tobosaku 6 Posted August 14, 2012 Just declaring a game alpha to have an excuse for every shitty patch and ignoring bugs that make the game unplayable is cheap.Whatever you say, rockets current employer made a big profit with people buying Arma2 only for DayZ. Not to mention the big image gain for their company. Actually they will have to do a lot to convince current players to trust the standalone release. Following the minecraft model already says a lot about the self conciousness...Personally I hope and wish that they manage to change the tack after the gamescom and the hopefully soon arriving 1.7.3 patch. If not... no question there will be many blind fan boys, but with a bit more understanding of the market there would have been a lot more in it. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spookz0r 12 Posted August 14, 2012 Let this be a warning for the stand alone game. You will get screwed with glitches and waiting for patches. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
debiru 27 Posted August 14, 2012 Just declaring a game alpha to have an excuse for every shitty patch and ignoring bugs that make the game unplayable is cheap.Whatever you say, rockets current employer made a big profit with people buying Arma2 only for DayZ. Not to mention the big image gain for their company.Actually they will have to do a lot to convince current players to trust the standalone release. Following the minecraft model already says a lot about the self conciousness...Personally I hope and wish that they manage to change the tack after the gamescom and the hopefully soon arriving 1.7.3 patch. If not... no question there will be many blind fan boys, but with a bit more understanding of the market there would have been a lot more in it.Let this be a warning for the stand alone game. You will get screwed with glitches and waiting for patches.please die, both of you.. pleeeease! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tobosaku 6 Posted August 14, 2012 Welcome to the world of free thinkers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
debiru 27 Posted August 14, 2012 Welcome to the world of free thinkers.if only you were a thinker.. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrJimmySlayer 30 Posted August 14, 2012 Not sure if anyone else has noticed this, but (and yeah this is the world's most minor change) have the shelves in supermarkets now been fixed so they are no longer transparent at different angles? Just a quick observation :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
datguy (DayZ) 157 Posted August 14, 2012 (edited) Wanted these bugs fixed by the weekend.There is some undocumented changes also for the lulz*FIXED: Players could actually log on to servers. Now they can't. Your tears are delicious, yum yum. Edited August 14, 2012 by datguy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aign0r 3 Posted August 14, 2012 I seriously can't understand, how you manage to break something even more in fix patch... My textures used to glitch only near Balota camp (dead soldiers on the road) and in Stary Sobor camp (again dead soldiers in the camp), now my game also glitches in Cherno and Elektro (didn't go anywhere else since patch came out). Why don't you just roll back textures to patch they worked in, and actually test patches on minor group before releasing it to public. Although you can hide behind Alpha, there are now million players, and i've never heard of an open alpha with million players.Why don't you just use Dota model. there is normal stable patch for people who wanna play normally, and there is a test patch for people who want to be testers. I think there is more then 50-100k rocket fun boys who would lick your dingleberries let alone test a new patch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sudZ! 115 Posted August 14, 2012 I seriously can't understand, how you manage to break something even more in fix patch... My textures used to glitch only near Balota camp (dead soldiers on the road) and in Stary Sobor camp (again dead soldiers in the camp), now my game also glitches in Cherno and Elektro (didn't go anywhere else since patch came out). Why don't you just roll back textures to patch they worked in, and actually test patches on minor group before releasing it to public. Although you can hide behind Alpha, there are now million players, and i've never heard of an open alpha with million players.Why don't you just use Dota model. there is normal stable patch for people who wanna play normally, and there is a test patch for people who want to be testers. I think there is more then 50-100k rocket fun boys who would lick your dingleberries let alone test a new patch.I don't get any artifacts in elektro or cherno... Not everyone gets the same graphical errors, that's how you can release a patch and have it seemingly make things worse for some, and better for others. Maybe there wasn't a big enough sample size in the test before release... but they released an attempted fix with other BRAND NEW FEATURES within a week of the issue popping up. I don't think that's unreasonable, even if it didn't work.As for your Dota suggestion... I think it's a good one, dingleberry fondling aside. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted August 14, 2012 Why not just remove the objects that are causing the artifacts until you can properly fix them? I've got the newest updates and still get the same graphical bugs, in fact, they're even worse than before now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Macksmacky 0 Posted August 14, 2012 Any feedback on graphical glitches being gone or not would be very greatly appreciated. If we can confirm they are gone I will announce the update on twitter and we will release on SU.Rocket, not sure how much feedback you've gotten on this so far, but we're in for 2. My friend and I were playing last night at Berezino and had Graphical Glitches from both Hospital Area and Soccer Field. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
puppetmaster11 229 Posted August 14, 2012 Can we get some kinda dev update .....? Silence is not always golden. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sivart 85 Posted August 14, 2012 I also am confirming the graphical artifacts are still occurring, mainly with the soldier corpses. Old fixes that worked for me failed(lowered object and texture detail) I then turned everything on low with 50% 3d resolution and everything was fine(ugly but playable).Also want to mention the ammo conversion for the 45 caliber handguns and 10 gauge shotgun is still not fixed(still unlimited ammo), but they damage seems increased(one shot with 1911 and revolver)why you steal my name? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sivart 85 Posted August 14, 2012 Since nothing has been changed or fixed for the last few patches. Why does Rocket not just undo what he did to screw up the graphics in the first place?you do that yourself. you simply use the last update- and dont use that launcher crap. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mort095f 3 Posted August 14, 2012 you do that yourself. you simply use the last update- and dont use that launcher crap.Fuck you its much easier to use the launcher, not as many bugs........ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BlindProphet 34 Posted August 14, 2012 I'm getting a little tired of the "This is alpha so everything HAS to suck balls" argument.Sure, this game is in an early stage and no one can reasonable expect it to be bug free. There is always the chance to die of a glitch, hacker, or loose your stuff some other way. We've all come to accept that. BUT so far these issues have been popping up occasionaly. If they become commonplace for many people, something is wrong. EVEN in an alpha.Going to point out a couple of things here that you seem to miss. First...hackers? Yeah Rocket can't do anything about that in the mod. Its not really possible. Thats a engine level problem not a mod level problem. The engine is like a woman. Hackers are like aids. The mod is a dress. You're blaming the dress for not stopping her from getting aids. In theory it could by making her look hideous but then no one would want the dress in the first place and the point would be moot anyways. So yeah...theres that.The glitches? I know some people I play with that have yet to get graphical glitches. Others I play with had their issues entirely solved with this patch. And me and my best friend had them mostly resolved, only a couple of areas give us any issues, most are fine or to a degree in which we can deal with it. Soooo theres progress there.Loosing your gear through other means? Well yes. You can loose your gear though a various means through no real fault of your own. Again thats more of an engine problem than something that can be fixed through the mod. And that has been improved. I've lost gear due to it not saving. Lost a ton of stuff I recently found scavenging at choppers, deer stands, and cities (M14 AIM etc) because tents ate it. Such is life. Don't get attached to your gear. Is it annoying as shit? Yes. It was annoying that yesterday I logged into the debug plains, and had a death message pop up for myself, despite having been alive when I disconnected last night. I wasn't dead, just standing in the debug plains. Then I got to log back in and be on the coast, with nothing but my cammo clothing on. No backpack, no bandages, etc. Annoying? You betcha. But it -is- Alpha. So I kinda expect something like that to happen on occasion.At this point it is clear the bugs are too glaring for public testing, and need to be ironed out a little more inhouse. Once that's done, it can be handed back to us to find the rare bugs that a small team of testers will inevitably overlook. That's simply the sensible way to do it.It will get the most efficient feedback for the devs and avoid alienating large amounts of players who - like it or not - are just that: "players", rather than die hard testers.Is it clear? Do you know if the graphical glitches are showing on all their machines? Its quite possible that they never got them for whatever reasons. And its not sensible for your approach when you're talking about a MOD. The mod is not a full blown game. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LGN Severant 7 Posted August 14, 2012 Just declaring a game alpha to have an excuse for every shitty patch and ignoring bugs that make the game unplayable is cheap.Whatever you say, rockets current employer made a big profit with people buying Arma2 only for DayZ. Not to mention the big image gain for their company.Actually they will have to do a lot to convince current players to trust the standalone release. Following the minecraft model already says a lot about the self conciousness...Personally I hope and wish that they manage to change the tack after the gamescom and the hopefully soon arriving 1.7.3 patch. If not... no question there will be many blind fan boys, but with a bit more understanding of the market there would have been a lot more in it.Its a Tech Demo, Not a game. QQ more. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MoxMono 7 Posted August 14, 2012 Bugs I have found in : - Tents do not save after server restart. They are put back to how they were in Vehicles (locations and inventories) do not save after a server restart. Also put back to how they were in Graphical glitches even worse on military zombie corpses. Can fix by changing random graphics settings but they generally go again later on.- Strangely spawning on coast 1 in 10 times- Putting on a Ghillie Suit or Camo Suit with large Coyote pack swaps it out for an empty noob coyote packAll in all, the hotfix build is hotf*cked. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Johnny_Pfosten 18 Posted August 14, 2012 (edited) Manual updated from / 95417 to / 95883 on Sunday. (A mate and myself)We've been to Elektro, Cherno, Stary Sobor and the NW airfield yesterday (also tried different server):- no experience of graphical problems like glitches, artifacts etc. (as in the previous version)- I random spawned 1 time at the coast, my mate random spawned several times around Elektro and Cherno (not as in the previous version)I use the mixed version (Arma2Free&OA retail) and my mate too (Arma2Free&OA steam version)My system: P9700/GTX260MMy graphics: video memory set default, AA and vsync offIf more information is needed just let me know.Edit:- The humanity started for us at around 2700 (we both have 0 murders and 0 bandit kills). After giving a blood bag to my mate my humanity raised for about 300.- no experience of lost gear so far- We do not use other programs like sixlauncher etc we just use in-game server browser Edited August 14, 2012 by Johnny_Pfosten Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Karger 4 Posted August 14, 2012 Here is somthing interesting I hit. Perhaps other had it aswell. When your humanity changes, you loose your backpack. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tobosaku 6 Posted August 14, 2012 Its a Tech Demo, Not a game. QQ more.Wow. We should call the forbes magazine they will be impressed. Immense profit and a million players from a tech demo.But wait. So far I'm just impressed that so many people just parrot what annoyed users is given as explanation in hundred of threads in this forum.As written in my post which you have quoted, I would really like to see this going in the right direction. I have just mentioned my lack of understanding from a marketing perspective how currently many potential customers get chased away. Fine that you are happy with it. But a forum lives from the exchange of views. Posts like "STFU, LoL and QQ" and in the DayZ case "It's Alpha, your arguments are invalid" are pretty useless. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Karger 4 Posted August 14, 2012 Also, I get that wirefencing bug still, it just not as bad. So it seems partily fixed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skurkanas 27 Posted August 14, 2012 Going to point out a couple of things here that you seem to miss. First...hackers? Yeah Rocket can't do anything about that in the mod. Its not really possible. Thats a engine level problem not a mod level problem. The engine is like a woman. Hackers are like aids. The mod is a dress. You're blaming the dress for not stopping her from getting aids. In theory it could by making her look hideous but then no one would want the dress in the first place and the point would be moot anyways. So yeah...theres that.That's a pretty far fetched metaphor. The game and the mod are both interwoven code, there's absolutely no difference between the two. To stay true to your metaphor: Sure, Arma II is the basic "woman" as you call it, but the mod is based on her DNA. It is not something else entirely. So while it will take a lot of effort to fix Arma II's lackluster cheat protection, it can be done within the mod.That being said, I didn't blame this on Rocket (as it is a problem of Arma II rather than DayZ) but I would expect it to be fixed in a theoretical full release. Alternatively by a patch for Arma II (who's Devs actually got all the money for this mod here and might as well do something for that ;))But as I said, since this IS alpha, stuff like that is forgivable. It is obviously hard to fix and needs time that I'm willing to give (as I said in my post)The glitches? I know some people I play with that have yet to get graphical glitches. Others I play with had their issues entirely solved with this patch. And me and my best friend had them mostly resolved, only a couple of areas give us any issues, most are fine or to a degree in which we can deal with it. Soooo theres progress there.Bottom line: You are fine now, so problem solved? Please...Loosing your gear through other means? Well yes. You can loose your gear though a various means through no real fault of your own. Again thats more of an engine problem than something that can be fixed through the mod. And that has been improved. I've lost gear due to it not saving. Lost a ton of stuff I recently found scavenging at choppers, deer stands, and cities (M14 AIM etc) because tents ate it. Such is life. Don't get attached to your gear. Is it annoying as shit? Yes. It was annoying that yesterday I logged into the debug plains, and had a death message pop up for myself, despite having been alive when I disconnected last night. I wasn't dead, just standing in the debug plains. Then I got to log back in and be on the coast, with nothing but my cammo clothing on. No backpack, no bandages, etc. Annoying? You betcha. But it -is- Alpha. So I kinda expect something like that to happen on occasion.That's kinda what I said. Stuff like this is to be expected in an alpha.Is it clear? Do you know if the graphical glitches are showing on all their machines? Its quite possible that they never got them for whatever reasons. And its not sensible for your approach when you're talking about a MOD. The mod is not a full blown game.Enlighten me on how testing for a mod is different from testing for a game. Why is inhouse testing for huge problems and public testing for rare bugs possible in a game but not a mod? Really, please tell me.Again, they are both intertwined. Of course, It's a hell of a lot of work to reverse engineer all the terrible coding of Arma II, but it can be done, and it can be applied to the mod.What's happening at the moment, is that the mod is left boiling in a state that's unplayable for many. Unplayable means untestable, unless you consider "Can't log in" useful feedback.Now we can either keep saying "Lol Alpha!", or actually do something about it (e.g. revert back to a stable version and introduce the new features one by one, to single out the issue) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bournesto33 21 Posted August 14, 2012 I went back to .4 for that reason .5 was a mess. I can deal with most of the small issues in the .4 version. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
subtle 29 Posted August 14, 2012 Fuck you its much easier to use the launcher, not as many bugs........No it isn't and I'm really not sure what "bugs" you're referring to with the manual install considering there are none. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites