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Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

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He said:

I will update this as more stuff is put in. Changelog will then follow it.

So please be patient. I'm sure thing's like that will be worked on. If not, deal with it and be happy with what, if anything, we do get. :P

When I tell you guys who did the mocap' date=' you will shit bricks.

And no, it wasn't me.


ooo damn you! Now I'm even more curious!

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what's a mocap?

what does it mean?

what is it?

what does it do?

I've achknowledged it stands for motion captured, but what does that mean?

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good stuff, let hope we get it quick since zeds hitting you from the other side of a wall is pretty boring ;)

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When I tell you guys who did the mocap' date=' you will shit bricks.

And no, it wasn't me.


"...Bill [...] Murray!?!"

(Just couldn't help myself) Best. zombie. moment. ever. And those rules really do work kids, they really do...

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what's a mocap?

what does it mean?

what is it?

what does it do?

I've achknowledged it stands for motion captured' date=' but what does that mean?



That don't explain anything, gee. Quit being such a lamer.

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When I tell you guys who did the mocap' date=' you will shit bricks.

And no, it wasn't me.


The only person I can think of who's well renowned for his mocap work is Andy Serkis.

Surely that can't be the case.

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Rocket. What about the Infective never loosing aggro. This must be a major problem, I had cars run past me with tons of zeds after them and it completley locks up. And they never seem to give up.

Ok, they are hungry for flesh, but maybe not that Hungry.

Oh and the god damn duping? We must have like 10.000 tents on EU20 by now.

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Holy shit does every person who wonders something just write "WHAT DOES MO CAP DO!?" without reading the thread? Fucking lazy.

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what's a mocap?

what does it mean?

what is it?

what does it do?

I've achknowledged it stands for motion captured' date=' but what does that mean?



That don't explain anything, gee. Quit being such a lamer.

You might be joking or trolling, but here:


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Ok' date=' they are hungry for flesh, but maybe not that Hungry.


Zombies don't tend to put that much thought into how long it's going to take to catch up to you and kill you, they just want to kill you no matter what, 100% of the time.

Makes sense to me.


Oh, well then, seems like the new patch disagrees with me.

Fair enough, zombies are supposed to be a bit dumb after all, not all that impossible to imagine being able to give them the slip.

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what's a mocap?

what does it mean?

what is it?

what does it do?

I've achknowledged it stands for motion captured' date=' but what does that mean?



That don't explain anything, gee. Quit being such a lamer.

You might be joking or trolling, but here:


I don't understand what that has in to do in relation to anything.

some person dancing around in a suit?

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I don't understand what that has in to do in relation to anything.

some person dancing around in a suit?

That's EXACTLY what mo-cap is.

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what's a mocap?

what does it mean?

what is it?

what does it do?

I've achknowledged it stands for motion captured' date=' but what does that mean?



That don't explain anything, gee. Quit being such a lamer.

You might be joking or trolling, but here:


I don't understand what that has in to do in relation to anything.

some person dancing around in a suit?

FFS man. Someone (probably an experienced motion capture actor) did the NEW infected moves. This is, this guy's moves were recorded and will be implemented in the latest patch. That you see in the video is how motion capture sessions look like.

Is it so difficult to understand?

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Sounds like some awesome improvements, looking forward to see the new zombie animations.

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Kinda hoping GabeN did the mocap


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Since rocket was at e3 until recently' date=' maybe some well-known videogames dude :D

(GabeN = BOOMER)


Nah man, Gaben did the Tank mocap:


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Does this means that Zeds will no longer be able to "clip" through walls as well? It was kinda disheartening last night when I finally got a character fully set-up the way I wanted, only to be killed by a Zed that I never even saw while talking to my girlfriend on the phone for a minute. :(

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I know this may not be directly DayZ Mod related, but is there any chance (since BI is spamming a lot of betas recently) that BI addresses the "easy" hack ability of Servers?

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