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Your stupidest death

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I was on top of the largest building in Cherno with a CZ sniping people. I saw one guy in the fire station on the second level, I could see him through a window but he was a little to the right. I proceeded to fire, I saw blood and some movement. I couldn't tell if he died or not, because he was to the right of the window. So like an idiot, I tried to 'lean' left while prone to see his body, which caused me to roll off the edge of the building, ~200 feet to my death.

Instant karma

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Yesterday I was jogging through a field south of Stary and saw another survivor maybe 300m away' date=' run...


lol, never a better tale of humility :D

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I'd been alive for a few days, completely kitted out and happy with my life in the countryside I decided to change my video settings. Bought up the Options menu, then clicked Respawn by mistake.

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had a van people I was with where like lets go to the coast and repair our van. There are places up north that we could've done the repair work, but I play with retards. we get to the gas station I'm pulling REAR security a guy with a mak walk into the gas station walks up behind me and kills me because two of the people im with go off to try to find parts we don't need now these to retards aren't reporting their location so my buddy with his SAW dosen't know if not to shoot the guy walking up to the gas station the guys ends up shooting me in the back because retards don't know how to play the game

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1) Fell through staircase and died

2) Fell from climbing a ladder leading to a deer stand. Broke my legs and had no morphine to heal. I was extremely far from any towns, cities or lootable buildings so I had to suicide.

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1) Fell through staircase and died

2) Fell from climbing a ladder leading to a deer stand. Broke my legs and had no morphine to heal. I was extremely far from any towns' date=' cities or lootable buildings so I had to suicide.


Wuss. I broke my leg walking into a building a few days ago, and I had no morphine. I crawled 2km to the hospital on the NW outskirts of cherno. Only took me an hour and a half. ;)

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1) Fell through staircase and died

2) Fell from climbing a ladder leading to a deer stand. Broke my legs and had no morphine to heal. I was extremely far from any towns' date=' cities or lootable buildings so I had to suicide.


Wuss. I broke my leg walking into a building a few days ago, and I had no morphine. I crawled 2km to the hospital on the NW outskirts of cherno. Only took me an hour and a half. ;)

I rolled a good mile til I stumbled upon the hospital in berno

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Wasn't me personally, but last night a friend I was playing with tried to go from crouched to prone on the edge of a roof. His character enthusiastically did the usual lunging-forward prone animation, hurling himself off the building and resulting in a prompt death.

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Took a swan-dive off of the radio tower at green mountain "think i hit V" was 3.5 weeks in... Aaaagh :angel:

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Aggro'd at least 20 walkers during a solo scout through a larger town... Started sprinting towards the big church where I planned to hold up and pick off the Z's at my leisure (my favorite pastime :rolleyes:)...

Only problem once I stepped inside the church, I discovered to my horror that some a-hole had put barbed wire across the inner entrance way of the church. :@.. No way to get over it and no way back through the mob of angry undead warping through the door after me....

Didn't even get a chance to empty all of my pistol mags. One more survivor becomes zombie-tar-tar. :angel:

Tragic... What a way to go....

Been playing Arma a long time and can avoid most of the normal killer-gliches. Pro-Tip, carry your frags in your backpack and leave a slot open for them in your main inventory to allow you to grab one or two just before combat. That'll save you from dropping one at your feet by mistake like a previous poster mentioned.....I'll keep a smoke on me for speedy escapes, but frags are just too dangerous.

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one of my early lives I managed to farm the NE for a couple hours getting an m16/203 with a few grenades for it. i decided to check the tower one last time then i heared a makarov popping outside, i simple waited under the stairs but i hesitated and got shot in the head as he ran through the door, i was going to say 'friendly!, im just leaving', but it was too late. from now on i shoot first :(

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rolled off the tallest grain silo building in cherno. feels bad man

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Buddy threw a grenade instead of a flare. I had told him not to take the thing with him.

I was killed by a server-bomb at 11 days.

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Second post.. this one wasn't my own death, but it warrants mentioning. A friend and I were looting a barn/warehouse combo when he decided to stand up and RUN from a hopper that had picked up our trail. After bombing it into the warehouse at full speed, we unload into about 20-30 zombies, making quite a ruckus.

I tell my buddy to hurry up and stop looting the bodies, we have to get moving. He persists on checking zombies for beans when I look behind me and see some wonderboy with a crossbow looking at me (presumably cross-eyed) out in the open. Well, I never agreed to be nice so I pop 3-4 slugs in him and tell my buddy that it's REALLY time to go.

Then I hear the sound of someone popping the tab on a fresh coca cola. I sneak around the side of the warehouse to find wonderboy's partner just by the entrance.

During an assault on an occupied position, wonderboy part deux decides to crack open a cold one. Thank you for saving my life. Oh, also, we shot him. A lot.

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Was alive for a good week. Had an M24 and M9 SD, along with a kit that included just about every utility barring NV goggles. (Map, binocs, knife, blood bags, etc.)

Group of people that I'm with commandeer a jeep and we all load up. Driving around the countryside, all is well. Until we stall out on a low rock wall and explode after 15 seconds of confusion.

I can handle death, be it in a firefight or Zed infestation. That death was totally demoralizing.

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Was alive for a good week. Had an M24 and M9 SD' date=' along with a kit that included just about every utility barring NV goggles. (Map, binocs, knife, blood bags, etc.)

Group of people that I'm with commandeer a jeep and we all load up. Driving around the countryside, all is well. Until we stall out on a low rock wall and explode after 15 seconds of confusion.

I can handle death, be it in a firefight or Zed infestation. That death was totally demoralizing.


Heh, I have a similar story. I had an M107 and a silenced M9 with the works (Excluding NVG's of course).

Well a buddy and I found a truck that we finished repairing in the dead of night. As we were travelling through the fields outside of Berezino, the truck stopped all of a sudden. I got out and checked to see what we were stuck on. We hit a low lying wall that wasn't noticed because of the darkness. I hopped back into the truck and BOOM. The truck explodes (I still have no idea why) and I'm left with my jaw on the floor question the meaning of life, eternity, and all that resides in it.

I haven't quite been the same yet. I'm still confused about the whole thing.

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yesterday I was on top of some building, and I dropped like 2 feet onto the walkway below. I never 'landed'. I just stood there like I was falling, and slid down like 50 feet all the way down to the end of the walkway and fell off. The fall made me pass out, and I died from a zombie eating me.

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Me and a friend got to Devils castle on a motorbike we just spent about 2 hours repairing....climbed up to the top of the tower got to the edge, instead of pressing C to crouch I pressed V and casually vaulted over the castle wall and fell to my death....

Had a camo m3 cco, coyote pack and pretty much everything else you want. Plus a motorbike....

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First live ever in the mod. Spawn at beach without knowing anything about gear and game dinamics... Heard some gun fire close to me and saw two guys taking down a small z'd horde, I join them and a kill a couple of walkers. They invite me to follow them and we arrive to the builiding close to a giant yellow crane in north outskirts of cherno, we loot and continue to the city. Few meters forward a zed appears and the two guys hit the ground, I do the same, but the zed keeps coming close. I didt know that when crawling is almost imposible to be seen, so I panic and start running away. Of course the zed saw me and started the chase, with some of their friends. By now you should know how it ended...

But the best is this one. After the story of above, I did some tests that obivusly resulted in death, but I learned some things bout z's, so in my third life after begining, I managed to stay alive 4 days, looted lots of farms and towns, had nice backapack, GPS, knife, matches, M1911 plenty of ammo, and a Ghilie suit, even I scavenged the NW airfield and found a M16/203 with 5 mags in the southern barracks of the base and made out alive. I only lacked some NVGs to be the ******** badass...

Well... but I needed to change some keyboard config coz I was having conflic with the GPS and the online players screen...

So I hide in some bushes with my great ghilie, press Esc key, and the ******* mouse, as if it was alive... goes to the button nexto "Options"....

"Respawn" End of game. Not a single warning, confirmation window.. nothing, just death...

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There was that one time when I didn't think properly and ran over the edge of the first floor of a barn thinking I could save a bit of time by landing on the bottom of the staircase.

I broke my leg, a zombie outside heard me - seconds later I was zed lunch.

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I died next to a cash register for no reason. Just dropped dead. I think the game thought I was killed by the terrain like I fell or something, since it was a tight space.

But worse death? I lived at the NW Airfield for around 4 days. Had several encounters with other players, including two guys that tried to jack me in the end I was unscathed and they both lay dead at my feet. All that time in such a dangerous place. In the end I was killed by one lone zombie who pinned me in against a wall who was invincible. I put an entire M16A4 magazine into it at close range and nothing affected it. I had a bunch of great gear. NV Goggles, M16A4 ACOG, like 9 magazines, plenty of food, water, and medicine, all the tool items.. Alice pack. What a bitch way to go for such a lame reason. :/

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