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About Marcarco

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  1. Marcarco


    Died aswel, lost 2600 zombie kills.
  2. Marcarco

    Global ban #0ba9

    Just incase
  3. http://youtu.be/JarrzGWW1PY?t=1s
  4. Marcarco

    10 murders in 7 minutes

    camping in the treeline of elektro Not really amazing.
  5. Marcarco


    Server's mostly announce when they restart the server on their MOTD, their there is always a warning message if they do so.
  6. Marcarco


    People could exploit it to shit; Log out in combat, log back in and make use of the 60 seconds ''godmode''
  7. Marcarco

    Can you have more then one character?

    Simple: No. No need to explain.
  8. Marcarco

    Stuck in limbo. What is this {video}

    You did make use of it, stealing someone else's gear/weapons
  9. Marcarco

    DayZ in 30 Seconds

    He died with 12k blood.. wat.
  10. Marcarco

    What's your longest survival time?

    I know my ways to survive. I have like, a few tricks to know if there are survivors nearby, mostly i stay at the outskirts of towns until i know it's save. I raid in groups (Have a community with 20 man). I try to avoid stary sobor, NW airfield and zelengorsk most of the time, yet i go over there to look for some good loot and ammo. (I basiclly already have everything but whatevs)
  11. Marcarco

    What's your longest survival time?

    28 days, still counting up
  12. www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUTlR5_q2bs
  13. Marcarco

    Stuck in debug forest with good gear

    That still doesn't help me with the fact that i am stuck in the debug area, besides: I rather do it manually.