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Update! All community vehicles are recovered, please check. Private customers who have vehicle issues - please submit a ticket to have your vehicles recovered. We'll have everyone done today.

Edited by SurvivalServers

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Hey guys.

I installed Bliss 4.0 + 1.7.3 and some people are playing just fine but other people are getting that black screen saying "You are running an incorrect version.. Blah blah blah". They have 1.7.3 installed and can play in other 1.7.3 servers, but in my server they are getting that message.

Maybe something in Bliss 4.0 is causing that?

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All pending orders are being worked on right now, we are very busy at the moment so we decided to hire some temporary staff to help fill the new orders.

We are also working on fixing everyone's vehicle issues. If you are having any issues with vehicles just submit a support ticket and we will hook you up!

We really appreciate your patience as we work out a few bugs with the new updates.


Chad (Survival Servers Co-founder)

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Im also getting the "incorrect server side application" message. It shows up when people are trying to spawn from death or a new person. Anyone find a fix for this? I've tried reinstalling 1.7.3, restarting the server, all to no avail.

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Also: is it possible to have Namalsk working with 1.7.3, so people with that version of the mod can play in Namalsk without the need to rollback to

i updated to 1.7.3 on namalsk server, some people are getting wrong version errors and some people (me) join without problems butt spawn in debug fully geared up.........

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All pending orders are being worked on right now, we are very busy at the moment so we decided to hire some temporary staff to help fill the new orders.

We are also working on fixing everyone's vehicle issues. If you are having any issues with vehicles just submit a support ticket and we will hook you up!

We really appreciate your patience as we work out a few bugs with the new updates.


Chad (Survival Servers Co-founder)

Are you fucking kidding me?

1) You tell me that I'm rude and that you are not giving a poor quality support when you just ignored my previous posts.

2) Fixing vehicles? Seriously? Man, are you even reading that people CAN'T PLAY in our servers?

3) How are you even accepting orders for servers that have so many issues? First fix the issues, then let people pay you.

Edited by MrKalimotxo

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Can we get an ETA on when the vehicles will be fixed, this is really really annoying.

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anyone find a fix for :THe server is running an incorrect version of trhe server side application. You cannot play on this server. If you are the server admin please contac

thats what people are getting after they die on my server?

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All pending orders are being worked on right now, we are very busy at the moment so we decided to hire some temporary staff to help fill the new orders.

Kind of wish you did this way back when you guys started getting "very busy" in early October. Also, keep them permanently, you need them.

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Ok, so this "bug" about the wrong version happens when the server creates you a new character, for example after you die or if you join the server for the first time. People who had a character before updating the server can play normally, but when they die they will get the error as they will need a new character.

So basically, if we have this bug our server is useless as PEOPLE CAN´T PLAY IN OUR SERVER.

I hope you FIX THIS IMMEDIATELY or give me back my money, because I'm paying for a server where PEOPLE CAN'T PLAY

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From what we experienced the 4.0 wrong version errors are usually due to an invalid starting loadout. This may or may not work on SS, but if you go into your database under the 'instance' table and change your inventory to:


and restart the server it will probably fix it.

Alternatively if there isn't a row for your particular instance you should insert and use the defaults for inventory and backpack & change the instanceID to your instanceID.

Edited by ersan191
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Its still not fixed? I downgraded back to last night hoping it would be fixed today. Oh well.

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Its still not fixed? I downgraded back to last night hoping it would be fixed today. Oh well.

This is starting to be pathetic: DayZ.ST admins helping SurvivalServers costumers...

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We actually patched everyone up a while ago for the vehicle error (parts fix). A server restart is required.

As far as the vehicle restoration we've finished everyone up through ticket requests as 12 hours ago. We're still chugging through these and expect the rest to be finished tomorrow (11/5).

Edited by SurvivalServers

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Hi, pls check my ticket #184237, I replied to it by myself (lol) as I was adding "server side" issue to it. It was posted (your time) Saturday, November 3rd, 2012 (20:31), now is Monday, November 5th, 2012 (02:06), still no answer after 29 hours. Know you are busy, but come on, you are not doing it for free. It was posted in the evening, but you proclaim within 24 h, so?

I see the Dayz ST are sold out, so everyone just moved there guys? :) Want one another server, so I will give them a try. And if SS is not improving soon, will move completely there.

Lucky you SS for now, I'll give you chance till end of my due time, because I'm very patient, but from your posts here I feel you don't even care to loose customers and that is unacceptable business behavior for me.

Just take note: The customer is always right. And you'll be beloved company.


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please please please, can anyone help?

People who play on the server keep getting the incorrect server version after death or first time entering the server. I've installed 1.7.3. a bunch of times and different ways. I deleted my custom loadout as stated above and still a no go.

I pay for the server to play with people and no one can join. I am really trying with all my patience but it;s almost been a 20+ hours and I need the server to work as paid for.

Has anyone also had no vehicles showing up in dayztools DB?

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