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Lingor Island Chit Chat.

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I take it you havent seen the latest interviews with Rocket where interviewers constantly ask him if he has played Lingor and he states he hasnt but would love to.

An example: http://www.pcgamer.c...ns-for-players/

I did read a bit a few days after I posted, and found out that he has indeed said that he's looking forwards to community maps.

So yeah, I believe you.

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Sad thing is, because it isn't connected to HIve, you're dealing with a load more hackers than before. As well as not being supported past 1.7.4 code.

The Thing Is Mate Im Running a Server Atm On A private Hive Because Its Alot More Safer And Is Alot More Hacker Free

Because i Make Sure Of it

and Btw I switch Bettwen Churno & Lingor Alot Of Poeple Like Lingor Better Its Just The Way it is

But I personnaly Run Lingor Because Its soo Good and its A change >.<

Edited by Cammo_Eckert__

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I've moved this so that any Lingor and Private Hive stuff are living under the same roof.

Although Lingor & Private Hive are not officaly supported, we do support the community.

I will Stuckie Sticky PIN this :blush: for the moment and throw move any Videos I find in the wrong Forum into this very Topic.


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nice one mister mod.

btw if anyone wanna try lingor, come have a look at my signature :)

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Funny how all these Lingor threads get stifled locked and moved by "just doing my job guv" forums admins and moderators. How sad. Its like they have their heads in the sand. Lets just make this clear - Rocket stole much of the ideas and mechanics for Dayz from other modders. He borrowed them, stole, was influenced by whatever. All of these features have existed before rocket came along; zombies in arma, persistent character states aka a HIVE in arma, banading and medical mechanics, looting, pvp, player building (tents) etc etc etc etc. He was clever to hobble it all together is all. My feeling is that rocket is not even a very good coder - just a gut feeling and no disrespect as he is a great presenter and marketer.

Now - considering all this is derivative - to say no you cannot mention Lingor Dayz and its not official and it shouldn't be in the general forums and you thou shall not mod the dayz mode files... well, what a load of baloney. Its a better iteration of the mod - its better supported, safer, less hackers. Its awesome. To deny it is folly. To lock threads and try and stifle discussion is Orwellian and pointless. There, I have said my bit. Chill out masherators.

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Funny how all these Lingor threads get stifled locked and moved by "just doing my job guv" forums admins and moderators. How sad. Its like they have their heads in the sand. Lets just make this clear - Rocket stole much of the ideas and mechanics for Dayz from other modders. He borrowed them, stole, was influenced by whatever. All of these features have existed before rocket came along; zombies in arma, persistent character states aka a HIVE in arma, banading and medical mechanics, looting, pvp, player building (tents) etc etc etc etc. He was clever to hobble it all together is all. My feeling is that rocket is not even a very good coder - just a gut feeling and no disrespect as he is a great presenter and marketer.

Now - considering all this is derivative - to say no you cannot mention Lingor Dayz and its not official and it shouldn't be in the general forums and you thou shall not mod the dayz mode files... well, what a load of baloney. Its a better iteration of the mod - its better supported, safer, less hackers. Its awesome. To deny it is folly. To lock threads and try and stifle discussion is Orwellian and pointless. There, I have said my bit. Chill out masherators.

that's all very interesting, but these aren't the Lingor forums. they are here:


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Rocket wants to get paid for what he's done and i don't blame him , money is the only issue here, and had Rocket not been worried about getting paid he would have welcomed Lingor island without any issues, the maker of Lingor island would also take the money if he could get it, we all would, you know what's cooler then a million cans of beans - a billion cans of beans ;)

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Rocket wants to get paid for what he's done and i don't blame him , money is the only issue here, and had Rocket not been worried about getting paid he would have welcomed Lingor island without any issues, the maker of Lingor island would also take the money if he could get it, we all would, you know what's cooler then a million cans of beans - a billion cans of beans ;)

If you read some interviews with him he was offered shitloads of money at E3 but turned it down. Money is NOT the issue here. The issue is inflated egos and control freakery.

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If you read some interviews with him he was offered shitloads of money at E3 but turned it down. Money is NOT the issue here. The issue is inflated egos and control freakery.

Money is always the issue, don't kid yourself.

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Ok so I just started playing a few days ago and I'm enjoying it a lot. Surfing the forums while I'm at work (shhhh) and I've been seeing a lot of stuff about the Lingor map. I get what it is so I don't need an explanation of that, what I don't get is the major difference between that and Chernarus. I heard more supplies, harder to kill zombies, and less hack/script/duping.

I'm interested in those details for the the tldr folks...

TLDR: For a new player am I better off staying in Chernarus or switching to Lingor before I get used to Chernarus.


P.S. I did search for a similar thread before posting this so I apologize if I missed one

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Played last night, didn't find much loot, more buildings to enter, zombies just as easy to kill, hackers every where all on a tropical island. Its ok i guess... :)

I'd say stick with Chernarus until you learn the game/map etc etc. Although one good thing about Lingor, or at least what i played, is that side chat is on and it feels a lot more sociable.

Edited by DazTroyer

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Its a mod of the mod. An un-official map for DayZ. Takes some computer knowledge, well common sense, to install. Wouldnt recommend if you are new to DayZ

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lingor is just another map. Its faster paced. There are more buildings that you can enter. It doesn't take nearly long to gear up, so its more of a deathmatch island...more supplies because there's more buildings and a lot of low level military barracks. Zombies are not any harder imo.

Commander installs Lingor now. So Gary_Coleman is wrong. Its very easy.

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lingor is just another map. Its faster paced. There are more buildings that you can enter. It doesn't take nearly long to gear up, so its more of a deathmatch island...more supplies because there's more buildings and a lot of low level military barracks. Zombies are not any harder imo.

Commander installs Lingor now. So Gary_Coleman is wrong. Its very easy.

Ok dick. wasnt aware.

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Ok dick. wasnt aware.

Dick? Really? I didn't call you a dumb piece of chit who deserves to die, did I? I just corrected you so he doesn't give up on trying to play.

Edited by jordan2412
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Ok so mixed reviews. I am getting a bit annoyed with how long it's taking me to stock up on supplies so I might have to give Lingor a try. I love the game as is but perhaps a slightly faster pace would do well. Is Lingor as large as Chernarus?

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lingor is just another map. Its faster paced. There are more buildings that you can enter. It doesn't take nearly long to gear up, so its more of a deathmatch island...more supplies because there's more buildings and a lot of low level military barracks. Zombies are not any harder imo.

Commander installs Lingor now. So Gary_Coleman is wrong. Its very easy.

Yes but just make sure you stick this in the "Set Launch Options" of Steam, if your using it. Library left click Arma 2 OA - Properties.

-nosplash -mod=@DayZ;@dayz_lingor;@dayz_lingor_island

One or two guides i read/watched didn't have this quite right and leaves you unable to play.

Edited by DazTroyer

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Yes but just make sure you stick this in the "Set Launch Options" of Steam, if your using it. Library left click Arma 2 OA - Properties.

-nosplash -mod=@DayZ;@dayz_lingor;@dayz_lingor_island

One or two guides i read/watched didn't have this quite right.

I'll be launching it through DayZ Commander which I downloaded it from. DayZ Commander has it pretty much fool proof doesn't it? Not that I don't know how to do that if needed but I just shouldn't need to.

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I launch through DayZcommander but still need to set that up in Steam for Dayz or Lingor, different line for each. Try it you might be lucky if you never did it for DayZ :)

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Yes but just make sure you stick this in the "Set Launch Options" of Steam, if your using it. Library left click Arma 2 OA - Properties.

-nosplash -mod=@DayZ;@dayz_lingor;@dayz_lingor_island

One or two guides i read/watched didn't have this quite right and leaves you unable to play.

srry forgot to mention that. He's correct. I already had Lingor installed before commander update, so I didnt have to add that text.

I set it up on the shortcut for the OA beta, so I can launch that for lingor, and the standard version to launch DayZ. I use Commander to handle all the updates.

Edited by jordan2412

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I launch through DayZcommander but still need to set that up in Steam for Dayz or Lingor, different line for each. Try it you might be lucky if you never did it for DayZ :)

Last thing I wanted to hear, I can figure out this kind of thing but my buddy doesn't know memory from hard drive so if it doesn't work right for him I'm screwed lol

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What an utterly puerile and pedantic response. Did you take classes in that or it comes naturally?

so did you sign up on the Lingor forums?

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