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Disconnecting to avoid death

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*go play other pvp game if not happy n stuff*

See that's where we seem to split on here. Some have leaned towards that this is a PvP Primary game where I believe that element is secondary. I think that divide will probably stay though and as long as it does there will be conflict. Where my comments that you so craft-fully paraphrased lay are that there is already several other games out there if you want the PvP Primary. For those of use that want the Survival side to be first and for most there's not so much. Which is why this mod is so wonderfully. Now you misunderstand thinking I want to tell the PvP nuts to wank off somewhere else. That wasn't my intention at all, but such is the lackings of the internet and how someone reads your written words.

Edited by Void

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See that's where we seem to split on here. Some have leaned towards that this is a PvP Primary game where I believe that element is secondary. I think that divide will probably stay though and as long as it does there will be conflict. Where my comments that you so craft-fully paraphrased lay are that there is already several other games out there if you want the PvP Primary. For those of use that want the Survival side to be first and for most there's not so much. Which is why this mod is so wonderfully. Now you misunderstand thinking I want to tell the PvP nuts to wank off somewhere else. That wasn't my intention at all, but such is the lackings of the internet and how someone reads your written words.

Its not for you to decide what is primary or secondary.

I primarly play as a coop game. Some others don't.

Thats not the point of this thread so back on topic.

Disconnecting while facing danger is the topic.

Danger can be players, or it can be zombies. So lets leave the old PVP debate out of this thread.

Maybe the real solution would be to have one character in each server.. that would replace you at an other place on the map preventing any kind of abuse. But it would delete the "persistant world" feeling in the game.

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Who said it was for me to decide. Rage much. But I do have the right to voice my opinion. Just as you have the right to troll me for doing so. So maybe we can come to some sort of understanding you and I.

Okay this timer thing? What about loss connections? Would you like to see some sort of "net" put in that timer to keep those that have this issue from unintendedly finding themsleves bent over the ol' barrel? If so then what keeps people from pulling the cord out the router? Or just will those people just have to take the loss and suck it up?

What I am trying to get at here is, if this is your solution then what are your answer to all the issues that would arise from it?

Before you ask though, I am fine with the fix rocket has already started working on. Zombies saving when you log out and are there when you return. All other issues people are having problems with I don't view as serious issues.

Edited by Void

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What I am trying to get at here is, if this is your solution then what are your answer to all the issues that would arise from it?

Before you ask though, I am fine with the fix rocket has already started working on. Zombies saving when you log out and are there when you return. All other issues people are having problems with I don't view as serious issues.

Ok, that's **finally** interesting. :P

Please name the issues that would arise from a 2-3 min Disconecting timer. Cause i don't see any. AND i have a net connection that forces me out of the server 2 times per hour more or less.

Too long? Thats 4 minute to wait in TOTAL if you got kicked from the server for example. That's not much. I have camped outside a supermaket in Berezino for like 15 minutes because i heard gunshots and was scared. 2/3 minutes to wait is really nothing IMHO. Especially if you consider the benefits you get from it.

Getting Killed while Deconnecting? You can stop the timer any time if you just move your character. Meaning you can shoot back if someone approaches you.

Your internet went down or someone ALT-F4 by *accident*? Shit happens and that's boring i have to agree. But please compare the amount of "Disconnecting People" you have seen ruining your immersion with the amount of internet crash you suffer. It is still a really rare event. If it's not then you need to do something with your ISP.

The "other issues" you don't find serious are unfortunately of extreme importance to me. And to all players that wants authenticity and immersion in their game. Servers hoppers that loots and appears on your back. Bandits that disconnect as soon as you return fire and flank you. Or the prey you have been stalking for 20 minutes that deconnects after your first shot.

these are things you really can't ignore if you care for dayz game mechanics, and immersion.

If i forgot any other inconvenient that would be created by a 2-3 min DC timer, please correct me.

On a side note, i really wonder why people just HAVE to mention "CallofDuty-Troll-Rage" or such words each time they are posting in a forum. Let's speak like in real life shall we? :D

Edited by RastaKoueR
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Okay, you see, you have the power to change minds and influence people, Though the 2-3 minutes is still a bit excessive, but I offer a compromise in our discussion. Shorten the log out timer. Say 15-30 secs, but... add a 5 min same server reconnection wait and give those that lose power or connection the ability to immediately be disconnected.

Now you say people would just unplug, reset router or alt-f4 their way out. That's would be fine with me, They would still be facing the 5 min same server wait if they come back to the same server and if they don't, well then they're out of my hair either way.

Just to tell you though. What caught my eye and changed my mind a little was when you said you would be able to move to stop timer. This I like. As long as it's a WSAD move only and you could still mouse look.

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Shorten the log out timer. Say 15-30 secs

15-30 seconds make it too easy to escape from any danger zone. You encounter a horde? Go hide in a buildings and by the time they walk to you you will have deco. You missed your shot with your M24 snipe on a poor makarov bastard in elektro? Just go back in the wood and deco. The deco timer need to make us think TWICE before going in any dangerous situation. I would feel safe with a 15-30 sec timer. With a longer one i would play really safe, and would think before act.

add a 5 min same server reconnection wait and give those that lose power or connection the ability to immediately be disconnected.

Brilliant idea.

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I haven't read much further than some pages back, but why so much drama?

A 1 or 2 minute timer during which you're allowed to use your mouse would be extremely good IMO, as long as it cancels once you use the keyboard. This way you can keep surveying your surroundings while you're vulnerable, and react if a danger arises.

IF you decide to use Alt+F4, your body stays for 2 minutes in an idle standing position and you aren't allowed to connect by the central DB for 4 minutes to make sure (or until it has heard of your body's state on timer expiration). You can get killed during those 2 minutes.

Can anybody tell me what's wrong with what I just stated?

Edited by kinanischka

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The best solution, described in this topic, is to make a keyboard lock for e.g. 1 minute, but do not lock a mouse, allowing player to view around and to cancel the timer by desire. If you select safe place and it becomes unsafe during timer, you can cancel logout and initiate it in another place again from the begining. But you shold escape from danger zone first ingame.

Or even it is not necessary to lock keyboard, you should only stay on place for a minute, like when you perform other actions, e.g. bandaging. If you make a step - timer is canceled.

But not only disconnect timer should be added, but also a connect sound to hear if somebody apears somewhere near you. Without this notification sound it is possible to connect to another server, go behind player there, then come back to the current server and kill player from his back.

Also disabling respawn button will be good feature to deny selecting spawn position.

Edited by SuffiXUA

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Having your body stay for a few minutes in-game when you disconnect would really heal the game and be perfect.

For example, three minutes. It's enough to make sure you disconnected in a safe place (as a survivor should do when he sleeps, for example), and really not long to wait if you just crashed.

Please do that soon. I really can't wait :)

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lock a player to a server for 30mins after taking damage, receiving damage, or looting. you cant server hop if youre bound to a specific server. Make a 30 sec logout timer, where a player must remains still and not intereact with anything to log out safely(successful logout unbinds server in 10 mins.), Make DC and alt-f4s stay in place for 3mins after logging but no new zeds will aggro in this "inactive" state(to aid honest disconnects).

Do this and all the D/Cers will actually have to play the game or go back to cod.... Now if only we can find a way to castrate the invisible glitchers...

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How about this:

if you disconnect a script will check if you (or anyone in a 50m radius) fired a shot in the last 5 minutes.

if so, the next time you spawn 3 aggroed zobiefriends will spawn with you. good luck!

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If I want to log out of the game, I want it instantly and not with the risk of beeing killed by any chance 'cause my body is forzen or whatever. Hello!? It's a game. If I'm fed up to the back teeth of playing, I want to leave and not sitting 10 more minuits there observing my environment.


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indeed the simple solution wold be to implement disconnection timing on certains situations:

#1 players aggroed by zeds

#2 players who have shot in the last minutes

#3 players who have taken a shot in the last minutes

this maybe dont solve the quiters on sight but will surely reduce disconnections drastically


#4 If you DC while bleeding / passed out. You Die.

How about this:

if you disconnect a script will check if you (or anyone in a 50m radius) fired a shot in the last 5 minutes.

if so, the next time you spawn 3 aggroed zobiefriends will spawn with you. good luck!

Get into Firefight, DC, spawn in again, run at whoever you were fighting. Zs attack them.

Maybe a chance of losing your gear or something would help with the DCing.

Edited by korvanica

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Key word there. Firefight.

I used this word because at the moment (playing, yet to update to 1.7.2 but will be doing that tonight), my main threat is enemy players. Zombies are more of a nuisance that just get in the way at times. Yes, they can over run you, but i've not had any real difficulty unless 2 or 3 of my mates, plus me aggro a whole village. This, for me, and I imagine others see this from different sides, the zombies aren't the real threat, the players are. I guess it depends on where you are in the game; very early- zombies a big threat, later in the game- not so much. There are other reasons, but this isn't the thread for them.

And I agree with you 100% that it's the mentality of the players that is the real problem, but we can't fix that without a game mechanic behind the people playing the moral high ground and no disconnecting to stick through the thick as shit moments to come out the other side buzzing like a bee's nest on adrenaline. Hence why we're hear discussing options.

Seems like a lot of people are happy with a timer of a minute or two, and some way to cancel it if need be for when a threat arises. My idea of a sleeping bag was to make the player feel more involved within the game world and try to add to the survival element. Just standing there with a timer would look too artificial. Someone mentioned being able to log out only specific areas? How about forests? Near enough every city, town, village has woodland near by. Like with the hatchet where you can only chop certain trees to get wood, use the same area's to log out. This combined with a timer will stop people hauling into a village and aggro'ing zombies not giving a damn, and just dc'ing whenever they get a broken leg or too many zombies swarm around them. Instead it should condition people to think before going in, and actually have to fight for you life rather than pussying out.

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If I want to log out of the game, I want it instantly and not with the risk of beeing killed by any chance 'cause my body is forzen or whatever.

This is exactly what we're trying to avoid.

Hello!? It's a game. If I'm fed up to the back teeth of playing, I want to leave and not sitting 10 more minuits there observing my environment.


Lol, don't over exaggerate what people are suggesting. If you don't like the ideas being posted, then critique them with reasoning and post your own. Besides, DayZ isn't exactly a fast and instant action game. The amount you can get done in 5-10mins of playing DayZ is very low unless your server hopping within buildings. If you are, then your going against the spirit of the game, and only ruining the experience for yourself, hence the reason of this thread. We're trying to come up with reasonable solutions that will suit all whilst still sitting within the confines of what the game is about.

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Ok, think of this situation!! You find a good bunch of tree's that have very good concealment in the middle of a forest. You hang around for a couple of minutes, constantly looking around in all directions to make sure your safe. You call the all clear and move to the tree's logging out. During your 2-3 minutes of logging out, some guy who just happens to be wandering by, no idea of your location or knew you were there in the first place. But just happens to come across your body during the log out time and shoots you. Can you honestly say that you will not be pissed?

Yes, it stops the firefight DC'ing, but I would rather a player DC when I shoot at them, than me getting killed during an extensive log out time period.

Edit: This issue shouldn't really exist. It's peoples stupid mentality and lack of respect/ enjoyment for the game for themselves and others that needs to change. Just now that one or two people have done it, everyone is doing it.

Oh, well,

Yes, I would be pissed by having some random guy shooting at me while DC'ing, but if I pick up the right spot, I really can't see this happenning if I dc in the middle of the forest under a pine tree.

Plus, I never said you were to be out of game when the timer is on. The solution of locking the character in mouse look, so that he can scan for threats during 3 minutes, is IMHO a good one. Any use of the keyboard to move would cancel the timer.

You can of course skip the ingame timer, in which case your character will still remain in-game for 3 minutes.

3 minutes is just an example, I think it could be configured by the server admin, so that it can choose leaving bodies in their sleeping bag for 30 seconds, 3 minutes, and so on (btw I never said your sleeping bag idea was bad at all, I totally support it). Even set the timer to forever if he wishes to enforce that kind of hardcore gameplay.

Actually, if it was up to me, I would play on a server with my character bound to it, and no body despawn at all.

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I will maybe be flammed for this post, because I haven't read all posts before, but:

Why not adding a 10 seconds delay before disconnection (any movement cancels it), and unability to join the same server 5 /10 minuts after DC ?

10 seconds is way enough to get killed by players or be badly injured by zombies, and 5/10 minuts delay is enough to be boring and force to connect on another server

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I will maybe be flammed for this post, because I haven't read all posts before, but:

Why not adding a 10 seconds delay before disconnection (any movement cancels it), and unability to join the same server 5 /10 minuts after DC ?

10 seconds is way enough to get killed by players or be badly injured by zombies, and 5/10 minuts delay is enough to be boring and force to connect on another server

This. I hope it is possible.

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i dont leave my character logged in if i make a coffee or say have to answer the door or phone, to be penalised for having to leave the game and log back in for legitimate reasons is unfair, saying that a five minute lockout wouldnt bother me in this situation

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i dont leave my character logged in if i make a coffee or say have to answer the door or phone, to be penalised for having to leave the game and log back in for legitimate reasons is unfair, saying that a five minute lockout wouldnt bother me in this situation

I also do this, as do some of our clan members. It's just safer to disconnect for 5 mins whilst i go off to make a coffee or what ever. As i used to just stay logged in, but been killed or had my backpack looted whilst i was AFK. Which is fair enough...my fault entirely. I generally just disconnect to the lobby of the server i am in rather than disconnect totally though. As most servers allow you to be in the lobby for about 5-10 mins before you get kicked off the server. I'm all for anything being implemented that stops people disconnecting whilst they are under fire, or server hopping to gain a positional advantage/farm loot.

Edited by GeordieMarv

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Eventually disconnecting in combat will be a thing of the past, and a great solution will be implemented.


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guys listen, before they fix that, they should fix those stupid bugs. sometimes i just die when i log in. or i just respawn...but i wasnt dead. u break your leg when u go trough a door...you cant climb up ladders sometimes...you suffer in the wall... ive got killed 3 times by other players, and about 15 times because of those stupid bugs. oh and 3 times because of zombies... guys this game will be playable in about 2 years xD

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Hi, first post, and although I have not read the whole post I have skimmed it.

I have an idea which I don't think has been suggested.

What I thought was that everyone could spawn with a tent on their toolbelt, but this would be used differently from how they are just now.

In order to disconnect from the game correctly you would have to pitch the tent then mouse wheel (or similar) to abort.

This would mean you would have to find a suitable place to pitch your tent before you quit.

The tent would disappear after you disconnected so servers wouldn't be littered with them.

When joining a server, your tent would appear as you are loading in to give people on the server some notice that there is a player incoming.

Doing it this way will save your progress and prevent hunger and thirst growing when offline.

A disconnect without pitching the tent would revert your character back to their last tent saved point meaning they loose any unsaved items.

I'm not sure how feasible this would be and I'm sure there are shortcomings that I have not mentioned

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Hi, first post, and although I have not read the whole post I have skimmed it.

I have an idea which I don't think has been suggested.

What I thought was that everyone could spawn with a tent on their toolbelt, but this would be used differently from how they are just now.

In order to disconnect from the game correctly you would have to pitch the tent then mouse wheel (or similar) to abort.

This would mean you would have to find a suitable place to pitch your tent before you quit.

The tent would disappear after you disconnected so servers wouldn't be littered with them.

When joining a server, your tent would appear as you are loading in to give people on the server some notice that there is a player incoming.

Doing it this way will save your progress and prevent hunger and thirst growing when offline.

A disconnect without pitching the tent would revert your character back to their last tent saved point meaning they loose any unsaved items.

I'm not sure how feasible this would be and I'm sure there are shortcomings that I have not mentioned

At least with the last part you create the potential for easily duplicating items.

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At least with the last part you create the potential for easily duplicating items.

How so? The tent would no longer be used to hold items. Just a way of entering and exiting the server

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