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Your stupidest death

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I was waiting for my partner to return from AFK so I went to lay down between a bush and a rock. I pressed z, character automatically did the running dive, wedged himself in between the bush and a rock, long ways. Ended up breaking legs then my health dropped to 0 almost instantly, before I could react.

Lost NVG, Rangefinger, SVD Camo, Coyote pack, etc etc... All that I had taken off some asshole sniper in the night =D

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Worst death: running south/west from kratsno trough som forrest i the pitch black night, a dear stand zed find me and manages to hit me once befor it dies..

I ofc start to bleed.. only to find that i have no bandages.. &!"#%!"#!" after running like mad towards the first hous i can find on the map.. a good 2k away.. i Eat all my food... to no awail.. die a good 400 meters short of the barn.. Lost M4 cco all all the standard gear, big ass coyote pack.. which had my brand new M107 rifle... Start running back to the location after spawn only to find the server restart when im 1K away.... Epic fail night.... But only my own fault.. should never have ran in the night with out enough med supplies...

Most annoying death: Eaten by a tree while preparing a ambush on two players... Noobs saved by killer trees... That would be a nice headline in the cherno post......


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I was looting the southern barrack at NWAF when I stumbled upon an M4A1 SD...

"Sweet Jesus!", I thought to myself.

Unfortunately, it had no ammunition and I personally did not have Stanag SD magazines. So, off I went to loot around the hangars, firestation and northern barrack to find some!

After my first fruitless search, I moved away and spawned into another server to try and get different loot.

Nothing in the northern part of the airfield. Let's go South!

Almost immediately upon entering the barrack, I make the mistake of being too much to the right of the "tiled room" door.

I was crushed to death by a door. I never got to fire my prized possession. :-/

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it was pitch black and i was in one of the no where little towns looting. i had recently started using the cross bow which actually is a great weapon for killing zeds with out alerting the rest of them.

after a while i start to hear foot steps that are not zeds. they are to in frequent and there are no moans coming with them. i realize that i'm either right on top of another player or i'm being hunted. i side on be hunting to be safe. so i start to hunt the guy who is on my ass.

laying prone i see him in the distance, but before i make my move i hear silinced rifle fire and the dude just drops dead.

now here is where i fucked up. i could of ran. i didn't even know if the dude with the silenced weapon was on to me but he surely had been hunting the guy hunting me.

i peak around a corner thinking i've got a real shot to bring this guy down if i see him. he may not even know i'm here.

i see him and i raise my cross bow only to be blasted in the face by the silenced weapon. he dropped me.

i'm so busy cussing that i don't even realize until i can hear him on top of me that i'm not dead yet. i try to pull out my makarov which if i had been holding i could have already used on the guy. he see's me move and finishes me off.


I tried to kill a guy with a gucci silenced weapon with a cross bow. it didn't end well.

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Ladder kill, but not the normal kind, and after the ladder fix was in.

On that big southern island is a boat house. I was in there checking for fuel for my PBX, and I stupidly decided to climb the ladder to the second story, kind of a big shelf. Nothing.

I climb back down the ladder and discover that the floor isn't designed wide enough. My character sloooooooooowly sunk into the water. Miraculously, my pack doesn't fall off. Unmiraculously, it falls off after I swim about 3 meters. I can see my stuff, in about 2 to 3 meters of water, lying on the bottom as I tread water. Sigh.

I turn about, thinking that I'm worse off than starting over, when I bump against the side of the boat house... Instantly down from 12k blood... To 3k. Eff it. I just swam up on shore and started emptying my 1911 into the local zombie population until I passed out, was swarmed and died.

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Chard' pid='92058' dateline='1339441877']

Been playing Arma a long time and can avoid most of the normal killer-gliches. Pro-Tip' date=' carry your frags in your backpack and leave a slot open for them in your main inventory to allow you to grab one or two just before combat. That'll save you from dropping one at your feet by mistake like a previous poster mentioned.....I'll keep a smoke on me for speedy escapes, but frags are just too dangerous.


Nice tip about the frags did it myself went to drop smoke next thing BOOM right between the legs came back off a wall... Ha

All i could say is you "bleep" "bleep" muppet

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My stupidest death was crawling around on some rocks in a ghillie suit I had just found, with a winchester that would not have been good for sniping anyway. Feeling all snipery and stuff (I hate snipers and don't even remotely have the necessary patience).

Needless to say, the glitchy rocks first broke my legs and then my spine.

That's what I get for playing sniper.

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probably the only small wooden bridge on the entire freaking map & I decided to crawl under to take a look & hid from a Z close by, I was crouched instead of prone, smacked my forehead on the bridge support & knocked myself out, was not able to regain conciseness before a Z ate me... true story.

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"Stupid death, stupid death; they're funny 'cos they're true!"

Horrible Histories?


Just me that watches it with the daughter then?


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Was inside the med tents of Balota. Got an AKM, bincoulars, and had an ALICE pack with some great stuff. I had to kill some zed in there, and actually had to use both of my bandages (got hit once and started bleeding, twice). I had everything though, and was ready to leave. I had to make sure to find bandages ASAP. Opened the entrance gate of the tent area. The gate I opened flew right at me, breaking my bones, making me become deaf, and worst of all, I started to bleed. No bandages anywhere, and I soon died. All because of a fucking gate.

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Stupidest death for me would have to be when I alt+tabbed out of the game and when I clicked on DayZ to maximize it again my character got stuck firing his lee enfield into the air and before I figured out how to stop it I had already aggro'd everything within a couple blocks of me. :)

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At NW airfield, me and 2 friends were getting shot at by like 3 to 5 bandits, i went to flank but my first stupid decision was that i did not go out enough and i was basically running at them and although i was in a forest area i was still pretty exposed but the worst part was I had alt tabbed for a minute while standing up in front of the bandits...

I had just found an m240 too, did not even get to fire it :(

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I had a Mk48 with 4 mags, NVG's, GPS, M9SD and an MP5SD in my Coyote Backpack, with all the gear anyone could ever want.

I was cruising around the north of the map, looking for heli crash sites in hopes of finding an LA85 (my second favourite rifle ever) and ducked into one of the northern towns to grab some beans and drinks, I found some strangely spawned mid-air just outside a building, but it was JUST too high for me to reach, there was a dog house right next to it though, so I thought I could maybe climb on top to reach the loot.

I went up to the doghouse, pressed V. Passed out with a long timer while bleeding and having broken legs etc.

It was a bad day.

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Tryed to jump the barricade with the angled pallet on it with my bike,.. it looked like the sort of jump, with enough speed, you'd be able to do a back flip with.

turns out its more like a wall.

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Smoke grenade surrounded by zombies tossed a nade in the middle.... wasn't far enough away and took myself out :D Damn realistic nades!

Tried to recover kit but only the noise of flies on my return and no body :huh:

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While exiting Devil's Castle a single zombie was alerted to my presence.

After missing his head with my G17 he hit me once and knocked me out for over a minute, during which I bled to death.

Coyote, M4, Etc.

A legitimate death, but sucky.

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Have been teamkilled twice :D Once by alt-tab and once by desynch. If you alt-tab out of the game and click on the game to get in to it again your gun might fire, which my head found out :D

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>Walk into apartments

> 2 zeds aggro'd

> got hit 3 times

> get broken bones + bleeding AND unconscious for 12 fucking minutes.

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Tryed to jump the barricade with the angled pallet on it with my bike' date='.. it looked like the sort of jump, with enough speed, you'd be able to do a back flip with.

turns out its more like a wall.


Made me LOL.

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>Walk into apartments

> 2 zeds aggro'd

> got hit 3 times

> get broken bones + bleeding AND unconscious for 12 fucking minutes.

Happens quite a bit, usually get hit through stairs/walls...

Anyways mine happened yesterday, I introduced a few RL friends to DayZ a few days ago, and felt obliged to make their lives a little easier (I was out collecting alot of the tools mostly maps/compass/watch for them to have an easier way around the map.

Then a server glitch/hacker made everyones primary/secondary and inventory disappear, so I was running around weaponless, finally found myself a winny, and heard/saw some poor guy in a treestand who aggro'd tons upon tons of zombies. Due to my good nature, we exchanged brief words saying "friendly" went over to help him. As soon as I got within 25 yards he stopped firing at the zeds, turned around and shot at me, missing most shots, I sepertined back across the open field, and just before I made it back to cover I hear my character grunt and die due to a headshot.

I suppose I had it coming, you don't run into too many nice people these days. <_<

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