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About generationvii

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. generationvii

    Zombies should be removed from DayZ

    HURR DURR: The thread.
  2. generationvii

    Spawn with a Map

    I voted yes simply because it doesn't matter, nobody uses the in game map anyway aside from drawing retarded shit on it. Everyone tabs out and looks up loot maps and other game breaking stuff, pointless poll is pointless.
  3. generationvii

    Reddit - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    Thanks champ, have some beans! :thumbsup: OT: I was super excited to have confirmation from Rocket he won't be adding npc's in the future. That and ragdoll effects ofcourse!
  4. generationvii

    To the Creators Of DayZ & Forum Admins

    You know at first i thought this was a thread that deserved getting trolled or flamed but honestly? The mods and devs on these boards really do deserve some extra props. I think it's an understatement when i say the DayZ community is by far the worst pile of steaming mess i've encountered so far.
  5. generationvii

    Some feature ideas requesting feedback

    Instead of using this idea to combat ghosting why not use it to safeguard certain areas on the map? Spread the radio towers around the world map at key item spawn locations, such as airfields, fire stations, barracks general military spawns if you will. Same mechanics apply, you can't log into these locations on any server which would prevent people from server-hop farming certain items. It's a great idea which can be used for other things, but it's too big of a hassle for the "victims" to be used in combating ghosting. Great idea to create threads like this, keep em coming please!
  6. generationvii

    We want a Bandit Bandana instead of towel

    You're wilcome! Just because the internet is serious business for you doesn't mean everyone should treat it the same. Sound familiar? Yes, because personal opinions are a complete waste of time. Next thing you want the pigs changed because they don't look pink enough. Get over yourself and your personal preference. Don't like the skin? Play first person.
  7. generationvii

    We want a Bandit Bandana instead of towel

    Kid, Towel, Mainstream, implying i'm bashing banditry.
  8. generationvii

    Why not make Humanity clothing optional?

    Only one. It defeats the whole purpose of having them in the first place. The only people annoyed by it are the "chicken bandits" as i like to call them. I'm a bandit myself and don't mind people seeing that i am one.
  9. generationvii

    heres my suggestion for the future

    If you deal with it and don't demand the game to be changed to suit your playstyle, nope.
  10. generationvii

    Reduce the effectiveness of out of game knowledge

    I'm pretty sure Rocket has thought about this already (at least i hope so) and some of these ideas have been brought up on the suggestion board before. I especially like the batteries and item wear idea, not only would this affect item hoarding but it'd also create another endgame objective. Ofcourse the vehicle thing is a must for the future since the way it is now just screams "gotta hoard 'em all"
  11. generationvii

    We want a Bandit Bandana instead of towel

    Failing to even quote someone, "We,we,we" when it's actually "Me,me,me" and then compare a ghillie suit to a forced humanity driven skin change. This is a perfect example of why Rocket should ignore the majority of this community and just do his own thing. Whatever might've worked for minecraft won't work with an fps, it attracts an entire retard mode group of people. /facepalm
  12. generationvii

    'new' bandit skin is terribad..

    Don't you agree that makes sense though? I mean assuming you are in an apocalyptic situation, do you honestly believe you would survive on your own or people would welcome strangers with open arms? DayZ is pretty much the same deal you need someone to watch your back. You only trust your own, this is pretty much how bandit gangs in DayZ work. The reason PvP and bandit gangs reign supreme in DayZ is because they stick together and kill those who aren't their friends. Others come to the forums and cry about not having friends.
  13. generationvii

    'new' bandit skin is terribad..

    How does another person understand what you read? If that was the part that was supposed to humor me, well done 'ol chap! I was pointing out the fact you were ranting about Cherno snipers. The only people ranting about Cherno snipers are usually people who have been killed by Cherno snipers since the smart players, stay out of Cherno. On the returning fire subject. Murdering in self defense is still murder. Humanity in DayZ punishes you with the loss of humanity. Wasn't trolling at all. learn to understand what i read. :rolleyes:
  14. generationvii

    'new' bandit skin is terribad..

    1. Complaining about Cherno when repeatedly going back to Cherno to repeatedly get sniped in Cherno. Problem? Yes, you aren't very smart. 2. Killing someone in self defense is morally correct and makes you achieve hero status? Humanity isn't flawed, your morals are. I can't believe the Cherno sniper phenomena is still being bitched about. You're like a monkey with a loaded gun repeatedly shooting itself in the foot. Don't want to end up like a dodo? Don't go to Cherno! inb4 "I never got sniped in Cherno" Your butthurt level claims otherwise.
  15. generationvii

    We want a Bandit Bandana instead of towel

    The bandit skin we have now is perfectly fine. It might even be a placeholder for all we know. You've gotta get one thing straight though your taste =/= the community's taste, so cut the "we" crap out would you? I'm sure there are other more important issues to deal with then looking aesthetically pleasing wouldn't you agree?