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Better drink my own piss

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Died of thirst when I spawned in debug land, I want to start a petition to be able to drink your own piss.

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With what? shouldn't you have to have a tin can or empty bottle? Or do you wanna drink it straight from the tap?

Empty piss bottle would be kool

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With what? shouldn't you have to have a tin can or empty bottle? Or do you wanna drink it straight from the tap?

Empty piss bottle would be kool

Jarate, anyone?

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man

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Wouldnt that be a neat addition to the game.... oh no, cant find any mountain dew... thats ok I have a tin can and a full bladder.. What would the downside be... apart from drinking your own piss

I so wouldnt want to eat a mars bar in the game though!

Edited by hunterkilla

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if Bear Grylls can. why can't we? im sure we can find some kind of snake to gut and use it's skin as a flask.....

If Bear licked the anus of a monkey.... would you....? that man has trained to do disgusting stuff...

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Infected Piss in water bottle.

Leave for another person.

New person infected too.

Infected piss person win.

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Do you mean... this?

It jarates me off!!


Edited by Thadeum

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"And when we ran out of food, we ate cockroaches..."

"And when we ran out of cockroaches, we ate sand..."

"You ate sand?"

"We ate sand..."

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Your piss is probably better than the most likely infected water of those stagnant ponds you are filling up your water bottle with.

As a trolling method it would be great piss in bottle leave in loot pile.

It would also have to introduce a bladder system and the need to stop and empty it every so often.

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Les Stroud is a REAL survivor, not like that fake ass Bear Grylls, drinking piss and eating raw(living) shit, lol.

Edited by sarkasm0

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