[email protected] 22 Posted August 14, 2012 this is not true in many cases, where snipers kill people in cities while they themselves lie around ~1km away on a grassy hill. and trust me, they won't go down to loot, nor will their friends. they'll just server hop to their hidden tent-camp and restock. and yes, i believe at least 50% of the sniper kids in the hills are cheaters.You forgot to say that they will alt-f4 as soon as they see a bullet flying around their heads. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Creambomb 49 Posted August 14, 2012 Everyday I come on here I see Dozens on thread complaining about Bandits, or others trying to find a way to play this game in a non PvP style. Heck, I have seen people even ask if there can be server options to enable or disable PvP.Dayz is almost 100% PvP, which is the way that it should be. There are 2 main ways this is true:1- Killing other players (No explanation is needed)2- LootingWhen you loot, you are taking items away from others players who could be looting soon after you (especially true in Cherno/Electro) Do you take more supplies then you need (i.e. do you carry extra food?) You also need to account for the chance of items spawning as well. Taking rarer items, is a harsher PvP tactic then leaving it. You could always come back and loot again if you run out. The only way to make looting not PvP is to have areas, with unlimited supplies, that give you the option to choose the quantity you wish to take. Of course, this is idea is stupid and will never be implemented.The way I see it, this game is meant to be played PvP, with a reward if you choose to be friendly. Those rewards ideally comes in the form of a longer life which should increase the value and diversity of your supplies.To all those who are do not like to play PvP, but enjoy looting may I recommend that you go out and start geocaching or play tetris.The problem isn't that there's mostly PvP. The problem is that there's only two things that can happen.1. You die right away.2. You log out.I have nothing against PvP, but I find it to often be unfair and never really involving any sort of firefight or fire exchange. If someone see's you first, you will die first. If you don't die, you will run away. Becaue your attack always has a serious advantage over you. He knows where you are, he got the jump, he has the initiative, he's concealed or you don't know where he is. The chances of you being able to successfully fight back and kill the attacker almost don't excist.It's happened once for me and a friend. Two enemies got the first shots on us, but it was on the road between Balota airfield and the medical camp there, so we had a good chance of fighting back. We had seen each other and they had been trying to set a trap for us as we approached them and their vehicle. My friend moved forward as bait and I sat back to spot and kill them, which I managed to do.That is the only time, the ONLY time, that I've actually had a fair fight. I haven't counted all the times me and my friends have died, but it's always been near instant death for either us or the people we shot at. And THAT, is not fun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
☣BioHaze☣ 7337 Posted August 14, 2012 I love your elitism. "we're better because we don't play FFA DM, we are the creative ones". Are you a hipster in real life too?Again, DayZ in current state fully supports FFA DM and that's the reason for it. Not lack of creativity or whatever you pulled out of your rear end. If that wasn't the most benefiting gamestyle, majority wouldn't do it. You purposefully put yourself at disadvantage by doing things the harder way and call it creative. Woop de doo.If me and my group go to cherno/electro we go with enfields/AKMs. Otherwise it's just no challenge slaughter. However on the rest 90% of the map we do use our big guns and seaweed suits. And we still shoot everyone on sight because otherwise we will get shot. And this is mostly what I was talking about. Shooting on sight. Not camping a rooftop or a hill with a high end gear. Yeah, that's pretty dumb.Hipsters don't like DM? Proof?No I'm not a hipster, thanks. I blast hipsters in mosh pits in RL.I'm likely at least a decade too old to be considered one too.You keep citing supposed benefits that make KoS or DM playing so much more advantageous over a survivalist strategy, but the only proof you gave was loot collecting.That form of instant gratification may appeal to you, but I have found 90% of my best gear in legitimate spawn locations without having to shoot any other players. The rest of my loot I found in camps, which I didn't grief (except for the one tent filled with hacked weapons)!Part of what I was saying regarding creativity is not that the play style is so much more creative, but rather that the conscious choice to play differently requires a leap in imagination not required to decide to be a 1337 bandit/KoS/PvP/sniper gawd.Also when I supported a few guild missions a few weeks back (just to see how much I would enjoy playing in a guild), I met more technically proficient players than I who actually helped me, and didn't look down on me because I wasn't working to be a super soldier.They put up with my noobish questions, and seemed casual in their enjoyment of the game while still playing the game in a more militaristic fashion.I respect this attitude as it seems they could except all types of players, and play styles. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Timberwolf (DayZ) 118 Posted August 14, 2012 DayZ is not PvP.DayZ has PvP.DayZ is much more than PvP. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cvm 13 Posted August 14, 2012 DayZ is not PvP.DayZ has PvP.DayZ is much more than PvP.I agree. Dayz is not just a PvP game, but it is has deep PvP roots. As i mentioned in my op, PvP takes place beyond just shooting and killing. Looting and how you loot is also a form of PvP. What I was trying to get across in my original post, is that although this game is not just PvP (running and gunning), it has enough of it intertwined that if you do not like PvP, Dayz may not be a game for you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sol (DayZ) 132 Posted August 14, 2012 (edited) I have to seriously stand back and look at the people who claim DayZ IS PvP...No... it's not.Most of you are missing the entire point... by using your reasoning "PvP is in DayZ, and it's the easiest way to get loot, therefore DayZ is PvP"Allow me to suggest something; "PvE is in DayZ, and it's the most rewarding way to get loot, therefore DayZ is PvE"...or how about; "Driving cars is in DayZ, and it's the most fun thing ever, therefore DayZ is a racing game"... or maybe; "Sneaking is in DayZ, and it's the slowest way to walk, therefore DayZ is SplinterCell"In other words, you are taking a game that has SO much more to offer, and turning into a mid-1990's deathmatch shoot'em'up. Congratulations, you're boring as fuck.The problem with kids these days (and young adults) is that they lack IMAGINATION on a massive scale. Before computers and especially the internet was around, what do you think we had to do in order to experience this kind of stuff? Roleplay... that's right.... the "fag ass RP" you, meatheads call it... is like your imagination but there's a screen there telling you what to think and how to act.... you have been TRAINED like a MONKEY.~Sol Edited August 14, 2012 by Sol 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 22 Posted August 14, 2012 I only play Day Z to shoot people, because there sweet fuck all else to do. And I deffo don't want to have to feel like a spastic and start role playing down my microphone and in-game. But yeah, until theres something else to do... its all PvP. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shakawkaw 0 Posted August 14, 2012 (edited) i agree with most of what you say, but we have to take into account one thing. ofc this is a pvp game but theres a difference between killing a fully equipped guy or a guy with an hatchet or inferior weaponry... i never engage any player that doesn't represent any immediate threat to me, unless i want that weapon he is carrying or theres a chance i might find on him the gear i want, or even because he is going to loot the same place my team has planned to. because truth be said, if i don't kill him, he will, so why take the risk and put in jepardy my gear over his, and my team over him\his team. it all comes down to if someones threats mine and my team pve... he is gonna get shot, no questions asked, no blabbler, no nothing. but ofc theres much to do in dayz other than killing players, but i think the combination is damn great! Edited August 14, 2012 by Shakawkaw Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 156 Posted August 14, 2012 Tell me about it, man !So many bandits around that I can't even get a proper murder anymore, damn it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fearz0r 128 Posted August 14, 2012 This game is not PVP only. It's down to the players you play with. I was on two servers last night; one had most players trading and looting together and the other had a gun battle in the coastal town. If this game was strictly PVP, I would have gotten bored of it ages ago, but I haven't and only because it's how you play the game. if you go to populated areas you're going to run into players, and those players are usually there to kill other players. People shoot on sight now because of fear of being killed first. This is a natural reaction; self preservation. Bandits kill others for loot or kicks; this is natural again.. just like real bandits/pirates/gangs etc. Day Z is exactly what it is trying to be; A Zombies Survival Simulator. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SillySil 295 Posted August 14, 2012 Hipsters don't like DM? Proof?No I'm not a hipster, thanks. I blast hipsters in mosh pits in RL.I'm likely at least a decade too old to be considered one too.Hipster as in going against mainstream and feeling good about yourself because of that.You keep citing supposed benefits that make KoS or DM playing so much more advantageous over a survivalist strategy, but the only proof you gave was loot collecting.Survivalist strategy? What is that? Running away from people when you see them? Yeah, if that's what it means then loot would be the difference. If you want to approach people and ask if they are friendly, add not risking your life to it.That form of instant gratification may appeal to you, but I have found 90% of my best gear in legitimate spawn locations without having to shoot any other players. The rest of my loot I found in camps, which I didn't grief (except for the one tent filled with hacked weapons)!Is that an argument against shooting people? Just because there is another, slower way of getting the same thing, it doesn't mean the faster way is worse. It even means it's better. What's the problem here? Getting loot by killing someone who already has everything is the most efficient way of gearing up. Nothing is gonna change that. The only reason it wouldn't be true is because someone might be a bad shot, then yeah, scavenging is the thing for him. But again, he's going to spend hours on something I can do in a minute, if I find someone with the gear.Part of what I was saying regarding creativity is not that the play style is so much more creative, but rather that the conscious choice to play differently requires a leap in imagination not required to decide to be a 1337 bandit/KoS/PvP/sniper gawd.Again with the elitism. Yeah, you need to be bored out of your brain to come up with ways to make the game more challenging. But does it really require so much imagination? Any dolt can come up with an idea to avoid players, to approach people and ask if they need help, etc, etc. You can come up with ways you want to play in any game. Some are going to get you there faster than others. You like to play the game the slow way? Cool. Doesn't mean there aren't better ways of doing things.Also when I supported a few guild missions a few weeks back (just to see how much I would enjoy playing in a guild), I met more technically proficient players than I who actually helped me, and didn't look down on me because I wasn't working to be a super soldier.They put up with my noobish questions, and seemed casual in their enjoyment of the game while still playing the game in a more militaristic fashion.I respect this attitude as it seems they could except all types of players, and play styles.I won't look down on you if you want to be a medic or whatever. It's your choice what you want to do. Just don't tell me it's the best playstyle because it's not, game mechanic wise. It might be the most fun way for you, but it's not the most efficient way of playing. Someone might love being a sniper in bf3 that doesn't help his team. I won't look down on him. He's enjoying himself. However if he goes on a bf3 forum and says that sniping from spawn not capping flags is better, I will have a problem with that.You might have fun doing "creative" stuff but don't try to tell me it's the best way of getting loot, which by the way is the main aspect of DayZ. Shooting people that you don't know is the best way of staying alive while getting loot. Sorry. No words are going to change that. That's the mechanic of the game. People will always do what benefits them the most. PvP is not only helps you survive and get better weapons when you're starting but is also the only challenge this game has after you get good guns. If you want that to change, ask the devs to change the mechanics, don't go after the players who simply follow the mechanics. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
z4ndman 12 Posted August 14, 2012 (edited) Yes, please, be a part of the problem. - Inu(Personal Insults are not OK!) Edited August 14, 2012 by Inu Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
levithan 1 Posted August 14, 2012 Dont mind fan boy over here. Hes just pissed off us real shooter players kick his RP fapping ass. 400 Z kills is nothing tool......... Stanag SD........ that is all..... o.... and pistols too........fk... I can use a dinner bell without aggroing zombies......this game IS PvP.LOL so hard @ people who play traders / medics / etc etc having more imagination? no...... they are losers half the time that bitch about us ruining their "Immersion' (<-- rp fap)What is the point of trading? helping people get gear for duping? Medics are kinda cool... but why help random strangers?The best way to get gear is make a nice shot a player w that gear.......If you cant handle it...Its probably cause you shoot like shit..... (after all there is a real ballistics engine in this game and your not smart enough to use it right?)bottom line is you a mouthpiece BioHaze and can shove it up your assShow us your people skills bro! :rolleyes:I have been on the recieving end of many good shots not knowing where the round come from, and the only crack i have heard was a broken bone as my toon fell limp to the floor. >:(As frustrating and painful as pulling teeth it might be, knowing there is a patient mofo out there too lazy to do something more productive with their time... like cutting holes in their pockets so they have something to play withthey they then take a well aimed shot at a newbie trying to find their first meal.This is what keeps me coming back. Suspense followed by cursing myself for being reckless having to run back to the ellusive pot of gold, sometimes learning lessons along the way, honouring the "friendly, friendly" cries as I am hunkered up in a smelly chicken coup hoping my act of good will does not result in an axe between the shoulder blades or back of the skull.I do enjoy pvp regardless of the setting game, no matter how good we all think we are they is always someone better then us. At present I keep getting bumped by some die hard hero hiding away atop their well shaded feature surrounded by their crew. Hopefully this humanity score will equate into some form of reward / bounty for topping the highest ranked bandit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
levithan 1 Posted August 14, 2012 Dont mind fan boy over here. Hes just pissed off us real shooter players kick his RP fapping ass. 400 Z kills is nothing tool......... Stanag SD........ that is all..... o.... and pistols too........fk... I can use a dinner bell without aggroing zombies......this game IS PvP.LOL so hard @ people who play traders / medics / etc etc having more imagination? no...... they are losers half the time that bitch about us ruining their "Immersion' (<-- rp fap)What is the point of trading? helping people get gear for duping? Medics are kinda cool... but why help random strangers?The best way to get gear is make a nice shot a player w that gear.......If you cant handle it...Its probably cause you shoot like shit..... (after all there is a real ballistics engine in this game and your not smart enough to use it right?)bottom line is you a mouthpiece BioHaze and can shove it up your assShow us your people skills bro! :rolleyes:I have been on the recieving end of many good shots not knowing where the round come from, and the only crack i have heard was a broken bone as my toon fell limp to the floor. >:(As frustrating and painful as pulling teeth it might be, knowing there is a patient mofo out there too lazy to do something more productive with their time... like cutting holes in their pockets so they have something to play withthey they then take a well aimed shot at a newbie trying to find their first meal.This is what keeps me coming back. Suspense followed by cursing myself for being reckless having to run back to the ellusive pot of gold, sometimes learning lessons along the way, honouring the "friendly, friendly" cries as I am hunkered up in a smelly chicken coup hoping my act of good will does not result in an axe between the shoulder blades or back of the skull.I do enjoy pvp regardless of the setting game, no matter how good we all think we are they is always someone better then us. At present I keep getting bumped by some die hard hero hiding away atop their well shaded feature surrounded by their crew. Hopefully this humanity score will equate into some form of reward / bounty for topping the highest ranked bandit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sixbarns 217 Posted August 14, 2012 If me and my group go to cherno/electro we go with enfields/AKMs. Otherwise it's just no challenge slaughter. However on the rest 90% of the map we do use our big guns and seaweed suits. And we still shoot everyone on sight because otherwise we will get shot. And this is mostly what I was talking about. Shooting on sight. Not camping a rooftop or a hill with a high end gear. Yeah, that's pretty dumb.Shooting on sight at a guy with nothing still takes no skill. Even if he has a weapon, do you guys take in account what direction he's heading in and watch to see if he's grouped? I understand this scenario, especially when you're grouped up with friends. Getting killed by some guy and then trying to make the hike back to your buddies is pretty annoying and it's much easier to blast someone than take the chance. This is definitely different from the majority of PvP taking place in this game. Even then, restricting yourself to an enfield and shooting unarmed or ungeared players is pretty lame. Not as bad as my first example though. At least your targets have a chance to get equally geared. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SillySil 295 Posted August 14, 2012 Shooting on sight at a guy with nothing still takes no skill. Even if he has a weapon, do you guys take in account what direction he's heading in and watch to see if he's grouped? I understand this scenario, especially when you're grouped up with friends. Getting killed by some guy and then trying to make the hike back to your buddies is pretty annoying and it's much easier to blast someone than take the chance. We usually play in a group of 4. We don't chase people if they are going away from us and there is no way we're going to bump to each other. However if they are close and they might notice us, we shoot first. Because if we don't, then there is a good chance he will. Since he can see that we have good gear, he might want to trade it for few bullets. And if we're not on the enfield pvp run, we stay away from the coast.This is definitely different from the majority of PvP taking place in this game. Even then, restricting yourself to an enfield and shooting unarmed or ungeared players is pretty lame. Not as bad as my first example though. At least your targets have a chance to get equally geared.Most of the time we're shooting from that biggest building, it's pretty hard to hit a moving target from that height. And those are enfields, everybody knows that we're there after few shots so they should watch their backs. We also have the god-gear snipers to fight against. It's not that easy as you might think with enfields. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
McLovinCR 29 Posted August 14, 2012 Dayz will never be a PvP. But it is a vital part of it. Adds a lot ambiance to the game.I'm getting pretty good gear to get some real PvP to people that is already where I'm and above.Nothing interesting shooting survivors with axes running for their lives. Although, if i encounter one i will happily help him out.As for the different "role plays" I think that it takes the immersion to a whole new levels. Church services, concerts, shuttle services, etc. Are, IMO, the very backbone of the game. Without the PvP those element will be a total waste of time tho. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
relapse808 2 Posted August 14, 2012 The PVP gets annoying sometimes as I usually play as a friendly. I have snuck up on people countless times not killing them(easily could have) and tried to declare im friendly. This has almost 100% of the time resulted to me getting a bullet in my head. I just some others out there believed in teamwork. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
☣BioHaze☣ 7337 Posted August 14, 2012 Hipster as in going against mainstream and feeling good about yourself because of that.If you haven't noticed my location, hipsters are those rodents in Williamsburg or the East Village that usually came from the midwest to display their pegged jeans, fixie bikes, and ironic neck tattoos. Fuck your internet definition of hipster for real, I have to tolerate these douchebags.Survivalist strategy? What is that? Running away from people when you see them? Yeah, if that's what it means then loot would be the difference. If you want to approach people and ask if they are friendly, add not risking your life to it.Wow.Ok.Survivalist strategy: Finding the most reliable and efficient means by which to survive the longest. #1 on the list of priorities for me is to avoid conflict with deadly weapons, as they may cause death, ending said survival attempt.If you want to approach people and ask if they are friendly, add not risking your life to it. - I'm not quite sure what this means but the couple of times I had a chance to confirm friendly were worth all the times I got shot in the face.....Some are going to get you there faster than others. You like to play the game the slow way? Cool. Doesn't mean there aren't better ways of doing things.Who's the elitist here, using a qualifier like, "better"?I won't look down on you if you want to be a medic or whatever. It's your choice what you want to do. Just don't tell me it's the best playstyle because it's not, game mechanic wise. It might be the most fun way for you, but it's not the most efficient way of playing. Someone might love being a sniper in bf3 that doesn't help his team. I won't look down on him. He's enjoying himself. However if he goes on a bf3 forum and says that sniping from spawn not capping flags is better, I will have a problem with that.You might have fun doing "creative" stuff but don't try to tell me it's the best way of getting loot, which by the way is the main aspect of DayZ. Shooting people that you don't know is the best way of staying alive while getting loot. Sorry. No words are going to change that. That's the mechanic of the game. People will always do what benefits them the most. PvP is not only helps you survive and get better weapons when you're starting but is also the only challenge this game has after you get good guns. If you want that to change, ask the devs to change the mechanics, don't go after the players who simply follow the mechanics.I never once said that you or anyone else should give up the PvP you enjoy so much. Yet you have taken every opportunity to belittle other ways of playing to show how your way, is the best way.I've merely cited that people who don't go for as much PvP are the minority, and from what I can tell are likely the more open minded and imaginative players when you consider how many players gravitate to ONLY PvP.Also, the best gear for me may not be the best gear for you.If you take that into consideration, then my idea of fully geared might require a lot LESS effort than acquiring the type of gear you desire and also doesn't require PvP to really speed up that process.Once I have an AK, a compass, hunting supplies, and a canteen I'm geared enough for most anything. The rest is just gravy, and the core gets upgraded as I continue to loot. This also circumvents the "lost gear blues" that make people QQ in at least one thread a day. "Waaa, my sniper got sniped, and I lost my sniper!" Well, if you weren't such a gear snob in the first place, your butt wouldn't hurt quite so much.As far as helping people is concerned, I don't go out of my way.But I've luckily come across a couple of people who I could help without getting shot in the back, and it was some of the most fun I've had in DayZ.After clearing a pack of zombies off a noob with a makarov and covering him while he looted he said, "It was the most amazing thing ever, when you didn't shot me in the face!"Oh yeah... BTW, I haven't referenced the fact that bandit skins are back but yeah, bandit skins are back.When I couldn't differentiate survivor from bandit I didn't want to risk the murder.Now, I can shoot wrapped heads if I see them, before they see me (that is). 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
☣BioHaze☣ 7337 Posted August 14, 2012 The PVP gets annoying sometimes as I usually play as a friendly. I have snuck up on people countless times not killing them(easily could have) and tried to declare im friendly. This has almost 100% of the time resulted to me getting a bullet in my head. I just some others out there believed in teamwork.Don't give up hope!You're bound to run into a like minded person sooner or later, and it's awesome fun! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ERRORrothe 0 Posted August 14, 2012 The biggest Problem for me is the posibility to quit at every time and the "server-hopping". As long as there are no consequence, especially bans!, this mod makes me no fun. I cant describe how i hate those players! They shot at sight in the back and when they are to stupid to hit and get shot - bang! logout. When you go to the airfield and you wait 5 minutes in the barracks there will login people with a very high chance and when you are unlucky you get again a shot in the back - why? Because they log in from server (empty or low filled) to server to find some loot - but have no fucking courage and skill to risk her own life. This evening there were a whole clan!!!!!! (-EOF-) that hops from server to server. What the fuck is that for a shit?! I want a permanent instant ban for those assholes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SillySil 295 Posted August 14, 2012 (edited) If you haven't noticed my location, hipsters are those rodents in Williamsburg or the East Village that usually came from the midwest to display their pegged jeans, fixie bikes, and ironic neck tattoos. Fuck your internet definition of hipster for real, I have to tolerate these douchebags.The term was used as in "doing something unpopular" doesn't have anything to do with your real life experience.Survivalist strategy: Finding the most reliable and efficient means by which to survive the longest. #1 on the list of priorities for me is to avoid conflict with deadly weapons, as they may cause death, ending said survival attempt.So it's do what the game wants me to do just avoid PvP. It's not the most efficient way of gearing up. Sorry.If you want to approach people and ask if they are friendly, add not risking your life to it. - I'm not quite sure what this means but the couple of times I had a chance to confirm friendly were worth all the times I got shot in the face.It meant "if by survivalist strategy you mean asking people if they're friendly then add "not risking your life" to kill on sight strategy's advantages over survivalist strategy"Who's the elitist here, using a qualifier like, "better"?Better as in more efficient. Doesn't mean that someone who's not following the most efficient way is bad if he choses to play that way. I even said that I don't look down on people who play the game in a different way if that's what's makes them enjoy it.I never once said that you or anyone else should give up the PvP you enjoy so much. Yet you have taken every opportunity to belittle other ways of playing to show how your way, is the best way.You have said that it's not the best way of gearing up. I said that it is the best way. And thus that other ways are worse. Doesn't mean you shouldn't do that if that's your thing. Never said you shouldn't play in some other way.I've merely cited that people who don't go for as much PvP are the minority, and from what I can tell are likely the more open minded and imaginative players when you consider how many players gravitate to ONLY PvP.Playing the game in some less efficient way doesn't make you creative or imaginative. I can play CS and only buy people guns instead of buying them for myself. So creative...Also, the best gear for me may not be the best gear for you.If you take that into consideration, then my idea of fully geared might require a lot LESS effort than acquiring the type of gear you desire and also doesn't require PvP to really speed up that process.Once I have an AK, a compass, hunting supplies, and a canteen I'm geared enough for most anything. The rest is just gravy, and the core gets upgraded as I continue to loot. This also circumvents the "lost gear blues" that make people QQ in at least one thread a day. "Waaa, my sniper got sniped, and I lost my sniper!" Well, if you weren't such a gear snob in the first place, your butt wouldn't hurt quite so much.Best gear as in military weapons and tools. I don't need to go to x number of residences and shops to get my tools if I can get a full set from a dead guy.As far as helping people is concerned, I don't go out of my way.But I've luckily come across a couple of people who I could help without getting shot in the back, and it was some of the most fun I've had in DayZ.After clearing a pack of zombies off a noob with a makarov and covering him while he looted he said, "It was the most amazing thing ever, when you didn't shot me in the face!"The only random people I've cooperated are fresh spawns after fresh spawning myself. And it's only because I was pretty sure they won't shoot me at the first opportunity although I still took an unnecessary risk.Oh yeah... BTW, I haven't referenced the fact that bandit skins are back but yeah, bandit skins are back.When I couldn't differentiate survivor from bandit I didn't want to risk the murder.Now, I can shoot wrapped heads if I see them, before they see me (that is).That's broken as hell ATM. Your humanity changes randomly when joining servers and if someone attacks you, while not being a bandit yet, and you kill them in self defense, you become a bandit yourself. Edited August 14, 2012 by SillySil Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
☣BioHaze☣ 7337 Posted August 14, 2012 ....You have said that it's not the best way of gearing up. I said that it is the best way. And thus that other ways are worse. Doesn't mean you shouldn't do that if that's your thing. Never said you shouldn't play in some other way....Where did I say I could gear up faster? Did you take something I said out of context?I did say that finding an AK and some hunting supplies was easier or at least equally as fast as finding a sniper rifle.If you go by spawn percentages at all, my logic makes sense in that regard.I swear to you, I care NOT for how long it takes me to gear up, this was your concern alone.Your obsession with efficiency either means your German (I'll be visiting family there soon), or possibly the least fun person to play games with on the planet. /enter jokesSeriously, I feel I've explained my viewpoint on this subject fairly clearly, and my first post was a point of pride in accomplishment without being "evil". Not some attempt at hipsterism. And as a former tournament level gamer (in other genres, not FPS), I have great respect for all gaming skill, but I save my praise for those who can be humble about it.And after all, I think Rocket dubbed us "DayZ hipsters" in the Rezzed Q&A (say with kiwi accent for best results), we are playing an Alpha build.If you see me, and feel the need to shoot me, I won;t take it personally.Regarding Bandit skin glitches, I wasn't aware it was so broken. *sigh* Oh well, soon enough, soon enough.... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sol (DayZ) 132 Posted August 15, 2012 (edited) MORE GUNS MORE MEAT YOU SUCK NOOB HIPSTER FAGGOT RAWR!(And I'm sure a lot of people won't understand this post, and think I'm being serious...)~Sol Edited August 15, 2012 by Sol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cvm 13 Posted August 17, 2012 (edited) I have to seriously stand back and look at the people who claim DayZ IS PvP...No... it's not.Most of you are missing the entire point... by using your reasoning "PvP is in DayZ, and it's the easiest way to get loot, therefore DayZ is PvP"Allow me to suggest something; "PvE is in DayZ, and it's the most rewarding way to get loot, therefore DayZ is PvE"...or how about; "Driving cars is in DayZ, and it's the most fun thing ever, therefore DayZ is a racing game"... or maybe; "Sneaking is in DayZ, and it's the slowest way to walk, therefore DayZ is SplinterCell"In other words, you are taking a game that has SO much more to offer, and turning into a mid-1990's deathmatch shoot'em'up. Congratulations, you're boring as fuck.The problem with kids these days (and young adults) is that they lack IMAGINATION on a massive scale. Before computers and especially the internet was around, what do you think we had to do in order to experience this kind of stuff? Roleplay... that's right.... the "fag ass RP" you, meatheads call it... is like your imagination but there's a screen there telling you what to think and how to act.... you have been TRAINED like a MONKEY.~SolThis is a PvP game, just as much as it is a PvE (I assume you mean Player vs Environment). As i have mentioned already in this thread, PvP is not just killing or stealing from other players. I agree that the game is very rewarding in the PvE experience and there are too many people who fall into the, "Lets play this as we play COD". I also agree with that people who just play the game for the purpose of killing others are missing out on much of the game.I liked Rocket Comments recently regarding the upcoming stand alone(Here is the link. http://www.reddit.co...tial_questions/) Pretty much a Q/A about the standaloneQ: Are you going to make weather more of a big deal come the stand alone game? so far the ONLY TIME ive ever gotten to the point of being sick in dayz was when i spent 2 hours swimming. A: Absolutely. Redesigning that from scratch. Edited August 17, 2012 by Cvm Share this post Link to post Share on other sites