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If they removed backpacks!

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What would happen if you started without one and every backpack in the game was removed? I personally think it would make the game much better as you would really really have to choose what the most important things are. Fx "Do I take a can baked beans or do ammo for my gun?" just imagine how fucking awesome it would be.

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90% of current DayZ players would quit.

Having a backpack isn't just extra storage. Its an easy way of transferring items between players. Its a way of letting team-mates access medical supplies so they can fix you up if you go down (I always keep 1 bandage, 1 epipen, 1 morphine and 1 bloodbag in my backpack so even a freshly spawned friendly can fix me up if I'm too screwed up to do anything). Its a temporary resupply point when you're defending a position (drop your own backpack, take another backpack from a vehicle, load that backpack with ammunition needed, drop it at the position you're defending, go back and pick up your own backpack). Its a loot hording point (drive in with vehicle, drop off empty backpack and group of looters, drive away to a safer location, looters add found loot to backpack until full, vehicle comes back, parks next to backpack, loot is transferred quickly from backpack to vehicle). Its a trap! (place high-value backpack in high-traffic areas, wait with sniper rifle aimed at backpack - or for more hilarious results, put a satchel down first then put the backpack on top of the satchel)

Edited by MykeMichail
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i dont think they should be removed, but i would like to see you spawn without a backpack and make back packs really rare.

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Ohmygerd, what if they removed bandages?! How awesome would it be if you started to bleed out and couldn't fix yourself up! So then you would have to chose your battles wisely, oh man, how awesome would that be!

That's essentially what you just posted, and I feel even more stupid for reading it.

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i dont think they should be removed, but i would like to see you spawn without a backpack and make back packs really rare.

Backpacks, or other luggage, in reality are not uncommon.

In my room right now I have two satchels and two backpacks of varying sizes.

Any department store would have dozens of backpacks/satchels/etc.

Speciality stores would have dozens of backpacks stocked.

Go to any house with school-aged children and you will find atleast one backpack (either mini sized for the little ones or adult sized for high-schoolers).

Any house with university students - you will find either satchels or backpacks.

Go to any camping store - more backpacks.

Army Disposal Store - more backpacks.

Its not like a backpack is some super rare item which only regular campers and dooms-day preppers own.

Why make something so common in reality such a hard to find item in game?

Sure, adjust what a backpack can carry (for example, you can't fit a fricken car tire in a backpack!) but removing them/making them rare is just stupid.

Edited by MykeMichail
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Yo what if like you had no inventory at all? Maybe 2-4 slots to simulate pockets, but then you could like put in sweat pants into the game which have no pockets but make you chafe less which reduces your irritated groin stat (something they could put in!). Yo mad decision then man...

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Remove backpacks entirely without implementing any viable alternative? I'd quit.

Remove tents on the other hand....

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If you want to do something usefull remove all the silly high end weapons

In a world that had just gone t**s up you would not find them because they would be locked in military bases.

You might find a few normal infantry type stuff on bodys etc but no rare stuff


A few more variants of backpacks would be better so the big ones can be extremely rare

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Go to any house with school-aged children and you will find atleast one backpack (either mini sized for the little ones or adult sized for high-schoolers).

Charlie team, be advised you've got a bandit wearing a Barney the dinosaur school bag heading towards your location..looks like he may have a Thomas the tank engine canteen too.. feel free to take the piss before engaging. over

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If you want to do something usefull remove all the silly high end weapons

In a world that had just gone t**s up you would not find them because they would be locked in military bases.

You might find a few normal infantry type stuff on bodys etc but no rare stuff


A few more variants of backpacks would be better so the big ones can be extremely rare

And people wouldn't raid these military bases, why? Most of the government seems to have vanished. The military seems to have tried to quarantine the area and they would bring their weapons with them, but failed(best place to start would be an airport imo.) Not having a backpack in a zombie apocalypse is the most(YES I AM SAYING IT) unrealistic idea I think I have heard yet besides people wanting to add ghost. Also, you need to ask yourself, how do you think your survivor has survived until this point? He has one bandage no, weapons, food, drinks, etc and yet he seems to have been doing fine. They don't even give enough of a back story to tell us how long this outbreak has been going on for. If you are running around a city or country with none of those items, you wouldn't survive very long, but yet our survivors did before we took control. Of all the things they should remove, you choose a backpack...SMH. Stop giving bad ideas and really think about it before you even suggest it.

Edit: I could agree with who posted about no rifles in a backpack, but if you want to be more realistic and just be able to break down a weapon, then it could fit inside a bag.

Edited by Ajvkorn

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I just think it would make the game way more intense. I agree 100 % that they should remove tents though.

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I would be all for no backpacks on spawn, would make the 6 slotters have a use. Have been killed during loading a few times this past week, and I must say spawning without any gear is kind of cool, although the flashlight is a must if you spawn at night, atleast until they get the lighting sorted for the standalone.

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Charlie team, be advised you've got a bandit wearing a Barney the dinosaur school bag heading towards your location..looks like he may have a Thomas the tank engine canteen too.. feel free to take the piss before engaging. over

wish I had a Thomas the Train canteen :(

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I'd rather see an encumbrance system added. It's not impossible to carry a rifle on your back and one in your hands but it's going to slow you down with it's weight and make you're movements a bit more awkward. A simple restriction in movement speed would force players to choose what they carry and loot.

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Backpacks, or other luggage, in reality are not uncommon.

In my room right now I have two satchels and two backpacks of varying sizes.

Any department store would have dozens of backpacks/satchels/etc.

Speciality stores would have dozens of backpacks stocked.

Go to any house with school-aged children and you will find atleast one backpack (either mini sized for the little ones or adult sized for high-schoolers).

Any house with university students - you will find either satchels or backpacks.

Go to any camping store - more backpacks.

Army Disposal Store - more backpacks.

Its not like a backpack is some super rare item which only regular campers and dooms-day preppers own.

Why make something so common in reality such a hard to find item in game?

Sure, adjust what a backpack can carry (for example, you can't fit a fricken car tire in a backpack!) but removing them/making them rare is just stupid.

im aware but what i ment is make the big ones like alice and coyote rarer, it would be more interesting also spawning without a backpack would be even better. food is also common i have alot more food then backbacks in my house i hope you do the same, by your logic houses and supermarkets should be stocked with food and not just one can if youre lucky. just saying its stupid that a big pack like alice is so common and the coyote is so much rarer..its just 4 more slots. alice pack should be same spawn chance as coyote just in residential and not military only.

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Charlie team, be advised you've got a bandit wearing a Barney the dinosaur school bag heading towards your location..looks like he may have a Thomas the tank engine canteen too.. feel free to take the piss before engaging. over

Brilliant :D

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Coyote packs are rare...Once again, they are duped. Alice packs on the other hand are in abundance. Really wish people would understand how many items in this game are scripted in/duped.

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I agree that you shouldnt spawn with one.

How about removing guns?

I would much prefer running around Chernarus with an inflatable banana.

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