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Darkwater (DayZ)

AS50/M107 used against light armored infantry?

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The guns themselves are fine, as is. The trouble comes from things like duping, hacking, etc. Spawn-wise, they're pretty rare but thanks to tent duping, duping in general, and the clip refill bug the guns are not balanced by what should be very rare (and risky to obtain) ammunition. I found a camp with over twenty tents and it was full of AS50s (one, or more, per tent). There were over 20 clips of ammo+. No way was that legit and it kind of took the fun out of finding it. I got more of a thrill when I found an MP5SD on a random tent with nothing else but food and med supplies because I knew I had raided someone's stash. The AS50 camp was more like stealing a grain of sand from the beach.

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Bro, you probably couldn't even fire a water-pistol.

As far as realism goes, there is a limit.

Do you also want to include some kind of should aching where as you would have to take painkillers if you fire a m16a2 for too long?

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oh jesus not this again. the whiners are back, STOP TRYING TO TURN THIS INTO BF3/COD WHERE ALL THE WEAPONS ARE THE FUCKING SAME. If you don't like the guns in the game don't play it go play bf3 where there's no 50.cals.

50.cals are perfectly fine as they are.

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Wanting a huge rifle that fires huge ammo to take up more space is trying to make all the guns the same?

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You think a M107 will fit into a backpack?? Have you ever seen one????

there are backpacks available that WILL hold an m107 or many of its 50.cal counterparts. someone even linked it earlier. and who cares if it fits in a backpack. this is a game mate

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I watched some sniper documentary and yes ofcourse it was primarly designed for armored targets, but they ARE used against infantry.

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it's a zombie apocalypse.... it's illegal to kill random people on sight. People don't care! And yes you can wear a backpack and this weapon on your back what a stupid question. You can just stick it in between your back and your backpack. It makes it even easier if anything. Stop making stupid suggestions in a zombie apocalypse. Everyone will try to go the extra mile and do everything it takes to survive.

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Which article is that?

Oh, nevermind. Found this:

Legend has it that the .50-caliber is so powerful that the Geneva Conventions prohibit U.S. troops from using it against human targets, but does that make sense considering it is okay to fire much larger artillery shells against enemy troops?


In truth, neither the 1949 Geneva Conventions nor other laws governing the conduct of war forbid U.S. troops from using the weapon against enemy fighters, said Gary D. Solis, an adjunct law professor at Georgetown University.

Let's be reall, even if it was banned the US would still use it.

After all they still use banned clusterbombs aswell.

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Let's be reall, even if it was banned the US would still use it.

After all they still use banned clusterbombs aswell.

LOL where do people get this crap?

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You think a M107 will fit into a backpack?? Have you ever seen one????

Because disassembling a firearm to save space has never been done before......

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M107's are not takedown rifles. You can't just take them apart and put them together in a few seconds.

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M107 or AS50 could easily be packed into a backpack. Stripped down within five minutes and placed away. Sorted.


M107 not takedown rifles... hmmm this video seems to take it down pretty easily. Seems like you just need your combi tool and voila. Done.

Also, the bigger the round the bigger the range. .50's can be used against armoured targets but it's also there when you need to take out a HVT from greater distances, that is the point of the Sniper.

The main reason why 7.62's are preferred is because you can carry more ammo, they're a lighter weapon, easier to use in CQC if the need calls for it. That's why a lot of marines use the EBR's of the DMR. A 7.62 will happily get you a shot out at 800 metres, perfect for Afghanistan when you're only engaging unarmoured targets from 300 or so metres away 90% of the time.

What I would like to see is the .50's removed and instead the L115a3 brought into play instead, sort of same ballistic properties as the .50 BMG just smaller.

The M110 is anothe rifle I'd like to see, only because it's my favourite :3

And firing the .50's standing is up pretty easy. They have outstanding recoil management systems, the muzzle break alone reduces recoil by a ridiculous amount and not to mention the correct positioning of your rifle. Place the stock of the rifle against the bone in your shoulder and yeah you'll most probably break it, if not it's just like being punched by a big bear who's all soft and cuddly.

Edited by nigzy23

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" the US refused to sign" If you don't sign a treaty it doesn't apply to you. So yes it's a crap statement.

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" the US refused to sign" If you don't sign a treaty it doesn't apply to you. So yes it's a crap statement.


Brb don't sign treaty of human rights, brb doesn't apply to me. Strong logic.

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M107 or AS50 could easily be packed into a backpack. Stripped down within five minutes and placed away. Sorted.


M107 not takedown rifles... hmmm this video seems to take it down pretty easily. Seems like you just need your combi tool and voila. Done.

Also, the bigger the round the bigger the range. .50's can be used against armoured targets but it's also there when you need to take out a HVT from greater distances, that is the point of the Sniper.

The main reason why 7.62's are preferred is because you can carry more ammo, they're a lighter weapon, easier to use in CQC if the need calls for it. That's why a lot of marines use the EBR's of the DMR. A 7.62 will happily get you a shot out at 800 metres, perfect for Afghanistan when you're only engaging unarmoured targets from 300 or so metres away 90% of the time.

What I would like to see is the .50's removed and instead the L115a3 brought into play instead, sort of same ballistic properties as the .50 BMG just smaller.

The M110 is anothe rifle I'd like to see, only because it's my favourite :3

And firing the .50's standing is up pretty easy. They have outstanding recoil management systems, the muzzle break alone reduces recoil by a ridiculous amount and not to mention the correct positioning of your rifle. Place the stock of the rifle against the bone in your shoulder and yeah you'll most probably break it, if not it's just like being punched by a big bear who's all soft and cuddly.

It takes MINUTES to put it together. That isn't a takedown rifle. Watch the video and tell me that's a process you want to do in the woods at night in the rain.

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Brb don't sign treaty of human rights, brb doesn't apply to me. Strong logic.

Yes moron treaties don't apply to countries that don't sign them.

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Yes moron treaties don't apply to countries that don't sign them.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Edited by Sakeoe

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The ammo needs to spawn only at heli crashes, not in mass amounts like it does. Fix the alt-f4'ing, then you'll see a decrease of AS50/M1017 usage. It's an anti-alt-f4 gun and it does well at its job.

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yes, i can imagine both, however making the M107 and the AS50 take up your backpack and primary weapon slot would make sense, since they are equally big to the rocket launcher

They're more than twice the size of the rocket launcher.

M136 weighs 14 lbs. M107 weighs 30 lbs.


It doesn't have to be just another off-the-shelf FPS.

oh jesus not this again. the whiners are back, STOP TRYING TO TURN THIS INTO BF3/COD WHERE ALL THE WEAPONS ARE THE FUCKING SAME. If you don't like the guns in the game don't play it go play bf3 where there's no 50.cals.

I'm pretty sure you're on the opposite side of the argument you think you're making, if you think you're talking about originality.

BF3 has a .50 cal in its singleplayer. BFBC2 had .50 cals. BF2 gave you the Barrett M95 on its first tier. COD Modern Warfare 1, 2, and 3 have .50 cals. Actually, they're all the same .50 cal, I believe, except for the AS50. .50 caliber Barretts are like the jumbo size vanilla of gaming and they show up about 100 times as often in deathmatch than they show up in the actual military. Everyone expects a .50 caliber sniper rifle in their FPS. It's like the mint on your pillow.

And DayZ gave us TWO. The same two used in COD Modern Warfare 3. There's nothing original about these sniper rifles. They're the most common sniper rifles in gaming over the last 10 years unless you count the Dragunov SVD.

Technically, by going with a .338 instead of a .50 in multiplayer, BF3 took a longshot chance on a round with a better ballistic profile...go figure.

Edited by BazBake

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HUGE weapons are less accurate and require either their target to be big or stationary.

First, this is totally nonsense. Those sniper rifles are more accurate then lower cal. snipers. Specially at ranges under 600m. You can hit whatever you want.

Today's 80-150mm stationary artillery weapons are pretty damn accurate and can place grenades in your pocket if needed, if the crew/person is skilled with it.

So no, big weapons are not less accurate.

Second, even if they are massive, from a prone position it isn't hard to aim with them. They should only be nerfed to be totally inaccurate while fired from a standing or crouching position as it would be the case in real life too. But prone.. with a bipod.. They are deadly accurate. Sniping a running person at 600 or more meters in this game is not that easy as it looks like. Depending on the players running path from your position it can be a pain in the ass to hit someone. I agree that those rifles should be one hit kills but when I see a guy being hit in the hand/fingers or the bullet tips the top of his feet .. I guess they should stay alive then with under 3k blood or something like that. It would make no sense to enable gore as tearing limbs apart, since you won't grow a new leg or arm, so even if you survive you would be a cripple. 99.99999999% of players would just kill themselves and respawn.

But I see your point. They have to be nerfed in some way.

I suggest no unlimited sprint and faster water need while running with a fifty cal on your back, as you would in real life be exhausted in less then 500m. Further more players with fifty cal's should be carrying only a pistol with them as their secondary and not another assault rifle. That's totally unrealistic. Having an ak47 or m4 together with a hangun and a 50cal. + the additional ammo for all those weapons... You see my point I guess.. You would carry just 30Kg of weapons and ammo.. at least.


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as far as I know the world distance record is not held on a 50.cal?

to be more precise a Canadian marine who borrowed some American 50.cal bullets (because they are better of some reason)

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You shouldn't be able to hit a target at 800m with first shot while standing up or crouching with a 13kg rifle firing a .50bmg. On the other hand, long grass makes firing from prone position almost impossible. It would be wonderful if we had wind, weight-based fatique, etc. It would promote team play too.

Edited by Tigger

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Technically, by going with a .338 instead of a .50 in multiplayer, BF3 took a longshot chance on a round with a better ballistic profile...go figure.

BF3's implementation of the sniper rifles is almost perfect in the context of a "game", then they ruined it by adding scope glint...

The Arse50 and M107 are fucking noob cannons that belong ONLY in ARMA or any other mil sim.

If we can have such OP nonsence in Dayz then why are we not allowed vehicles that have defences, AS50 vs civilian vehicles and a few defenceless jeeps, this is retarded, where are the armored Hummers with mounted 50cals ? woot ?

As50 and M107 should be replaced with the M40 and L115a2/3.

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So, It's not okay that I can carry an AS50 in my pack. But carrying 4 helicopter main rotor assembly's or car engine blocks in a coyote pack is completely legit?

How about this. Stop running around in open fields, climbing ladders in Cherno/Elektro, standing in the windows of the fire station tower, etc, and maybe you won't get sniped so often.

No to mention, once duping is taken care of, these rifles will be extremely rare.

And for the love of god, please do not implement a fatigue system in a game that has very few vehicles and a huge map.

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