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Shoot on sight!

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lots of players wish for everyone to be friends and help each other out, but when you get END game gear such as AS50's and FAL's killing zombies is just boring and seems wastefull. however getting the statisfaction of shooting someone at range is more thrilling.

People that run after helpless survivors with Makarovs and hatchets are only doing so because they had most likey been killed by someone with good gear and need revenge and take it out on someone they can actualy kill. when really they should be teaming with them to take down the snipers with the good gear.

thats my view anyway.

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Being friendly is nice :)

Myself and group of about 15 random people with 3 cars gathered at the Elektrozavodsk powerplant for a car meetup.

We danced, we killed zombies, we made sweet love.

It was beautiful.

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If i saw someone iam so happy that another people is alive :) I dont even think to shoot him or her..iam just glad to see another survivor:)..but most people is like americans...shoot first,ask twice..

Friendly at all time(but if you start shoot i put you in the ground in sec.)

What's with the racist comments towards Americans?

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I recommend all friendly players to never be the one who shoots first. Only responds to fire if others shoot at you. If two strangers meet and they both are following this principle, there will be no danger to either of them.

For me, one of the most interesting part of this game used to be (and still is) encountering strangers and sometimes teaming up with them. This idiotic "kill on sight" attitude just takes away that part of the game. :(

I see it a bit differently. If there was nothing to be afraid of from other players it would become a game about collecting items and killing a zed here and there. Sounds boring to me. The player element is what makes the game edgy since you don't know what the other one will do at any given time.

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For sure, I wouldn't want a bandit free game but some survivors clearly shoot on sight regardless. You need bandits to keep the tension. Pinning two guys in the supermarket in Electro was ace, every time they popped their heads up I let a few rounds off. To their credit the did kill me when I bum rushed them, lol.

Anyway, I'm not a very good bandit, I've already let one guy go.

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The player element is what makes the game edgy since you don't know what the other one will do at any given time.

Yeah you do, you know exactly what. SHOOT YOU IN THE BACK :P

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I do not KoS, I have, but only a few times, a long time ago. I've enjoyed survival horror since 1996 and to me I'm playing an enormous survival horror mod, and part of that is surviving the murderers, and bandits.

Also, I am not a jaded FPS maniac so shooting/killing zombies in different scenarios is still fun (though not particularly challenging).

Once people organize properly, I believe the Good guys will vastly outnumber the Bad guys. I'm hold up in the woods until things pan out more.

Things will likely take some time to develop depending on changes that happen through the mod, and when stand alone is released.

I am tempted to hunt solo bandits, or maybe a sniper with one spotter, but it seems the humanity mechanic is still not working so I haven't taken that leap.

I have assisted noobs a couple of times, which was nice, but I find making contact too risky in general.

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Any person who happens to come close to me unarmed gets one warning to get lost or they receive one bullet to the brain. Especially those newbies who follow you around and keep yelling in their high pitched voice to "team up" and then find a pistol and try to kill you.

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I see it a bit differently. If there was nothing to be afraid of from other players it would become a game about collecting items and killing a zed here and there. Sounds boring to me. The player element is what makes the game edgy since you don't know what the other one will do at any given time.

I don't know if you were here during the time when bandit skins were not yet removed, but it definitely was not boring. Even if you don't have everyone killing you on sight, it doesn't mean you wouldn't need to be afraid of other players. :) Back in the day when kill-on-sight was not yet common, we had very scary encounters with other survivors and groups. Sometimes the encounters ended up positively, some other times they ended up in gunfight/massacre after both survivors held each other in gunpoint for a while.

I guess my main point is that with the "kill-on-sight" attitude, none of these encounters happen anymore. When majority of people are just killing each other before even trying to communicate, it really gets boring quite quickly. Right now the re-introduction of bandit identification and hero skin seems to be slowly helping to make strangers to communicate before shooting, and hopefully eventually majority of players will stop killing each other on sight.

As for bandits, most interesting bandits would be the kind who would come to you with a group, hold you on gunpoint and ask you to drop all your gear, and eventually leave you alive with no weapons or gear.

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I never shoot on sight and, to be honest, that policy wouldn't have helped me the last two times I have died. Both occasions saw me sniped before I saw my killer.

I would love to team up with a random stranger but the suspicion around a persons intentions means that the chances of getting close enough to discuss such an arrangement are slim. Most of the time if I see someone in the distance, I skirt around to where they are trying to keep some distance and cover between them and me. Most of the time, they are gone by the time I get near to where they were.

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i'm sure the fact that it was night made it easy for her to recognize your hero skin and m249

Normally you would be right, but Cherno was lit up like daylight due to a chopper smashing into the International Hotel. Besides, even if the couldn't see me too well, would you fight someone at point blank range with a revolver vs M249?

I would have tried and make the survivor answer trivia questions, and if they lose they get a grenade to the face. Much more entertaining than killing on sight.

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It all depends on how my day has gone,

Log in this weekend and our heli crew and the truck get attacked by some skidmark 13yo and the nights activity is now recovering the team from coast spawns and getting geared back up.

While grabing a friend at solonitchny on the dirtbike 2 other new spawns are on the s end of that town. 1 sees the bike and i dont think he had eyes on me, wookie with a 248, and hes comes running full speed 200 meters away with zeds in tow.

I dust the zed train and i hope he gets the idea that the bike thing is not going to happen, he does and dives down prone in the field.

Now the other guy hears the shots and does the same thing, zeds all down he decided not to hold at some distance and make contact, just full speed run in. My squadie has no weapon and has not grabbed the m4 from my pack. bang hes down, sorry bro.

Next day geared up our team takes the scoobyvan down to kameka to load up the starter tents on the shore there for us and any fresh spawns to grab some gear and i see a chick running N after a cow.

On direct comms i am telling her/him to wait up, we can help and finaly get the player to stop. The player did not have a MIC, you need one gents, but with vehical text chat we get the player back to the starter tents, hand him a m4 halo with 3 mags, and send him along with general instructions.

Short version, dont be a threat and make contact on voice down on the coast, maybe it goes ok for you. Anything N of the stary sober polana line dont bother trying to chat if you have a wookie outfit and a m4 cco sd :}

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If you complain about PvP in a PvP based game you are an idiot.

Just sayin...

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Just been watching some videos on YouTube, Dayz obviously. I think I may have slaughtered a hero this afternoon, only my third murder.

Bugger I feel guilty now. :(

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I'd rather be the exception to the rule, and put up with the consequences. My DayZ "life" is not worth transforming myself into a common douchebag.

It's not like I'm gunshy- bandits are KOS. However when it comes to survivors or heroes I have no problem going out on a limb to make the entire game that much more interesting.

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The QQ in this thread is too strong!

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I still let new spawns and low armed players pass as long as they are not being aggressive (which usually means they have not seen me) and do not actively hunt players unless I am in a group. There is not much to do besides kill other players though so I do not see much of a problem with the current state of PVP in the current game, just hope the standalone addresses this fact and adds incentives to teaming up and not shooting on sight. It will still happen and we should be glad because zombies are easy, but it would be nice to not have to kill every player with a makarov who decides it is a good idea to shoot at the guy holding an M240 (have three kills in the last two days where guys shot first with a pistol, they deserve death for the stupidity).

Just realize many people do not find the current PVE all that interesting and are seeking a challenge after exploring the map, sure it sucks for new spawns and those who are new to the game but what can you do.

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.... There is not much to do besides kill other players....

I don't mind surviving alone, stock piling ammo, and working on vehicles.

When you do this all alone, it takes a lot more time.

Edited by BioHaze

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I don't mind surviving alone, stock piling ammo, and working on vehicles.

When you do this all alone, it takes a lot more time.

My group actually prefers to not go player hunting except on certain occasions, but the current vehicle problems make fixing vehicles a pain and somewhat of a waste of time. With the duping problem breaking the balance it is not hard to gear up, and if you are like my group you made a camp that is now replicating itself (on accident we did not purposefully dupe gear) making high level loot runs somewhat of a waste. We fixed up a total of 9 cars this weekend and lost two to restarts and three to crashes, but we still have two offroad trucks, a hatchback, and a van but I expect all to be gone on server restart. So my question is what is left to do, kill zombies?

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Why is it some people who play this mod think they have a right to live? If you do not respond to me in the Team Speak I am on, you will die. Plain and simple.

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I've been off and on camping and road tripping for the past 3 weeks so a bit out of the DayZ loop.

Last night in DayZ my buddy and I were playing for the first time in a while.

We were in a buiding and someone was outside calling "friendly", don't shoot, I"m coming in. I face the door of the barn with my SAW and watch, guy comes around the corner and has a shotgun pointed in.

Friendly or not, if a gun is pointed at me and it's not the buddy I play with and know in real life, I shoot. So I killed the guy as he yelled he'd be back for us.

I felt a bit bad but DayZ is dangerous times lol. We both learned early on in DayZ back in May that you shoot before asking questions or you get killed. More people are trying to use the direct chat to communicate and say friendly but that has still gotten me killed. I base my shoot decision now on whether there is a gun in hand and where it is pointing. If they don't present an immediate threat we back off and warn the other guy to back off. Pointed gun, even if it's an accident on his part, and it's shoot on sight.

My question is about the bandit and hero skins. The guy that came around the corner seemed to have bright green camo on. What does a hero skin look like and what does the bandit skin look like?

Edited by Slyder73

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If you complain about PvP in a PvP based game you are an idiot.

Just sayin...

If you turn a sandbox game into a PVP based game you are an idiot.

Just sayin...

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Thought this was a Zombie Survival Game....should of known. PVP on a sandbox game like this takes no freaking skill.....want real pvp pick any of the well known FPS and TPS games..

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