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SurvivalServers (DayZ)

Game Server Hosting by SurvivalServers.com *** INSTANT SETUP | CUSTOM CP | FTP | CUSTOM MODS | ANTI-HACK **

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Mine runs out on the 10th, then I'm going to Dayz.st. I dont want a voucher. I want a refund on the downtime. Why should i be forced to rent for another month just to see compensation for the downtime. That is shoddy business. It just disgusts me that because you have ranted about the crappy service. That they remove your contract altogether. Ive heard of cowboy builders, But i never thought id see cowboys in hosting. Oh well, Im paid up until the 10th, then I'm gone. If i get any more downtime before then, I'm pulling my money through paypal.

Good to hear let me know if you need any help with transferring your database over, when you switch to dayz.st dude, to be honest I was kind of expecting this. I was stupid when I ordered and didn't search this forum first it was already full of complaints, think I even posted in it worried that I'd see problems. That was all I got let's hope no one else bothers using their inevitable token $5 refund either and realizes there are hosts who know what they are doing too.

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Here's my final review on the service I received from this "company" taken from another thread but I thought I'd post it here for SEO purposes it pretty much covers everything. SS before you have a go at me for bashing your company on a forum like you have done to everyone else to bad mouth you. I will remind you that this is a public forum for people to post their opinions if you disagree with them then try constructing an argument with evidence as to why they are wrong. Or you could just terminate that persons contract....

My first period of downtime occurred Wednesday, November 7th, 2012 around 11 AM (I also had two days of downtime whilst they were setting the server up), the server was dead completely with no TCAdmin response. Here's the reply from SS 2 days later

Friday, November 9th, 2012 (14:08) Survival Servers || Staff

Your server should now be up and running and DayzTools has been fixed!

So he never even bothers to tell me why the host was completely down for two days. His comment about DayZTools refers to the fact I had also let them know my server had never managed to successfully spawn vehicles using the script we were being charged $5 a month for.

His response was not true the tool was still not "fixed" and still did not spawn vehicles without erroring on the chernarus db, and so the tickets continued. Eventually one week later to the original support ticket I was told this

Wednesday, November 14th, 2012 (16:29) Survival Servers || Staff

This issue has been fixed, you currently have 65 vehicles on your Chernarus server.


Survival Servers

The tool was indeed now finally managing to spawn vehicles however we still suffered the exact problems DayZGeneration has posted about. Vehicles would spawn fully repaired when defined not to and would automatically repair when in use. Much of this is due to SS' inability to deploy bliss and dayz updates in a timely manner.

Then of course there's the update they tried to deploy 2 days ago now, they finally did this over a week after all the other server hosts "so they could do it without any bugs". Read through the thread to see if they managed that, I wouldn't be surprised if they broke every single private hive server in the process.


Please stop spamming the forums with lies. I have personally been on your server multiple times. It is impossible when you say it has only been running for 5 days.

We reserve the right to terminate any service in extreme situations as stated in our TOS that you agreed to. You have been extremely rude and insulting, and we will simply not put up with you thinking that somehow you deserve special treatment above all of our other customers.

I have records of all my support tickets if anyone actually thinks I was saying anything that was offensive or untrue to them. My forum posts are available for all to see in their thread. I never implied I deserved to be treated any differently to anyone else, I did however let them know we were all being treated like crap.

So they cancelled my service for complaining, well thats not technically true they did nothing to my account it still all works (I had terminated payment but service was contracted to continue till the 4th).

What I think they have actually done is decided not to fix my server because they don't like me telling the truth about them in a public forum. All my login details still work fine I just can't do anything with the server in TCAdmin because it wont fully load, just like it was after applying the patch.


Their one man team of admins has so many hundreds of servers which he has now broken he doesn't have the time to fix mine after I've been telling others of the quality of his service and because I have already terminated my contract. I didn't see one post in their thread from a private owner who actually managed to deploy the update without breaking his server.

Should the server remain in this state until the 4th of December that will make the total number of days they managed to provide a server I could even connect to 20 out of the 30 I paid for. The server was out of date and virtually unplayable due to all the bugs from out of date bliss and dayz code and non functioning admin tools for all of those days.

This companies "tools" consist of a simple webpage which just runs a few database queries (most of which other providers offer for free). Their "map" tool is just an out of date copy of BlissAdmin which again doesn't fully function.

I urge anyone who gets given one of their inevitable $5 off your next month vouchers to save your time and stress and move to another host. You can see the track record for these guys in their thread, I'll let you decide if you think I was treated fairly.

Edited by seaweed
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I'm so frustrated with SS at the moment, i could just rip into them over my issue's but i'm not going to and give them benefit of the doubt. I'm starting to see a pattern with them and what i'm seeing here and it's not good. Take warning when you choose a server provider you get what you pay for.

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Ive had problems with them but they have worked hard to recover lost data, credit me for lost time when my server was down for 8 days, and have been fairly quick in answering tickets.

For those bitching about paying for a Fully Managed Server, let me inform you guys that you need to submit a ticket to them to make the desired changes/updates. They fully manage your server when you tell them what you want done, they wont automatically apply updates until told because some people like the older versions.

My only real complaint has been their removal of rMod. My server is depedent upon it as we had alot of the banned vehicles and guns that rMod enabled. They took it down when the 1.7.3 update came out, I was told to wait till they updated to Bliss 4.1 that was supposed to be out a week later, yet never came. Now and Bliss 4.2 are out and yet still no option to re-enable rMod and my community is getting a bit antsy.

SurvivalServers, please hurry up and enable rMod for those of us who have been patient loyal paying customers as Im not the only one not bitching and still waiting for the rMod to return to my server.

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No mine still glitches out. Had to revert to Bliss 4.0

Thanks for letting me know. Just had a hacker spamming news adverts. So i hoped 4.2 would end it. Guess SS is still behind the rest of the hosts.

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Erm i too am experiancing issues With Survival Servers... Which too is a Shame Because Before all this.. heard nothing but Good news about this Guys.. And due to the Lack of Response i have had to Send a email to a personnal Email (Which is Highly Unprofessional)

But @SurvivalServers Please Take down the caption on your Webpage that says "Blazing Fast Setup" in the same Passage of text you say 2 completly Different Things..

"We Approve servers 24/7" Then You Put "During Normal Working Hours" <--- That just Don't Make Sense

I will still wait for Survival Servers to correct the Concerns That i am Having.. But soo Far i cannot see a light at the end of the Tunnel..

I understand you have issues as you have explained But when i purchased the Service from You i recieved no information on the Issues you were Having Just Like you took my Money and Ran..

I apologies for my Post seeming angry and Forward.. But as you may be able to understand That it is extremely Frustrating When hand out Money for nothing.

Please Advise If you cannot Sort this Soon i would Appricate a Refund so i can go else Where For a Server..

R0ccat (MClarke)

Edited by R0ccat

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Erm i too am experiancing issues With Survival Servers... Which too is a Shame Because Before all this.. heard nothing but Good news about this Guys.. And due to the Lack of Response i have had to Send a email to a personnal Email (Which is Highly Unprofessional)

But @SurvivalServers Please Take down the caption on your Webpage that says "Blazing Fast Setup" in the same Passage of text you say 2 completly Different Things..

"We Approve servers 24/7" Then You Put "During Normal Working Hours" <--- That just Don't Make Sense

I will still wait for Survival Servers to correct the Concerns That i am Having.. But soo Far i cannot see a light at the end of the Tunnel..

I understand you have issues as you have explained But when i purchased the Service from You i recieved no information on the Issues you were Having Just Like you took my Money and Ran..

I apologies for my Post seeming angry and Forward.. But as you may be able to understand That it is extremely Frustrating When hand out Money for nothing.

Please Advise If you cannot Sort this Soon i would Appricate a Refund so i can go else Where For a Server..

R0ccat (MClarke)

switch to dayz.st. You will not regret it. survivalservers.com is a horrible company and they dont give a shit about you or any other of their PAYING customers.

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switch to dayz.st. You will not regret it. survivalservers.com is a horrible company and they dont give a shit about you or any other of their PAYING customers.


My paypal dispute was ended by SS of course, apparently 20 out of 30 days hosting is fine. All they care about is money not customers, good job I can continue to tell people the truth about their service.

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I'm having the same issues. This will be my last billing cycle for my server. SS was fine at first, then "growing pains" hit...hopefully you guys consider hiring more staff.

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Thanks for realizing that it is not always best to update right away. We do try and release updates shortly after release, but we definitely don't want to be dealing with tons of new bugs.

We will be releasing all of the new updates spread out over the next few days including, Bliss 4.2, updating our DayZTools feature, updating map tool.

We are also working on automating the order process so we can have more time to focus on tickets.

I know some of you are dying for the new updates and I assure you we're going to get them out there as fast as we can.

We released and the new Beta updates for PUBLIC HIVE today. We're still working on private and community hive updates.


Survival Servers

Thought I'd repost this from a few pages back for anyone stupid enough to still be considering staying with this host moving to dayz.st was the best thing I ever did, and that was BEFORE they terminated my contract early for informing other forum users of just how crap of a service they provide.

Get out whilst you still can before the one man running this show gives up and does one with all your money.

Edited by seaweed

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I'm having the same issues. This will be my last billing cycle for my server. SS was fine at first, then "growing pains" hit...hopefully you guys consider hiring more staff.

This is quite a shock considering you were their biggest fan. Glad you have come to see the light.

Just sayin

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I really hope this thread helps to drive home the point to prospective customers that SurvivalServers is not the company to go with. Go with DayZ.st if you want comparable prices and much better service.

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i've been trying to be be patient too. This is my last billing cycle too... this shit is out of hand.

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Well, Bliss 4.2 doesnt work, Characters invisible in third person mode. DOES ANYTHING WORK AS INTENDED????

Your running Namalsk aren't you? Namalsk is not compatible with Bliss v4.2 It's meant to be on 4.0 and 1.7.3

See the creator's site here for details:


We have tons of servers running 4.2 and right now which are working just fine.


Survival Servers

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Your running Namalsk aren't you? Namalsk is not compatible with Bliss v4.2 It's meant to be on 4.0 and 1.7.3

See the creator's site here for details:


We have tons of servers running 4.2 and right now which are working just fine.


Survival Servers

Perhaps you should answer/discuss the criticism that you are receiving?

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Perhaps you should answer/discuss the criticism that you are receiving?

Hey, thanks for your concern I appreciate it.

We like to address issues on an individual basis unless there is a known bug or issue that we are currently having.

Anyone having a specific server issue please submit a support ticket. I have personally updated 50+ servers in the last few days to Bliss 4.2 and

Ticket response time will improve to less than 12 hours MAXIMUM once we finish our new order automation and DB Backup tool.

Our current is response time is 24 hours MAXIMUM so this is a huge step forward, we're going to cut the time by more than half, maybe even more over the next few weeks.

We're looking to make some changes for the better and you should see a noticable difference in the quality of support and response times.

Thank you to those of you who have stayed patient as we continue to move forward and make some necessary changes within our business.


Chad (Survival Servers Co-founder)

Edited by SurvivalServers
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How do i get whiteliist pro to work?

I have it installed on the server, Go to dayztools. Ive tried adding people using there GUID, and also IP. But they still get asked to input the server password when trying to join.

Also, People are still getting kicked when they die due to this "MPEventHandler RemoteExec Restriction #0" Im guessing this is anti-hax doing this.

Any help would be great.

Edited by DayZGeneration

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How do i get whiteliist pro to work?

I have it installed on the server, Go to dayztools. Ive tried adding people using there GUID, and also IP. But they still get asked to input the server password when trying to join.

Also, People are still getting kicked when they die due to this "MPEventHandler RemoteExec Restriction #0" Im guessing this is anti-hax doing this.

Any help would be great.


If it is still asking for a password when joining the server please check if there is a required password in TC Admin >>> Configuration Files >>> Bliss\server.cfg

Whitelister Pro is having a few issues on Start-up (It might only start 80-90% of the time on a server restart.

We highly recommend using Gotcha's whitelister. More information can be found here: http://www.gotcha-antihack.com/

We have lots of customers using Gotcha, most of them are very happy with it thus far.

"MPEventHandler RemoteExec Restriction #0" This error is most likely our Anti-hax. Please uninstall our's and stick with Gotcha for now.

Gotcha has some awesome features for Anti-hacking as well.

Let me know if I can help you in any other way.



Edited by SurvivalServers

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