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Lets do this, Trading Station Delta - Edited

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"I want to play this game authentically the way rocket intended."

That's the key phrase.

You're saying that Rocket will surely implement in-game radios soon' date=' so obviously you believe that global voice comms are in his intention.

In that light, why would using TS/Vent/Mumble to fill that void be so unauthentic?''

[b']Again, if that's the way you're dead set on doing it, then the best of luck to you, and I hope it works out.

It just seems like a contradiction to me.


Hardly. If rocket implements anything it will be Radios. A peice of equipment you will have to have in hand like in RL. How is that anything like a "magical ability to talk to whoever whenever through your head"?

Thats a preatty shitty attitude to not even try without your beloved teamspeak. A contradiction it is not. In game radios are something we would have to aquire, that could be picked up by bandits or enemies and used against us. Something we could lose if not careful. That we would need to aquire batteries for. Its challenging.

But thanks for showing us your attitude about things now before we start getting raped by griefers every night and you quit when we would have need you most.


What an utterly toxic response to a polite observation. I don't think it's Amentes who has the attitude problem. Why in the world you would harbour such bitterness towards the use of voice comms in a mil sim with your background is mind-boggling.

I don't think that not trying reflects a 'shitty attitude' when it's because the proposal requires adhering to needless, arbitrary self-imposed limitations that drastically reduce the effectiveness of your communication and organisation in an already hostile environment. That's just a healthy dose of sanity and self-preservation. And there was I thinking survival was at the core of this game.

In addition, the radio feature you suggest is totally redundant unless the mod actively prevented people from using ventrilo/teamspeak, because who in the hell would bother with a radio you would have to find, could lose, and could be subsequently compromised by? Nobody in their right mind would use it for day-to-day operations, especially in large groups.

As such there is nothing 'unauthentic' about teamspeak/ventrilo; you are superimposing your own ideals onto those of Rocket, then declaring that other people who don't follow your own brand of logic to have 'shitty attitudes'.

You know what else isn't 'authentic' by your standards? Reincarnation. Perhaps next time you die, you should uninstall the game never to return.

Haha dude. Rocket actulley mentioned that very thing. He said hed put it in for the people that want to play the challenging realitic simulator way. There is nothing milsim about ventrillo. In the real world your radio can be lost and communication compromised. You clearly arent seeing i understand the importance of comm but that dosent mean i wont wait and adapt until the more realistic game given mechanic exists.

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So... Use TS3 now, and when he implements radios coms, use those? I fail to see why you're (as an above poster pointed out) so toxic about our responses. Shooting yourself in the foot because you're stubborn and have some vendetta against TS3 is not the way to gain loyal teammates.

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"I want to play this game authentically the way rocket intended."

That's the key phrase.

You're saying that Rocket will surely implement in-game radios soon' date=' so obviously you believe that global voice comms are in his intention.

In that light, why would using TS/Vent/Mumble to fill that void be so unauthentic?''

[b']Again, if that's the way you're dead set on doing it, then the best of luck to you, and I hope it works out.

It just seems like a contradiction to me.


Hardly. If rocket implements anything it will be Radios. A peice of equipment you will have to have in hand like in RL. How is that anything like a "magical ability to talk to whoever whenever through your head"?

Thats a preatty shitty attitude to not even try without your beloved teamspeak. A contradiction it is not. In game radios are something we would have to aquire, that could be picked up by bandits or enemies and used against us. Something we could lose if not careful. That we would need to aquire batteries for. Its challenging.

But thanks for showing us your attitude about things now before we start getting raped by griefers every night and you quit when we would have need you most.


What an utterly toxic response to a polite observation. I don't think it's Amentes who has the attitude problem. Why in the world you would harbour such bitterness towards the use of voice comms in a mil sim with your background is mind-boggling.

I don't think that not trying reflects a 'shitty attitude' when it's because the proposal requires adhering to needless, arbitrary self-imposed limitations that drastically reduce the effectiveness of your communication and organisation in an already hostile environment. That's just a healthy dose of sanity and self-preservation. And there was I thinking survival was at the core of this game.

In addition, the radio feature you suggest is totally redundant unless the mod actively prevented people from using ventrilo/teamspeak, because who in the hell would bother with a radio you would have to find, could lose, and could be subsequently compromised by? Nobody in their right mind would use it for day-to-day operations, especially in large groups.

As such there is nothing 'unauthentic' about teamspeak/ventrilo; you are superimposing your own ideals onto those of Rocket, then declaring that other people who don't follow your own brand of logic to have 'shitty attitudes'.

You know what else isn't 'authentic' by your standards? Reincarnation. Perhaps next time you die, you should uninstall the game never to return.

Haha dude. Rocket actulley mentioned that very thing. He said hed put it in for the people that want to play the challenging realitic simulator way. There is nothing milsim about ventrillo. In the real world your radio can be lost and communication compromised. You clearly arent seeing i understand the importance of comm but that dosent mean i wont wait and adapt until the more realistic game given mechanic exists.

That's all well and good, but I never said anything about whether Rocket planned to introduce radios. I said you were superimposing your ideals of what was authentic gameplay onto those of Rocket. I stated why they were redundant, and therefore why as you have yourself conceded they are a necessarily optional feature. As such, opting to use teamspeak is not 'unauthentic', nor does it constitute grounds for hostility to other players. There exist entire organised closed communities of largely military and ex-military personel that use ACRE teamspeak 3 mods and the like, they seem to think it's sufficiently up to milsim specs.

At the end you say you're 'adapting' by refusing to use viable alternatives and scrapping voice communication all-together until you deem the game mechanics realistic enough.

You have opted for a situation where every survivor in your group is a mute who can only communicate with a biro and notepad that they all conveniently have (which in the case of sidechat can be supernaturally read from ~50km away). If anything that's less realistic than teamspeak. That's not adapting. It's the very opposite; sticking your head in the sand. Unfortunately the description is only metaphorical; there is no sand to muffle the sound of your self-righteous crusade.

The fact that you ignored everything said about your erratic hostility speaks for itself. Bottom line? If you want to hold yourself to certain standards of realism when you play, go right ahead. Just don't be a xenophobic, holier-than-thou asshat to polite people who enjoy differing standards.

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See, this is what happens if you don't have good leadership. The thread has already gone to shit, and the chances of this happening are pretty damn low.

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See' date=' this is what happens if you don't have good leadership. The thread has already gone to shit, and the chances of this happening are pretty damn low.


Well this thread has a ton of posts and a huge number of thread views. So the player interest is there... just needs someone with a lot of free time and some pretty incredible foresight to make it all come together. And someone who is very diplomatic, as tempers seem to flare pretty easily in these here forums.

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See' date=' this is what happens if you don't have good leadership. The thread has already gone to shit, and the chances of this happening are pretty damn low.


That's because survivors are idiots.

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I'd be interested in getting in on the ground floor of this. I PM'ed you.

Also, fun fact. Rocket plans to include a minimum 30m spawning distance for zombies, so carefully spaced guards could zombie-proof an area just by virtue of being there.

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Im not arguing with pimply faced introverts on a zombie game forum. It seems to be a well liked pass time for them. Im still down for the idea, but i guess I should specify MY project is realism based with in game chat only. No TS3 ventrillo UNLESS like ACRE it requires you have in game communications. I dont plan to type text, i dont see why anyone would do that in a combat or dangerous scenario. Its more time consuming. Please pm me with your desire/commitment to play with in game mechanic comm only.

Im sorry to those seriously interested, who arent getting all weird about not using TS3. Just PM ME ONE LAST TIME. And i will move forward to set up the meet time and we can get started.

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I just came upon this thread, but To me it seems that it would be considerably easier to set up more of a Caravan or mobile trading network considering the following ideas.

1) Manpower - with most servers hosting 50 players it could take half the server to maintain a trading post between the guards, traders, and supply teams. This would increase considerably with a 24 hour trading operation

2) Eliminates the possibilities of spawn raiding and similar attacks. If there is no set location, it will be impossible to raid something that you are not sure of the location.

3) Mobile trading would be much more active and prevent any sort of low morale from lack of action, although I'm sure there would definitely be raids on a set location.

4) Unless there was a much larger server I can't imagine the demand being high enough to warrant an entire compound set up for trading, I would think it's much more likely that a handful of people would trade with the Trader.

I would imagine something like having one or two Traders or Sales Rep's with a guard or two and have them in multiple locations, maybe at one of the designated Landmarks or in a city and then you would have to meet with him to be escorted (possibly a hidden vehicle to take you there quickly) to the trading location, which would have several guards in vehicles stocked with items, possibly a tent with loot in it. You'd have to build up a war chest and keep transferring it between other players in the Trading Network (tents and vehicles).

With this sort of model you could have a functional network with 10 or less team members. You would have certain members who were responsible for "opening and closing the shop". Players could trade off vehicles and then communicate where they were stashed, simlar to what some clans are doing but strictly with goods for trade. Not sure how much stuff a vehicle could hold, I guess you could be really cool and have a helicopter full of 8 Traders storm out of the sky. Oh how the bandits would come running to see the chopper, just in time to watch it fly away to a safe haven.

I like the idea of Barter Town but with the large manpower, it would leave less than half the server available for trading, maybe half of those are bandits who would try to pick off the new customers.

Sounds cool though, good luck and keep the thread updated for all of us who die often, scramble to find stuff we can't use and need to pawn it off for more Mak ammo.

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I just came upon this thread' date=' but To me it seems that it would be considerably easier to set up more of a Caravan or mobile trading network considering the following ideas.

1) Manpower - with most servers hosting 50 players it could take half the server to maintain a trading post between the guards, traders, and supply teams. This would increase considerably with a 24 hour trading operation

2) Eliminates the possibilities of spawn raiding and similar attacks. If there is no set location, it will be impossible to raid something that you are not sure of the location.

3) Mobile trading would be much more active and prevent any sort of low morale from lack of action, although I'm sure there would definitely be raids on a set location.

4) Unless there was a much larger server I can't imagine the demand being high enough to warrant an entire compound set up for trading, I would think it's much more likely that a handful of people would trade with the Trader.

I would imagine something like having one or two Traders or Sales Rep's with a guard or two and have them in multiple locations, maybe at one of the designated Landmarks or in a city and then you would have to meet with him to be escorted (possibly a hidden vehicle to take you there quickly) to the trading location, which would have several guards in vehicles stocked with items, possibly a tent with loot in it. You'd have to build up a war chest and keep transferring it between other players in the Trading Network (tents and vehicles).

With this sort of model you could have a functional network with 10 or less team members. You would have certain members who were responsible for "opening and closing the shop". Players could trade off vehicles and then communicate where they were stashed, simlar to what some clans are doing but strictly with goods for trade. Not sure how much stuff a vehicle could hold, I guess you could be really cool and have a helicopter full of 8 Traders storm out of the sky. Oh how the bandits would come running to see the chopper, just in time to watch it fly away to a safe haven.

I like the idea of Barter Town but with the large manpower, it would leave less than half the server available for trading, maybe half of those are bandits who would try to pick off the new customers.

Sounds cool though, good luck and keep the thread updated for all of us who die often, scramble to find stuff we can't use and need to pawn it off for more Mak ammo.


Your number 3, while true, also makes it hard for survivors and traders to know where we will be today. Theres just no way to provide a safe zone if they dont know where it is when they need it. And if you tell them, well the bandits will find out too.

The mobile trading post would work if we had the ability to raise a flag or banner or something that would let people know thats who we are and what we are there for. But again, contradicts the no bandit raiders.

It would at least prevent highly tactical planned raids. Maybe

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OK two quick things I will mention. Skalisty Island has a water source (pump) at the tiny town next to the one enterable building there. It also spawns animals you can hunt (goats etc). The downside of using Skalisty Island is you make it too hard and costly for survivors and yourselves to access it for trade. Ferrying survivors in boats sounds good but you would go through a lot of fuel and need to jack your prices (in terms of trade). If you lose all your boats due to damage/theft/server reset etc you will need to shut down trading altogether unless people with boats visit you (unlikely) because items (other than GPS, Matches, Pistols etc) can't be carried when swimming.

I would personally think that Rog castle is better, it is very close to the coast and a spawn point at Otmel Island, hence easy access for newly spawned players to trade. The keep and gatehouse both have only one tiny entrance which can easily be defended (although Devils Castle would be easier to defend as there is a stair up to the entrance), with excellent overwatch from the roof of the keep and tower on the wall.

Any location you use whether Skalisty or a Castle will be easily infiltrated by server hoppers.

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While I love the idea of this, the current exploitable state of the game would make it impossible to pull off.

Also, if you broadcast your location for mobile trade you're still gonna get ambushed, and if you don't players who would otherwise trade with you might avoid you or even ambush you. (unless you figure out some system of looking like a caravan, maybe vehicles going slow speed with walking guards around it?)

The only thing that needs to be fixed is server hopping, and I think it's a pretty deep problem with the system.

I really like the trade network idea though, schedule a meeting with representatives through some third party system like Steam, IRC, or Mumble, and they can ride out fast carrying just what you want to trade for (and enough personal provisions and a PDW or something) on ATVs or some sort of off-road vehicle. The main stash itself would have to keep moving though...

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Does rog castle spawn zombies like all other mainland structure??

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All structures spawn zombies, castles are no exception.

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Im not arguing with pimply faced introverts on a zombie game forum.

Good to see you're handling this well, I can see you really enjoy dissuading any serious player from actually wanting to do this.

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I am not sure such a place should be considered totaly risk free. If that camp would be raided by a willing and organized force... so be it, could as well be considered part of "thing".

Making a "moving" camp (as has been suggested) could actually be an interesting alternative too.

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Ok folks, we are making progress. Slowly but surely. We are looking good in the vehicle and supplies department. Just need more dedicated guards from all diff time zones to help. All this is useless if we dont have the guards to protect and regulate trade and protect the sight. If anyone is on now, 2216 PST June 12 hit me up on here. We can meet up and work some stuff.

Let me just say to all true survivors who are readin this thread. Non bandit/griefers. The more of you guys that sign up to guard or even utilize and visit trading post delta, the less bandits and griefers will infiltrate and bother the "safe zone" Please join me in this endevour. Just remember that if you want to join we are not utilizing any out of game comms. Only direct chat and in game radios (once available)

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Good luck to you, OP.


And good luck to anyone that tries to put up with him.

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Anyway some players tend to think it's better dying by bullets/for a cause, than from the killing door, glitch of death, overjump, sea swimming course...


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I'm pumped about this. I have done everything in game except find a helicopter. This will add some more perspective to my game play. I am definitely down for contributing my play to participate in upkeeping a camp or being a part of soemthing like this.

I have nearly 29 days of straight survival and have accumulated A LOT of gear. I can definitely contribute to this group.

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I'm pumped about this. I have done everything in game except find a helicopter. This will add some more perspective to my game play. I am definitely down for contributing my play to participate in upkeeping a camp or being a part of soemthing like this.

I have nearly 29 days of straight survival and have accumulated A LOT of gear. I can definitely contribute to this group.

Do you play on US hardcore 2 a lot? If so we should meet up and start collecting fuel and stuff, for the boat :D

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So an update. Unfortunately this project will have to be put on a semi hold. All proposed locations, including stalitsy island spawn zombies, and a lot of them.

Untill the zombie mechanics change or we are given a sturdy set of fortification building this is somewhat impossible to protect supplies or the camp itself. If anyone has any suggestions at this point im all ears.

In any case id still like to get together with everyone to meet and possibly discuss establishing a stockpile which would have to be kept unbelievably secret and require at least frequent checking on. We could also take this time to train on standard operating procedures for the security and managment of the trading post once the location is known and customers are utilizin it.

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So an update. Unfortunately this project will have to be put on a semi hold. All proposed locations' date=' including stalitsy island spawn zombies, and a lot of them.

Untill the zombie mechanics change or we are given a sturdy set of fortification building this is somewhat impossible to protect supplies or the camp itself. If anyone has any suggestions at this point im all ears.

In any case id still like to get together with everyone to meet and possibly discuss establishing a stockpile which would have to be kept unbelievably secret and require at least frequent checking on. We could also take this time to train on standard operating procedures for the security and managment of the trading post once the location is known and customers are utilizin it.


Well I can meet up and look over the stockpile, plus help get it. Again like I say I'm in with all this. Tomorrow I will be going onto the server. Do you even have skype?

What about krutoy Cap? I know it may seem like a really hard place to defend. but there are some pro's to it.

1 - Unless bandits can get to the island we only have to guard one direction.

2 - No zombies to have to fight off

3 - Won't Have to rely on boats.

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Ill look at it today.

If there is no natural cover we are going to need a lot of sandbags. And if no concealment it wont be a good "safe zone" there is an island however with just a light house but its very steep and small. Not much flat ground. Not very comfortable for a trading post

The moving camp is starting to sound better and better lol. I just dont see how its feasable as safe. How would anyone know where we are, what we are and who we are. Unless we can pick up and move a substantial amount of fortification equipment easily around the vehicles than its not possible

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