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About chronologger

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. chronologger

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    How are those new mo-capped infected running animations coming along? We noticed you implemented new animations for the hoppers (they look much better by the way) but I'm sure you said the regular infected were getting new animations too right?
  2. chronologger

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    * [FIXED] Sometimes infected will stand still after loosing line-of-sight I assume this means they now do what they're supposed to and begin investigating where the player might have buggered off to? Another question related to the infected, just how exactly do they go about "investigating"? Do they look for tracks, subtle sounds (like distant footsteps) and the like? I've heard some people talking about them being able to smell you..
  3. chronologger

    New zombie AI not fun.

    Well actually that's all me and my group did for the time we played, we stealthed everywhere through towns as a group of 4, made it from cherno to stary and we're still alive, so there's that.
  4. chronologger

    New zombie AI not fun.

    When the zombies were as, quite frankly, harmless as they were before the the last few patches, THOUSANDS of people complained that the only thing fun to do in the game was PVP and that's the reason why everyone was killing each other. People complained that the game wasn't fun because it had become a "deathmatch" and zombies seemed to have little impact on what went on between the players. Rocket responded by making the infected legitimately harder to deal with so there would be some incentive to play cooperatively and now people are complaining the game isn't fun because the zombies are too hard. Personally, I can say that rockets solution worked for me at least, I have taken part in more cooperative play with randoms recently (just in the last 2 days) than I ever have in this mod because of the recent changes. Playing coop with a bunch of randoms using nothing but direct chat VOIP has made the game more fun for me than it ever has been before these last few patches. I never played coop before these patches because I didn't need to and I had fun and managed to survive without it, now I do need to play coop if I want to have fun and survive, so now I play coop, it's that simple. You want to survive and have fun in this mod? Then fucking adapt. Ever heard of evolution? That's what evolution is all about, the most evolved creature is the one that can adapt the easiest to a changing environment. This mod isn't about catering to all sorts of different play styles, it's about that one word, SURVIVAL. Get with it.
  5. Same on my end, hatchets/crowbar "ammo" dropped whenever I pick something up and pretty much every server I am joining crashes and restarts shortly after. Pretty frustrating, what's even more annoying is my character doesn't save before the server crashes causing me to lose any recently acquired loot. I trust that rocket will provide us with a hotfix for this soon, as right now the game is pretty much unplayable because of the constant crashing, but then again, considering the actual improvements and features added to the mod recently I couldn't blame him if he took a night off from coding, he's a hard working man that rocket.
  6. chronologger

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    As Reggie would say... My body is ready.
  7. chronologger

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    I don't have many complaints about this update, just that the zombies seem to respawn ridiculously fast, I lost a good 3-4 day character to a horde of about 30~ zombies that kept respawning near a deer stand, every time I thought I had taken them all out I would turn around to be greeted by the next batch that had spawned. I wasn't too annoyed by it, I expected zombies to be a little harder with this update and really even if there were 30 zombies hanging around a deer stand I wouldn't mind, the only thing that bothered me was the fact they were spawning in as I was killing them.
  8. chronologger

    IMPORTANT: Central Server was Dropped

    Hah, nice one, can't wait to see the hacker tears flooding the forums.
  9. There are PLENTY of seriously good reasons why it's beneficial to play as a survivor (if you can manage to earn the trust of other survivors), there's just not enough reason not to kill people, and there should be because in reality, believe it or not, whether you're in a post apocalyptic world or a Utopia, if you kill innocent people it will definitely affect you negatively in some way or another, most likely mentally. People kill other people for a reason, it's because they're insane, and I just want the game to reflect that.
  10. You're missing something though, it's still a matter of choice, nobody is forcing bandits to play as bandits just as nobody is forcing me to play as a survivor. There are SERIOUSLY big disadvantages to playing as a survivor (as you should know) but I push through them because that's how I want to play, why is it so impossible for anyone to expect the same from bandits, why shouldn't bandits have disadvantages too, because as things are right now, I really can't see any. It's a choice just like any other. If you choose to venture out in the rain, you might get a cold. If you choose to skip over the next town along your path, you might run out of food and starve. If you choose a sniper rifle over an assault rifle, you have a higher chance of attracting infected. If you choose to be a survivor, you'll have to judge whether or not someone is worthy of your trust (a gameplay element that would remain even if rocket did add the crows or perhaps the PTSD effects). If you choose to randomly kill survivors for their loot, you will suffer the good and the bad affects of your decision just like any other decision in the game. What exactly is wrong with this premise??
  11. But this mechanic IS an incentive to play as a survivor. That advantage being you wont have to worry about a flock of birds following you everywhere you go. It's not that much to ask is it? Considering the advantage of being a bandit is that you never have to worry about how you pick your targets.
  12. You completely avoided my point about how there should be at least SOME kind of negative side-affect to killing people regularly, that's what's important here, that's what this discussion is about.