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Lingor Island Chit Chat.

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Tired of unreadable maps when you zoom out too far, so I spent the last hour editing the official Lingor map in Paint.net. I also sized them to perfectly fit 10x10Km



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I just found a black SUV on Lingor Island and wondered if any of you guys know the statistics of it, such as number of weapon slots, backpack slots etc...

There's no information about it on the DayZDB website and me and my friends intend to use it a lot as it is really quiet so any information would be great, thanks.

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I heard from some Youtube video that when you logged out of Lingor Island you lose all your stuff. Was this an old bug? Or is this something that will still happen currently?

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It's if you change server.. Lingor is using a private hive which means you will not keep your gear from Chern and will not save from different lingor servers if it's not a shared Hive. So the answer is no, you will not loose your gear if you stay on the same lingor island server :)

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Chit Chat.

Chit Chat.

Is this how your suppose to get alot of posts?

ok im in :P

Chit chat

ohh and btw, if people are having trouble passing the time have a look here:

Edited by Byrgesen

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Is there any good private hive server for lingor that isnt all about pvp, and free from hackers (pw protected)? + has many players.

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I found a few, not seen any hackers myself but no doubt they exist. Just luck in some ways not seeing it, not something that can be predicted and posting here you'll attract some who are doing it to grief to can't guarantee and advertise it.

As for the demonisation of this mod wtf? How many mods are there for arma and people act like dayz is the only one. Sure a fair bit is based on the back of dayz but dayz itself took a lot of content from ACE and even zombies I remember being around since Yomies in flashpoint years ago and missions like farmhouse and the red volcano mission I forget name of.

Mods, especially for arma/op flash often get incorporated into others work if there are enjoyable features and controlling it too tightly will hurt the original in cases like this. lingor wont touch the base of dayz players; if anything it will bring a few more in with the extra variety. As for the ban it lock it and FUD over playing get over yourself, it's just another mod lighten up. I've had my own stuff taken and built on but in modding it's all for free and fun and they've released it for free not trying to capitalise on it. I just don't have time for the dayz exclusivity peeps.

Edited by wyre

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Have played now like 2 dayz on lingor, its good map but there is like million hackers. I have tryed like 6 servers and 5 of them had hacker... 2 had dome teleport, 1 to the air... 2 had just noob hacker teleportin him self around and throwing random artillery...

I would enjoy playing it without the retards...

If someone knows nice server throw me an address with PM, I would like to join one with my friend.

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Have played now like 2 dayz on lingor, its good map but there is like million hackers. I have tryed like 6 servers and 5 of them had hacker... 2 had dome teleport, 1 to the air... 2 had just noob hacker teleportin him self around and throwing random artillery...

I would enjoy playing it without the retards...

If someone knows nice server throw me an address with PM, I would like to join one with my friend.

I've never encountered a script kiddie/hacker on Lingor :) But i said that about Chernarus and eventully it happened :(

As it gets popular the script kiddies move on ...

Try joining UK210 :D good admins and its a good server, being in Finland you should get decent latency

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Could try, again few hours fine and then some scriptkiddies on hotel roof tops at airfield with thermal as50 shooting people (de#68). Cant wait for standalone..

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I've never encountered a script kiddie/hacker on Lingor :) But i said that about Chernarus and eventully it happened :(

As it gets popular the script kiddies move on ...

Try joining UK210 :D good admins and its a good server, being in Finland you should get decent latency

Yeah... it certainly does happen. Set up a new Lingor Server myself, left it public. I joined along with one of my clan mates to test it out. An hour in, a third person joins. 30 seconds later I'm killed in Calamar by a silenced M4A1. Since this is part of the HFB Hive, I figured this was plausible. One minute later, my clan mate was killed by the same guy in Verto.

Hackers are defintely in Lingor Island. I was sad that the third person to join had to be immediately kicked and banned but what are you going to do? Let him teleport and kill you till he's bored? That's not a lot of fun...

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Worst hacks I have seen on Lingor is someone teleporting all vehicles to himself. Even when this happens the admin rolls back the server to before the incident then bans the hackers. Losing 3 minutes is a ton better than losing 2 weeks+.

Get on a competent server with active admins.

Also try a private hive, not the HFB shared hive....

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Totally loving lingor, more vehicles, more mil-spec loot, more action. Have had better player interactions there too. Taking a nice holiday from chernarus and enjoying the sun.

A quick story.

The other day I got an M24, and headed to an elevated position in calamar to snipe. Local time was around 0600, and whilst the server was lo-pop, sure enough I get a contact within 5 minutes. Watching this guy (asterix) move, I know he is gonna be a hard target. Always running, he never stops, sprinting through the residential buildings to the west of the airfield.

When he gets within 300m, I say fuck it and start shooting while he is still running. Miss, miss, hit, miss. I tag him but no KO, and he is in a building. He proceeds south, using the buildings for cover, whilst I hock the occasional 7.62 at him.

In side chat, he asks another player if said player is the bastard shooting at him. I chime in, and identify myself as the bastard In question. He wants to loot the airfield, but knows he is fucked with me on overwatch. I explain my bandit disposition, but propose a compromise. I will let him live, and assist his looting, if he blood bags me, and of course, I know he needs a blood bag too.

We strike a deal, and amazingly, he does not kill me on sight. I assist his loot run, we hit the hospital, and heal up. We decide to roll together for a while. I had spotted a Ural earlier, so we check it out. Loaded to the gills with guns!

We hop in and head north, and apart from one small misunderstanding (with shots fired) when I accidentally drove off without him, we are all good.

That is, until I prang the Ural into a roadblock, destroying it and killing myself. He survived though. I bequeathed him my M24 and Alice pack, and wished him luck. Until next time, my little Gaulish pal!

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Just listening to the arragance of the moderaters is enought to turn anyone off this game. Can't discuss this, can't discuss that. Really, are you guys that freaking paranoid. Worry more about people getting hacked and getting the game out the door rather than stopping people from trying to play it. Can't wait tell the standalone, then the mod can be delt with properly.

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Have played now like 2 dayz on lingor, its good map but there is like million hackers. I have tryed like 6 servers and 5 of them had hacker... 2 had dome teleport, 1 to the air... 2 had just noob hacker teleportin him self around and throwing random artillery...

I would enjoy playing it without the retards...

If someone knows nice server throw me an address with PM, I would like to join one with my friend.

I'll second that. There's a few servers here in AUS. One is almost full 24/7 & has haxors 24/7 (invisi-shot within 30 seconds of spawn, every time I log on. about 30 times now) the other server usually has <10 people, no hackers at all, good interaction, no alt-F4's lamers either. I hope someone makes an even smaller 'city' type map with more vehicle spawns and wep spawns & enterable skyscraper.

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Hi everyone, I've enjoyed lingor island for about 10 days but have come across problems. I like servers that are empty so i can get a few things then go into other servers to hunt bad people on my hitlist who have been bad to me. Well yesterday i joined a server only to find myself dead for no reason and i lost all my good stuff so i started on the beach but couldnt see anything as it was dark, i joined another server then spawned on the beach with gear at all, no bandage or backpack etc. This happened 3 times that day.

Now i darent swap servers in case i spawn dead, i dont want to start again and again, now the server i go on isnt working. whats killing me?

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Erm.... are all Lingors not private.....

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i use dayz commander to get on lingor servers, if i put a X in the "hide unofficial" then they all disappear, apparently none are official.

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