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About Nick2389

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Interests
    DayZ, Waiting for Resident Evil 6 (on PC), KOTOR 2, FO:NV, Weight Lifting, Waiting at the loading screen of DayZ

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  • Bio
    22/08/12: Couldn't find a single gun

    27/08/12: Finding too many guns lol

    I have killed people who came in immediate close proximaty. However, teaming up with someone who doesn't put 2 caps in my spine would be pretty cool.


    Update: 25/08/12

    Too many times have I died at the hands of (survivors). In entering contact I will now track all survivors and watch their movements. If I think you are a threat to me or other survivors you will be dispatched.

    Bandits will be executed on sight.

    Update: 04/09/12 (Reached Day: 3)

    Living completely off the grid and only move into towns & heavy-popualtion areas @ Night.

    17 Mags of STANAG & 6 Mags of G17. Plenty of food, drink & medical supplies.
  1. Nick2389

    Why are people so mean?

    all people generally are arseholes either all or most their life
  2. Nick2389

    DanZ - US 2301 - That Firestation

    If you have DayZ Commander you can go to the Search function and type in his name. If he is still under that name his User & server details will pop up. From there you can add him as a Friend and see what servers that dude is on.
  3. Nick2389

    DanZ - US 2301 - That Firestation

    Double Post Sorry
  4. Nick2389

    Problem with the new Update

    You could try using the auto-installer that comes with DayZ Commander. It has been foul-proof for me
  5. Nick2389

    Computer Build

    Haha no problem. It should run DayZ pretty well indeed.
  6. Nick2389

    Computer Build

    Looks good to me. Good enough PSU for the GPU & the RAM & CPU are correct for the Motherboard. Happy DayZ gaming :thumbsup:
  7. Yeah. Thanks for that. I need more coffee lol
  8. Put your game in windowed-mode* then stretch out the program window until it's full screen. You now can play DayZ on full resolution with 0 artefact problems. Obviously you might see a tiny perforance drop because it's windowed
  9. Nick2389

    Good times

    Damn, I knew I should not have drank those 2 Mountain Dews lol
  10. i'd definitely be knee-capping survivors to get even a few feet more distance between me & the horde of zombies. . .and i don't kill survivors for fun! Fantastic Idea!!
  11. Nick2389

    trading dmr and svd mags

    9/10 Chem Lights (Green)
  12. Nick2389

    BattlEye Ping too high

    US 1234 has a ping limit of 2000 so you could give that a go. I play on that server at least 2 times a day
  13. Nick2389

    The Truth - A Guide to Surviving Hackers

    Is it me or do Hackers in this game largely resemble Agents out of The Matrix in their ability and arsenal of attack. On the Matrix Online, particularly, they just used to randomly spawn in and were near unkillable and had powers that bend but not break the game's rules. DayMatrixZ
  14. Nick2389

    AS50 Near Death Experience

    Sounds like a battle to remember (even more so for them lol!) They clearly thought they knew their enemy and they fucked right up. Damn good work if I may say so soldier lol
  15. I decided to raid the fire station and thought the top floor was a deathtrap but couldn't resist the goods. The first AS50 round was close. Then i made a break for the near Workshop and the second AS50 round actually hit the inside of the room about 2 foot away. Then i decided to peak outside the double door frame and the third AS50 round hit the door frame less than 0.5 seconds before i stop peaking right. It was less than 1cm away from hitting me in my shoulder. I think that's enough DayZ near death for this hour! lol (O-O)!