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Ban under 18s and third party programs from the standalone

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Seems like too many kids are on this game instead of out climbing trees having apple fights, 2 worst things in the world are warm beer and cheeky kids. I'm 33, i dont want to play with or talk to these little shits. Especially not on an 18 game that's meant to be cruel and harrowing. f'that. Surely they've got Barbie horse adventures to finish or whatever other shite they play. Y'think your that Yoda dont you, playing with your lightsaber all day. Twat farm graduates. Also im not into ppl having an advantage using skype/teamspeak/ventrillo or even twatter. i think any third party programs should get you banned or at the least a 2 day ban. You know who you are and you all suck. So please do something about the legions of baldsacks roaming chernarus, squeaking my headset up.

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And also ban all over 25, because those old fucks make me sick. Doesn't help if half your team dies after 30 minutes of playing because of Alzheimers. Damn those fogies to hell.

/e: Jesus some guys just don't get the message. I have to congratulate the OP for a succesful trolling. Have a cookie.

Edited by daskleineviech
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Ha, ban for teamspeak and voice apps? You serious or just trolloin' because there is no way to ban someone using other programs on their computer...or third party maps.....suck it up and play better.

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I am under 18 but I am very mature and hope to someday be developing games like this! I am also very interested in the gaming industry and how it works. I have met some pretty annoying people over 18 as well. Not every person under 18 is bad. I myself get annoyed by kids and adults alike.

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Well aren't you just cheeky...

Just because you don't like children playing this game, they always will. It doesn't matter if this game is rated for 18+, they will still play it. Parents will buy it for them, it's just the way it goes. Should they be out climbing trees and stuff? Probably, but we're not their parents, and lets face it, children these days have seen far worse than these "harrowing" zombie games.

As for third party software: there is no realistic way to disable them. It's not an "unfair advantage" because if you'd like, you can use it as well. It's not cheating, it's meta-gaming, and is allowed according to Rocket.

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33 years old dude with a picture of the kid who made the quote "I Like Turtles". I guess u only want to play with Turtles then.

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He mad? He mad.

Please justify your argument that using Teamspeak/Vent/Skype gives you an unfair advantage.

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Just to point out how dumb and immature this post was im nearly 50 and yes we use Teamspeak to plan our team moves as we work around the map.

Plus we are talking about normal stuff as well

Barbie horse lol im guessing you dont have any kids from 10 yrs on the are playing Battelfield 3 and Prototype 2 etc

We have used teamspeak for years as a squad so i would suggest you find someone to play with and try it your self and you will find it makes for a better experience, if you were in the game for real with your m8 you could hear him then so whats the difference.

Edited by Chimaera
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Haha I'm 19 and i remember playing as a kid and I always tried to play so that I don't annoy others and for the most part I did not. And you offend me with how you think you are so much better, I'd rather play with a kid and have fun than listen to you crying and bitching about everything in this game. I bet you are just angry that bandits kill you and they all must be cheating so why not bann them as well? Btw TS is a great thing in this game if you want to play organized and organized play with friends is über fun!

FYI: not only kids need to go outside and do exercises like climbing trees or maybe running? Sport is kinda important for all of us and if u think its retarded you are pretty pathetic playing games all the time, may I assume that you aren't leading a healthy lifestyle?

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DayZ is not age rated as i'm aware,Arma 2 is,But "Kids" Are not playing arma2,And most the "Kids" i've met online are mature. The only immature player would be you... sir.

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I am under 18 but I am very mature and hope to someday be developing games like this! I am also very interested in the gaming industry and how it works. I have met some pretty annoying people over 18 as well. Not every person under 18 is bad. I myself get annoyed by kids and adults alike.

well said

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You find kids that irritating?

Here, take my ASK-74 Kobra. You know what to do with it.

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Stop hating everyone... Kids now-a-days

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I am 46 and I see that some people never wise up, no matter the age. If you get rid of the ignorance, all would be great. I care less how old someone is, just do not hack, do not be a asshat and do not be a bigot.

Edited by Strawcrow

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Someone is mad that he is already 33 in this thread ...

some lovely pictures for you:







Have a nice day old man

PS: I'm over 18

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Btw TS is a great thing in this game if you want to play organized and organized play with friends is über fun!

Of course it's fun! Nobody can hear you speaking and you can communicate with each other over 9000 km away. This truely doesn't put anyone on any kind of disadvantage.

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Yeah, ban the kids. The smart ones will be able to bypass the restriction, and the morons can stick to whatever they do while their brain stabilizes chemically.

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Ironic that the OP has the hormonal anger and grammatical capability of the kids that he so eloquently berates.

Edited by Cluckles
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And also ban all over 25, because those old fucks make me sick. Doesn't help if half your team dies after 30 minutes of playing because of Alzheimers. Damn those fogies to hell.

/e: Jesus some guys just don't get the message. I have to congratulate the OP for a succesful trolling. Have a cookie.

I'm only 70 can I have your permission to play?

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Of course it's fun! Nobody can hear you speaking and you can communicate with each other over 9000 km away. This truely doesn't put anyone on any kind of disadvantage.

Ok lol seriously dude, do you really think you could weed out the use of 3rd party programs for communication? Ofc not, everybody use stuff like that if you aren't playing solo. On the other hand have you ever heard about radios? Also that doesn't mean players should hear you if u are talking into a microphone you really don't have to shout.... I think I made my point, I mean It's okay you think that this game is meant for solo play but It's definitely more enjoyable with friends and without TS or ventrilo it would be impossible to do so. Even with something like that it's hard to coordinate 5+ players.

You should be more worried about thermal vision scopes than god damn communication. An other solution would be to get some friends or join a clan. I find it awfully retarded to cry over 3rd party communication as it exists in every online game...

Edited by Dreadpap
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