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DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

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still getting fps issues

and whoever said that 7fps is playable is silly lol

I've put over 100 hours into this mod now, my crappy laptop runs this at 7 fps or lower during combat.

It's certainly playable. It just sucks.

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UPDATE : 27 MAY 2012

Developer's Note:

* If you want a players skin' date=' you will need to make them take it off first


How to take it off anyways?

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UPDATE : 27 MAY 2012

Developer's Note:

* If you want a players skin' date=' you will need to make them take it off first


How to take it off anyways?

Yeah how do you take off a skin?

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Found 2nd helicopter crash since

Still no loot and no access to gunner seat. Gun still looks odd as if shooting co-pilot.

Shot 2 pilots and got 1 morphine. Is that were all the loot is?

EDIT: Coming up on my 3rd now. (oddly found 2 on same server.)

It's not lookin good...

same deal. I'd like special lootz plz =(

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Í'm sure someone mentioned it already, but male characters are turning into males again.

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I am having alot of fps problem since the last update. Any one know a way to fix it. Also I change my setting to very low but it not helping.

Player Name : Silentrecon

Video Card : AMD Radeon HD 6700 Series

Processor : AMD Phenom 2 X4 945 3.00 GHz

Ram : DDR5 8 GB Total Ram

Also I was not able to choose a skin.

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I had severe FPS problems untill I went and downloaded the 1601 again.

Just go to http://www.dayzmod.com/downloads.php

And select a mirror and download > dayz_code_v1.6.0.1.rar

Extract and replace with current ones. I do not have FPS problems anymore,but after playing a while the FPS starts dropping

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I had severe FPS problems untill I went and downloaded the 1601 again.

Just go to http://www.dayzmod.com/downloads.php

And select a mirror and download > dayz_code_v1.6.0.1.rar

Extract and replace with current ones. I do not have FPS problems anymore' date='but after playing a while the FPS starts dropping


One has nothing to do with the other.

The problem appears to be related to the length of time a server has been running. The longer running, the more performance degrades.

All you did was disconnect from one server, and when you came back, connected to another server that happened to have restarted more recently.

The re-downloading of a file that doesn't change and replacing it with a copy that is the exact same bits did nothing.

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I installed the newest beta patch and it seemed to have fixed my fps issue..

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I installed the newest beta patch and it seemed to have fixed my fps issue..

The ArmA beta, or this hotfix to this patch? I assume u mean ArmA beta.

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Gender change is a one time thing' date=' the dialog when you login. If you don't select yes then you will not have the option to change again.

Vehicle repairing should work fine.


i didnt get asked???

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Hmm' date=' from a design stand point making that gender choice a one time thing per account seems rather silly to me, once per life absolutely, but once per account no, One can reference wow all they please, but then I could say why am I allowed to be white, black, middle eastern, asian, why can I change those? It's an arbitrary thing to say gender should be a one time thing, people should be allowed to choose as they please, to limit the choice in such a specific manner seems rather silly to me.

As the designer of the game (it was mentioned this will be a game of it's own in the future) you should not be telling the customer that for their hard earned money you are denying them a simple aesthetic feature. Once per life? Sure. Let someone only make that choice once. But once they die, it should be up to them. A designer should not interfere with the players choices if their choices pose no detriment to the actual game play experience (Which aesthetics most certainly do not).

-A fellow game designer


So make it an option like that in your game.

I support the way that this is, in this game. You're thinking very standard thinking.


You are correct, it is standard, but it is standard because the vast majorady prefer having aesthetics left up to them. You like this format? That is fine. But you could choose to play only as one gender. it's not the place of a developer to tell the player how to play if it does not impact the gameplay in any meaningful manner. Tell players to not cheat? Good, developers job. Tell them they can't play with aesthetic features next life? That is not the developers call.

I see where you are coming from. However, personally, the non-standard and sometimes harsh and restrictive choices the dev team have made make this game far more exciting than most of the highly polished and formulaic games out there. Not against player choice, but for this mod extremely happy with the way it's going.

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Í'm sure someone mentioned it already' date=' but male characters are turning into males again.



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UPDATE : 27 MAY 2012

Developer's Note:

* If you want a players skin' date=' you will need to make them take it off first


How to take it off anyways?

Yeah how do you take off a skin?

How do I then take off my Bandit skin? HMMMMMM?

And I want the Gender dialogue to appear... never did.

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I guess it was just me from being too excited from having the choice to change my character's gender.

now I fucked up and there isn't going back because of shitty servers and impatience.

Don't worry. It's alpha. At some point there will be a character reset for everyone and you'll be given the option again.

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[FIXED] Crashed heli uber-loot not spawning (does now thanks to GhostBear!)


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I guess it was just me from being too excited from having the choice to change my character's gender.

now I fucked up and there isn't going back because of shitty servers and impatience.

Don't worry. It's alpha. At some point there will be a character reset for everyone and you'll be given the option again.

Both rocket and Tonic fixed it for me :heart:

now I can't play though because of such a low fps!

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FPS issue still needs to be addressed. 10 FPS is not cutting it.

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FPS issue still needs to be addressed. 10 FPS is not cutting it.

I'm getting less than 10. Before if I overclocked my gpu it went over 30, now it's closer to 3 fps.

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Eta on FPS sever crankiness?

Read a post yesterday from Rocket stating that they would be fixed in 20hrs haven't found any updates or information regarding that or progress.

Anyone have any info?

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