last time you played. :D

Nah I'm joking.

So it was you? :@

yep, same name :D

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Hi Rocket. Love the mod, and thank you!

If you happen to read this, the biggest bug that scares me is that, whenever you wear camo or a ghuille suit, you might spawn in the middle of the ocean in 1.7. Do you think you will have a fix for this, too?

Thank you!

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Peeps, whatever is in the patch when it gets released will be in the changelog, give the man a break ffs!

Nice work btw, the zeds attacking through walls was a little annoying :p

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