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Lets do this, Trading Station Delta - Edited

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What well the supply team and guards be equipped with?

Personally I would give all the supply group members MP5SD6's' date=' that means if they do alert zombies they can kill them without alerting any nearby bandits.

For guards I would pick half of them with sniper rifles and the rest should get M249, that will make quick work of any attackers :P plus STANAG ammo is pretty easy to get in loots


I'd go with a more military model, such as squads and fireteams.

Each 'away party' would consist of an 8 member squad, composed of 2 4-man fireteams. Each fireteam would consist of someone with an RCO assault rifle, someone with a CCO assault rifle, someone with a shotgun and someone with a scoped rifle.

Each fireteam would move in pairs, bounding, with the members with the RCO assault rifle and the scoped rifle providing overwatch while the pair with the shotgun and CCO assault rifle advance and secure before the overwatch team moves up to repeat the process.

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If at all possible it would also be a good idea to keep scouts outside of the post to keep an eye on any possible threats as they come closer(this would require a radio system though)

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To me, the key would be aggressiveness of action. Get in, clear and take what you need, then get out, all the while moving with a quickness.

I think the optimal situation for a team going out to gather supplies is to come in on a Huey blasting Ride of the Valkyries, and moving through an area quickly, aided by the Huey in the air providing overwatch. I also think you'll do best in the daytime, as having the Huey will allow you to see any danger before it becomes a problem.

Doing it USMC Fireteam-style is fine, I think that's a good option as I've said earlier, but having that Huey to get you back and forth and to provide eyes in the sky would be absolutely invaluable.

If you do get one, I'd find somewhere to park it that is hard to get to. Hell, maybe you could even move it to the top of a roof, and have the pilot just stay up there as a guard or simply log out. Nobody would be able to get to it then.

It's important to keep it out of reach of any newly-recruited guards, and any traders. If there's no pilot in it and someone makes a run for it? Yeah, that'd suck :P

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To me' date=' the key would be aggressiveness of action. Get in, clear and take what you need, then get out, all the while moving with a quickness.

I think the optimal situation for a team going out to gather supplies is to come in on a Huey blasting Ride of the Valkyries, and moving through an area quickly, aided by the Huey in the air providing overwatch. I also think you'll do best in the daytime, as having the Huey will allow you to see any danger before it becomes a problem.

Doing it USMC Fireteam-style is fine, I think that's a good option as I've said earlier, but having that Huey to get you back and forth and to provide eyes in the sky would be absolutely invaluable.

If you do get one, I'd find somewhere to park it that is hard to get to. Hell, maybe you could even move it to the top of a roof, and have the pilot just stay up there as a guard or simply log out. Nobody would be able to get to it then.

It's important to keep it out of reach of any newly-recruited guards, and any traders. If there's no pilot in it and someone makes a run for it? Yeah, that'd suck :P


Why go in guns blazing, you may waste ammo, by doing that. I would take it nice and slowly and only engage if you need to.

We would need a total of 3 vehicles, 1 per each group that goes out or if you are going into the more populated cities bring a second one. Huey will be good but it won't go unnoticed by bandits or other players. Once they they see it in the air they might follow it. Meaning that the the supply group would have to get in and out quickly or engage and possibly take casualties.

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It's true that it may waste ammo, and frankly I'd probably put a silenced weapon in each team to deal with Zs, but the main thing is that you don't wanna hang around for any longer than you absolutely need to.

I'm not saying you should shoot anything that moves, and you should still be going around crouched, but the main thing is having agreed on which buildings you want to hit and who's gonna be hitting which ones, before you get to them.

With the Huey in the air, you'll be able to see any problematic Zs easily, and when you know you're likely to aggro them, you're honestly better off just pulling them into a building and shooting them in the head one by one.

Crawling around through them might mean you don't have to shoot anybody, but if you came in in a car, or in a Huey, everybody's gonna know you're there anyway, and you don't wanna get caught in prone with six zombies around you.

If you're hitting a place like Stary Sobor, the NW Airfield, or the Firestations down in Elektro, I do think that you're better off making a show of force and being quick about your business. If someone is there who doesn't want to mess with you, they'll know to get the hell out of the way, and if they do want to mess with you, well, then they'd probably already have spotted or heard you coming in.

Obviously I'm not telling people to go in solo, guns blazing, but with a larger team, aggressiveness of action is key.

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You know all these vehicles would just attract MORE bandits. Hate to burst your bubble, but be a little realistic here.

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Ok guys, I am active duty air force combat communications. I understand the importance of communications for successful ops better than most. I kno it is going to be hard at first without ts3 but you guys have to understand this game is unique. It is an expirement. I want to play this game authentically the way rocket intended. We as a post apocalyptic company will. Eed to adapt. If we dont have radios we will have to shorten our range, stay in close contact. Use visual signals like flares, flashlights for morse code. We can make it easy for ourselves and cheat or we can adapt in fun and interesting ways. It will be that much cooler when and if we suceed if we did it the right way. And when rocket implements radios, which he will soon, than we can adapt again and extend our range, communicate more effectivly. Lets evolve with the game, the expirement.

To those of you who say its not possible for 200 people to be organized with no comms. You are right. However, do u really think we will have a 200 man trading post anytime soon? I can almost guarentee u by the time we even have 20 dedicated people in his rocket will have implemented radios, spotlights, fortifications. Its going to take time to do this right.

If you dont want to join me in his endevour without ts3 than whatever. This game is growing everyday and there will be others who will, or maybe not and he project will fail before it starts

Oh well. Its a game, a good one but a game. I wont cry or be upset if people jump ship cuz they want the easy route. We can make this happen authentically and it will be a funner, scarier and riskier task.

So if u were previously interested but feel u dont want to try without ts3 please pm me to let me know. I am a SSGT, iv been through leadership training, SERE, and combat arms training. I will lead this operation to success or a glorious failure but only if i have manpower behind me.

Let me know.

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Victor, we need a vehicle retrieval and repair squad.

Keeping those vehicles for our use and keeping them maintained is something our current squads cannot fill into their roles.

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I'm down for whatever, ts3 or not. I think we have enough people interested to at least get a server chosen and a squad together to begin fixing a helicopter and finding some equipment.

We've identified the core issues with the idea, and we've addressed those problems as best we can for the time being. There seems to be enough people on-board that are willing to go beyond this pessimism and commence repair and retrieve operations on a designated server.

We just need the leadership of this operation to organize those interested so that we can form up and proceed with a major requirement that each idea seems to have - the helicopter.

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I will begin PMing everyone interested the location and date for the meet. If you are interested you have untill tommorow june 13th to pm me with most convinient time for u and name in game. This will not be our location. This is to discuss and get things started. We will begin tasks on this day.

In addition, i will be passing you a sign-countersign. Do not give this to anyone. This is how i will id you as you approach the meet spot.

Just to get this out there guys. I have never run a gaming clan. My expireince with managing and leading is solely military. I understand that its a game and many of you want to just have fun and your ideas suggestions made reality in the group.

In the air force your ideas are usually heard and considered, but the ultimate desicion is based on whats best for the air force. So if ur idea is possible with the current build of the game i will consider it as effective or not and implement.

In the Air Force if u dont like it or dont comply you can find your ass in levenworth. Lucky for u guys if you dont like it you can leave and start your own trading post :) so just keep that in mind going forward that in order for this to be successful it, like the military, cannot be a democracy. Not trying to be a dick or high and mighty. Just trying to level with any non military in here how i plan to go forward and give u guys a headsup.

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"I want to play this game authentically the way rocket intended."

That's the key phrase.

You're saying that Rocket will surely implement in-game radios soon, so obviously you believe that global voice comms are in his intention.

In that light, why would using TS/Vent/Mumble to fill that void be so unauthentic?''

Again, if that's the way you're dead set on doing it, then the best of luck to you, and I hope it works out.

It just seems like a contradiction to me.

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I scouted out green mountain and with 4 sandbags or C-wire, the location would be secure and only entry would be via the front gate, also the tower provides some tactical value in securing the area. Now the down side is that the tower is very noticeable from a distance. However I would like to point out in my time playing Dayz, I have never come across zeds there.

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"I want to play this game authentically the way rocket intended."

That's the key phrase.

You're saying that Rocket will surely implement in-game radios soon' date=' so obviously you believe that global voice comms are in his intention.

In that light, why would using TS/Vent/Mumble to fill that void be so unauthentic?''

Again, if that's the way you're dead set on doing it, then the best of luck to you, and I hope it works out.

It just seems like a contradiction to me.


Hardly. If rocket implements anything it will be Radios. A peice of equipment you will have to have in hand like in RL. How is that anything like a "magical ability to talk to whoever whenever through your head"?

Thats a preatty shitty attitude to not even try without your beloved teamspeak. A contradiction it is not. In game radios are something we would have to aquire, that could be picked up by bandits or enemies and used against us. Something we could lose if not careful. That we would need to aquire batteries for. Its challenging.

But thanks for showing us your attitude about things now before we start getting raped by griefers every night and you quit when we would have need you most.



Has anyone at all seen zeds spawn at green mountain??

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I scouted out green mountain and with 4 sandbags or C-wire' date=' the location would be secure and only entry would be via the front gate, also the tower provides some tactical value in securing the area. Now the down side is that the tower is very noticeable from a distance. However I would like to point out in my time playing Dayz, I have never come across zeds there.


i've totally encountered zeds at the radio tower. had to run from them too.

But i do think it is a good place for a fortified location none the less.

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I scouted out green mountain and with 4 sandbags or C-wire' date=' the location would be secure and only entry [b'][aside from ghosting in] would be via the front gate, also the tower provides some tactical value in securing the area. Now the down side is that the tower is very noticeable from a distance. However I would like to point out in my time playing Dayz, I have never come across zeds there.

Fixed that for ya.

Yes, zombies spawn at Green Mtn. No, there is nothing to loot there.

"but the ultimate desicion is based on whats best for the air force."

In this case, what's best for us is being able to communicate. People have offered us TS servers to use, it would be both stupid and rude to turn down their offers.

Also, @OP:

While I'm eager to be a part of this and try, you've got to accept that most people here are casuals. Most people here haven't had any military experience. Most people don't give a rat's ass about chain of command. By saying stuff like "I'll talk about the location with my team", you only distance yourself from the rest of us. Aren't we going to be your team? If you and "your team" want to be The Man, that's fine, but you'll have to accept that you'll be the target of much of our bitching.

Also, there's no way to enforce "No TS3". If you don't want to use it, the rest of us will :/

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It should be in one of those forts. Pretty defensible, but then there are Zs that spawn there. And there is one close to the beach.

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It should be in one of those forts. Pretty defensible' date=' but then there are Zs that spawn there. And there is one close to the beach.


Can be both blown up and easily ghosted.

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Honestly not sure where you get the whole "thanks for showing us your attitude" deal from.

I don't see any part of my post that was in any way hostile.

I was simply pointing out that I don't understand your line of thinking on the subject, and I even took the time to wish you luck, regardless of whether I could convince you or not.

I should also point out that I've already declined to show up in person, with perfectly legitimate reasons for making that choice, all of which have nothing to do with your choices with regard to out-of-game voice comms, making the closing statement completely misplaced.

Again, I have no idea what could drive you to react with such hostility to what was otherwise a friendly attempt at trying to dig into the reasons for your choices.

Oh, and Zeds spawn the Green Mountain. They do for me, anyway.

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whats to stop a player with a satchel charge from walking in or server hopping in and exploding your position? this is highly ambitious and if it works I would def check it out but its hard to fathom people coordinating this to a degree that is productive. If i was a bandit I would snipe your "guards," all day or Jihad the location or simply infiltrate it, earn your trust and stab you in the back, you know what bandits are notorious for.

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"I want to play this game authentically the way rocket intended."

That's the key phrase.

You're saying that Rocket will surely implement in-game radios soon' date=' so obviously you believe that global voice comms are in his intention.

In that light, why would using TS/Vent/Mumble to fill that void be so unauthentic?''

[b']Again, if that's the way you're dead set on doing it, then the best of luck to you, and I hope it works out.

It just seems like a contradiction to me.


Hardly. If rocket implements anything it will be Radios. A peice of equipment you will have to have in hand like in RL. How is that anything like a "magical ability to talk to whoever whenever through your head"?

Thats a preatty shitty attitude to not even try without your beloved teamspeak. A contradiction it is not. In game radios are something we would have to aquire, that could be picked up by bandits or enemies and used against us. Something we could lose if not careful. That we would need to aquire batteries for. Its challenging.

But thanks for showing us your attitude about things now before we start getting raped by griefers every night and you quit when we would have need you most.


What an utterly toxic response to a polite observation. I don't think it's Amentes who has the attitude problem. Why in the world you would harbour such bitterness towards the use of voice comms in a mil sim with your background is mind-boggling.

I don't think that not trying reflects a 'shitty attitude' when it's because the proposal requires adhering to needless, arbitrary self-imposed limitations that drastically reduce the effectiveness of your communication and organisation in an already hostile environment. That's just a healthy dose of sanity and self-preservation. And there was I thinking survival was at the core of this game.

In addition, the radio feature you suggest is totally redundant unless the mod actively prevented people from using ventrilo/teamspeak, because who in the hell would bother with a radio you would have to find, could lose, and could be subsequently compromised by? Nobody in their right mind would use it for day-to-day operations, especially in large groups.

As such there is nothing 'unauthentic' about teamspeak/ventrilo; you are superimposing your own ideals onto those of Rocket, then declaring that other people who don't follow your own brand of logic to have 'shitty attitudes'.

You know what else isn't 'authentic' by your standards? Reincarnation. Perhaps next time you die, you should uninstall the game never to return.

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Hmm I would go with teamspeak, but if we don't use it, I will still play my part. Just a heads up now with version 1.7.1 being released, Zombies WILL be more of a threat and all group will require better weapons (except those guarding the island)

btw, I was on the server around 5 minutes ago, and found 4-5 tents packed together up north. Some of the people here on this thread may have put them down, or it was bandits probably getting ready, for when this happens.

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I scouted out green mountain and with 4 sandbags or C-wire' date=' the location would be secure and only entry [b'][aside from ghosting in] would be via the front gate, also the tower provides some tactical value in securing the area. Now the down side is that the tower is very noticeable from a distance. However I would like to point out in my time playing Dayz, I have never come across zeds there.

Fixed that for ya.

Yes, zombies spawn at Green Mtn. No, there is nothing to loot there.

"but the ultimate desicion is based on whats best for the air force."

In this case, what's best for us is being able to communicate. People have offered us TS servers to use, it would be both stupid and rude to turn down their offers.

Also, @OP:

While I'm eager to be a part of this and try, you've got to accept that most people here are casuals. Most people here haven't had any military experience. Most people don't give a rat's ass about chain of command. By saying stuff like "I'll talk about the location with my team", you only distance yourself from the rest of us. Aren't we going to be your team? If you and "your team" want to be The Man, that's fine, but you'll have to accept that you'll be the target of much of our bitching.

Also, there's no way to enforce "No TS3". If you don't want to use it, the rest of us will :/

Wow, preatty evident of the maturity level of the people here. I dont have time for this. Love how someone comes out with a forum to get a project started and than that project is jacked by others like rules or the way someones wants to run their own clan. If theres any reason this will fail is the character of some of the kids on here.

I dont need the frustration of dealing with faceless names who wana give me a hard time. I will not struggle to get people in line with the vision of HOW I want to play. So i will take new applications for those who are interested in a non ts in game mechanics ONLY trading post. If i dont get any than oh well. I tried.

To those making a huge deal about the ts3 vs radio thing. Your rediculous. This project would take time. By the time all supplies are gathered and location fortified rocket will have already implemented an ACRE like radio system. The same people who are not wanting to have to adapt without long haul communications are the same that want the game mechanics to be more forgiving.

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Do you have skype? If do hit me up already :D name is killershrimp1011

We will need to organise for some of those who ARE dedicated to go start getting resources.

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