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'new' bandit skin is terribad..

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the bandit system is slawed. if someone shoots at you and missed and you kill him then that is classed as a murder. if he shoots at you and hits you but does not kill you and you kill him thats classed as self defence. and you will not get bandit skin. the attacker has to hit you before its classed as self defence.

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Oh looks like I got myself a smart one here..not smart enough to actually understand what I read, but I'm going to humor you anyway.

1. I have never complained about getting shot in Cherno, Sherlock. I am simply stating that this change will not affect Cherno Whoring whatsoever.

2. I'm not quite sure if you are trolling, not able to read and/or understand what I wrote there, but lets try again.

By successfully defending(you know returning fire) your life against Murder-attempts(you know people that shoot you first) from others you will become a bandit, if these attackers aren't flagged as bandits themselves yet.

This can't be too hard to understand, but if it is - you have my condolonces.

How does another person understand what you read? If that was the part that was supposed to humor me, well done 'ol chap!

I was pointing out the fact you were ranting about Cherno snipers. The only people ranting about Cherno snipers are

usually people who have been killed by Cherno snipers since the smart players, stay out of Cherno.

On the returning fire subject. Murdering in self defense is still murder. Humanity in DayZ punishes you with the loss of humanity.

Wasn't trolling at all. learn to understand what i read. :rolleyes:

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Rockets way of saying. "This is what you get for being a bandit"

idk, finding a way to make them both cool its important. its a skin, so vanity matters.

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If you play the game like a moron you deserve to look like a moron. What's the prob?

The fact that you need a bandit skin to give you the answer to whether or not someone is friendly makes you a moron, boss. You learn how to tell if a person is a bandit or not within the first couple of seconds. Whatever, just gotta nurse the noobs for a bit, we had a huge increase, let the community get on the same playing field.

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The fact that you need a bandit skin to give you the answer to whether or not someone is friendly makes you a moron, boss. You learn how to tell if a person is a bandit or not within the first couple of seconds. Whatever, just gotta nurse the noobs for a bit, we had a huge increase, let the community get on the same playing field.

thats wrong. i dont play to be a bandit never have. and it always seems people want to shoot me. all i am doing is getting my zombie kill count over 1000. I have an m4 SD and a thermal weapon and a wookie suit and 24 slot back pack, NVG, range finder and GPS. why do people think i am a bandit? is is bacuse I am killing zombies and not players? now others I know who play bandit look the exact same as me and also get killed. The game is now kill them or they will kill you. the people who winge about having a bandit skin are people who play bandits. they dont like to look different because they want to look like everyone else to try and fool them and look friendly so they can kill them. think about 5 months ago how different game play was compared to now

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He looks like a Terrorist haha, they should have other skins!

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People kept complaining about bandits needing to stand-out to stop PvP - this is the result.

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i dont see why the game should have bandit skins in the first place.. If your a banit some tactics would be that you become friends with someone then when they least expect it you shoot them and take their shit. Now thats not possible with this new bandit skin

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well we might as well just play COD or battlfield if all you want to do is kill players. what is the aim of the game to survive. not to get your PVP kill count up. to survive you need others in real life. I think bandits should team up against survivors. 2 factions. if it was real life bandits would be the first to be wiped out because they would be going solo everywhere with no protection, medical suppies or meapons techs. armourers. if you dont like it that you have a bandit skin maybe this game is not for you

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Didn't read the whole thread so this may have been said, BUT I believe rocket said that he wants to have you slowly work your way up to the full bandit skin, so maybe you start with the headwrap then move to the vest/pants. Same goes with heros.

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The fact that you need a bandit skin to give you the answer to whether or not someone is friendly makes you a moron, boss. You learn how to tell if a person is a bandit or not within the first couple of seconds.

Yeah. You shoot them, then check if you've got a murder or a bandit kill.

calthehunter is a bandit, by the way.

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Good to see the bandit skin, now i'll be able to hunt other players too. Excited for this, i hope it comes asap!!!

Edited by Thane

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I love that the people who bitch about PVP/KOS really only like the bandit skin because it makes them feel like they can now PVP and KOS a certain subset of the player base. Look at the two brianiac comments below...

well we might as well just play COD or battlfield if all you want to do is kill players. what is the aim of the game to survive. not to get your PVP kill count up. to survive you need others in real life. I think bandits should team up against survivors. 2 factions. if it was real life bandits would be the first to be wiped out because they would be going solo everywhere with no protection, medical suppies or meapons techs. armourers. if you dont like it that you have a bandit skin maybe this game is not for you

Good to see the bandit skin, now i'll be able to hunt other players too. Excited for this, i hope it comes asap!!!

You two idiots want COD, and TDM you want two easily defined/distiniguished teams that have one simple type of interactions between each other, combat.

DayZ is about way more than that, if you can't live with the fact that your control over the world only extends the distance you are able to enforce your will over others, (Shoot a bullet) then maybe DayZ isn't for you.

I'm a bandit/murderer, and yet I am in a group, we basically kill everyone not in our group, and will continue to because we don't want/need any other players in the group.

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I love that the people who bitch about PVP/KOS really only like the bandit skin because it makes them feel like they can now PVP and KOS a certain subset of the player base. Look at the two brianiac comments below...

You two idiots want COD, and TDM you want two easily defined/distiniguished teams that have one simple type of interactions between each other, combat.

DayZ is about way more than that, if you can't live with the fact that your control over the world only extends the distance you are able to enforce your will over others, (Shoot a bullet) then maybe DayZ isn't for you.

I'm a bandit/murderer, and yet I am in a group, we basically kill everyone not in our group, and will continue to because we don't want/need any other players in the group.

this guy is an idiot who cant read.

i didn;t say i want COD. if i wangt to just kill players i will play battlefield. if i want to survive with others against bandits and zombies i will play dayZ. but while dayz is a death match game its pointless.

also think about the guys who dont have a group to play with. how are they suposto play as a group when they cant communicate with others because people are affrade he will shoot them.

clearly a selfish person who has no idea. thank god people like this dont make games

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also think about the guys who dont have a group to play with. how are they suposto play as a group when they cant communicate with others because people are affrade he will shoot them.

Don't you agree that makes sense though? I mean assuming you are in an apocalyptic situation, do you honestly believe you would survive

on your own or people would welcome strangers with open arms? DayZ is pretty much the same deal you need someone to watch your back.

You only trust your own, this is pretty much how bandit gangs in DayZ work. The reason PvP and bandit gangs reign supreme in DayZ is

because they stick together and kill those who aren't their friends. Others come to the forums and cry about not having friends.

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It only dumbs the game down. See that guy over there? Instead of observing him and carefully approaching to find out if you can trust him, just take a look at his clothes!

Bandits will still be bandits, people with camo will still be killed on sight, There will still be bandits disguised as common survivors/heroes... Unrealistic and pointless. I guess it'll stop all the QQ on the forums at least.

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Don't you agree that makes sense though? I mean assuming you are in an apocalyptic situation, do you honestly believe you would survive

on your own or people would welcome strangers with open arms? DayZ is pretty much the same deal you need someone to watch your back.

You only trust your own, this is pretty much how bandit gangs in DayZ work. The reason PvP and bandit gangs reign supreme in DayZ is

because they stick together and kill those who aren't their friends. Others come to the forums and cry about not having friends.

i aggree with what your saying and understand i think.

if this was real life the people who run off on their own would die in a day or two. the people who survive would be the people in groups. yes people in dayz complain about getting killed all the time because they have no friends. but how can they make friends when everyone that see's them thinks they are a threat or wants to kil them for a PVP kill count. if bandits are playing as a group and not cheating and they are hunting players I think this is great and my group welcomes the fight knowing we all may die. but thats if they not hacking. now the way we all play if we see a bandit we will kill on sight. if we see a hero or whatever we will think twice or not kill him. if he approaches us and we see he is not a bandit we will watch him and communicate with him and maybe give him a weapon or blood pack

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It only dumbs the game down. See that guy over there? Instead of observing him and carefully approaching to find out if you can trust him, just take a look at his clothes!

Bandits will still be bandits, people with camo will still be killed on sight, There will still be bandits disguised as common survivors/heroes... Unrealistic and pointless. I guess it'll stop all the QQ on the forums at least.

did you play the game 5 or 6 months ago??? if so you will see how much difference there is.

as for realistic forget ab out the word. there is hardly anything realistic about the game

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did you play the game 5 or 6 months ago??? if so you will see how much difference there is.

as for realistic forget ab out the word. there is hardly anything realistic about the game

Here we go again.

Even if it was "better" (I don't know your definition of better) 5 months ago, when there were fewer players and all that, I doubt it'll ever be like that again. Only way we can find out is by waiting.

Tell me whats not realistic about the game. What I can think of right now:

  • You respawn (I hardly think anyone would buy ArmA to play ~30 min of DayZ)
  • Zombies exist and respawn (By the time I got here everyone would already be playing Second Life with guns if that was not the case)
  • You can't fill an empty whiskey bottle with water, you can't use your hands to drink from a lake, you can't do a cartwheel... (I'm sure if the devs didn't have more important features to add, those would be added)

Game limitations =/= unrealistic features

Unfortunately, the comeback of the bandit skin is a further step away the game takes from this: http://dayzmod.com/f...__440#entry6898

Edited by Panque

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there is so so much more that is unrealistic. example shoot a zombie 100m away. you shoot and look away and you see where the round falls. in real life even with a 5.56 the round travels much faster then it does in the game. it hits nearly instantly after you shoot. 300m away you dont have to aim off as much as you do in the game if the weapon is zeroed for 100m. in real life you can walk and shoot or run and shoot. you dont have to taking a sight picture to shoot and move at the same time. doing room clearances you use the battlesight for example. so so much more

5 or 6 months ago the servers were still full. there was just not as many of them but at times you would wait for ages to join

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I'm sorta glad its terribad.

Rewarding people for being homicidal socipaths seems counterproductive.

Its not like they're not already getting a reward out of peoples inventories after they kill them. Not sure why they have to look cool while doing it.

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i do not thin that is the new bandit skin, but let me tell you something, if it was cool, everyone would stribe to get it. killing would increase massively..

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