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Well today i was killed by some dirty hacker scum, not a good day lost 2 SVD camo's range finder and night vision but most of all i lost my fucking party bus :( Fudd Tours is officially out of business Thanks Byr for trying to help

Well, thats still DayZs main problem. My recommendation is some kind of trusted player list for our server, so everyone can decide to logoff or at least stay cautious if unknown users join the server. We just need a place to publish such a list.

Edited by Avatar73
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Byrgesen, is there a way for you to block that one guy's IP so that he cannot spam your server?

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Byrgesen, is there a way for you to block that one guy's IP so that he cannot spam your server?

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I followed the steps to the letter by i got kicked due to a "deleted.CARocks2" file or something like that. Any hints?

did you copy addons from arma 2 dir to arma 2 oa dir ? it might be the trick :) on steam that is

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Byrgesen, is there a way for you to block that one guy's IP so that he cannot spam your server?

Ive had a chat with my ISP and thing will be taken to a higher lvl :)

And for you guys that did not know:

DNZ Joachim was unhappy he lost some items on server restart, so he desided to go on a vehicle smashing spree and flamme everybody for loosing hes stuff.

Then after a couple of hours of discussion and childish behavior (he even asked what it took to get a ban) i desided to kick him.

He then went along and ddos my internet down, as he had promissed in the chat.

Hes ID is: 21972358

Also before that i banned one of hes clan mates Defenze or something, for hacking and spawning stuff in.

Hes ID is: 16114630

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And again i have been Kicked thanks very much DNZ Joachim this time i was kicked in a bus and i can even find the server now, what a childish pathetic tosser you are

Edited by Elmer_Fudd

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yeh hes a real fricking gem that guy.

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yeh hes a real fricking gem that guy.

hope you can get it sorted real soon buddy i really love this server :)

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Elmer, it is okay, i got out of bus so if you are glitched in it i can move it. but yea, i don't like that guy.

Also, i have to lists of your server, the second one appears to work, while the first one hangs at "joining game" may just be lag

EDIT: now only one listed server

Edited by Confused2

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well im not gonna unban him lol.

so hopefully hes gonna act like a child once again and stop when its not funny anymore :)

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it should be up now yes, but i guess that raging kid keeps killing my gamespy tracker.

Try and keep trying.

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it should be up now yes, but i guess that raging kid keeps killing my gamespy tracker.

Try and keep trying.

just keep getting connecting failed :( will try again in 5 - 10 mins

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yeh, think time will heal it.

I cant do much atm, as my internet is fine, but i think its the gamespy tracker thats down, coz of ddos

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Always when you think there can't be a bigger dumbass in the world... ^_^

Byr, can't you contact DNZ clan leaders to talk any reason into those loosers or isnt the rest of the clan any better?

If everything fails what about a new IP that isnt made public? Maybe even the password should only be sent via PM after some kind of application in the forum, like it is done for guilds in MMORPGs. Just a thought...

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well even if the IP and PASS was hidden he would have gotten it when he had logged in. remember this is a guy who have been playing there for 2 damn weeks lol.

Theres no way to stop this no matter how many precautions you take, the world will always have assholes in it.

And im guessing the clan isnt a proff clan tbh, they acted like children and made no sense what so ever lol.

so we can ride it out and hopefully my ISP can help me out with it and do something.

No elmer thats good, it means you can connect. :)

hopefully more should be able to soon.

Edited by Byrgesen

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If everything fails what about a new IP that isnt made public? Maybe even the password should only be sent via PM after some kind of application in the forum, like it is done for guilds in MMORPGs. Just a thought...

Byrgesen was said he spoke with his ISP and that something was going to be done. but if that doesn't work i would support your idea Avatar73, but that means that Byrgesen has to take time to let people join or not (and even if someone does pass the application and is let in they can still decide to hack allbeit less would want to) but it means that Byrgesen has to take alot more time to keep everything secure for the rest of us.

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Byrgesen was said he spoke with his ISP and that something was going to be done. but if that doesn't work i would support your idea Avatar73, but that means that Byrgesen has to take time to let people join or not (and even if someone does pass the application and is let in they can still decide to hack allbeit less would want to) but it means that Byrgesen has to take alot more time to keep everything secure for the rest of us.

My point exactly, the screening process would be very long and difficult and i dont believe the end result will be better then it has been so far.

I mean this is the first time i have had to actually ban that amount of people and its the first time we have had a ddos, so i consider us pretty lucky compared to most other servers.

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Byrgesen was said he spoke with his ISP and that something was going to be done. but if that doesn't work i would support your idea Avatar73, but that means that Byrgesen has to take time to let people join or not (and even if someone does pass the application and is let in they can still decide to hack allbeit less would want to) but it means that Byrgesen has to take alot more time to keep everything secure for the rest of us.

My point exactly, the screening process would be very long and difficult and i dont believe the end result will be better then it has been so far.

I mean this is the first time i have had to actually ban that amount of people and its the first time we have had a ddos, so i consider us pretty lucky compared to most other servers.

Lol got another DDOS just as i was writing this. bastard

EDIT: It appears to be exactly 5 mins at a time.

and apperantly it made a double post during the ddos lol

Edited by Byrgesen

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There are supposed to be some kind of anti-ddos scripts.

EDIT: And even some software solutions depending on your server OS.

Edited by Avatar73

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There are supposed to be some kind of anti-ddos scripts.

Point me to one pls mate :) ive googled and cant find shit.

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