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The petition to keep DayZ HARDCORE (standalone)

Keep DayZ hardcore?  

78 members have voted

  1. 1. Want a challenge?

    • Yes, I enjoy a challenge
    • Nope, it's already too hard

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I really really hope rocket sticks to his guns for the standalone.

There seems to be a pervasive attitude among game devs that you need to cater to everyone, they think it'll get them more sales overall.

When in fact it normally does the opposite, alienates those who like hard, unrelenting play and is still too difficult for the more 'casual' (trying to use nice words) players.

Take COD for example, it doesn't pretend to be anything it's not, it's piss easy, fun and requires almost zero skill (debatable, but please don't get off topic, I mean as compared to DayZ or Arma).

That's why it's a hit.

That's why DayZ has been a 'hit' as a mod, it's the antithesis of those instant gratification shoot em ups and those carebear MMO games that don't let you do shit.

It's true sandbox, PvP and it's HARD.

I want DayZ to stay hard, in fact I'd like to see it become harder.

It's by far the most exciting game I've played in 10 years simply because I can get popped at any time.

The carebears that don't like that are pretty much the root of the festering hacking problem we're seeing at the moment.

Once standalone shuts that down, most of the crying will end because they'll leave for good.

Who's with me?

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i agree with you , i would hate it to get easier. I usually play with a friends but every now and then i like to play on my own to experience the challenge in getting geared up and survivng that is lost when youre not playing alone. I think it will be a hard balancing act to make the standalone challenging for lone wolfs as well as people playing in groups . But i dont want it to turn into a game where the only threat is other players either. The more i play on my own the less a challenge the Zs are for me and i would like them to be a little harder and definately not easier.

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I am a hardcore carebear! Just because I prefer not to kill no need to hate.

Not wanting to kill people doesn't make you a carebear.

Crying about it and demanding changes/becoming a cheater would.

Lately I've not been killing anyone who I see as a 'legit' player, instead focusing all my killing on As50 hackers.

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I'm not really sure what an AS50 hacker is? Do you mean a duper? Or someone who has just found an AS50?

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Not wanting to kill people doesn't make you a carebear.

Crying about it and demanding changes/becoming a cheater would.

Lately I've not been killing anyone who I see as a 'legit' player, instead focusing all my killing on As50 hackers.

Jumped the gun, sorry. I am all for anything that makes the game more survival/immersive and less CoD.

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I'm not really sure what an AS50 hacker is? Do you mean a duper? Or someone who has just found an AS50?

Lets not get off topic here.

But briefly, there's a standard 'hacker' loadout you see very often.

It's an As50, NVG, rangefinder, 2 satchel chargers, glock 17, assorted medical supplies and an M4A1 silenced in their backpack.

It's like a standard 'thing' they must script in.

We once killed a squad of 3 guys that all had this exact loadout (they all spawned back at us with it within 5 minutes and killed us).

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On the topic again then, do you still want servers to have 3rd person mode? As that is not what i call hardcore.

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Well, the standalone will get a bit softer with "working" tents and bases. But that much softness is ok imo. Other than that I want it to stay as hard as possible (That's what she said).

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Lets not get off topic here.

But briefly, there's a standard 'hacker' loadout you see very often.

It's an As50, NVG, rangefinder, 2 satchel chargers, glock 17, assorted medical supplies and an M4A1 silenced in their backpack.

It's like a standard 'thing' they must script in.

We once killed a squad of 3 guys that all had this exact loadout (they all spawned back at us with it within 5 minutes and killed us).

Yeh, sorry for being pedantic. I see your point, I just happen to think the term "hacker" get's banded around too much. Anyway, nice thread. Back on topic!

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On the topic again then, do you still want servers to have 3rd person mode? As that is not what i call hardcore.

I think first person is just as unrealistic as third, plus I enjoy seeing my character. Humans see in about a 180 degree FoV, FP is 45 degrees. The reason they have 3rd in ARMA is to better simulate the wider FoV we have as humans.

In combat most everyone goes FP FoV as it is easier.

But in the end these things should remain server options, not game features.

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On the topic again then, do you still want servers to have 3rd person mode? As that is not what i call hardcore.

Yes, but that's a thread in of itself.

Humans have almost 180* FOV, arma 2 however has around an 80* FOV (maybe less?).

It's like having tunnel vision, not to mention it's so clunky you need to see your avatar.

And anyway, if everyone can use 3rd person it's perfectly fair.

If you want to discuss that though, please make a new thread.

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Getting food and drink: Easy

Getting guns and ammo: Easy

Zombies: An annoyance

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@OP: Could you please be more spesific?

I think the zeds have been buffed. It seems they see you from further away now. Before they provided enough danger to make it exciting to sneak into villages, but now they're just annoying. When they notice you from over 150 metres away, it's not cool anymore.

Otherwise, I think the game is "hardcore" enough. You need to learn to move tactically to remain unnoticed. You can't do stupid stuff like walking directly over open fields. You have to make clever use of cover.

If someone want's an easier version, then make an easier version. Make it an option. There should be options. If you only want hardcore, then go play hardcore. Nobody's forcing you to play softcore. Even now there are servers ranging from N00b to regular to vet to expert. Seems to me like the real hardcore servers are the expert ones. How many of them have you played on?

If you want it so hardcore, why don't you just play without ever touching an NVG or AS50?

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Ah, don't me to contradict you, but the mod right now is not hardcore at all. Its really very basic and easy to play. The survival components are rediculously easy to deal with. The loot tables are extremely generous. The Zombies are not a hinderance whatsoever. Im all for the game being hardcore, but right now this mod is far from a challenge.

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I'm not too worried, Rocket has made it clear that it's going to fit his vision of the game, he is already planning on removing the HUD, waypoints etc

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I personally think that this decision will be out of Rocket & Teams hands. It was probably something deep in negotiation when they were shopping around for developer companies.

I expect that the decision will be made at the highest level to open two levels of play as WarZ is doing - Softcore and Hardcore. Thus opening their market to casual players and those who consider themselves 'hardcore'.

Not doing so is simply shooting themselves in the foot financially. And lets be honest, gaming is big bucks, Bohemia Interactive will not turn down extra profit.

If Rocket has managed to secure complete control of his baby, then excellent. Because I personally do share the belief that this game should remain realistic, but not at the expense of preventing a profit level that could be put towards further content and naturally expansions/sequels. Providing those would remain at a level of excellence that I expect DayZ will be able to attain.

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Excuse my ignorance, but isn't "hardcore mode" a term coined by casual console gamers, descriping games without auto-aim and health-regeneration?

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I really really hope rocket sticks to his guns for the standalone.

There seems to be a pervasive attitude among game devs that you need to cater to everyone, they think it'll get them more sales overall.

When in fact it normally does the opposite, alienates those who like hard, unrelenting play and is still too difficult for the more 'casual' (trying to use nice words) players.

Take COD for example, it doesn't pretend to be anything it's not, it's piss easy, fun and requires almost zero skill (debatable, but please don't get off topic, I mean as compared to DayZ or Arma).

That's why it's a hit.

That's why DayZ has been a 'hit' as a mod, it's the antithesis of those instant gratification shoot em ups and those carebear MMO games that don't let you do shit.

It's true sandbox, PvP and it's HARD.

I want DayZ to stay hard, in fact I'd like to see it become harder.

It's by far the most exciting game I've played in 10 years simply because I can get popped at any time.

The carebears that don't like that are pretty much the root of the festering hacking problem we're seeing at the moment.

Once standalone shuts that down, most of the crying will end because they'll leave for good.

Who's with me?

I'm definitely with you, sir. DayZ should be very hard in future. :)

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