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Fraggle (DayZ)

Underrated Weapons

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Got another thing to say on this thread.. the mk48 is awesome and all, but don't shoot it in a town...


This gun is a zombie spawner, I entered the church with 5 zombie kills, left with 71.

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I love the mk48 mod 0, I'd love it more if I could find another one! I feel that the FN FAL is very underrated. It has very nice iron sights and in three round burst mode kills everytime. It looks great, barks like the hound of satan and is just plain cool. Ideal kit: FN, M24/DMR (no preference, love em both) and an M9sd for dealing with zeds and I am am happy camper.

I only got my mk48 of a player I killed, do they only spawn at the barracks or can you find them in heli sites?

I've never actually seen one spawn! Someone from the [TMW] clan gave me my current one.

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I've never actually seen one spawn! Someone from the [TMW] clan gave me my current one.

Ive literally never seen one full stop. Im pretty sure the MK48MOD is the only weapon I haven't seen in the game at all.

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Got another thing to say on this thread.. the mk48 is awesome and all, but don't shoot it in a town...


This gun is a zombie spawner, I entered the church with 5 zombie kills, left with 71.

as long as you have a few box mags it's pretty much impossible to die from zombies with that gun. you could have 50 running at you and ud just mow em all down, firing from the hip haha

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Mk 48 Mod, found one at a crash heli site and didn't bother to pick it up.. If only i wasn't a noob back then :(

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M249 is my favorite weapon by far. I almost never see anyone with one. It's like they're non-existent.

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I think the most underrated PvZ weapon is the revolver. For some reason, it still drops zombies in one shot after the nerf, making it a wonderful tool for shopping.

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M14 is pretty underrated, same with the FN FAL.

Mk 48 is my favorite weapon no doubt, but I don't think it's the best.

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Another one that I think a lot of people rag on is the CZ 550. It's pretty common (although some people seem not to be able to find them at all) and so is the ammunition for it. It's a pretty decent weapon.

I've still not seen one, and to be honest, I don't even find that much CZ ammo either. I'm not too lucky with weapon spawns though, so its not surprising.

I've never actually seen one spawn! Someone from the [TMW] clan gave me my current one.

I thought they were heli crash spawns only. I've only seen one, and that's where it was. Still kind of wish I had taken it.

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I used to get the CZ550 all the time. I swear they changed the loot tables on them, because I never come across them anymore.

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The double barrel shotgun. I remember finding one with Thermal+nightvision scope yesterday and I shot this 3 snipers at Skalka from Elektro.

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i still find CZ 550 all over the place to be honest. I rarely make it up to my camp on the way back from the coast without runnin into one. Seems more common than the Winchester for me.

And as far as the Makarov goes, it's inaccurate. You'd be better off with a Revolver :(

Edited by amaROenuZ

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This has turned into your favorite weapon or something? lol.

Anyway most underrated for me is the Bizon, thing shoots so fast it cripples people quick.

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Underrated? Definitely the winchester and the lee enfield.

Easy to find. Basically one kill. (Doesn't really necessarily kill a player with the first hit, but will generally punch them unconscious, which is effectively the same as being dead, as the second shot will finalize the deal). Winny also has an adequate rate of fire.

They also have a decent effective range. Obviously nothing compared to sniper rifles, but if you aren't an elektro hill sniper bandit, but rather run around scavenging towns, then it's not really sniper rifle you are looking for anyway.

I don't know why I ever started hoarding those crappy assault rifles and sniper rifles anyway... Been doing much better in fights after changing back to just using lee enfield and winny. One shot kills are the way to go.

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I fell in love with the FN FAL recently.. not the cheesy one with nvg, the iron sight one.

It's just too bad there is not much ammo around.. good thing it's usually tucked away in my pack in favour of the hatchet. ;)

As for sidearms.. I'm torn between the m1911 and the PDW.. but since the 1911 is pretty common, I'll say the PDW because of the fact you can pretty much stick anything short of empty tin cans in it and it will shoot. :)

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Depends on what I'm doing. Personally my favorite load out I had at one time. M249 SAW with 2k rounds for it (entire back pack full of belts) after hitting two heli's, NWAF and stary apparently was my lucky day. Side arm was an M9SD had 9 mags for it. It was my favorite load out because at the time the SAW didn't aggro anything past 180 meters and I could kill well outside that range. Coupled with having a sniper friend. I had bullets for dayz (Horrible pun I know) then it ended with an invisible teleporting hacker when I was in the north east quadrant of the map.

After that I ended up with an MK 48 mod 0. Less damage but way better aiming mechanic. Still packing an M9 SD Makes for one hellva support character. Camo'd to help hide me with my ghillie its my love in the game! I've seen people just run away after I've started pulling the trigger in stary. Not even shooting at them just start killing zombies over by the tents, well ok sling a few their way. Again ended with an invisible hacker M4SSD from behind. Side note when I got shot I spun around and started shooting like in the move predator, apparently this took the hacker by surprise as he gave us our stuff back after we died.

AKM I think is under rated it is my personal favorite go to gun. Before I had SAW like guns I used that to cover my sniper buddy. With up to 13 mags and spares being left behind zombie hordes made me giggle. Highlight with the AKM...right after the change to zombie aggro not ceasing if you aggroed in a building they didn't stop. We got 176 zombie kills in a one room house, taking turns re loading getting flooded with aggro. Finally with like two zombies left he was running outta ammo, side arm M9 SD pap pap, no more zombies.

After getting three people into the game and doing the raiding thing a lot, trying to give tips here and there. I have found it more beneficial to just shoot until you're dry picking up all of one type of mag that match (generally AKM AK or STANAG) what ever I end up with the most before I go dry I switch to a gun with that ammo type. (I've recently left an L85 thermal in stary, should been a nice surprise for someone)

I've gone through so many different guns. I find the Kobra the best Ak-47 variant. It doesn't need zeroed so much as you use the dot at 300 hat thingie at 400 real nice touch.

Out of everything that might be considered under rated...have to be the revolver. The iron sites on it for some reason just equal win.

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I personally prefer the various AK74s, sure it's damage isn't the best but it's audible range is low and that is one of the most important things for me. Common ammo, simple to use, 1-2 hits on a zombie - suits me down to the ground.

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It packs a decent punch, and the noise it emits can be hard to hear at times.

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