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About x13x

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. aswel as the big rpoblem in this video there was also many many many ammo boxs around it. i think people have been abusing it beacause i searched them to see if they had anything i could use as evidence but all i found was 10 m24 rounds and a as50 round. (they where discarded as sea). ALL THIS WAS ON DE 992 02/09/12 23:30. i dident see anyone spawn these as the server was empty when i joined. PS the lagg was the server, not me.
  2. x13x

    Killed By a Mountain

    Last week i was nearly killed by a tent, however this week i think the tent had recruited a mountain to finish me off. i had died and had just gatherd my spare equipment from my tent.
  3. x13x

    Where are NV Goggles?

    Because of the high demand for NVG's many payers world hop to aquire them, that cross with the fact they are a 0.11% change of spawning means the best possible news i could give you was to keep looking at the airfield. the airfield has many good military locations and because of this many high geared players go there to restore ammo for the weapons. hanging around and hunting them may be your best bet or if hunting isent your thing then joining a low populated server thats night (for example 0 players and 3am) and equping your torch and looking in a barracks could work for you. hope this helps because NVG's hard hard to aquire, so keep at it you will get em sooner or later.
  4. seen this before on citylife mod.
  5. i would of but he was AFK :(
  6. In addition to that on the same server i seen this once i left the barrcks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AVF8I-N250&feature=youtu.be[/url[/media i would also like to post that the server was FR117 at around 14:30 and i was fine when i relogged and my body was still there. but this dident effect my humanity or murder-count.
  7. i spawned in before onto a world inside a barracks room in the airfield i walk out the room and see someone that looks AFK just looking at roof, so naturaly i shoot him and kill him and get a message saying x13x was killed by friendly fire. at this point im thinknig WTF but it gets more messed up. i got to loot him am find that he has the same items as my both in bag and inventory. so it seems i have some how cloned my self and killed him becasue there was a dead body that had all the same gear as me. any thoughts on this matter because im really confused. EDIT: POST FROM BELOW In addition to that on the same server i seen this once i left the barrcks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AVF8I-N250 i would also like to post that the server was FR117 at around 14:30 and i was fine when i relogged and my body was still there. but this dident effect my humanity or murder-count.
  8. haha i was speaking about vaulting over fences and such that brake your legs and leave you to be eaten by zombies
  9. posting this to see how many people believe that V is dangerous and how many people have been killed as a result of vaulting.
  10. x13x

    Best Gun For Close Range Players?

    if your looking for the best gun, i would look at something like: Bizon PP-19 SD MP5SD6 But if you want something thats good and resonably obtainable, then i would suggest: AKS-74U M1014 im not sure about pellets, to me i have instant killed with pellets but im not sure how much damge they do. Remington 870 (Flashlight) same as above about pellets, the reason i put this in is if you planning on playing in dark. the yes no weapons: AKM easy to get, lots of power and good fire rate. however its loud and very large so turning in tight spaces can be a problem. FN FAL same as above but with more power. plus very rare heli find. M240 great power with firerate to match and a large clip. easy to spray hell into a crowded room. very big, rare and loud Click the links to see there wiki page for more information. hope this has helped
  11. x13x

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Can i ask as it will be a standalone game would we see this leak onto consoles?
  12. can i ask how these are being obtained? the only way i see it is your scripting these items into the game or hosting a server thats not part of the Hive server and that has differnt rules regarding Dayz. i ask this because you have gained these items legitly, the because of high demand you must have lots of stock and hold these items within un used player files or in tents. even then these items are mostly very rare and to collect a good number you must have done somthing dodgey to aquire them such as server hopping. this could all be legit and acceptable, but i think you can agree with my logic of how odd this seems.
  13. This guy has made i valueble point the majoritity of dayz scripters, hack not because they want to cheat but, because the game had messed them about with stupid glitchs and such. once the games problems have been resovled i can imagine a Huge drop in the amount of modders/hackers.
  14. i got a tent few hours ago and decided to place near too the airfield to store ammo and weapons for my friends. but when i put down the tent i some how warped into the middle of it which broke my leg and knocked me out, then it pushed me aside like a used coke can. the moral of the story is dont piss off a tent because he had eaten your gear, he will attack back.
  15. x13x

    Shoot on sight!

    lots of players wish for everyone to be friends and help each other out, but when you get END game gear such as AS50's and FAL's killing zombies is just boring and seems wastefull. however getting the statisfaction of shooting someone at range is more thrilling. People that run after helpless survivors with Makarovs and hatchets are only doing so because they had most likey been killed by someone with good gear and need revenge and take it out on someone they can actualy kill. when really they should be teaming with them to take down the snipers with the good gear. thats my view anyway.