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DE10 - Server Thread <(^-^<) <(^-^)> (>^-^)>

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It seems all tents are gone since the last two updates. I put a tent up (several, actually, and in different locations) when the server was and now it's all gone.

Can others confirm?

Tents are definately gone on DE 10, we have checked our 3 camps, in three differenct consecutive restarts and none of em comes back

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We've been having the same problems but you really shouldnt get hit by zombies :P seeing that you can easily avoid them or lose em.

not if they spawn 10m behind you instantly aggroing while you are slowly crawling your way past a herd of them

by the time my character decided it was done changing the stance my legs were already broken

they are tweaking zombies and they actually did make em broken in on purpose








anyway server seems to be bugged, no loot nor zombies spawning on deerstands nort of Kamenka

Edited by pod

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Do we know why tents are gone? Is there a fix? Is it because the server was running Did vehicles disappear, too?

I'm missing my bike, but maybe someone stole it (nearby Krasnostav inside a pine tree)

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My bike is still where I left it, so I guess veichle's fine

That's weird. Aren't they working through the same mechanic as tents? Saving it after using, etc, and both disappearing temporarily after a restart. One would think both or neither would be wiped..

Thanks for the info.

Edit: Until I know if this wipe was a one-time issue (this specific problem - other than that I'm prepared to lose it all considering the alpha-state) I'll camp out on SE 10 for the time being. I'd like to rely more on my camp. Running around with 3 NVG's, 2 GPS's, a camo-suit, 2 primary weapons and 2 secondaries is a little inconvenient :P Very little room for medical supplies, food, drink and ammo...

Edit 2: If admin can tell me what is going on and why, I'll give you a pair of NVG. :) (Provided I don't die first)

Edited by Athrins

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Well, i restarted the server now, completely. Checked logs and can't see any problems from my side. Please check if the tents are still gone AND please tell me when you first realized that the Tents are gone (Date/Time/UTC).

Please note also that i have a degraded internet connection. Surfing or doing any stuff is atm nearly impossible. And as far as i can tell this will keep up the whole next week :S Thats why you are all now my eyes and ears, so if you see or hear something about problems just tell me and i will do something about as far as possible for me. Even if it will take some time to solve.

Edited by Caspar

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That's weird. Aren't they working through the same mechanic as tents? Saving it after using, etc, and both disappearing temporarily after a restart. One would think both or neither would be wiped..

Thanks for the info.

Edit: Until I know if this wipe was a one-time issue (this specific problem - other than that I'm prepared to lose it all considering the alpha-state) I'll camp out on SE 10 for the time being. I'd like to rely more on my camp. Running around with 3 NVG's, 2 GPS's, a camo-suit, 2 primary weapons and 2 secondaries is a little inconvenient :P Very little room for medical supplies, food, drink and ammo...

Edit 2: If admin can tell me what is going on and why, I'll give you a pair of NVG. :) (Provided I don't die first)

HAHAHA we have been running around with 4 nvg's aswell xD, I would suggest you just drop the camo suit.. it will prolly be a while before they are fixed and there is also a chance that the "fix" will make em dissapear as has happened to other items being "fixed" in previous versions.

We lost alot of stuff we put into our secondary camp that we have on dk1 while de 10 still has tent issues, so it seems there are alot of new bugs

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I have two bad news and one good news. The good news is that all my tents are back again. One of the bad news is that all my tents content are wiped, worsening the next news, which is that I was sniped this morning and lost two of my pairs of NVG. The third pair of NVG taught me that the contents of a backpack put into a tent will disappear.

Sorry about that. I would gladly have left a pair or two for pickup.

Bragging news: I stumbled upon a group of 5 just south-east of Krasnostav (when I was moving to check if my tents were back) who started shooting at me. And so I finally aquired a compass and an MP5SD6! Pretty awesome fight. Was only hit by a single 9mm bullet. To be fair, though, one or two of them only had melee weapons (which was kinda wierd since at least one of them had two primaries on them.

Was anyone here a part of that group by any chance?

Edited by Athrins

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Reporting empty Deer Stands all over the map and I'm getting very low fps.

Maybe the server needs a restart.

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I'm a bit too lazy to read all posts, but how are restarts performed? Manually? How long between each?

If possible, maybe a restart once every 6 hour or so would be cool. Getting some lag after a while. An automated restart warning would also be cool, if not only to avoid delayed or premature restarts.

I'm liking the server otherwise. Having little to no issues.

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manually, currently. I'd had a plan to try out some szenarios for autostart/autorestart but then my ISP decided to cut me of from the internet. Until this isn't fixed i can only start the server every ~12 Hours in bast case and ~24 Hours guranteed.

P.s.: If you ask how i am online yet? Mobilephone.

Anonymous donated 5,00€ @ 16.07.2012

Anonymous FTW ^^. thx buddy! This will help to bribe my ISP :)

16.07.2012 - ISP Problems (only at home, serverside is OK!)!

- Still, i have ISP Problems and a technican will come to 'solve' it at Wednesday. I am really interessted 'how' he will try to solve this problem... ^^

Edited by Caspar

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manually, currently. I'd had a plan to try out some szenarios for autostart/autorestart but then my ISP decided to cut me of from the internet. Until this isn't fixed i can only start the server every ~12 Hours in bast case and ~24 Hours guranteed.

P.s.: If you ask how i am online yet? Mobilephone.

Anonymous donated 5,00€ @ 16.07.2012

Anonymous FTW ^^. thx buddy! This will help to bribe my ISP :)

16.07.2012 - ISP Problems (only at home, serverside is OK!)!

- Still, i have ISP Problems and a technican will come to 'solve' it at Wednesday. I am really interessted 'how' he will try to solve this problem... ^^

I have had two "no message recieved for x seconds" disconnects since yesterday.

EDIT: The server is down? I was driving a car :(

Edited by Athrins

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i can look in ~45 Minutes about the server :) sorry but i am at work.

Use the time to get some food/drink ^^ maybe even shower :P

Edited by Caspar

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i can look in ~45 Minutes about the server :) sorry but i am at work.

Use the time to get some food/drink ^^ maybe even shower :P

I can almost hear the sound of someone driving off with my pick-up truck and all supplies I had in it :P

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Yeah its down, I was riding a bicycle

Where did you find it? Maybe it's the one me and Andrej have been using lately :lol:

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Where did you find it? Maybe it's the one me and Andrej have been using lately :lol:

Don't even dare suggesting anything, this bike is like a hero for us.

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It was a fresh spawn bike, and now its gone.... I checked the whole route I took and its disapeared, along with my friends boat. You'd need a miracle to keep a vehicle on this server for longer then 2 days

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@Trowa, i would be impressed if other server wouldn't have the same problems as my one.

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We didn't have that problem on uk7, granted it was a few patches ago but we kept 3 vehicles alive for a week.

The only vehicle we've kept for longer then a day is the bus that lost all its wheels and even that disappeared and reappeared a few days later.

Its just frustrating to not be able to make any progress, my character has every equipment and 2 good weapons, whats left if vehicles are useless :(

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I don't know if there was vehicle problems but we have a bike and a tractor with equipment inside since 10 dayz, none of them has disappeared.

Your "bug" is: someone stole it.

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Seems a little bit off-topic, but I will go with it anyway:

To those 2 awesome dudes in Cherno ( north-west hospital / residentialspawns / industrial area ) yesterday:

Thanks for the 2 hour lasting fight, it was a blast battling against such skilled enemies eventhough we lost in the end.

But hey, I only got ~45 rounds of ammunition and at least got one of you at some point. ;)

In the end the city was covered with the sound of buzzing flies...

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Andrej we've lost around 15 vehicles on DE10, 4 different locations. Someone didn't simply steal a bus with no wheels and then kindly gave it back 2 days later.

Of those 15 vehicles i'd say about 5 were stolen, it always happens when the server restarts.

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The last scheduled restart saved my vehicle just fine.

But congratulations to whoever took my pick-up truck after the server went down while I was traveling. You will never starve. I fixed all but the right-hand windshield for you.

And sorry to the guy with the camp up north with 3 tents, a white off-road and a wall of sandbags. It's your truck I lost there.

Edited by Athrins

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Andrej we've lost around 15 vehicles on DE10, 4 different locations. Someone didn't simply steal a bus with no wheels and then kindly gave it back 2 days later.

Of those 15 vehicles i'd say about 5 were stolen, it always happens when the server restarts.

In this case then, either it's DayZ fault or some sort of problem related to the hive.

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