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DE10 - Server Thread <(^-^<) <(^-^)> (>^-^)>

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Haha your beans are no good here, the only currency I know is bicycles :D

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actually we got one

at least we had it, it has been quite a while since last time we checked it :rolleyes:

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Wait, your group is composed by 2 players?

yes.. I mainly play with 1 über trusted mate, but i get 6-7 others to join on and off whenever they can.. and a few more semi randoms that know our secondary camp but not the main big loot camp.. where we hide our primary composed of:

DMR, AS-50, M107, M4A1 CCO SD, Bison SD, M9 SD, M14, M24, Mk 48 mod, FN Fal, FN FAL AN/PVS-4, M16A4 ACOG, Guillie suits, NVG's, Rangefinders and Coyote packs.

But we then move stuff down to our secondary camp for the "okay" trusted players to get.

We on average kill 2-5 high loot geared players every day some days alot more, like last night where we did night time play and hit 5 grp's of 2-5 man each xD .. always exciting when you take out a 4 man squad, especially when they have a car and more nvg's for us.

It really is so much fun having nvg's all of us.. im working on making a night time video of us going in with guillie suits and axe murdering people xD

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Haha your beans are no good here, the only currency I know is bicycles :D


We have 2 hidden bicycles now and its the best vehicle in the game. id trade a chopper for one xD.. or any other weapon we have in the camp..

But we are on another server now..

If you havent already you really should try cycling around in a guillie suit finding well geared players, then riding to high ground and ejecting, just to prone without any breathing problems at all and 1 shot snipe em xD.. then quickly ride off if he has friends and if alone, do a fast looting.

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Well, what can i say except that i am sad to see when people are leaving. I can't do much as to keep up and searching for my personal feeling the optimum configured server. Also i am still searching the reason why vehicles are de- and respawning after a couple of restarts.

All the players I play with and for both our big camps and vehicle hiding spots it seems the 4 times a day (6h) restart timer is a very important part of keeping the server stabile both loot wise and for lag not to occur to much.

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All the players I play with and for both our big camps and vehicle hiding spots it seems the 4 times a day (6h) restart timer is a very important part of keeping the server stabile both loot wise and for lag not to occur to much.

100% agree.

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I tend to avoid ejecting out of vehicles since I attempted a bus on bus collision, ejected and immediately died. :rolleyes:

Definitely agree on the 6 hour restart, without a stable server people will just leave.. if it wasn't for Caspar trying to make better changes then our group would have been long gone, the lighting on this server is the best around.

It seems weird to me that you guys have big camps set up, if one of us loses all our stuff then it means nothing to us. We'd all die to make sure a vehicle is secured since you're only ever 1 lee enfield away from butchering players. :D

Our last vehicle camp ended up 200 meters from a 5 tent city on the other side of the hill, since then all of our vehicles are split up in random places to minimize player theft (because that's our job)

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Then I have bad luck since our tents are: 1 is completely empty and the other one is disappeared (the first one was full of crap so I don't think it was a theft).

I hope the motorbike we stored is still in pieces and not vacuumed by the restarts.

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Just logged in and all 5 vehicles are gone. I'll be changing server untill Caspar sorts out an automated server restart.

Edited by Trowa

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DE 10 is not avaiable from the ingame server browser, I was forced to manually enter IP:port from the remote function.

We checked houses, deer stands, supermarkets. The result was:

- everything is empty

- every spawn is filled with empty cans or hatchets.

- Zombies are immune to revolvers and 1911s

Our motorbike is gone, a tent I placed is gone. :(

Edited by Andrej Dudev

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any chance you recently updated the server files?

looks like zombies are not really imune to small weapons fire, but it takes 3/4 shots to the body or 1 headshot to get killed

it makes sense and it's ok to me, but I just want to know if this is intended or an erratic behaviour

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Server Offline for Maintenance. Will be up again in ~45-60 Minutes.

And to answer your Question @pod, i've only upgraded to ArmA2 OA v95310 last time, no DayZ serverfiles nor client files were updated in this process.

btw. if you can't find DE 10 in the Serverlist, just enter "m0ar.de" after pressing the "Remote" button in the right corner. Its a issue from GameSpy side.

Edited by Caspar

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Well, good and bad new folks,

good one: the server is (re-)starting now every 6 hours.

the bad one: it wont 'warn' you before.

Currently the restart timings are set to: 0, 6, 12, 18, 24 o'clock GMT+1

I skip doing now a 'Big announcement' because i still have work to do before it becomes perfect. But Maintenance is completed for today. Have fun playing :)

Edited by Caspar

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Great I'll give it another shot, its pretty easy to avoid getting disconnected when you know it restarts at those times. I've actually avoided playing a few times when the server wasn't restarted in the morning (because its still dark) for fear of spending 30 minutes searching for the vehicle I was driving.

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Server working good before and after the restart.

Zombies act normally and loots are ok.

EDIT: NEVERMIND! Tents placed and saved before the 24.00 restart are now empty and their location scrambled.

This really sucks >:(

Edited by Andrej Dudev

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Server working good before and after the restart.

Zombies act normally and loots are ok.

EDIT: NEVERMIND! Tents placed and saved before the 24.00 restart are now empty and their location scrambled.

This really sucks >:(

This is not a restart problem, its because there are to many tents in the hive database now and only a few of them will actually work with the save function, its in the update list.

You should atm "to check a tent" put something worthless on it and check after restart.

Secondly, the reason for the mass tents is because it will save some of the attempt where you put one down and then packed it again.

As of what my grp and me have "sort of" found out is that the tents that you pack up and then after a reset they appear by themselves without you putting them down, those seem to save items perfectly :)

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what i would be without you. Thanks for the info. I missed the update list. So i didn't knew this is a common problem.

After all, its still better to restart every 6 hour to solve the 'no loot' problem. Maybe i can resize the window to longer periods but for now i will keep 6 hours and waiting for your feedback.

Edited by Caspar

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i coulnd't resist, i had to make an announcement. By the way, i also added a 'Known Issue' part on the first Post so ppl don't have to read the whole 15 Pages to find this posts. If you have additional stuff to add, just tell me.

27.07.2012 - Serverupdate

- Implemented a Auto-Restart mechanism which restarts the Server every 6 hour (0,6,12,18,24 o'clock GMT+1/German Time).

- The Auto-Restart mechanism will NOT warn you before the Server restarts! So keep an eye on the Time. Feature will be implemented later.

- Lobby Kicking is deactivated for now, has something to to how i restart the Server, but will be used later again.

- Also the empty Tent miracle was solved, by Corvax... see his post #291

- A Personal Note: My ISP has finally managed to restore my Internet Connection, i am Online again :D yehaa.

Known Issues

- Vehicles dis- and reappear sometimes after restart - its a known DayZ bug (confirmed by Devs!) and DE10 isnt the reason for it... see post #268

- Tents appear to be empty or stay empty after restart - also a known DayZ bug but with a possible workaround... see post #291, and give him your Beans!

Edited by Caspar

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Well I discovered why my shots weren't killing zombies the other day, quite a few weapons have been nerfed into the ground including the M1911. I sure wish I knew about the changes then instead of dying because of it :(

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Also good to know, otherwise i had to search for a possible lag reason. Can you post please from where you know that the weapons get nerved?

Edited by Caspar

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It's with the latest Arma 2 patch

  • Makarov: 889 damage, down from 2000
  • G17, M9, M9 SD, PDW, MP5A5, MP5SD6, Bizon PP-19 SD: 889 damage, down from 1389
  • Revolver, M1911: 1389 damage, down from 4500
  • M1014, Remington 870, Double-barreled: slugs do 4500 damage, down from 6722
  • Lee Enfield: 6722 damage, down from 12500 (audible range 162m, down from 234m)
  • AK-74, AKS-74U, AKS-74 Kobra: 2722 damage, down from 3555

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Glad to hear it, I missed the tent thing too; we will avoid to create new camps and use the few we found around the map stealing what we need. I'm only sad because we had the chance to pack a lot of things and lost everything because of this hive-shit.

We really needed a place to call home after wandering for two months. :(

Anyway, about restarts: 6 hours is perfect.

About the patch discussion: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/42806-pending-update-build-1724/

* [FIXED] Tents and items with ID's above 1 million don't syncronize (now it should syncronize, players to confirm)

Edited by Andrej Dudev

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Most of our vehicles are back today, missing 1 ATV which was probably stolen. Grats to the guy/s that killed us as we were leaving a bus, we found out it was a magic bus that respawned tires and ended up getting delayed by a minute or two, those minutes proved fatal. My only question is how did you spot my friend when he was prone behind several trees, using the side glances to keep track of him?

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So it is possible that our vehicles respawned as well?

Lost quite a few ones in different locations and considered theft the most reasonable answer. Maybe there still is hope. :)

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27.07.2012 - Serverupdate

- Updated to ArmA2 Beta Patch 95389

- You NEED now Beta Patched Client (min. 95389) to connect to DE10!

- Activated reporting to arma2oapc.master.gamespy.com

@age, you have to try it out yourself, its a new situation due the regular restarts yet.

Edited by Caspar

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