castun66 20 Posted June 12, 2012 You're right snipes in that a logout timer will only mitigate the issue somewhat because people could still disconnect after the timer runs out. Wouldn't really allow you to quit easily from zombies because once you stop running they're on you in a matter of seconds. I think your idea of needing to use a tent or sleeping bag in the woods would work well, maybe make it so it takes a minute to use and log you out. It could still be possible to logout without though, but the timer in that case could be several minutes. That would do a lot to stop people from just running into a building to quit IMHO. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
External (DayZ) 2 Posted June 12, 2012 NINETEEN ALT-F4ERS within 40 minutes on ANZ5.NINETEEN. (And I can name a few, but I'll leave that for my 100+ Alt-F4ers List on my next YouTube video.)This is fucking disgraceful. These are the people who should be banned, without appeal. You are here to play a game, and if you die, take it like a fucking man, not like some coward who doesn't want to die because "Ohhhh dude I have a DMR!".I've had an M4A1 CCO SD, had 20 murders under my belt, only to die honourably to a bandit with a 50cal. I take the death, learn from it, and start again. I even congratulate players who kill me. Yes, it's pretty shit to lose such a nice arsenal and stats, but hey, you're in a survival mod, not Call of Duty. You will be punished for being reckless, deal with it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 41 Posted June 12, 2012 NINETEEN ALT-F4ERS within 40 minutes on ANZ5.NINETEEN. (And I can name a few' date=' but I'll leave that for my 100+ Alt-F4ers List on my next YouTube video.)This is fucking disgraceful. These are the people who should be banned, without appeal. You are here to play a game, and if you die, take it like a fucking man, not like some coward who doesn't want to die because "Ohhhh dude I have a DMR!".I've had an M4A1 CCO SD, had 20 murders under my belt, only to die honourably to a bandit with a 50cal. I take the death, learn from it, and start again. I even congratulate players who kill me. Yes, it's pretty shit to lose such a nice arsenal and stats, but hey, you're in a survival mod, not Call of Duty. You will be punished for being reckless, deal with it.[/quote']Your healthy attitude is rare...gotta hope Rocket comes up with a solution. This "discussion" that started weeks (months?) ago is kind of obsolete until we see something in the patch notes. Until then its the "quickload" button for cowards. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zorkmid 2 Posted June 12, 2012 Rocket mentioned that this would be fixed when there was a patch for ArmAo2. Is that now? Will 1.7.1. have something to deal with this?Would be cool to see a message that says: "You are in combat, if you log out now, your items will be dropped and your character will die."Are you sure? Y/NRecent shots fired in the area, or very close players could possibly be a trigger for this? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
macish 0 Posted June 12, 2012 dont understand whats so difficult to grasp about a log off timer.. especially if this timer is canceled if you start moving or shooting again.this has been done for ages in the mmo world and it works.. imagine you need to sit down and then the timer starts.. you see someone duringvit ticks down and start evading him, the timer is canceled... no running around shooting..this is important as trying to log out should get you in a seperate stance which you cant shoot from.. so you need to change that stance first (like sitting -> standing) to walk / shoot should still be able to look around but anyting else would cancel the still leave a pvp if you wish so but first you need to avade your opponents and then find a save spot to evade the enemy, before you can sit down and start your tier.. which should be at least a minute or so.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Disgraced 1123 Posted June 12, 2012 dont understand whats so difficult to grasp about a log off timer.. especially if this timer is canceled if you start moving or shooting again.this has been done for ages in the mmo world and it works.. imagine you need to sit down and then the timer starts.. you see someone duringvit ticks down and start evading him' date=' the timer is canceled... no running around shooting..this is important as trying to log out should get you in a seperate stance which you cant shoot from.. so you need to change that stance first (like sitting -> standing) to walk / shoot should still be able to look around but anyting else would cancel the still leave a pvp if you wish so but first you need to avade your opponents and then find a save spot to evade the enemy, before you can sit down and start your tier.. which should be at least a minute or so..[/quote']Who said it was difficult to grasp?Your post amuses. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted June 12, 2012 Hmm. As a newbie (4 dayz in), I found a spot with lots of loot, equipped an Enfield, got noticed by zombies and made a last stand at a door. After shooting about 25 of them (I swear: I was waist-deep in corpses!), they seemed to have enough, and shuffled off. I continued my search in the building, but got noticed again by a hopper from outside, and shooting that one on the second floor brought in more zombies. 10 more killed, and out of ammo. Went down a ladder, got some damage, ran for 3 km (chased for several minutes by 10+ zombies) before climbing up a crane. No zombies climbed up for about 5 minutes, and there were about 15 waiting for me downstairs. I decided to call it a day (at 23:30) and logged off/ aborted. From what I've read in this thread, it is mostly considered cheating when interacting with PC's/NPC's at a seconds/30 seconds notice. Is what I did considered cheating? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blitzcloud 1 Posted June 12, 2012 NINETEEN ALT-F4ERS within 40 minutes on ANZ5.NINETEEN. (And I can name a few' date=' but I'll leave that for my 100+ Alt-F4ers List on my next YouTube video.)This is fucking disgraceful. These are the people who should be banned, without appeal. You are here to play a game, and if you die, take it like a fucking man, not like some coward who doesn't want to die because "Ohhhh dude I have a DMR!".I've had an M4A1 CCO SD, had 20 murders under my belt, only to die honourably to a bandit with a 50cal. I take the death, learn from it, and start again. I even congratulate players who kill me. Yes, it's pretty shit to lose such a nice arsenal and stats, but hey, you're in a survival mod, not Call of Duty. You will be punished for being reckless, deal with it.[/quote']This is how it should be played.I got busted in one military camp. It was pretty intense. And I actually rejoiced on my own death... like WOAH man... that was certainly something!That's the spirit of the game.Disconnect at will breaks the whole foundation of the game... but they will do it because:1. They can.2. Others did it on them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snipes (DayZ) 12 Posted June 12, 2012 dont understand whats so difficult to grasp about a log off timer.. especially if this timer is canceled if you start moving or shooting again.this has been done for ages in the mmo world and it works.. imagine you need to sit down and then the timer starts.. you see someone duringvit ticks down and start evading him' date=' the timer is canceled... no running around shooting..this is important as trying to log out should get you in a seperate stance which you cant shoot from.. so you need to change that stance first (like sitting -> standing) to walk / shoot should still be able to look around but anyting else would cancel the still leave a pvp if you wish so but first you need to avade your opponents and then find a save spot to evade the enemy, before you can sit down and start your tier.. which should be at least a minute or so..[/quote']I'm assuming that might have been aimed at me so I'll explain why I dont like it.I understand that the timer could cancel if you moved or shot but this still wont stop people running into buildings after shots have been fired and then in the minute it takes the attackers to get to the building the player has logged off and gone.If you manage to surround someone in a building then that scenario should be played out without the player leaving. There should be a genuine feeling of 'this could be my lot' rather than if i just aim at this door and log off ill be fine, if anyone comes near me i'll shoot if not ill be gone. Then that person could use the age old trick of go to another server get behind someone and then log in again. Where's the fun in that.As i said logging off anywhere and everywhere is what should be changed. Logging out should be something you plan and prepare for not something you do because you have no choice and you are surrounded.I'm just trying to think of the scenarios where you would get annoyed with someone disconnecting even if a log out timer was implemented.Restrict where people can log out and it solves multiple issues at the same time.People logging in directly in front of you when you've already cleared a building and started to eat food or something is equally annoying, hence my suggestion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Diwwah 9 Posted June 12, 2012 I think the log-out timer should be implemented so that the player is actually disconnected immediately but the character stays on the server for the duration of the timer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blitzcloud 1 Posted June 12, 2012 dont understand whats so difficult to grasp about a log off timer.. especially if this timer is canceled if you start moving or shooting again.this has been done for ages in the mmo world and it works.. imagine you need to sit down and then the timer starts.. you see someone duringvit ticks down and start evading him' date=' the timer is canceled... no running around shooting..this is important as trying to log out should get you in a seperate stance which you cant shoot from.. so you need to change that stance first (like sitting -> standing) to walk / shoot should still be able to look around but anyting else would cancel the still leave a pvp if you wish so but first you need to avade your opponents and then find a save spot to evade the enemy, before you can sit down and start your tier.. which should be at least a minute or so..[/quote']I'm assuming that might have been aimed at me so I'll explain why I dont like it.I understand that the timer could cancel if you moved or shot but this still wont stop people running into buildings after shots have been fired and then in the minute it takes the attackers to get to the building the player has logged off and gone.If you manage to surround someone in a building then that scenario should be played out without the player leaving. There should be a genuine feeling of 'this could be my lot' rather than if i just aim at this door and log off ill be fine, if anyone comes near me i'll shoot if not ill be gone. Then that person could use the age old trick of go to another server get behind someone and then log in again. Where's the fun in that.As i said logging off anywhere and everywhere is what should be changed. Logging out should be something you plan and prepare for not something you do because you have no choice and you are surrounded.I'm just trying to think of the scenarios where you would get annoyed with someone disconnecting even if a log out timer was implemented.Restrict where people can log out and it solves multiple issues at the same time.People logging in directly in front of you when you've already cleared a building and started to eat food or something is equally annoying, hence my suggestion.If you can't get a person who stands still for 30 seconds before he can exit, you don't deserve the kill. It means you're a sniper far, far away and he hid into a building. If he got shot, he would need to heal up before even pressing leave, or that means 30 seconds of nonstop bleeding. So, he has to heal up first, then try to disconnect. I think thats enough time for a person to finish their prey...Unless, as stated otherwise, we're talking about long-range snipers that are nearly a kilometer away from town.Also, you can't try to disconnect with the aiming pose. The purpouse of this would be that your character is doing some sort of "packing" animation (like the one from using bandages). You can interrupt that but if a person strikes you, he would have the upperhand. However if it's someone from a distance, since you have the chance to rotate camera and see him coming, you can move and interrupt it.However, something has to be done with the proximity spawns, but that's something else. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
castun66 20 Posted June 12, 2012 Also' date=' you can't try to disconnect with the aiming pose. The purpouse of this would be that your character is doing some sort of "packing" animation (like the one from using bandages). You can interrupt that but if a person strikes you, he would have the upperhand. However if it's someone from a distance, since you have the chance to rotate camera and see him coming, you can move and interrupt it.[/quote']That's a good idea actually. I would also be fine with preventing players from logging out inside buildings, simply because this is often done to server hop for military supplies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
macish 0 Posted June 12, 2012 @snipes:and what does it change if the location is restricted? this guy your group is chasing can still log out in the "allowed" region if you don't find him in time..i see your example as an rather unlikely situation.. i mean how often does it happen that someone gets chased by some group of bandits and then logs out and how many times does it happen than in a simple 1vs1 shootout someone logs out? there will be always a situation where "leaving" the game will save one from some kind of danger.. this is a game after all and the biggest issue should be to minimize abuse.. and that is not logging of after x time but alt-f4 instant vanish..leaving a game (this is still a game) should not be a pain in the ass.. but an compromise having "despawn" areas will end up with the same snipers waiting for people to log off instead of on.. with the benefit that their targets are now even easier to killthere should be no limitation to where and when a players wants to disconnect but how long it takes to be "off" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jimmy_rustlers 24 Posted June 12, 2012 Hmm. As a newbie (4 dayz in)' date=' I found a spot with lots of loot, equipped an Enfield, got noticed by zombies and made a last stand at a door. After shooting about 25 of them (I swear: I was waist-deep in corpses!), they seemed to have enough, and shuffled off. I continued my search in the building, but got noticed again by a hopper from outside, and shooting that one on the second floor brought in more zombies. 10 more killed, and out of ammo. Went down a ladder, got some damage, ran for 3 km (chased for several minutes by 10+ zombies) before climbing up a crane. No zombies climbed up for about 5 minutes, and there were about 15 waiting for me downstairs. I decided to call it a day (at 23:30) and logged off/ aborted. From what I've read in this thread, it is mostly considered cheating when interacting with PC's/NPC's at a seconds/30 seconds notice. Is what I did considered cheating?[/quote']To tell the truth - no. I start to see more and more of those "quitters" around and i don't see anything that stops them from doing so at the moment. This makes game pointless for me :( If you log off from the zeds in my opinion - it's wrong. I did such trick few times before but this is really breaks the immersion so i try to avoid such actions now. But yeah, mod is full of bugs at the moment (It's actually pretty good for an alpha) and sometimes people get this idea like "come on! zeds cheat too! they can walk through walls and spawn right at you if you shoot something loud like AK". It's still wrong but quitting like that only breaks your own immersion.But worst of all is if you quit from the fight with another player. That gets people mad. They mad because they throw themselves in a fight, waste precious ammo and risk their virtual lives just to grasp a thin air before them. Like today we cornered lone bandit in the shop at Cherno. He injured my friend who managed to crawl away and bandage himself while i threw grenade at the shop and stormed through the back door right into the main hall. I just forget about this stupid glass at the entrance. Shot through it but glass at the entrance of the shop is still bugged so no damage was made. That douche noticed me all pumped up with AK and just quit. I mean come on, we just wasted loads of ammo, my friend was badly injured and i aggroed really large horde with that grenade just to see that douche disappear out in the thin air :( That was really low and cowardly act. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sarissofoi 40 Posted June 12, 2012 There should be HOT ZONES(like airfields) where you can safely logout and dc here bring possibility of sudden death or wound. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lillowh 0 Posted June 12, 2012 Honestly, I feel like any restriction on how you log out that allows you to die after you want to leave is unfair to the player. If there is an emergency? Oh well, I guess all your progress is lost as a zombie could just stumble over you and agro. Internet Drops? Oh well I guess that entire town you were sneaking through/horde you were figting off can aggro onto and kill you because of something you cant control. If I want to join a server with a few friends and the server I'm in is full? Hold on X, I'll be there in 5 minutes while I find some place to log off, sit down for 30 seconds anywhere to a minute completely vunerable (in some of the damn foolish suggestions) to anyone and everything. Does it break the game that you can log out and avoid consequences? No. Why? Because it is a game, and that stuff can happen. Can I also prevent a loss on any other console or PC game (Non-mmo's) by logging off the game (varius things like dashboarding on 360/PS3, Alt+F4, etc, etc.) or even on a board game by flipping a board? Of course, because it's not real life. Is it unfair and unrealistic that the zombies that run can make 90 turns while losing no momentum whatsoever making it nearly impossible to shoot one running towards you because of it's mad Jukes? Yes.MMO's log out mechanics should not even apply to the discussion here, because no MMO with a timer doesn't have "Safe Zones" abundantly scattered around a huge environment or that has ways of getting to them quickly. Eve? Space Stations. WoW? Towns that have guards that will attack people PVP'ing inside them and a low timer anyway that prevents anyone the player hasn't seen before they start the time from attacking them. Secondly, no MMO like that has Perma-Death on all of your equipment. Eve? Yeah you loose your ship but you still have all your other ships and equipment you worked hard for. WoW? You take durability damage. boo hoo.In the end, you have to realize it's just a game. Don't talk about that anti-game BS either because what you're playing it on is a video simulation, also known as a Video game. Is it a pretty realistic game? Sure. However you should not have the possibility to be punished for leaving anytime you want on a game were the consequence is perma-death.The only log out mechanic I would support is that it uses a system to where if you get disconnected your hunger and such still goes down but if you take the time to set up a sleeping bag ~5-7 seconds, then you can log out instantly in that and not loose food or water until you next log on. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jimmy_rustlers 24 Posted June 12, 2012 Also' date=' you can't try to disconnect with the aiming pose. The purpouse of this would be that your character is doing some sort of "packing" animation (like the one from using bandages). You can interrupt that but if a person strikes you, he would have the upperhand. However if it's someone from a distance, since you have the chance to rotate camera and see him coming, you can move and interrupt it.[/quote']That's a good idea actually. I would also be fine with preventing players from logging out inside buildings, simply because this is often done to server hop for military supplies.I support this. Great idea! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vran113 0 Posted June 12, 2012 I think there always will be exploits like this, and creating "zones" or time-penalties won't solve the problem. after all, people who disconnect or jump from server to server would leave (as it is no fun at all, from this perspective the game is meaningless), and the rest of us will be playing more adequately Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Diwwah 9 Posted June 12, 2012 Also' date=' you can't try to disconnect with the aiming pose. The purpouse of this would be that your character is doing some sort of "packing" animation (like the one from using bandages). You can interrupt that but if a person strikes you, he would have the upperhand. However if it's someone from a distance, since you have the chance to rotate camera and see him coming, you can move and interrupt it.[/quote']That's a good idea actually. I would also be fine with preventing players from logging out inside buildings, simply because this is often done to server hop for military supplies.I support this. Great idea!It is a good idea with a long enough timer and a long enough time to cancel the logout process. A player shouldn't be able to camp a door while logging out and pull a gun in time when someone appears. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shurikenangel 0 Posted June 12, 2012 Last night was one of the true first times where a DCing player just pissed me off. I was with my group up at the NW Airfield having a good old time zombie killing. Then out of the blue one of our guys gets shot. Well the shooter was lite up in the matter of seconds then DC's. Well his buddy comes in pops another and DC's after being fired on. Then here is the kicker. They ghost back in and pop another another member. By now I am on the verge of banning because of the blatant exploit. We lost 3 guys they lost no one. They got a pair of our NVG's, Range Finders, and GPS, Plus a M4 SD Holo with GL. I was beyond pissed. I can see DCing when ambushed and such because frankly I could care less for the kill I just don't want you there, or the DCing because of the never ending zombie hoard.Just to clarify I have the logs and the names, is this a bannable offense because for one I do not want these actions on a server. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jimmy_rustlers 24 Posted June 12, 2012 Honestly' date=' I feel like any restriction on how you log out that allows you to die after you want to leave is unfair to the player. If there is an emergency? Oh well, I guess all your progress is lost as a zombie could just stumble over you and agro. Internet Drops? Oh well I guess that entire town you were sneaking through/horde you were figting off can aggro onto and kill you because of something you cant control. If I want to join a server with a few friends and the server I'm in is full? Hold on X, I'll be there in 5 minutes while I find some place to log off, sit down for 30 seconds anywhere to a minute completely vunerable (in some of the damn foolish suggestions) to anyone and everything. Does it break the game that you can log out and avoid consequences? No. Why? Because it is a game, and that stuff can happen. Can I also prevent a loss on any other console or PC game (Non-mmo's) by logging off the game (varius things like dashboarding on 360/PS3, Alt+F4, etc, etc.) or even on a board game by flipping a board? Of course, because it's not real life. Is it unfair and unrealistic that the zombies that run can make 90 turns while losing no momentum whatsoever making it nearly impossible to shoot one running towards you because of it's mad Jukes? Yes.MMO's log out mechanics should not even apply to the discussion here, because no MMO with a timer doesn't have "Safe Zones" abundantly scattered around a huge environment or that has ways of getting to them quickly. Eve? Space Stations. WoW? Towns that have guards that will attack people PVP'ing inside them and a low timer anyway that prevents anyone the player hasn't seen before they start the time from attacking them. Secondly, no MMO like that has Perma-Death on all of your equipment. Eve? Yeah you loose your ship but you still have all your other ships and equipment you worked hard for. WoW? You take durability damage. boo hoo.In the end, you have to realize it's just a game. Don't talk about that anti-game BS either because what you're playing it on is a video simulation, also known as a Video game. Is it a pretty realistic game? Sure. However you should not have the possibility to be punished for leaving anytime you want on a game were the consequence is perma-death.The only log out mechanic I would support is that it uses a system to where if you get disconnected your hunger and such still goes down but if you take the time to set up a sleeping bag ~5-7 seconds, then you can log out instantly in that and not loose food or water until you next log on.[/quote']May i suggest you to try MW3 or BF3 then? Why bother if you are so afraid of permadeath? I mean come on :) DayZ is not the kind of mod where you can develop your character, levelup and buy various gear. I think you are clearly missing the point of the game. It's the feel of danger and the possibility of death. Anywhere and anytime. Why do you think people go in Cherno or visit the Airfield? Just to show each other their loot, tolerate the sh*t out of each other and be friendly? Yeah, sometimes they help each other, sometimes they just enjoy being d*cks and shot others in the backs. But it's always about danger and risk of losing everything. It's the game where you sh*t bricks of fear and anything can happen. Even in the most remote places, even among friends and even if there's just four people on the server. There is always that feel of danger, there is always that someone who wants to see you dead. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GrIfFiN (DayZ) 3 Posted June 12, 2012 How to resolve this leaving problem... Imho, quite like in minecraft. You find a place to sleep, you lay down, and wait for like 30 - 60 seconds. Then your game is saved and you are free to leave as your character is sleeping. If there is emergency or disconect or whatever there is... Your character could be passed to AI or somekind of scripting, to make it go sleeping with out your help. Surely, if something goes wrong in this case, you might lose everything, but, there is still quite a chance that you survive. Oh, and another little idea... Make zeds ignore the sleeping duds... Thay dont care of leavers anyway. And there should be no way to join any game, till your character sleep.Sorry for the rough description. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jimmy_rustlers 24 Posted June 12, 2012 How to resolve this leaving problem... Imho' date=' quite like in minecraft. You find a place to sleep, you lay down, and wait for like 30 - 60 seconds. Then your game is saved and you are free to leave as your character is sleeping. If there is emergency or disconect or whatever there is... Your character could be passed to AI or somekind of scripting, to make it go sleeping with out your help. Surely, if something goes wrong in this case, you might lose everything, but, there is still quite a chance that you survive. Oh, and another little idea... Make zeds ignore the sleeping duds... Thay dont care of leavers anyway. And there should be no way to join any game, till your character sleep.Sorry for the rough description.[/quote']Well, most of the zeds ignore crawling persons. Just saying. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GrIfFiN (DayZ) 3 Posted June 12, 2012 Jimmy Rustlers True, but I'am saying that thay should completely ignore sleeping players. I dont care if somebody is going to save his ass that way. Actually, there could be longer sleeping waiting time, like 5 or even 10 minutes. Player is free to leave just as he found a place for his char, but the char will remain in a game for a while, vunerable to another players. And the player should not be able to connect anywhere till that time passes. This could not only resolve leavers problem, but also server jumpers who get easy loot or kill another players. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WalkerDown (DayZ) 296 Posted June 12, 2012 Why ppl are so annoyed of other players disconnected? Whenever they really do for an emergency or to cheat the (possible) death, why do you care so much?I recognize it is an exploit, so (in most case) it shouldn't be considered fair at all.. but honestly, whenever i NEVER disconnected during a firefight (the few i had), i neither blamed when someone did it "to" me.It must be because of my playing style.. before i turned into "another deathmatch player", i had to shot at other player for only one reason: to not being shot! So if you disconnects, the results is almost the same: you're not dangerous anymore for my life, since you disappeared... and this is more than enough for me, or even better: i don't have to look for you, risking my life.It must be because i already have anything, so i don't need ppl loot.. so who cares if they disconnects? And plus, is it really necessary to steal someone else loot, when you can collect almost anything within a couple of days?I think the ppl in rage for this exploit, are those ones that are too much addicted for the PvP... otherwise honestly, there's so much more important things to fix, this disconnection thing should be handled with much calm to find the "perfect" solution, find a fix in hurry would only makes the thing worse. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites