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In game Brony Meetup! 2.0

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I got an idea, lets have the meetup on a sanctuary?, I know a very good private server.. the amount of hackers are SO LOW, so far I havent encountered any hackers on this server..

It also means that you will risk losing your gear on the public hives and best of all, we will all spawn on the coast and we can all meetup around cherno/electro :P

It's up to you, but I personally don't like the private hive thingies. Either we go private or just pick a random almost-empty server with decent ping, just not an already populated one.

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Response came too late; heres another one: convince the loyal pony they succeeded not, purple mist they went.

hint: bridge

-additional- all bronies should know this.

Not sure what you're asking, but I know that you're talking about NMM's shadowbolts.

You know, these ones?


Also: 100th post! XD

Edited by fvdf

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Not sure what you're asking, but I know that you're talking about NMM's shadowbolts.

You know, these ones?


Also: 100th post! XD

Ok, I am now convinced you are a brony, added! :)

PS. Congratulations! :)

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Ok, I am now convinced you are a brony, added! :)

PS. Congratulations! :)


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seriously..can you guys not take this to pms or something ?

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Well with the latest patch it seems I've been running around in what my friends are calling the "hero" skin. I don't know why I have it or how to get a different male skin. Other than switching to ghillie or camo of course.

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I actually just started playing DayZ about a week ago and was searching for a Brony server on Google, and I found this! So go ahead, lay it on me! There's a reason "101" is in my name. :)

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Oops, I got a warning for posting insults/racist things, got fished up by troll I guess. Shouldn't have reacted to some poor insult...

I just updated to since most of servers seem to have updated anyway. Hopefully everyone has the same version by meetup. Private hive idea seems reasonable? Are there that many with decent latency though? Or player number limits.

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A private is against the rules, ain't it? I can't remember.

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Private Hives would be labeled as @stats instead of @hive. @stats are private servers that save locally and aren't connected to other servers. As for against the rules I don't think it goes against them but it possibly doesn't make Rocket and team happy to say the least.

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How long will this meetup last? A few hours? The whole day?

A few hours, depends on how long people are willing to play.. but a whole day aka 24 hours? Not in my lifetime lol

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A few hours, depends on how long people are willing to play.. but a whole day aka 24 hours? Not in my lifetime lol

Alright, im in how do i prove my bronyness?

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Alright, im in how do i prove my bronyness?

question: name of the pony I have as signature?

question: list of villains in mlp (name as many as you can without googling it)

question: who is best pony?

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question: name of the pony I have as signature?

question: list of villains in mlp (name as many as you can without googling it)

question: who is best pony?


2.Discord, Nightmare moon, chrysalis, Gilda, Trixie, diamond dogs

3.Fluttershy :P

Do i get an A+?

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GJ, you're in.

But you get an A- :3

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We should just give them their own subforums so we don't have to see this crap. I bet if you were to step outside of your mom's basement and live for a month you would regret being a "brony".

Though I support the idea of a subforum for bronies, I do object to your latter statement.


-EDIT- please read the OP before you post, all MLP related posts are to be posted in the MLP:FIM thread.

I didnt report you because atm i'd rather inform than just report.

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Though I support the idea of a subforum for bronies, I do object to your latter statement.


-EDIT- please read the OP before you post, all MLP related posts are to be posted in the MLP:FIM thread.

I didnt report you because atm i'd rather inform than just report.

Haha, I'll bite.

In regards to the "Manliest Brony", why don't you post a couple pictures of yourself; Let us know what we are dealing with.

Report me? Are you kidding? Where in my post did I do something worthy of a warning? I simply said that if you changed your lifestyle to that of a more normal person, you would probably regret the time you spent as a brony. Nothing more than stating that you may be wasting your potential watching My Little Pony. It's OK for my 8 year old cousin, but not for an 18+ male. It's called a reality check.

However, if you keep trolling, I will report you.

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Haha, I'll bite.

In regards to the "Manliest Brony", why don't you post a couple pictures of yourself; Let us know what we are dealing with.

Report me? Are you kidding? Where in my post did I do something worthy of a warning? I simply said that if you changed your lifestyle to that of a more normal person, you would probably regret the time you spent as a brony. Nothing more than stating that you may be wasting your potential watching My Little Pony. It's OK for my 8 year old cousin, but not for an 18+ male. It's called a reality check.

However, if you keep trolling, I will report you.

Also, I'll reiterate that this is not the thread to discuss the the philosophy and purpose of "bronies" or MLP, both for or against.


PS. Trolling? I dont think so..

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33 people currently attending, this isnt a ''troll'' thread or whatever, it is genuine..

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Guys who don't like the thread: Stop visiting it. Just don't. "But Dingus they are so disg-" no, just don't click on it. "but I wan-" NO.

Guys who do like the thread: Keep it directly related to the meetup. No pony fangasms, keep pony content to your OT thread. Get srs.

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All questions will be PM'd to you via the forum from now on- just post here if you are interested and you will be PM'd.

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